One Sperm Donor, 150 Offspring

A New York Times story that reveals one of the things that happens to the next generation when we ignore the best interest of children in favor of maximizing adult desire:

Cynthia Daily and her partner used a sperm donor to conceive a baby seven years ago, and they hoped that one day their son would get to know some of his half siblings — an extended family of sorts for modern times.

So Ms. Daily searched a Web-based registry for other children fathered by the same donor and helped to create an online group to track them. Over the years, she watched the number of children in her son’s group grow. And grow.

Today there are 150 children, all conceived with sperm from one donor, in this group of half siblings, and more are on the way... While Ms. Daily’s group is among the largest, many others comprising 50 or more half siblings are cropping up on Web sites and in chat groups, where sperm donors are tagged with unique identifying numbers.

Now, there is growing concern among parents, donors and medical experts about potential negative consequences of having so many children fathered by the same donors, including the possibility that genes for rare diseases could be spread more widely through the population. Some experts are even calling attention to the increased odds of accidental incest between half sisters and half brothers, who often live close to one another.

Robert Reilly on Why Real Justice Forbids SSM

Robert Reilly has worked in foreign policy, the military, and the arts. He writes in MercatorNet:

" is no longer tolerance, but the demands of justice that seem to require legally equating homosexual marriage with heterosexual marriage, something no other civilization in recorded history has done.

But before justice can be enlisted on behalf of this cause, we should ask ourselves: what is justice? The classical answer to this question is that justice is giving to things what is their due according to what they are. In other words, to act justly, one must first know what things are. When one knows what something is, one then understands what it is for. The purpose of the thing then determines whether our actions toward it are a use or an abuse. This is where the matter of justice comes in.

One does not get to make up what things are. If that were the case, then justice could be anything that one said it was. That is what tyrants do. This would be arbitrary, and what is arbitrary is by definition tyrannical. It is based upon pure will, unguided by reason. Those who wish to base their freedom upon the supposed purposelessness of things should face the consequences of this view. What seems unmitigated freedom is, in fact, the foundation of tyranny."

Mark Steyn: Eternal Adolescence Lacking in Romance

Plus, culture trumps economics, he says in this Orange County Register op-ed:

[Laura Ingraham in her new bestseller "Of Thee I Zing" ] opens with a lurid account of a recent visit to a north Virginia mall – zombie teens texting, a thirtysomething metrosexual having his eyebrows threaded, a fiftysomething cougar spilling out of her tube top, grade-schoolers in the latest “prostitot” fashions – and then embarks on a lively tour of American cultural levers, from schools to social media to churches to Hollywood. If there is a common theme in the various rubble of cultural ruin, it’s the urge to enter adolescence ever earlier and leave it later and later, if at all. So we have skanky ’tweens “dry humping” at middle-school dances, and an ever greater proportion of “men” in their thirties living at home with their parents.

Adolescence, like retirement, is an invention of the modern age. If the extension of retirement into a multi-decade government-funded vacation is largely a function of increased life expectancy, the prolongation of adolescence seems to derive from the bleak fact that, without an efficient societal conveyor belt to move you on, it appears to be the default setting of huge swathes of humanity. It was striking, during the Hurricane Irene frenzy, to hear the Federal Emergency Management Agency refer to itself repeatedly as “the federal family.” If Big Government is a “family,” with the bureaucracy as its parents, why be surprised that the citizens are content to live as eternal adolescents?

Trump Fights Back: Calls Weprin Protests Untruthful

Alexis Levinson at The Daily Caller:

Following reports by Democrat David Weprin’s campaign that he and others had protested Donald Trump’s endorsement of his opponent, Republican Bob Turner, in the special election to replace disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner, Trump’s special counsel Michael D. Cohen called to dispute both the basis of the protest and the representation of the event by the Weprin campaign.

...The protesters (who numbered less than 20, and lasted approximately ten minutes) are, in essence, protesting a potential candidate who is out there looking for innovative solutions to help employ them, their family and friends. This truly makes no sense to me,” Cohen concluded.

In conclusion, he pointed out that the press release is factually inaccurate: Trump is not a millionaire; he is a mega-billionaire.

Why is Weprin Losing Jewish Support?

Hint -- the Siena poll shows it's not Israel, as Gawker reports:

One surprise in Siena's polling, however, is the relative importance of Israel to the race [...] according to the numbers, it may be less of a factor than it seems.

"I don't see it at all," Greenberg said, when asked about the "Israel effect."

Siena asked voters to pick from five options to explain their vote, including the candidate's party, position on Social Security and Medicare, whether they were endorsed by a trusted source, their position on economic issues, and finally their position on Israel. Only 7% of voters picked Israel, including just 16% of Jewish voters.

That may not be the whole story, however: Weprin's lead with Jewish voters has collapsed from 21 to 6 in the last month. It's roughly in line with the total 12% drop among voters overall, but may be more complicated to tease out. Jensen, for his part, doesn't want to make any conclusions on the Israel issue without seeing more detailed results first.

Why The Marriage Amendment is a Plus for NC Business

Tami Fitzgerald is the executive director of the N.C. Values Coalition, and writes in the News Observer:

Groups that oppose the marriage amendment have said the amendment would discourage big corporations from locating in the state and might keep corporations from providing benefits to the partners of gay employees. Nothing could be more baseless. No study, economic or otherwise, has shown that the protection of marriage has yielded negative economic consequences to a state. The fact that 30 states have already protected marriage in their constitutions affirms it is good for business.

In fact, states that have protected marriage have better business rankings than states that have not or states that have redefined marriage to include gay couples. Eight out of the top 10 states ranked by Forbes magazine as the best states for business have a constitutional marriage amendment. North Carolina is one of two states in the top 10 that do not.

Each year, the American Legislative Exchange Council issues a report, "Rich States, Poor States," ranking the economic health of the 50 states. In 2011, all of the top 10 economically healthy states identified in the report have laws affirming that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, nine of them in their constitutions. By contrast, the 10 bottom-ranked states for economic health all undermine marriage in their laws.

This is no accident. Strong marriage laws lead to strong economies, because marriage produces future workers who are balanced, stable and healthy.

... Marriage doesn't prevent individuals from living how they want to live. It doesn't prohibit intimate relationships or curtail one's constitutional rights. But by specifically licensing marriage, the State of North Carolina attaches mothers and fathers to their children and to one another, providing the best known and documented environment for the rearing of our next generation.

This is the primary reason that government is in the marriage business and the reason marriage is worth protecting with a constitutional amendment.

Daily Kos: Dov Hikind a "Racist Homophobe" for Endorsing Turner in NY-9

Wow. How insensitive can you get?

Finally, racist homophobe Dov Hikind, who embarrassingly for us is actually a Democrat in the state Assembly, just endorsed Turner. While Hikind does have some influence (he's got a radio show), Turner stepped all over any shot at getting this message out yesterday with his blunder at the candidate forum. --DailyKos

Crain's: Asian, Orthodox Jews Swing NY-9

Crain's New York Business reports:

Congressional candidate David Weprin is facing criticism from some Orthodox Jews over his defense of same-sex marriage...

... Asians, who are 9% of the electorate, could prove to be a swing vote. More than 30,000 have moved into the area since 2000, making them the fastest-growing group.

Associated Press: Marriage an Issue in NY-9


The race to succeed former Rep. Anthony Weiner in New York's 9th congressional district was never supposed to be close. No Republican has ever been elected to the House in the largely Democratic stronghold that covers parts of Brooklyn and Queens.But the weak national economy, disenchantment with President Barack Obama, and New York-centric clashes over Israel and gay marriage have made the contest surprisingly competitive. Democrats now are scrambling to defend the seat.

... The district has a large concentration of Orthodox Jewish voters who tend to be conservative, especially on social issues. Weprin is an Orthodox Jew and Turner is Catholic. But many Orthodox voters were angry at Weprin for his vote in the Assembly in favor of legalizing gay marriage.

NC Marriage Amendment Sponsor: "This Decision Belongs to the People, Not to Me"

The Winston-Salem Journal:

Folwell is the speaker pro tem of the N.C. House. The General Assembly will reconvene next week to vote on whether to put a marriage amendment before the voters in 2012.

...Folwell said he left the [town hall] meeting convinced that the ballot is the way to decide the controversy.

"I had a lot of friends in the audience on both sides," he said. "What I took away is that there is no question that this decision belongs to the people and not to me."

New Siena Poll: Turner Up by Six in NY-9!

Roll Call:

For Democrats who hadn't already started to panic over Tuesday's special election in New York's Brooklyn- and Queens-based 9th Congressional district, now would be a good time to start.

Republican Bob Turner led Democrat David Weprin by 6 points in the nonpartisan Siena College poll released this morning.

... Roll Call is changing its rating of the race from Leans Democratic to Tossup.

Yeshiva World "We Will Send a Message by Voting for Turner" in NY-9

Dave Hirsch's op-ed in the Yeshiva World:

In a frantic move, Friedlander wrote a controversial opinion in the Hamodia which pleaded that Jews divorce religion upon entering the poll booth. “Recently, our community has taken a strong interest in elections and political campaigns,” he noted. “We’ve seen members of our community debating on whether to support candidates who hold certain positions on social issues that do not conform with our standards.  The issues range from abortion to same gender marriage”, he continued before declaring: “Campaigns are all about winning.”

However, the community listened to Rabbanim over Friedlander, and they voted for the candidates that vowed to defend our core values.

... we are smarter than petty politics. We will send Washington and Friedlander a message for once by voting Turner.

Daily Caller: Social Issues Could Be Tipping Point in NY-9

Matt Lewis at the Daily Caller:

a quick look at what is happening in the upcoming special election in New York’s 9th District — the bluest of blue districts and the seat formerly held by liberal Democrat Anthony Weiner — suggests social issues like same sex marriage are still very much alive. What is more, they could cause mass division among an already frustrated Democratic base.

This division has been hiding in plain sight in recent years in the bluest of blue states. In California, 70 percent of  African-Americans voted for Proposition 8 in 2008, while over 90 percent voted for Barack Obama.  Earlier this year, the reliably liberal Maryland legislature shot down a bill legalizing same-sex marriage — the difference was African-American Democrats.

Now, social issues may cost liberals a usually safe seat in Queens where Democrat David Weprin currently trails his Republican opponent by six points.

... While conservatives have long worried that immigration and changing demographics would harm them politically, social issues may prove to be the wedge that could be the GOP’s saving grace.

“If [the Democrat] loses, it will be because of the demographics,” says Hank Sheinkopf, a NY Democratic consultant.

NY-9: Gay Marriage Making it Close

John Gizzi at Human Events:

Given the tightness of the race in New York-9, a growing number of observers believe that if the 70-year-old Turner pulls off what is sure to be the political upset of 2011, it may be due to a dramatic shift in voting by the Orthodox Jewish community.

... "[Weprin's] suffering an erosion in the Orthodox Jewish vote.  And when Weprin himself has admitted ‘certain elements of the Orthodox community have called me a traitor,’ you know he’s nervous.”

Pietrusza and others note that Brooklyn Democratic Assemblyman Dov Hikind, himself an Orthodox Jew, has indicated he's not supporting Weprin—largely on the basis of Weprin's recent vote for gay marriage in the state legislature. The Jewish Journal just endorsed Turner, a Roman Catholic and cultural conservative, and 40 Orthodox rabbis have signed a letter blasting Weprin's gay marriage vote.

NOM Launches Largest Independent Expenditure in Race to Replace Anthony Weiner

NOM Launches Independent Expenditure Campaign in NY

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Yesterday NOM launched the largest independent expenditure to-date in the race to replace Anthony Weiner in New York's Congressional District 9: $75,000 to defeat Democrat David Weprin. Our first mailers hit today (see an example below), and we have more up our sleeves before the Tuesday vote.

Mailer Sample

This race is critical for the future of marriage. Why? Because David Weprin, the Democrat running to replace Weiner, voted for same-sex marriage in the New York assembly a few short months ago. Not only did he vote for it, he tried to use his Jewish faith as a justification for voting to redefine marriage. This has many in this strongly Democratic, but socially conservative district, up in arms.

Bob Turner, the Republican in the race has made it clear that he supports marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

Proponents of same-sex marriage continue to tell legislators that no one has lost their seat over support for same -sex marriage.

We know that it is a lie because, with your help, we've defeated numerous candidates over their support for same sex marriage. In New York we handed Dede Scozzafava a stunning defeat in the Republican primary. In New Hampshire and California US Senate candidates Bill Binnie and Tom Campbell have learned the hard way that support for same-sex marriage will cost them an election. And over a hundred state legislators in states like New Hampshire, Iowa, Maine, and Minnesota lost their seat after NOM put significant resources in supporting their opponents.

But even more than these races, a victory in the heavily Democratic New York 9 will send shockwaves through the national political establishment. No Republican has won this seat since 1923. We don't care whether a Republican or a Democrats is elected – we only care if a person who is committed to preserving marriage is elected. And make no mistake about it - there's only one reason David Weprin is in trouble in race for a very safe Democratic seat: His support for same-sex marriage. It's up to each and every one of us to do our part to change history for marriage and make sure that he never reaches the halls of Congress to do even more damage than he did in Albany.

We've been working hand-in-hand with the Orthodox Jewish and Hispanic communities to make sure that David Weprin is held accountable for this betrayal. Our mailers will reach nearly 100,000 homes. Our phone calls will reinforce the mail, and our independent effort could make all the difference. This is a special election that will have low voter turnout. The last poll by Magellan showed Bob Turner up by four points. But the other side is well-organized and working hard to save Weprin from defeat over his vote for same-sex marriage.

Here's a question for the Human Rights Campaign and their allies in the mainstream media: if same-sex marriage is as "popular" as is claimed, why isn't David Weprin proudly touting his vote for this legislation? The reason is because when it gets down to it – when media bias and political spin no longer matter and it comes down to actually winning elections—David Weprin knows darn well that supporting same-sex marriage is a terribly unpopular position for any politician to take. It may very well spell the end of Weprin's career, and NOM is doing what we can to make sure that is the case.

A few weeks ago, nobody was talking about David Weprin being defeated over his vote for same-sex marriage. Now everyone acknowledges that could well be the case. We will be following up with more activity before Tuesday. But we need your help.

Take Action!

If you have friends and family in NY 9 (Sections of Brooklyn and Queens), call them today and make sure they get out and vote for Bob Turner on Tuesday, September 13th. Forward this email to anyone you know in New York. Get the word out! You can also support Bob Turner by making a donation to his campaign today!

Together we can defeat David Weprin!

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage
