Local Press: Voting for SSM Could Cost GOP Sen. James Alesi Reelection

Joseph Spector reports for (New York's Lower Hudson Valley):

Alesi's decision [to vote for SSM] could come with political implications. He faced a difficult re-election bid next year. Earlier this year, he was heavily criticized by his own party and the public for suing a couple in his district after he allegedly trespassed on their property. Soon after, Alesi dropped the lawsuit and apologized.

The Conservative Party has vowed to no longer endorse Alesi because of his stance on same-sex marriage. The party's support was critical to Alesi last year: He would have lost without it.

Monroe County Conservative Party chairman Thomas Cook charged that Alesi's political future is over, saying he's already received calls from three or four potential challengers to him in 2012.

"My opinion is there is absolutely no way Jim Alesi will be re-elected," Cook said.

Other GOP Senators considering supporting this bad SSM bill -- take note.

WorldMag on the "Not-So-Hidden Agenda" in NY

Janie Cheaney writes:

A rushed vote, a cacophony of comments denouncing the bigots and homophobes, a lack of due process and deliberation—that’s old news. What might be new is the bold statement by state Sen. Carl Kruger of Brooklyn as to what this is all about: “What we’re about to do is redefine what the American family is. And that’s a good thing.” Usually politicians wrap their opinions in the red, white, and blue of equal opportunity and fairness. Sen. Kruger, who may have been speaking more freely than he meant to, let the truth slip.

... The minuscule number of people who stand to directly benefit from such legislation suggests further that it’s not about marriage at all—it’s about breaking down all barriers to consenting adults living exactly how they please, with dissenting voices confined to the margins.

... We’re in a bare-knuckle fight with forces of anarchy, whether they know it or not. They think they’re about redefining the family, but it actually goes a step further: This is about undefining the family. The family becomes whatever they say it is, on any given day or legislative session. Kudos to the Republicans of the New York Senate (and one lone Democrat), and kudos to David Tyree for resisting the push.

Breaking News: Growing Rallies Halt Gay Marriage Push in NY

No news is good news for our side -- time to keep up the momentum! This update from the AP:

Hundreds of protesters for and against gay marriage in New York chanted, sang and sought out TV cameras Monday while the state Senate again came to no resolution on the issue in a closed-door session that barely touched on the nationally divisive topic.

... On Monday, groups led by clergy opposed to same-sex marriage sang hymns such as "Victory is Mine" and prayed in small circles while pro-same-sex marriage advocates countered with "God Bless America" and "This Little Light of Mine" and lined the halls and parlor outside the Senate chamber.

... New York's vote is pivotal in the national question over same-sex marriage, an effort that largely stalled in the same room two years ago when the Senate voted it down. Since then, efforts have failed in New Jersey, Rhode Island and Maryland.

... Former New York Giants player David Tyree was among the celebrities on both sides of the issue. He said in Albany on Monday that God may have given him the ability to make his stunning, one-handed catch to help the Giants win the Super Bowl in 2007 so he would have a platform to oppose gay marriage today.

"I am not a political person, but gay marriage isn't a political issue," he said. "This not about right and left, but about right and wrong."

He said he opposes gay measure as a threat to children and families.

Video: Praying for Marriage, Democracy in Albany

This beautiful video by the Albany Times Union shows the peaceful, prayerful pro-Marriage rally taking place in the New York State House now:

Can you spot Giants' Hero David Tyree in the crowd?

David Tyree, Hero of Giants' Super Bowl Victory, Says He'd Trade Win to Protect Marriage

The NY Daily News on Tyree's outstanding commitment to marriage:

Giants 2007 Super Bowl hero David Tyree said he'd trade "The Catch" and the team's championship to keep marriage between one man and one woman.

"The catch was a gift, it's not like I'd try to do it. I couldn't do it again so that was a miracle," he said. "There's nothing worth more than [protecting marriage] right here for me."

Asked if he'd give up the Super Bowl to stop gay marriage, Tyree said: "Honestly, I probably would."

"Nothing means more to me than that my God would be honored," he said. "Being the fact that I firmly believe that God created and ordained marriage between a man and a woman, I believe that that's something that should be fought for at all costs."

"So I'll lay down everything I am to preserve the honor and integrity of the God that I serve."


Pro-SSM NY Sen. McDonald Loses It: "F*** it, I don't care..."

So much for taking your responsibilities as a state senator seriously -- and so much for civility! -- as FoxNews reports:

Republican New York State Senator Roy McDonald has [come out] in support of gay marriage -- telling reporters, "F*** it, I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing."

Sen. McDonald is one of two Republican Senators who has said he will support the bad gay marriage bill. Please continue to take action to let him and the other state senators know that their job is to care what we think!

Video: Maggie on Marriage in NY -- "We've Got 24 Hours to Win This"

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher explains NOM's ongoing efforts to protect marriage in New York -- and also explains what you can do to help us win! Watch her interview on Currents which aired on Net TV in New York:

Please take a moment to let your voice be heard, no matter where you live, and tell these four undecided NY Senators—especially Greg Ball—to protect marriage as between one man and one woman!

  • Stephen Saland: (518) 455-2411
  • Andrew Lanza: (518) 455-3215
  • Mark Grisanti: (518) 455-3240
  • Greg Ball: (518) 455-3111

Also contact these three Senators who have flipped their vote and may flip back:

  • John Flanagan: (518) 455-2071
  • Joseph Addabbo: (518) 455-2322
  • Shirley Huntley: (518) 455-3531

Thank you, and please invite your friends now to do the same! It's worth it!

63,000 Petitions Against Redefining Marriage To Be Delivered To Senate GOP Today

In the Capital Confidential:

Welcome to the last officially scheduled day of the 2011 legislative session, although lawmakers are privately allowing they could be here through Wednesday – at least. The temporary extension of the expired rent laws passed (after some Twitter-related confusion) last Friday expires today, so that’s on the agenda, as are (still) same-sex marriage and the tax cap. The Senate is scheduled to be in session at noon, the Assembly at 1 p.m. State workers deadlocked with the Cuomo administration in contract talks are rallying across New York at noon. Gay marriage opponents – including Giant David Tyree – will hold a press conference/deliver 63,000 petitions outside the Senate GOP conference room at 1 p.m.

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher and NOM President Brian Brown will also be attending this press conference. Stay tuned for updates and keep calling the undecided Senators!

New Research Shows Fathering Provides Long-Term Benefits for Kids, Unique From Mothering

Sue Shellenbarger in the Wall Street Journal with good news for dads - and marriage! - for Father's Day:

As an estimated 70.1 million fathers prepare to celebrate Father's Day in the U.S., recent research shows that their distinct style of parenting is particularly worth recognition: The way dads tend to interact has long-term benefits for kids, independent of those linked to good mothering.

... Fathers' impact on kids' behavior may begin as early as infancy, a 2009 analysis in Behavioral and Brain Sciences suggests. Mothers tend to keep their babies calm, gazing at them, babbling together and affectionately touching them, based on video analyses of mothers and fathers interacting with their 5-month-old infants. In contrast, fathers tend to get the babies more excited and laughing, often playing physical games that startle or arouse them.

The differences persist as children grow older. Research shows that mothers of older children tend to talk more with their children about their frustrations, while fathers may try to distract a child and encourage him or her to move on. Another reason involved fathers help kids, of course, is that families often function better when two parents are working as a team to give children what they need, supporting each other's efforts.

Candidates Already Lining Up To Challenge Republicans Who Vote for SSM

The New York Times picks up on the very real threat of Republican Senators facing primary challenges in 2012 if they vote for the bad SSM bill:

Mr. Motley, the senior lobbyist for a group called New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, said he had already been contacted by Republicans interested in running against the two Republican senators who this week said they would support the marriage bill, James S. Alesi of Monroe County and Roy J. McDonald of Saratoga County. Mr. Motley would not identify any possible candidates.

Key Pro-SSM Leader in Massachusetts Convicted of Bribery

In the Wall Street Journal:

A federal jury in Boston on Wednesday convicted Salvatore DiMasi, the former speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives  for corruption connected to the awarding of state contracts.

DiMasi, who resigned in January 2009 amid a scandal, was convicted of a total of seven of nine counts against him, while a lobbyist named Richard McDonough was convicted of six of eight counts against him...

The scandal blew up in a series of reports in the Boston Globe in 2008, after which DiMasi told a law associate to “lose his check register” showing the payments, evidence at trial showed. DiMasi also lied to his press secretary about his associate, and about Lally’s connection to the software company, according to prosecutors.

“The citizens of Massachusetts put extraordinary trust in Mr. DiMasi, and he betrayed that trust when he chose to conspire with his friends to use his office in order to line his pockets, and theirs,” said Carmen M. Ortiz, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts, in a statement.

New Comprehensive Survey: 62% of Americans Favor 1M1W Marriage!

The Alliance Defense Fund has provided a great service to our efforts to protect marriage:

Results from what is likely the most extensive national research survey of its kind show that 62 percent of Americans believe that “marriage should be defined only as a union between one man and one woman.” Fifty-three percent of Americans strongly agreed.

The scientific survey, sponsored by the Alliance Defense Fund and completed by Public Opinion Strategies May 16-19, was part of a comprehensive examination of American attitudes toward marriage. In addition to the national survey, the research included 14 focus groups completed across the country.

... “These numbers are not surprising,” said Public Opinion Strategies partner, and the survey’s director, Gene Ulm. “More than 63 million Americans in 31 state elections have voted on constitutional marriage amendments. Forty million Americans in all—63 percent of total voters--have voted to affirm marriage as a union between a man and a woman.”

“Americans strongly affirm the lifelong, faithful union of a man and a woman as the fundamental building block of civilization,” said Raum. “This survey, along with the nearly 80 percent win rate in ADF marriage cases, shows the opposition has created an illusion of momentum but not a real base of support or track record of victory in the courts.”

Make no mistake: we are the majority! Let's remind the Senators of New York.

New Documentary: "The Problem with SSM: How It Will Affect You and Your Children."

A new documentary produced by FRC:

To expose the threat [of same-sex marriage] and awaken Americans, Family Research Council is releasing a brand new documentary, "The Problem with Same-sex Marriage: How It Will Affect You and Your Children."

This documentary shows in heartbreaking detail what happens when marriage is redefined. You will hear first-hand accounts of how same-sex "marriage" impacts your parental rights, your children, and your religious liberties.

Your eyes will be opened to the growing intolerance and intimidation toward those who espouse marriage as the union of a man and a woman. And you will be equipped to know your rights so that you can take a stand for marriage in your community.

Click here to watch the trailer, and learn more about this issue and how it affects your family.

U.S. Bishops Step Up Efforts to Defend Marriage

Via LifeSiteNews:

The U.S. bishops are stepping up their efforts in defense of marriage by making what was an ad hoc committee ‘’for the Defense of Marriage” into a new permanent subcommittee within the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.

That United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) subcommittee has released the second of five videos for the promotion and protection of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Entitled “Made for Life,’ the newly released video features real married couples reflecting on topics related to the gift of children, the indispensible place of fathers and mothers, and sexual difference.

“Our culture is one that often forgets the sacred gift of the child, and in so doing it also fails to recognize the vital importance of a mother and a father together for the life and upbringing of that child,” said Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of Oakland, California, chairman of the committee.

“The video also addresses a real gap today in public awareness, namely, the close connection between a culture of life and a culture that promotes and protects marriage. The two cannot be separated,” he said.

New Research Reaffirms Traditional Understanding of Gender

Via C-FAM:

New research reaffirms that gender is grounded in the biology of men and women, supporting the traditional understanding of gender agreed on by the international community.

UN delegates are receiving copies of the research at a time when debates about “gender identity” are heating up: member states are engaged in a contentious vote on the issue at the Human Rights Council this week and they are preparing for a battle on sexual orientation and gender identity during this fall’s General Assembly.

“The Psycopathology of Sex Reassignment Surgery,” a peer-reviewed article authored by Richard Fiztgibbons, Phillip Sutton, and Dale O’Leary, questions the medical and ethical implications of performing sexual reassignment surgery (SRS).  The authors approach the issue from the medical and biological perspective that human gender is a matter of genetic composition, explaining that “sexual identity is written on every cell of the body and can be determined through DNA testing.  It cannot be changed.”

The authors affirm that biological sex cannot change, and they renounce the concept of “gender identity,” or the idea that gender, as a social construct or personal perception, is separate from one’s biological sex.  Citing the work of psychoanalyst Charles Socarides, they explain that “there is no evidence that gender identity confusion – a gender identity contrary to anatomical structure- is inborn.”