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Video: Meghan McCain Calls Santorum's Marriage Views "Gross"

She made these comments on MSNBC during the New Hampshire primary campaign. No word on her views on Gingrich or Romney’s marriage views:

Pro-Family Leader James Dobson Endorses Rick Santorum

LifeNews: James Dobson, the founder and former president of Focus on the Family, has joined a number of social conservative and pro-life leaders have who announced endorsements for Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum. Dobson today announced his personal endorsement of the former Pennsylvania senator, and is not speaking on behalf of the pro-life Christian group […]

Rick Santorum’s Tax Policy Rewards Marriage and Having Larger Families

LifeSiteNews: Rick Santorum describes himself as universally pro-life. That includes his tax plan, which policy analysts contend gives couples economic incentives to get married and have larger families. Santorum’s tax proposals would triple the personal deduction for each child and “eliminate marriage tax penalties throughout the federal tax code.” He would retain deductions for charitable […]

Post-NH Poll: Romney, Gingrich Neck-and-Neck in South Carolina, Santorum Third

In the InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Research poll of South Carolina primary voters [PDF] taken on January 11th (the day after the New Hampshire primary), Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are within 2 points of each other with Santorum in 3rd:

PPP: In North Carolina, Santorum Is Tied with Obama; Romney Trails by 1

The Weekly Standard on democrat-leaning PPP’s latest poll of North Carolina: The latest PPP polling in North Carolina, the swing-state where the Democrats are holding their 2012 convention, shows Rick Santorum faring slightly better than Mitt Romney versus President Obama. The poll shows Santorum and Obama tied at 46 percent apiece in a hypothetical general […]

WaPo Blogger: Why Town Hall Protesters Are Helping Rick Santorum

Aaron Blake at Washington Post’s The Fix blog: If you didn’t know better, you’d think Rick Santorum enjoys being grilled by protesters. In fact, he probably does. And he should. The former Pennsylvania senator has been inundated at his New Hampshire events with questions from unsympathetic voices in recent days, pressing him mostly on gay […]

New National Poll: "Romney Leads, Santorum Surges into Top 3"

CBS News: On the heels of the Iowa caucuses last week, Mitt Romney now leads the field of Republican presidential candidates. Newt Gingrich is in second place, and Rick Santorum has leapt into the top tier and is now right behind Gingrich in the latest CBS News national poll. In the race for the nomination, […]

Video: Romney and Santorum Repel MSM Attempts to Portray Their Marriage Views as Bigotry

NBC, not to be left out of the mainstream media effort to equate protecting marriage with bigoted views, goes after Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum for their views on marriage. Both men handle the line of attack easily. The last jab at Santorum, asking him what he would do if one of his sons were […]

Gary Bauer Campaigns For Santorum in South Carolina

ABC News reports: At Stax Restaurant, where the fundraiser was held, he was endorsed by Christian conservative leader Gary Bauer. Bauer lauded Santorum saying since he worked for Ronald Reagan he “gave up on the idea that I would ever find another Ronald Reagan.” “Then over the last year or so, I’ve known Sen. Santorum […]

Latest New Hampshire Poll: Romney Slips; Paul, Huntsman, Gingrich, Santorum in the Hunt

The New Hampshire State Column: The latest 7 News/Suffolk University poll of likely voters in the New Hampshire Primary is great news for the Paul campaign and troublesome news for the Romney campaign. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, surged 3 points to 20 percent of the votes in a […]

Gary Bauer Endorses Rick Santorum

Alexander Burns at Politico: Social conservative leader Gary Bauer will endorse Rick Santorum for president this weekend, a Santorum campaign source confirmed. The endorsement, which was first reported by the Washington Post, will come during Santorum’s planned visit to South Carolina. The support from Bauer, a former Family Research Council leader who ran for president […]

ADF: Media Spins Santorum Debate to Make Marriage Support Appear Politically Unpopular

The Alliance Defense Fund weighs-in on the question if Santorum’s vigorous defense of marriage will help or hurt him among GOP primary voters: Pro marriage voters in Iowa are largely responsible for Santorum’s catapult to front runner status. Marriage amendments have passed in every state where voters have had opportunity to decide. Honest poll questions show […]

Santorum in New Hampshire: "Marriage Provides Something Unique in Society"

Asked about marriage during a press conference on the campaign trail, Rick Santorum responds that marriage is a privilege, not an unalienable right, because “marriage provides something unique in a society”:

New PPP Poll of South Carolina: Romney 30%, Gingrich 23%, Santorum 19%

Democrat-leaning polling firm PPP released a new South Carolina poll just before tonight’s New Hampshire GOP debate. Some of their findings: Mitt Romney’s taken a modest lead in South Carolina. He’s at 30% there to 23% for Newt Gingrich and 19% for Rick Santorum. None of the other candidates hit double digits- Ron Paul at […]

Watch the Media Invent A False Narrative on Romney and Santorum

Reuters asks the question: will Santorum’s rise draw Romney into the culture wars? “The sudden rise of Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, who has emphasized his Christian faith on the campaign trail, is threatening to draw front-runner Mitt Romney into difficult territory – the culture wars.” It begins with the false premise that: “Romney has […]