Rating the Candidates: Newt Gingrich

[Watch the debate live online here.]

Newt gets extra credit for giving Dr. George a shout-out at the beginning on the Manhattan Declaration: "What Dr. George began with the Manhattan statement to re-center American culture is very important ...this is very important." From his opening remarks:

"Always a citizen, never a subject. A set of truths about the nature of being human. We are human within a fabric created by God. These rights are inalienable. Which means no politician, no bureaucrat, no judge can take them away from you ...we are in grave danger of descending from being citizens into being subjects."

Dr. George: "Pres. Lincoln's First Inaugural, he spoke of the court usurping the authority of the people on slavery. Section 5 of the 14th Amendment authorizes Congress to enforce the guarantees of equal protection and due process. Would you as President propose legislation to protect life?" Speaker Gingrich answers [paraphrase]:

Yes. But there are five other issues. There are a number of issues on which the courts have usurped the people's power. Jefferson wrote that the Supreme Court unimpeded would be "an oligarchy." This is the center of American exceptionalism. We are a people of law. To be a people of law you have to have a structure. By a 5-4 vote appointed lawyers can be the equivalent of a Constitutional Convention ...we are going to have a big fight with the lawyer class. Jefferson in 1802 passes judicial reform act which eliminates judges ...I am not as bold as Thomas Jefferson. I would no more than eliminate Judge Berry in San Antonio and the 9th Circuit ...that's not a rhetorical comment. The executive branches have an obligation to defend the Constitution against judges who are tyrannical."

Gingrich on marriage:

"I support a constitutional amendment on marriage. We have every right to defend a 3,000-year clear record [on what marriage is] and I don't think we should be intimidated against [defending it]."

Grading Newt Gingrich: "B"

Rating the Candidates: Herman Cain

[Watch the debate live online here.]

Prof. George leads off: "Does Congress have the power under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment to enforce the equal protection of unborn life?" Cain responds (paraphrase):

"Yes I could support that. I would challenge the U.S. Congress to do its job. The president has the responsibility to be president, [focus on] national security, preserve, protect and enforce the Constitution of the U.S., not re-write it. Provide the strategic leadership on all the issues we face."

Prof. George: "Should the federal government be subsidizing states that discriminate against religious foster and adoption cases?"

"No, because I believe in the First Amendment. The federal government should not be discriminating against any legitimate religion in this country."

Prof. George: "How does your position on marriage differ from Pres. Obama's position?"

"The first thing I would do is make it clear I support the Defense of Marriage Act. I do support traditional marriage. So I happen to believe in addition to being Commander in Chief, [the President is] also Communicator in Chief, to talk about some of these values our Founding Fathers got right. I would use that platform to encourage the values we know the Founding Fathers embraced."

Prof. George: "The two great engines to fight poverty are a vibrant economy and a strong marriage culture. What can we do to rebuild a marriage culture?"

"We have to stop incenting (incentivizing?) broken homes, stop 'incenting' women to have babies to get money from the government.'"

Will you choose a Veep who shares your pro-life and pro-marriage convictions?


Grading Herman Cain: a solid "A-"

Rating the Candidates: Michele Bachmann

[Watch the debate live online here.]

This debate is breaking new ground.

Prof. Robby George asks whether Congress has the power to enforce the equal protection of unborn life, under Section 5 of the 14th Amendment. I think Michele Bachmann said yes. This breaks new ground.

Michele Bachmann also offered Pres. Obama's failure to defend DOMA as an abandonment of first principles.

Veep pick: Yes, that person would be pro-life and pro-marriage, she promises.

Should the federal government subsidize states that discriminate against religious adoptions agencies?

She supports legislation to prevent that (paraphrasing): "I believe in equal protection under the law, we have seen a disadvantage to children in foster care or adoption care. This is another example that activist judges are dangerous to the foundation of the society, etc."

Grading Michele Bachmann: a solid "A"

DeMint's Pull in South Carolina

The debate will go live in 5 minutes. The panelists just walked in. Sen. DeMint is introducing the honoraries in the audience (like the NH Speaker of the House).

The South Carolina delegation is particularly impressive. Let me put it this way: if the terrorist attack the convention center right now, it looks like the South Carolina government would be decimated!

The Perry Pull-Out: Texas Wildfires or Fear of Robby George?

Enquiring minds are just asking!

Rick Perry has decided to pull out of this afternoon’s Palmetto Freedom Forum, citing a need to return to Texas to deal with wildfires in the state.“The governor is in close contact with emergency operations officials regarding fires in Texas, including calls with his emergency management chief this morning,” Perry campaign communications secretary Ray Sullivan told CNN. “Gov. Perry is canceling the remainder of his South Carolina schedule today and his California schedule tomorrow in order to return to Texas ASAP.” --WorldMag

I Wish Rick Santorum Were Here

The uninvited using the forum to get their media shots in -- this one via ABC's The Note blog:

No, their invitations didn’t get lost in the mail. They were never sent.

Though most of the major presidential candidates were offered the chance to speak at a Labor Day forum here with Sen. Jim DeMint, two of the contenders were not. Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman were left off the roster because they did not meet the polling threshold set by organizers of Monday’s Palmetto Freedom Forum.

Candidates had to reach five percent or above on the Real Clear Politics national polling average, according to the participation criteria set by the American Principles Project, which is organizing Monday’s event. Huntsman is currently hovering just above one percent nationally and Santorum is at two percent.

But in interviews with ABC News on Monday, both candidates sounded less than thrilled about their exclusion.

Waiting for Ron Paul, etc.

I just walked into the convention center, and passed a gaggle of Ron Paul supporters holding homemade signs saying "End the Central Bank!"

You gotta love those guys' passion.

I'm now in the spin room. NBC, CBS, major media -- all here.  Perry is back fighting fires in Texas.

Prof. Robby George: "The Man the Campaigns Dread Facing"

Political reporter Jon Ward at the Huffington Post:

"...the sleeper threat will be the third panelist asking questions Monday in Columbia: Robert George, a Princeton professor who [formerly chaired] the National Organization for Marriage.

George, a 56-year old constitutional scholar who leads a new vanguard of conservative culture warriors, will force each of the candidates to articulate, in detail, where they stand on both constitutional issues and also on some of the most touchy social issues of the day, pressing them when their answers are not specific or substantive enough.

... "I think we need renewed fidelity to our old principles, and I think they're all going to agree with that, in theory. They're all going to agree with that as a statement," George said in an interview with The Huffington Post. "They're all going to say, 'Oh yeah, we don't need new principles, even though we have new challenges -- in some ways, unprecedented challenges."

"OK, fine. Once we get past that soundbite, what does it mean?" he said.

In addition to Perry, the candidates taking part will be former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), and former Godfathers's Pizza CEO Herman Cain.

... George said he is aware that many of the candidates would prefer not to talk in detail about such topics as abortion, gay marriage, and affirmative action.

"Politicians are … more comfortable talking about money than they are about fundamental principles of right and wrong," George said. "They're more comfortable talking about how to do things efficiently, how to do things rationally, where rationality is a kind of instrumental rationality: turning the economy around, getting new jobs, that kind of thing -– than they are about moral issues that are deeply controversial, that touch people in the heart, not just in the pocketbook."

Watch the Palmetto Freedom Forum live here!

Groups Claim White House is Hiding Truth on its DOMA Decision

Charlie Butts at One News Now:

"You know, they made this decision, and ... based on the timing of certain court filings [it looks like] it was made in concert with the homosexual activists and those who are seeking to redefine marriage," explains Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. "... We just want to figure out what's going on."

... In a press release, the JW president goes even further: "Once again the Obama administration is playing politics with the Freedom of Information Act to avoid telling the American people the truth about one of its indefensible positions. The evidence suggests the nation's highest law enforcement is refusing to enforce the law to appease another special interest group."

Ranking the GOP Candidates on Marriage in This Debate

Assuming the marriage question is asked, I will be blogging/ranking the candidates on their answers on marriage.  Can they explain why they support marriage?  Let's find out.

English EP Demands UK Force Churches to Perform Same-Sex Marriages Or Forfeit Ability to Marry At All

More evidence that same-sex marriage threatens religious liberty. Conservative MP Mike Weatherley writes to Prime Minister David Cameron:

Several campaigns are currently calling for, variously, the creation of a right to a Marriage for same-sex couples and the creation of a right to a Civil Partnership for opposite-sex couples. Such proposals may seemingly be the next logical step in the campaign for equality but, if enacted, would still leave us with a messy compromise. As long as religious groups can refuse to preside over ceremonies for same-sex couples, there will be inequality. Such behaviour is not tolerated in other areas, such as adoption, after all.

I suggest that it makes little difference if unions are called Marriages, Civil Partnerships or some other term (such as simply ‘Unions’). Until we untangle unions and religion in this country, we will struggle to find a fair arrangement. --Archbishop Cramner blog

The APP/Jim DeMint Palmetto Freedom Forum

I'm here in Columbia, South Carolina. I'll be at the debate, watching NOM's founding Chairman Prof. Robby George asking the core, principled questions.

This is the debate where conservatives take back the debate process from the media.

I don't know what will happen, but watch with me.

I am taping material for the Maggie Report. But I will be blogging live for NOM my reactions.

Tune in!

SSM for Scotland?

BBC News Scotland:

A consultation on the issue of same-sex marriages and religious ceremonies for civil partnerships has been launched by Scottish ministers.

The Scottish government said its initial view was that same-sex marriage should be introduced.

However, Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon said faith groups who did not want to "solemnise" gay marriages should not be made to do so.

NRO's Robert Costa Interviews Prof. George on Monday's "Serious" Debate

In National Review:

When Robert P. George, a Princeton University professor of jurisprudence, moderates the Palmetto Freedom Forum on Monday, he won’t ask about deep-dish pizza. Instead, he will urge GOP presidential contenders, as he does his students, to explore their constitutional beliefs. “The idea is to break the mold, to get away from the standard, media-run debates with their gotcha questions,” he says in a phone interview. In turn, he hopes, the candidates will drop “their stump speeches and canned answers.”

... How candidates respond to George’s queries, which will focus on the political and philosophical, could shake up a primary season that, so far, has been dominated by platitudes. The race for the GOP nomination, he says, is often cast as a scramble for the highly coveted but nebulous tea-party crown. But few voters, he laments, have a sense of how leading Republicans interpret the principles that inspire tea-party activists. [Continue reading]

This post contains details about how you can tune in to watch the debate live, Monday 3-5pm EDT.


40 Orthodox Rabbis Signed Letter Opposing Weprin Over SSM Vote

A little nugget from the Five Towns Jewish Times:

The Five Towns Jewish Times learned last week that the Turner campaign is in possession of a letter signed by 40 Orthodox rabbis in New York which states that because of Mr. Weprin’s vote in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage in New York, it is forbidden according to Jewish law to cast a vote for Weprin in the upcoming election.