"Mazel Tov, Bob!"

Seen at last night's Bob Turner Victory Celebration:

It reads: "Mazel Tov, Bob!"

Source: NRO's The Corner

Weekly Standard: "Israel, Marriage, Key Issues in NY-9"

John McCormack at The Weekly Standard:

The two issues that seem to have helped drive some of the district's traditionally Democratic voters to cast their ballots for Turner were Obama's Israel policy and Weprin's vote for same-sex marriage. Former Democratic New York City mayor Ed Koch endorsed Turner primarily to send a message to Obama on Israel. Democratic state senator Ruben Diaz backed Turner because of Weprin's vote on marriage...

..."The fundamental message was 'I'm an orthodox Jew and gay marriage is perfectly fine,'" Hikind says of his Democratic colleague's speech. "To me, when he did that, he crossed every single line." Forty orthodox rabbis declared that orthodox Jews could not support Weprin.

"I can tell you this is a real serious issue among Jews, among orthodox Jews, among Catholics," Hikind says. A PPP poll from last week showed that 29% of voters in the district said marriage is "very important," and a plurality (45% to 41%) said it should be "illegal."

Slate: NOM's "Death Ray" Did the Deed in NY-9

Dave Weigel at Slate:

The first wedge issue, getting a little less attention on Tuesday, was gay marriage. Earlier this year, Assemblyman David Weprin voted for the successful bill that legalized same-sex unions in New York. He explained his vote by explaining the tenets of his Orthodox Jewish faith. “I think everyone here would agree that we should not be outlawing marriages between Jews and non-Jews or interracial marriages,” he said.

That was dangerous. At least 40 Orthodox rabbis in the district signed a letter pronouncing it “forbidden according to Torah law” to vote for Weprin; this in a district where perhaps one-third of ballots would be cost by Jews, many of them Orthodox. The National Organization for Marriage, which had failed to stop the gay marriage bill, trained its death ray on Weprin, organizing direct mail and robocalls to spread the rabbis’ message, and targeting the district’s Hispanic voters – about 15 percent of the population – with a robocall from conservative State Sen. Ruben Diaz, Sr.

Time Mag: Weprin Was Hurt by SSM Vote in NY-9

Time Magazine explaining what happened in NY-9 yesterday:

In an area that includes large pockets of conservative Orthodox Jews, the 55-year-old Weprin — who is himself Orthodox — was hurt by his vote in favor of New York’s gay-marriage law. “There’s only one reason David Weprin is in trouble in race for a very safe Democratic seat: His support for same-sex marriage,” wrote Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage, which forked over $75,000 to defeat Weprin. In a recent Public Policy Polling survey, 29% of respondents said gay marriage was a very important issue.

NY's Village Voice Asks if Weprin is "First Political Victim of SSM Backlash"

The short answer is yes:

Politicians who are on the fence about coming out for [same-sex marriage] will undoubtedly take note of NOM's success with a seat which should have been a cakewalk for the Democrats.

Wiser heads than ours can probably argue that there were larger forces at play than simply [same-sex marriage].

Still, judging from the stream in our (extremely) little slice of the twitterverse, NY-9 was all about gay marriage, Weprin's vote, and NOM's vow to take him on.

And unquestionably, today the [same-sex marriage] foes won -- both in NY-9 and in North Carolina.

AP: Gay Marriage Lost Weprin Jewish Support

The Associated Press explaining last night's upset in NY-9:

Weprin became embroiled in New York-centric disputes over Israel and gay marriage, which cost him some support among Jewish voters.

Orthodox Jews, who tend to be conservative on social issues, expressed anger over Weprin's vote in the Assembly to legalize gay marriage. In July, New York became one of six states to recognize same-sex nuptials.

Brian Brown's Statement on Victory in NY-9!

Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), released the following statement following Bob Turner's historic victory over David Weprin in the special election held today in New York's 9th Congressional District tonight:

“NY-9 is another victory for marriage in our country. This district, which Obama won, Clinton won, and which has had a Democrat in Congress since 1923, showed Tuesday that marriage is important. David Weprin was not able to defend himself against his vote to support same-sex marriage in New York, and his constituents made that clear. 42 percent of them oppose same-sex marriage. 29 percent said marriage was a significant issue in this race. And on Tuesday, well over a majority of them showed Weprin that they have had enough.

“NOM played a major role in this election, helping to organize the Jewish and Hispanic communities to coalesce with Republicans, conservative and other pro-family voters. We mounted the first and largest independent expenditure campaign in the race to make marriage a key issue, and we succeeded. David Weprin is not going to Congress for one reason: he listened to Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bloomberg, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a few billionaires on Wall Street and went along with them to redefine marriage. Weprin foolishly believed them when they promised to protect him from any fallout over his vote to redefine marriage. The HRC even has gone so far as to absurdly claim that no politician has ever been defeated over his or her vote to redefine marriage, even though NOM is responsible for defeating countless same-sex marriage advocates and electing hundreds of candidates who have pledged their support for traditional marriage."

"Our message to the rest of the politicians in Albany who voted to redefine marriage is this: 'You’re next.' Once again voters have said: 'Don’t Mess With Marriage!'"

Red State: "Voters in NY-09 Rejected David Weprin’s Vote in Favor of Gay Marriage"

Erik Erickson explains the election upset in NY-9:

"...the voters in NY-09 rejected David Welprin’s vote in favor of gay marriage. Yes, yet again we see a reliably Democrat area rebel against Democrats pushing gay marriage."


The Associated Press just declared the special election in NY-9 a victory for Bob Turner, who is currently leading pro-SSM David Weprin by over 6%. This is the first time the seat has been held by a Republican since 1923.

We also know this is a huge victory for marriage -- more from us on that soon!

Our President Brian Brown is at Bob Turner HQ watching Turner take the stage right now!

Thank you and congratulations to everyone who joined us in defeating David Weprin, sending a loud-and-clear message: don't mess with marriage!

For a recap of our complete coverage of this race, check-out this link.

Update -- Brian Brown tweets this photo of Bob Turner and the Turner family:

Update 2 - Read Brian Brown's special statement on tonight's result in NY-9 and what it means for marriage in New York and beyond.

Turner Holds Lead Over Weprin 53%-46% with More Than Half of Precincts Reporting

299 out of 512 precincts reporting:

21,857 (53%)

19,071 (46%)

We should be able to call this by the end of tonight.

NOM Congratulates the People of North Carolina: Your Right to Vote for Marriage is Protected!


Congratulations to the people of North Carolina! The North Carolina Senate did the right thing, voting this afternoon to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot in 2012, and trusting the people of North Carolina with the future of marriage.


Over the past two days, both the House and the Senate have approved the measure with the constitutionally required three-fifths majority, referring the marriage amendment to the people of North Carolina next year. And of course, NOM will be there to help every step of the way.

The big lie in politics is that the marriage fight is over. But this vote proves once again the pundits are wrong, the people want the right to decide the future of marriage. NOM reached out to more than 100,000 North Carolinians in the last few days, making sure they told their representatives they want the right to vote for marriage.

Congratulations to each and every North Carolinian voter for this big win, and thanks in particular to Family Research Council, North Carolina Family Policy Council and the North Carolina Values Coalition for all their hard work in making this vote happen.

Tonight, I'll be in Brooklyn, where we hope to celebrate another big win for marriage in New York's Ninth Congressional District.

We'll keep you posted!

First Queens Precinct Reports: Turner 48, Weprin 34!

Of course, we have 511 precincts to go! Follow the results via the AP.

Watching the Vote

Brian is in NY-9, with the Turner Victory (We Hope!) Party. Watch with us online!

David Weigel over at Slate offers a guide to results:

I'll be following the elections all night on this page. Do you want to see results? Of course you do.

NY-09 is here.

NV-02 is here.

NY-09 is going to be the story of the night, the one that Democrats have tried to bail out as David Weprin's momentum has stuttered. The raw totals from the AP won't be terribly useful; my friend David Wasserman has broken down the district in a more illustrative way.

Woodhaven/Ozone Park, Queens - The lowest-turnout region of the district, but the one where Barack Obama did best in 2008 -- 73 percent of the vote.

Forest Hills/Rego Park, Queens - This is the strong, diverse Democratic base of the district, where Barack Obama won 66 percent of the vote while winning district-wide by 10 points.

Fresh Meadows/Kew Garden Hills, Queens - Obama's last stronghold, where he won 64 percent of the vote.

Middle Village/Maspeth/Glendale, Queens - Obama won only 50 percent here, a bastion of ethnic (Italian) white voters.

Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn - Obama won 42 percent of the vote here. Watch these precincts for signs of a Turner rout.

Marine Park/Rockaway Beach/Howard Beach, Brooklyn/Queens - The GOP stronghold, which swung to Republicans after 9/11 and delivered 76 percent of the vote for McCain in 2008.

Yeshiva World Op-Ed: "Why Bob Turner Needs To Be Your Choice Today"

Jason Nussbaum writes:

On issues closer to home, Turner’s unwavering position on family values are in line with many of the proud hard working men and women of the district including the sizable orthodox community. And unlike Mr. Weprin, Turner honestly believes in the institution of marriage as one between a man and woman. Despite the unending explanations, clarifications and double speak of Weprin, the bottom line is he betrayed his community and his constituents and “proudly” voted for the same gender marriage bill as an “Orthodox Jew.”

Not truly realizing his community’s outrage even today, Weprin flip-flopped on his reason for voting, convincing himself and his team that they could move on from the issue if only they stayed on a civil rights message. Amazingly, he still fails to understand the feelings many still harbor by his ill- advised vote and his shallow defense for ever casting it.

Follow the NY-9 Returns With Us Tonight!

It's already been a great day for marriage -- with North Carolina voting to allow the people to vote on it in 2012 -- but we still have an important election to watch which is being decided right now by the voters of Queens and Brooklyn in New York's 9th Congressional District.

Stay tuned here throughout the night for live updates from us!

And if you haven't already, come out and vote for marriage in NY-9!