10 Dems Joined GOP to Let N.C. Vote on Marriage; Early Polling Encouraging

Earlier this week 10 Democrats in the North Carolina House joined Republicans to pass the constitutional marriage amendment on to the Senate, which approved it for the people's vote the next day.

The Bellingham Herald published good coverage of the scene that has been set:

Sen. Bill Rabon, another fence-sitter, said he was influenced by the bipartisan House vote in which 10 Democrats supported the measure. "The House is much more in tune with the local population," the Southport Republican said.

He rejected suggestions that GOP legislative leaders twisted arms to get the affirmative vote. "This was my choice and my vote," he said.

As for how he would vote on the amendment in May, Rabon refused to say. "I still have a chance to vote on this in May. The same as you will: by secret ballot," he said

... Rep. Paul Stam, an Apex Republican and amendment bill sponsor, has results from a survey of 500 likely general election voters by Public Opinion Strategies on July 31 and Aug. 1 showing that 61 percent of the respondents were "definitely for" the amendment, with support crossing party lines. Twenty-three percent were "definitely against" the amendment. The poll had a margin of error of 4.38 percentage points.

Legal Action Threatened Against Town Unless They Force Clerk to Issue SSM Licenses


People for the American Way Foundation (PFAW) is threatening legal action against a New York town unless its clerk starts issuing same-sex marriage licenses — or resigns.

Rose Marie Belforti made national headlines last month when she announced that her Christian beliefs would not allow her to sign same-sex marriage licenses, and that a deputy clerk would now fulfill this particular task.

According to PFAW, Belforti has committed a misdemeanor for refusing to personally issue two women a marriage license on Aug. 30. If the board fails to force Belforti to “perform her essential duties” or resign, the liberal advocacy group vows to take legal action on the women’s behalf.

Ripple Effect: NY Democrats Worried About Getting "Weprined" for Their SSM Support Next Election

David Weprin's historic loss, precipitated by his support for gay marriage, has other Democrats in the empire state spooked, The New York Capitol News reports:

Some Democratic sources claim Councilman Lew Fidler is worried last night’s election returns imperil his expected bid to replace indicted Sen. Carl Kruger. Many Brooklyn neighborhoods where Turner performed strongest constitute the core of Kruger’s district. One of Kruger’s most likely Republican opponents, attorney David Storobin, said Fidler’s positions on social issues might cause a similar Orthodox backlash against him.

... Weprin’s loss could complicate the Queens Democrats’ efforts to take out GOP Councilman Dan Halloranin 2013. Jerry Iannece was angling for Weprin’s seat in the Assembly, but now is instead almost sure to run against Paul Vallone in a Democratic primary for Halloran’s seat. That could lead to a repeat of their divisive 2009 primary, which helped Halloran win the seat.

Also, Weprin's loss means it will be more difficult to redistrict the 9th Congressional District, as Tea Party Nation mentions. New York is losing two congressional seats as a result of the 2010 census. True to form, New York --a state which just legalized SSM-- is contracting, not expanding.

We'll be reporting on more fall-out from Weprin's loss in the days and weeks ahead.

WSJ Reporter Finds What Defeated Weprin: Same-Sex Marriage

Alison Fox, Pervaiz Shallwani and Aaron Rutkoff for the Wall Street Journal:

Voters interviewed Wednesday pointed to their opposition to same-sex marriage and Turner’s pro-Israel politics as factors that swayed them to pick a Republican.

... Chaim Klein, a 26-year-old bookkeeper in Brooklyn’s Midwood neighborhood, said the election came down to issues, not party politics.

State Assemblyman David Weprin, the defeated Democratic candidate, voted in favor of gay marriage earlier this year, “so people went out against him,” said Klein, a self-described Democratic voter in the past. “Now because of this people voted Republican.”

Tzirel Zlotnick, a teacher and self-described Orthodox Jew and Republican voter in Kew Gardens, Queens, said she didn’t think much of former Rep. Anthony Weiner, the Democratic lawmaker who resigned from the seat following a scandal over sexually charged online messages. But she would have voted for Weprin, who also identifies as an Orthodox Jew, if not for same-sex marriage.

“How can he call himself an Orthodox Jew and vote for gay marriage?” Zlotnick said. “If not for that, I probably would have voted for him.”

Bella, a principal at a Jewish school for girls in Midwood who declined to give her last name, echoed the decisive nature of Weprin’s same-sex marriage vote. “We felt as a community this is where we wanted to take a stand,” she said.


Are Some Social Workers A Little Too Anxious to Affirm Novel Family Forms?

A judge in Australia thinks maybe so:

A six-year-old boy in Australia was removed from his lesbian foster parents after they posted a photo of him dressed as a girl onto Facebook, a Supreme Court judgment revealed last month.

One of the women is reportedly seeking to undergo a ‘sex change’, while the other is hoping to bear a child through artificial reproduction.

... The boy’s mother had been trying to regain custody, but the country’s Supreme Court rejected her plea.  Dubbed ‘Campbell’ by the New South Wales Children’s Court, the boy was removed from his parents along with four stepbrothers and two stepsisters in 2006 because of complaints about physical and mental abuse.

He and his 12-year-old sister were placed with the lesbian couple in 2009, and he has now been placed with new foster parents who have said they hope to adopt him. -- LifeSiteNews

Prof. Robert George on What Happened in NY-9

NOM Founding Chairman Prof. Robert George explains at the Mirror of Justice blog:

In the run up to the election, a group of Orthodox rabbis, most from Brooklyn, but including others, notably Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky and Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, two nationally prominent Orthodox Jewish authorities, published a letter stating that "it is forbidden to fund, support, or vote for David Weprin." The reason? As a member of the New York state legislature, Weprin, despite his Orthodox Jewish beliefs, voted to redefine marriage to include same-sex partnerships. This, the rabbonim declared, was chillul Hashem---a desecration, or bringing of shame, on God's name. The rabbis went on to say that "Weprin's claim that he is Orthodox makes the chillul Hashem even greater.

The letter from the rabbonim went farther [...] by asserting that under Jewish law "it is incumbent on every Jew" to support and vote for Weprin's opponent, "if the opposing candidate is committed to safeguarding the moral values that made made this Republic great, including the educational, religious. and parental freedoms of Torah adherents, defending family values, opposing abortion on demand, protecting the moral environment, opposing the radical LGBT (To'aiva) agenda, including opposing legislation of civil unions, as well as defending the security of our brothers internationally, particularly in Eretz Yisroel."

Queer by Choice?

This lesbian in The Atlantic says she was not "born this way", and it's nobody's business:

"In direct opposition to both the mainstream gay movement and Lady Gaga, I would like to state for the record that I was not born this way."

Politico: Andrew Cuomo a "Loser" in NY-9

Let's not forget that Andrew Cuomo couldn't save the Democrat in this race, how will he be able to protect Republicans who voted for SSM?

" May’s upstate New York special election, Cuomo didn’t get behind now-Rep. Kathy Hochul until the last minute when the picture was clearer. But he gave Weprin, an establishment party figure, a forceful seal of approval and went so far as to cut a robo-call for the assemblyman." -- Politico's Alex Isenstadt on NY-9 Losers

Post NY-9 Consensus: SSM Vote Was a Major Factor in Weprin's Defeat

Media outlet after media outlet makes the case:

American Spectator: "NY-9 is home to a significant number of politically engaged religious or orthodox Jews for whom the institution of marriage is fundamental and essential. And so, for them, Democrat David Weprin's vote to transform the institution of marriage in accordance with modern-day notions of "fairness" and "equality" was anathema."

National Review: The Turner campaign’s success in garnering Jewish votes was, no doubt, aided by the conservative instincts of the Russian and Orthodox communities, many of whose members were angered by Weprin’s New York Assembly vote to legalize same-sex marriage..."

The Wall Street Journal: "...Some conservative Jewish groups attacked Mr. Weprin, a state legislator, over his vote earlier this year in favor of gay marriage."

The Jewish Week: "As he left P.S. 255 on Avenue S in Midwood, Brooklyn, Tuesday morning, Albert Tebele said he voted against Democrat David Weprin because of the candidate’s vote in the state Assembly to allow gay marriage in New York."

The New Republic: "The district has a large Catholic and orthodox Jewish population, which makes issues like same-sex marriage (which Weprin voted in favor of it as a New York state assemblyman) [...] hot button issues."

CNSNews: "The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) released results of a survey Wednesday that shows that the same-sex marriage law passed recently in New York played a role in the Republican win in the congressional race to replace Anthony Weiner."

The Nation: "Brooklyn’s orthodox power broker Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind cited as his main reason for endorsing Turner [...] Weprin’s support for gay marriage."

Yeshiva World News: "Turner fought hard for Jewish votes over the issues of Israel and same-sex marriage, and Orthodox leaders were well-represented at his victory party at an Italian restaurant in Howard Beach."

Daily Beast: "...the bottom line is that New York’s 9th District is a place where the culturally conservative side of identity politics can play."

FoxNews: "There was also the fact that Democrat David Weprin was a proponent of a new law allowing same-sex marriage in New York."

Los Angeles Times: "Weprin had other things working against him going into Tuesday's vote: his endorsement of same-sex marriage, which enraged many of the Orthodox Jewish voters..."

Reuters: "The National Organization for Marriage said in a statement that voters has been unhappy with Weprin's vote to approve gay marriage in New York state."

CNN: "Meanwhile, the National Organization for Marriage cited Weprin's vote for the same-sex marriage amendment in Albany as the reason he lost. Though dominated by Democrats, the district is anything but liberal when it comes to social issues."

This in addition to Human Events, The Weekly Standard, Slate, Time Magazine, The Village Voice, The Associated Press, Red State, etc...

Politico: NOM a "Winner" in NY-9 Victory

Alex Isenstadt in Politico, on NY-9's winners and losers:

National Organization for Marriage – The socially conservative organization helped to sow unrest with Weprin and Orthodox Jewish Democrats over his support for same-sex marriage. The organization dropped $75,000 on mailers highlighting Weprin’s position and dispatched Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein to record an anti-Weprin robocall.

NH SSM Repeal Bill in Early Stages

The Associated Press:

New Hampshire is considering repealing its gay marriage law and replacing it with civil unions for any unmarried adults including relatives.

A House Judiciary subcommittee voted 3-1 Wednesday to recommend a repeal bill that also establishes civil unions for any unmarried adults competent to enter into a contract.

The bill still faces a vote by the full committee next month and the House in January.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 14, 2011

Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004


Washington –The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today released a “flash” survey conducted yesterday among voters of New York’s 9th Congressional District which demonstrates that David Weprin’s support of same-sex marriage was a major factor in his loss to Republican Bob Turner.

“This survey demonstrates what many people have been saying for a long time – David Weprin’s vote in favor of same-sex marriage cost him election to the US House,” said Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage. “NOM funded a major independent expenditure campaign in this race and the survey shows that marriage was a major factor in the race and cost Weprin the election.” The election of Republican Bob Turner marks the first time this district has been represented by a Republican since the early 1920s.

The survey by QEV Analytics interviewed 251 actual or highly likely voters in the NY 9th Congressional District and concluded just as the polls closed last evening. It found the following:

Fifty percent (50%) of district voters believe that marriage should only be between one man and one woman; while only 38% of voters disagree (13% didn’t express an opinion). Marriage supporters include 88% of Orthodox Jews, 53% of Catholics and 47% of other Christians. There is a high correlation between a person’s position on marriage and their vote between Turner and Weprin. Those who agree marriage should only be between a man and a woman voted for Turner 81% - 19%. Turner won Orthodox Jews 91% - 9%; Catholics by 72%-28%; Other Christians 53% - 47%. Weprin won among non-Orthodox Jews 69% - 29%; among Other/None/DK 76%-24%.

Moreover, among those who agree with the traditional definition of marriage, 44% said Weprin’s position was a factor in their vote, while 29% of those who disagree said his position was a factor. Voters told the pollster that David Weprin’s position on same-sex marriage was a specific factor in the voting decision of 72% of Orthodox Jews, 29% of Other Jews, 27% of Catholics, 33% of Other Christians, 27% of other/None/DK.

[Update: View a PDF of the results here]

“When the New York legislature voted to redefine marriage, NOM vowed that we would hold those legislators accountable. This is what happened last night,” Brown said. “Legislators were sold a bill of goods when they were told by Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bloomberg and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) that they could redefine marriage and suffer no political consequences. All you have to do is look at David Weprin’s shocking loss to Bob Turner to understand that voting for same-sex marriage has consequences. Weprin just lost one of the most Democratic Congressional seats in the country in large part because of his vote to redefine marriage. Cuomo, Bloomberg and the HRC couldn’t save him and neither will they be able to save other legislators when it comes time for them to face voters.”

QEV derived the survey sample from a random selection of registered voters in the district most likely to vote in a special election. They carefully monitored the age distribution of the obtained sample so that it matched the age distribution of those likely voters. They weighted the obtained results so that these precisely matched the actual vote result.

The survey sample was 13% Orthodox Jewish, 25% Other Jewish, 36% Catholic, 12% Other Christian, 14% Other Faiths + No Faith + No Response. The margin of sampling error for Orthodox Jews on the ballot question is +/- 10%, which means that actual result of the ballot question could theoretically be as close as 81% Turner/19% Weprin.

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, Not authorized by any candidate or any candidate’s committee.



Victory in NY9

Dear Marriage Supporter:

I had the privilege of being at Bob Turner's victory party last night in Howard Beach, and speaking briefly with the Congressman-elect after his dramatic victory over pro-SSM David Weprin. For those following on Twitter, early in the evening I made what I thought at the time was a bold prediction that Turner would win by 5 points – only to see his margin grow as returns from Brooklyn came in, setting his eventual 8-point victory.

What a tremendous day for marriage! New York's 9th Congressional District, which Obama won, Clinton won, and which has had a Democrat in Congress since 1923, showed Tuesday that marriage is important. David Weprin was not able to defend himself against his vote to support same-sex marriage in New York, and his constituents made that clear. 42 percent of them oppose same-sex marriage. 29 percent said marriage was a significant issue in this race. And Tuesday a strong majority showed Weprin that they have had enough.

Bob Turner Victory

NOM played a major role in this election, helping to organize the Jewish and Hispanic communities to coalesce with Republicans, conservative and other pro-family voters. We mounted the first and largest independent expenditure campaign in the race to make marriage a key issue, and we succeeded. Special thanks go out to Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein and Sen. Ruben Diaz for voicing automated phone calls to tens of thousands of Orthodox Jewish and Hispanic households in the district. Many voters were deeply offended by Weprin's support for same-sex marriage, and these phone calls from respected leaders helped to make sure voters knew Weprin's radical pro-ssm record.

David Weprin is not going to Congress for one reason: he listened to Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bloomberg, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a few billionaires on Wall Street and went along with them to redefine marriage. Weprin foolishly believed them when they promised to protect him from any fallout over his vote to redefine marriage.

The Human Rights Campaign continues to absurdly claim that no politician has ever been defeated over his or her vote to redefine marriage, even though NOM is responsible for defeating countless same-sex marriage advocates and electing hundreds of candidates who have pledged their support for traditional marriage. But even the mainstream media is beginning to see through HRC's deception. (Check out today for a taste of what the media is saying about the importance of marriage in the race.)

Many, many thanks to each of you who have taken action to stand up for marriage this week, whether it be voting in New York, calling legislators in North Carolina, or spreading the word to friends and family. NOM made substantial investments in both the North Carolina and the New York victories, and we need your help to replenish our funds. Same-sex marriage advocates are already planning their next steps, and we need your help so that we can continue to respond wherever the next threat arises.

If you are able to make a one-time gift of $25, $50, or even $100 or more, please do it right now. We are your voice for marriage in the public square, and your gift will help us to continue to achieve important victories for marriage all across the nation. Please click here to make your most generous gift today.


On to victory!

Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

NRO's Bob Costa on NY-9: Marriage Mattered

Robert Costa writes that the President's unpopularity was not the only factor in Bob Turner's surprise 8-point victory yesterday over David Weprin:

Marriage matters. Democrats may think the debate is over, but in a district they’ve held for decades, it is a hot-button issue, and may have cost David Weprin a seat in Congress. Orthodox Jewish leaders hold major sway in Brooklyn and Queens and many of them campaigned against Weprin for supporting same-sex marriage, which was legalized by the state legislature in June. Queens assemblyman Dov Hikind, a Democrat, endorsed Turner due to Weprin’s vote. Sensing opportunity, the National Organization for Marriage poured thousands into the district.

And the polls encouraged them: One Public Policy Polling survey showed district voters opposing same-sex marriage, 45 percent to 41 percent. PPP’s numbers also showed that nearly 30 percent of locals viewed marriage as a deciding factor. In an interview with an Orthodox Jewish news outlet, Weprin, on the ropes, fumbled, awkwardly tiptoeing away from the law. He may have convinced a scattering of conservative Democrats to stick with him, but he let down his base, generating ire from his Democratic colleagues for questioning, of all things, the procedure used to pass the bill. “I find this offensive,” complained one Democratic state senator. “Once people think you’re not being honest about your position, then they question all of your positions.” Turner, who spent months reaching out to rabbis and their flocks, cleaned up.

Human Events on the Marriage Factor in NY-9

John Gizzi at Human Events:

"...many other observers we spoke to added that of gay marriage. More than 40 Orthodox Jewish rabbis signed a letter denouncing Weprin’s vote for the measure when it passed the New York Assembly and endorsing Turner, a Roman Catholic. In addition, the National Organization for Marriage spent more than $75,000 on pro-Turner mailings focusing on the marriage issue."