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Australian Writer: Same-Sex Marriage Trumps Children’s Rights

Katherine Spackman is the Australian Christian Lobby’s Media Relations Officer and writes in MercatorNet:

Across Australia homosexual activists are seeking to redefine marriage to include same-sex relationships. Fortunately, although to some surprisingly and disappointingly, Prime Minister Julia Gillard has affirmed her personal support of marriage remaining what it always has been, a commitment between a man and a woman.

A key argument for keeping marriage that way is that it protects children, since social science shows that children do best when raised by a married mother and father. However, the campaign for same-sex marriage has always displayed scant regard for children’s rights.

VIDEO: Brian Brown Defends Marriage in CNN Debate with Daniel O'Donnell

Brian Brown handily defends marriage in a debate with Daniel O'Donnell—NY State Assemblyman, open homosexual and brother of Rosie O'Donnell—and CNN's Don Lemon, who also recently came out.

Please take a moment to let your voice be heard, no matter where you live, and tell these four undecided NY Senators—especially Greg Ball—to protect marriage as between one man and one woman!

  • Stephen Saland: (518) 455-2411
  • Andrew Lanza: (518) 455-3215
  • Mark Grisanti: (518) 455-3240
  • Greg Ball: (518) 455-3111

Thank you, and please invite your friends now to do the same!

ElectionWatch2012: Chris Christie on SSM, Civil Unions

From a segment the New Jersey governor did with Piers Morgan this week:

NY SSM Vote On Hold Until Next Week (Monday or Tuesday)

The latest update from NY 1:

A vote on same-sex marriage is on hold until next week, but supporters remain hopeful that it will happen before the end of the legislative session.Leaders of the State Senate met for about three hours Friday morning behind closed doors.

Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos emerged from the meeting and told reporters conference members are still not comfortable with the bill's language.

Passing this bill was supposed to be a done deal this week - our efforts are paying off. Let's not let up on the pressure until the defeat of this bad bill is a "done deal"!

Video: Michael Strahan's Commentary on David Tyree's Catch

They may disagree on gay marriage, but here is NY Giant's Michael Strahan, narrating David's amazing catch:

NJ Legislators Introduces Gay Marriage Bill, Destined to Fail

New Jersey's Statehouse Bureau:

"They’re talking about it in New York," said Assemblyman Reed Gusciora (D-Mercer), the state’s only openly gay lawmaker, who proposed a bill (A4130) on Monday to legalize same-sex marriage. "Why aren’t we talking about it in New Jersey?"

... In New Jersey, it’s the first time a lawmaker has put forward a bill on gay marriage since it was defeated in the state Senate in January 2010 — just before Gov. Chris Christie took office.Nor is it likely to go much further in New Jersey this time. Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, a Democrat, says he’ll sign a measure approving gay marriage, but Christie, a Republican, is not so inclined. Although supporters say they’ve persuaded several New Jersey Democrats who abstained last time to vote yes, that won’t matter unless they can get every Democrat on board and pick off three Republicans to make a veto-proof majority of 27 votes.

Steven Goldstein, chairman of Garden State Equality, said the best way to pursue gay marriage is through the courts.

Brian on NY SSM on CNN: "Republicans Should Not Do This"

NOM President Brian Brown on CNN yesterday:

Another Libertarian Case for Protecting Marriage

Stella Morabito is a Maryland writer who focuses on issues of society, culture and education. She writes at the Washington Examiner:

It’s ironic that many libertarians argue for repealing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), claiming government recognition of same-sex marriage is simply a civil liberties matter.

A repeal of DOMA could well prove to be one of the biggest dominoes ever to fall in favor of bigger government.

By providing a simple formula for defining parental responsibilities and rights, DOMA serves as an effective buffer between oppressive state power and individual freedom of association.

If we don’t preserve DOMA, government easily expands into that vacuum. A new body of myriad and complex laws and regulations likely would draw government into our personal relationships, starting – but not ending -- with the core family.

Another irony is that many libertarians now leapfrog DOMA and argue against any government recognition of marriage at all. This allies them with some of the loudest voices for big government out there.

Why Libertarians Should Oppose SSM: It is "At Odds With U.S. Liberties"

Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council writes in the Albany Times Union:

Advocates of homosexual marriage are putting on a full-court press to overturn the definition of marriage as a male-female union. However, they still need one more Republican vote in the state Senate to succeed.

Most Republicans support only male-female marriage, but a few waver based on what they regard as libertarian principles. They tend to be fiscally conservative (favoring low taxes, small government and a free market) but socially liberal (opposing laws against drug use, gambling and consensual sex).

... To argue that the same principle should lead us to redefine the institution of marriage, however, is to commit several logical errors and overlook the serious consequences of such a redefinition.

Here are some key reasons why a libertarian outlook does not require support for same-sex "marriage"...

Video: David Tyree on CBN News

Another fine segment:

Read the related article here.

NEW VIDEO -- David Tyree: Strahan's Video Made Me Do it!

[For our ongoing live coverage of the fight to protect marriage in New York, click here and scroll down!]

Take Action

Call the Republican Swing Votes! See the list of legislators below. Call and urge them to stand strong on marriage!

Email NY Legislators Now

Related on the NOM blog: "EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: NOM's Interview with Former New York Giant David Tyree!"

Video: David Tyree Boldly Defends Marriage on CNN

David did a great job!

See David Tyree's original video here.

NOM Applauds Legal Experts' Call Not To Rush Bad Bill That Fails To Protect Religious Liberty

NEW YORK - Today Harvard University professor Mary Ann Glendon and Princeton University professor Robert George released a letter calling on Greg Ball, Dean Skelos and the New York Senate to provide stronger religious liberty protection in the same-sex marriage bill before the NY state Senate.

The academic experts who signed the letter (which also includes Matthew Franck) wrote: "We understand the enormous pressure you are under to pass a bill that the Governor wants. But rushing such a bill through with inadequate or counterfeit religious liberty and conscience protections would be a tragedy and a profound injustice” and urged consideration of the bill be delayed to another session when language could be carefully considered.

NOM's president Brian Brown applauded the letter:

“NOM opposes gay marriage regardless, but those who pretend to promise religious liberties would be protected had better be careful if they want that promise to even partially come true. Cuomo’s bill doesn’t even try to provide minimal protections for individuals and businesses, who will face litigation and other penalties for acting on their beliefs about marriage.”

For an example, Brown pointed to Bill Banuchi, a New Yorker who runs a nondenominational, Christian marriage counseling center in Newbergh, New York. The Cuomo administration claims that the marriage measure would protect explicitly religious organizations, but Rev.’s Banuchi’s center has no religious affiliation. Cuomo's bill would require him and other marriage counselors to shut down if they could not in good faith counsel gay couples on how to sustain their relationships.

“Gay marriage will have consequences" said Brian Brown, "And those consequences are likely to fall hardest on parents, religious individuals and small business owners who receive zero protection in this bad bill."

NY Archbishop Dolan: SSM Bill "Not A Done Deal"

In the New York Times City Room blog:

Timothy M. Dolan, the Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, who has been a low-key presence during the debate over same-sex marriage in the state, called in to a capital radio talk show Friday morning to warn that the proposed legislation posed an “ominous threat” to society.

... Archbishop Dolan, speaking on Fredric U. Dicker’s radio program on WGDJ-AM (1300), repeatedly made it clear that he strongly opposed gay marriage, which he called “unjust and immoral,” “detrimental for the common good” and “a violation of what we consider the natural law that’s embedded in every man and woman.”

Acknowledging that supporters of same-sex marriage need just one more vote to prevail in the Senate, Archbishop Dolan said that “we are still working for the defeat of this bill,” but that “we’re realistic to know the forces pushing this are very strong, they’re well oiled, they’re well financed.” However, he said: “It’s not a done deal. There is a good chance that this is not going to pass this year.”