Stopping the Manhattan Conspiracy, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

My Dear Friends,

Will pro-gay-marriage millionaires divide and conquer the GOP?

You and I know that marriage is not a partisan issue. Pro-marriage leaders like Democratic Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz in New York, or Maryland Delegate Emmet Burns, are demonstrating that every day.

But you and I also know that advocates of gay marriage have relentlessly sought to marginalize, stigmatize and suppress the voice of Americans who believe that to make a marriage you need a husband and wife.

An enormous amount of money and brainpower is now directed at muting or silencing the remaining bastions of pro-marriage voices: faith leaders—and the GOP.

Mayor Bloomberg is one voice for this new effort. He's now worried that Mark Grisanti, one of the four New York Republican senators who (after the seductive promises of Republican billionaires) decided to abandon the views of their constituents and vote for gay marriage, may decide to take the hundreds of thousands he's helping raise for him and defect to the Democratic Party.

Gay-marriage advocates from Bloomberg to Tim Gill to Ken Mehlman look across the pond and see that the party of Margaret Thatcher, the "Conservative" Party in Great Britain, is now threatening to pass a gay marriage bill.

Could the same thing happen to the party of Ronald Reagan?

Not while you and I live and breathe and exercise our God-given ability to act!

But the point person for this quiet new effort has now emerged: Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen announced that she would co-sponsor the bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act— becoming the first Republican to sign on to Manhattan Rep. Jerrold Nadler's (D-NY) legislation.

The Manhattan conspiracy against the Manhattan Declaration principles—respect for life, marriage and religious liberty—has now begun!

Rep. Ros-Lehtinen is the very first Republican defector on DOMA. She's abandoned marriage. And in order to please gay leaders, she has actually signed onto an even worse bill—a bill which would put Catholic Charities and other religious adoption agencies out of the business of helping care for foster children under the federal foster care program.

Life, marriage, and religious liberty will hang or fall together. An American society which treats Bible-believers as haters and bigots is not an American society which will stand up for founding principles.

And actually, Ileana appears to know this—she seems pretty nervous about her stance, given that she is not personally talking at all. She's referring reporters to the Log Cabin Republicans, who put out a press release speaking on her behalf.

We sent out an urgent email alert this week asking you to write to Rep. Ros-Lehtinen and let her know: Repealing DOMA is a bad idea for America and a losing issue for Republicans!

So far, more than 2,000 of you have answered our call. And hundreds of you have written to NOM to thank us and to pledge your financial and personal support.

Thank you. Without you NOM is nothing. Together, standing firm on behalf of God's truth and common sense, we cannot be defeated!

Thousands of you have responded to the launch of NOM's new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance.

And the press is taking notice!

Here's an interview in National Review with Maggie, NOM's co-founder, on the launch of

"GALLAGHER: Marriage ADA's goal is an America where people on all sides of the gay marriage debate feel free to participate peacefully in the democratic process without fear of threats, harassment, or retaliation. I know that Frank is not the only one, because I'm getting e-mails from others who've faced similar threats. The goal of too many gay marriage advocates is to isolate, intimidate, and silence Americans who believe that marriage is the union of husband and wife, because children need their mom and dad. Marriage ADA is a response to these tactics of branding civil, thoughtful participation in democracy as hatred and bigotry.

"I hope, by creating community, to inspire more Americans to stand up for their rights to preach, teach, and live the idea that to make a marriage you need a husband and a wife. There are too many of us to stigmatize if we stand together."

This week the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance is featuring another brand-new interview with another American hero: Jerry Buell, the 2010 Teacher of the Year in Florida who was disciplined by a public school district for posting to his private and personal Facebook account his personal objections to gay marriage in New York.

Hundreds of Americans, even many who disagree with Mr. Buell's views on gay marriage, turned up to express support for fundamental American civil rights: to speak, to donate, to vote, to write, and to organize without fear of losing your job. (And yes, I believe this applies whether you are for or against gay marriage—no loving, decent, law-abiding American citizen should be afraid to engage in this important public debate!)

See Jerry and his wife on the next Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance video:

And guess what? Jerry won! In face of the disinfectant of sunlight, the diversity police backed down! After all, the taxpayers who fund them don't support bullying.

And here's what I want you to do this week: Thank a hero. If each of us can only do one thing, we can at least do that.

Thank Jerry for standing tall for the right to express personal views in your personal time.

Remember, they want us to feel alone, so we can be isolated and stigmatized—so that we will back down.

When we stand together, there are too many of us to punish for exercising our core civil rights in the United States of America!

How bad can it get if we do not speak truth, even in the face of power?

Here's a look from Great Britain, where a Christian café owner was told by local police in Lancashire that a video screen showing all the verses of Bible in sequence was a criminal violation, after a "customer" called the Bible "homophobic."

That's right: Displaying all the verses of the Bible was criminal violation of "Section 5 of the Public Order Act," which makes it a crime to:

"(a) use[] threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or

"(b) display[] any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress thereby."

In a supposedly free and democratic country, it's already come to that. That the police can even imagine that they have this power is a very chilling sign, regardless of how the case actually plays out. It's already come to that, even though a new report in Great Britain shows that the majority of the British people continue to oppose gay marriage.

That’s because in Great Britain, political elites can succeed in freezing out the will of the people. When all party leaders agree that gay marriage is good, the people have no political vehicle to record their opposition. Shutting down political debate has been a key factor—another reason why we are so determined to make sure that Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen hears from you!

In Great Britain, it is still a defense to this alleged crime of violating "Section 5 of the Public Order Act" that an individuals comments were "reasonable."

But of course the gay marriage movement, even in this country, is dedicated to the idea that all disagreement with its views is inherently "unscientific" and "unreasonable."

We are fortunate to have the strongest free speech tradition of any nation on Earth. But the tree of liberty must be nurtured, if it is to survive and eventually thrive. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

In addition, we need respect for rational debate, even where we disagree. In this context I wanted to report to you a little piece of good news from the scientific community. In spite of the pressures to be politically correct, a major social science journal has just published a study of "religiously mediated" change in the behavior and self-orientation of religious people who experience same-sex attraction.

From the press release:

"Psychologists Stanton L. Jones (Wheaton College, IL) and Mark A. Yarhouse (Regent University) have just published in the respected, peer-reviewed Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy the final results of their longitudinal study of individuals seeking sexual orientation change through involvement in a variety of Christian ministries affiliated with Exodus International.

"The results show change to be possible for some, and the attempt not harmful on average. These results stand in tension with the supposed professional consensus; more information is available at"

Managing sexual desire can be hard for any of us; it's always easier to amend our standards to match our sexual behavior than vice versa, as too many straight guys in politics show us over and over again.

But faith in human freedom and human reason should be bigger than any given political debate. In this context it is heartening to discover that the majority of motivated religious individuals in this sample who sought to bring their sexual behavior to conform to their religious ideals succeeded—some by changing their self-reported sexual orientation, even more by exercising the difficult virtue of chastity.

Even those who disagree with us about gay marriage (or Christian sexual ethics) should feel good about this this scientific verification of the possibility of free will triumphing over desire. We are all more than our instincts, sexual or otherwise.

The whole American tradition of respect for the rights of human beings is grounded in this vision that through the rational exercise of our God-given desire to find truth, we can succeed—both as individuals and as a community.

Dr. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention recently told me that he was re-reading all the books which influenced his youth, including Witness, the great autobiography of the former Communist who became a crusader for freedom, Whittaker Chambers.

Chambers's autobiography is moving precisely because he decided to stand against Marxism and stand with the great truths of what we then called Western Civilization—faith in ordered liberty, reason, democracy, and above all, moral truth governed by a just and loving God—even though he strongly suspected that Communism would be the winning side.

He had enough faith, in other words, to stand for what is right, but not enough faith to believe than in the end truth cannot be defeated by untruth.

The laws of nature, and of nature's God, cannot be gainsaid by any merely human power, whether it is the will to evil, or merely the will to self-deception, or even ignorance of the truth.

Major powers in society can conspire to preach and teach an untruth, and conspire to suppress voices standing for truth—but in the end the project will fail. It will crash against the rock that truth does exist, human nature does exist, and children do need their mother and father.

I'm so proud and humbled to be standing with you in defense of these great truths—winning victories that no one predicted were possible, until you stepped forward to make them happen.


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S.: As we stand with you for the truth about marriage and human nature, we rely on you for support. NOM needs people willing to give what they can, whether that is $100 or $20 or a monthly donation of just $5. Know that when you give to NOM, you are preserving and protecting marriage not only for yourself, but for your children and grandchildren as well. Thank you for all you do!


Video: Woman Finds Out Her Fiance Has Donor-Fathered Over 74 Children


The newest installment of Style Exposed explores the emotional, uncharted and unregulated world of sperm donors and their offspring.

In this provocative documentary, you'll get to know Ben—a man who learns his donation has produced more than 74 children (with more on the way)—and two half-sisters from different parts of the country who are meeting face-to-face for the first time.

Ben also admits that 15-20 of his biological children have made an effort to contact him:

The comments posted in response are especially revealing:

Belinda: "... I now believe there is a reason God designed children to have 2 parents."

ILikeBeingMarried: "Few times in my life have I been shaken up so much by a tv show. Why do we allow sperm donors to father so many kids? ... The whole sperm donor thing outside of marriage is just plain dangerous."

Go Green: "Now that everyone is seeing the importance of going "green", why not take it a step further and ADOPTING! To me it's a little selfish to want a baby so badly that you'd spend so much money for the procedure... risk you and the baby's health by giving birth at the age of 38-45... then risk your children marrying their own siblings because now there are 75 kids who don't know that they are related!"

Democrat Challenger Emerges to Pro-SSM NY Sen. Saland

MidHudson News:

A Democratic candidate has emerged to challenge Republican State Senator Stephen Saland of Poughkeepsie in next year’s election.

Terry Gipson is currently a Rhinebeck Village Board member.

“I can’t sit idly by and wait for someone else to step up to the plate,” Gipson said. “And as a member of the middle class, I can’t put up with more of the same.”

Video: Religious Freedom Under Attack at Vanderbilt

FOXNews reports:

Related: Autonomy of Some Student Groups at Vanderbilt In Doubt After Gay Complaint.

Lesbian Couple from Miami Sue New York Clerk for Delegating Same-Sex License

The New York Times tells the story of an upstate New York clerk involved in a "test case" lawsuit filed by two lesbian women who flew in from Miami for a marriage license and are now saying that the clerk's choice to delegate that task to someone else in the office is unacceptable:

Rose Marie Belforti is a 57-year-old cheese maker, the elected town clerk in this sprawling Finger Lakes farming community and a self-described Bible-believing Christian. She believes that God has condemned homosexuality as a sin, so she does not want to sign same-sex marriage licenses; instead, she has arranged for a deputy to issue all marriage licenses by appointment.

But when a lesbian couple who own a farm near here showed up at the town hall last month, the women said they were unwilling to wait.

Now Ms. Belforti is at the heart of an emerging test case, as national advocacy groups look to Ledyard for an answer to how the state balances a religious freedom claim by a local official against a civil rights claim by a same-sex couple.

... Ms. Belforti is one of several town clerks who have said the state’s Marriage Equality Act, the measure approved in June that legalized same-sex marriage in New York, violates their religious beliefs. Two clerks resigned in July rather than comply with the law.

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, a Democrat, who made same-sex marriage a priority of his first year in office, has expressed little sympathy for clerks who object to the law. “When you enforce the laws of the state, you don’t get to pick and choose,” he said this summer. And the State Health Department issued a memorandum to clerks that refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples would be a misdemeanor.

Pagan Federation, Unitarians, Quakers and 2 Other Groups Call for SSM in Scotland

BBC News Scotland:

The Unitarians, Quakers, Metropolitan Community Church, Pagan Federation and Liberal Judaism are backing members of the Scottish Youth Parliament in their campaign on the issue. Ministers are currently holding a consultation on same-sex marriages.

At the moment gay couples can have a civil ceremony but it cannot take place in religious premises. Civil partnerships can only be registered by civil registrars.

The Scottish Youth Parliament and many gay rights campaigners want that to change.

Breaking News: Illinois Judge Rejects Catholic Charities Appeal

The Associated Press:

A Sangamon County judge has ruled the Illinois Department of Children and Family Service can begin canceling its adoption and foster care contracts with Catholic Charities.

Judge John Schmidt on Monday denied Catholic Charities' request to stay his earlier ruling that the group has no right to state contracts to provide adoption and foster care services.

... Attorneys for Catholic Charities say they will ask the 4th District Appellate Court to stay Schmidt's ruling.

WaPo: Values Voters Still Motivated by Gay Marriage, Abortion

The Washington Post:

Amid a political climate dominated by economic concerns, social conservatives are as concerned as ever about issues like abortion and gay marriage, a leading conservative activist said Tuesday (Sept. 27).

Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC), spoke about what “values voters” and evangelicals want in a presidential candidate as Republicans court a key constituency in the GOP.

The media have given the impression that the economy will far outweigh social issues in the 2012 elections, Perkins said, but “that’s not the case with evangelical voters.”

In fact, he said, social conservatives don’t see a dichotomy between social and economic issues, listing health care, tax policy, and jobs as “not just fiscal issues.”

For example, values voters see big government and deficit spending as the result of policies that arise “when the natural family is looked down upon” and thereby foster dependency.

Perkins spoke less than two weeks before the FRC’s political arm, FRC Action, hosts the annual Values Voter Summit, which will feature most major Republican candidates.

Debra Saunders: Prop. 8 Tapes Show Judicial Hubris

Syndicated columnist Debra Saunders in the Orange County Register:

At first blush, Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware's decision to unseal videos of the federal trial challenging Proposition 8 would seem to be a victory for truth, justice and open government. But you can't always tell a video by its jacket.

... Let's say you believe in broadcasting trials purely on principle. In that case, Prop. 8 would be the last case you would propose for the debut of witness testimony.

Opponents argue that recording trials could lead to retaliation against witnesses – which most judges don't want to happen. That already has occurred with Prop. 8. After their names were made public, a small number of donors were forced to resign from their jobs. Clearly, would-be Yes on 8 witnesses had reason to fear that they would be harassed.

On the close coordination between Judges Walker and Ware:

... After Walker ruled against Prop. 8, he sealed the videos pending appeal. Later, however, Walker broadcast part of the recordings at a speech that was aired on C-SPAN – which led to the controversy that led to Ware's ruling.

And how did Walker get the sealed evidence? As the San Jose Mercury News reported, Ware admitted that he himself gave Walker the recordings. It shows the arrogance of this district that its present and former chief judge treated sealed evidence like a trophy.

... Ware treated the recordings as spoils that rightfully belong to the victor. Then he issued a ruling that found he was right to do so. In the cause of transparency. Otherwise known as hubris.

Prop 8 Tapes to Stay Sealed While 9th Circuit, SCOTUS Review

The San Francisco Chronicle:

The videos of last year's same-sex marriage trial in San Francisco will remain sealed, at least for now, while a federal appeals court considers arguments by sponsors of Proposition 8 that making the recordings public would endanger witnesses and damage the "credibility and integrity of the federal judiciary."

Chief U.S. District Judge James Ware ruled Sept. 19 that the videos would be released this Friday unless a higher court intervened. On Monday, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco issued a temporary stay, which is likely to be renewed while the appeals court and the U.S. Supreme Court review the dispute.

Study of Religiously-Mediated Sexual Orientation Change Published in Respected Scientific Journal

Christian News Wire:

Many professional voices proclaim that it is impossible to change homosexual orientation, and that the attempt to change is commonly and inherently harmful. Psychologists Stanton L. Jones (Wheaton College, IL) and Mark A. Yarhouse (Regent University) have just published in the respected, peer-reviewed Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy the final results of their longitudinal study of individuals seeking sexual orientation change through involvement in a variety of Christian ministries affiliated with Exodus International.

The results show change to be possible for some, and the attempt not harmful on average. These results stand in tension with the supposed professional consensus; more information is available at

Prof. Robert George: SSM a "Train Wreck" for Religious Liberty

Kevin Jones at CNA reports:

Legalizing “gay marriage” is having major repercussions for religious freedom, according to observers of the latest developments.

Princeton law professor Robert P. George cited the words of American Jewish Committee lawyer Marc Stern, who in 2006 said the conflict between religious liberty and same-sex marriage would be “a train wreck.”

“That train wreck has now arrived in states that have redefined marriage or have created schemes of legal recognition for same-sex partnerships as the equivalent of marriage,” George told CNA.

He cited incidents of religious adoption and foster care agencies being pushed out of work, and small business owners being fined or sued for not accommodating same-sex couples. Education is another “critical area.”

“Once a state recognizes same-sex partnerships as marriages or the equivalent, then naturally the argument is made that in family life classes in schools this has to be taught to be a valid partnership.”

Religious parents who do not want their children to be “indoctrinated in beliefs contrary to their own” are “out of luck,” said George, who founded the Manhattan Declaration project to defend religious liberty.

Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum Confirmed for NOM Co-Sponsored Iowa Family Forum

From the press release:

Five Republican presidential candidates have so far confirmed their attendance at The Family Leader's "Thanksgiving Family Forum," but the two front-runners are not among them.

Minnesota U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, former Godfather's Pizza CEO Herman Cain, former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Texas U.S. Rep. Ron Paul and former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum have confirmed their attendance.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney have been invited but have not yet confirmed that they will attend.

The event is sponsored by The Family Leader, an Iowa nonprofit advocating for traditional marriage and against abortion. It is co-sponsored by CitizenLink, a Focus on the Family affiliate, as well as the National Organization for Marriage.

Maryland Del. Burns: "We Have More People [for Protecting Marriage] Than Last Year"

The movement to protect marriage in Maryland has only grown stronger since their victory earlier this year:

Delegate Emmett C. Burns, Jr., D-Baltimore County, said opponents [of same-sex marriage] have increased in numbers.

"Last time we had a loose confederation of opponents. Now we have a tightly-knit organization with strategies, with plans, and with money to fight same sex marriage," Burns said. "We have more people ... who are against it than last year."

Burns, who is a reverend at Rising Sun First Baptist Church, held a press conference in early September with several Baltimore area church leaders to announce the creation of a Political Action Committee (PAC) that will fight same-sex marriage legislation during the 2012 session. Burns has a meeting planned with potential PAC members for early October, and hopes to have the PAC officially up and running soon thereafter. The chuch is in Woodlawn, a community west of Baltimore. -- Capital News Service

Southern Baptist Leader Says Gay Marriage Not "Live and Let Live"

Associated Baptist Press:

A Southern Baptist leader warned Sept. 24 that gay marriage is not a matter of “live and let live” but rather part of a “radical homosexual agenda” aimed at destroying the institution of marriage.

“The big problem is that most people think this is a live-and-let-live situation,” Richard Land, head of the Southern Baptist Convention Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said on his weekly radio program. “It’s not. They want to normalize themselves and they want to abnormalize us -- those who believe that the Bible teaches that marriage is only between a man and a woman -- and reduce us to the level of the Ku Klux Klan.”

“We will be ostracized in society, and we will not be able to be licensed,” Land warned. “We will not have tax exemptions. All the ways a society can ostracize a detested group is the way they want to ostracize us."