The New Definition of "Hate": Do Chick-Fil-A's Actions Qualify?

Matthew Shaffer, a William F. Buckley Fellow at the National Review Institute, writes:

... the facts show [Chick-Fil-A founder Samuel] Cathy to be a generous philanthropist who devotes millions to uncontroversial education charity; who gives some thousands more to Christian groups; who admits that for theological reasons he opposes the legal institution of same-sex marriage, but isn’t preoccupied by it; and who doesn’t exclude from his charity socially conservative groups. Reasonable people can disagree with WinShape’s requirements for couples on its marriage retreats and dislike aspects of Focus on the Family’s research and advocacy. But no reasonable person can see proof of frothing anti-gay bigotry in Samuel Truett Cathy’s donations, especially when his own words convey “love and respect” for same-sex-marriage advocates.

Activists are obviously welcome to protest and withdraw their patronage from any business, especially one whose political advocacy they disagree with. That’s democracy. But if we really want to “stop the hate” — and we should stop hate where it actually exists — we should look elsewhere than Chick-fil-A and the aged philanthropist at its head.

Swedes Announce Campaign to Inform Women: Easier to Get Pregnant Under Age 35

In The Local (Sweden's news in English):

Health authorities in southern Sweden are launching a public awareness campaign to encourage couples to have children sooner to combat the trend of women having their first child at an increasingly older age.

According to statistics, 15 percent of all western couples are experiencing fertility problems, but Giwcerman said that the number is probably higher than that.

And according to him, the woman’s age is a crucial factor.

... The institutions behind the campaign also want to send a message to politicians that they need to make it more attractive for Swedes to have kids earlier on in life.

... "We have spent a lot of time informing the public on how not to get pregnant, and now it seems that most young people today think that once the time feels right it will just work itself out," Giwcerman told SR.

Legal Ethics Scholar: Judge Walker Ought to Have Disclosed His Relationship

In the LATimes:
Chapman University Law Professor Ronald Rotunda said it was significant that Walker's ruling noted that marriage has financial benefits and that Walker applied the ruling to all Californians rather than just the two same-sex couples who challenged Proposition 8.

He said Walker could have avoided any possible conflict by limiting the ruling to the couples or by disclosing early on that he was in a committed relationship.

"It certainly would have avoided a lot of questions at the end," said Rotunda, who teaches constitutional law and legal ethics.

First Graders in San Francisco Learn About Same-Sex Marriage

Via the gay website The Edge:

Author Eric Ross visited an elementary school in San Francisco last week to read his new [same-sex marriage] children’s book, ’My Uncle’s Wedding’ to approximately 40 first grade students. The reading coincided with the celebration of Harvey Milk Day, a holiday celebrating the achievements of the late Harvey Milk, the first openly gay man to be elected into public office in California.

"It was an honor to read ’My Uncle’s Wedding’ to the kids," said Ross. "I wish all schools had a more inclusive curriculum that didn’t sensor [sic] history or current events."

... "I can’t wait for the day when our children get a complete picture of history instead of one-sided, fractioned pieces of information," said Ross.

Want to improve student education in your city? Consider donating a book to your local school or library. Sometimes donating books is the only way to get them into schools and libraries, and ’My Uncle’s Wedding’ would make an excellent gift.

UNESCO Approves Sexually Explicit Instruction Under Anti-Homophobia Label, Brazil's President Rejects After Public Outcry

In LifeSiteNews:

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has agreed to suspend a very explicit United Nations approved program designed to convince children and adolescents to accept homosexual behavior and transsexualism, following threats from Protestant and Catholic legislators to block new legislation in protest.

... Under massive pressure from a high-profile Internet campaign and from legislators, Rousseff capitulated, and one congressional ally reported that she regarded the program as “horrific” and “the end of the world.”

... Before retracting the materials, the government had boasted of the approval it had received for the program from the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which had judged the videos “suitable” for the target audience, which is reported to reach children as young as 11 years of age.

... The cancellation of the program, which has caused controversy in Brazil for over half a year, has made headlines across the country.  Revelations that the government has spent over a million of dollars of public money on the program have also added fuel to the fire.

George Soros-Funded Media Reaches 330 Million People Per Month

A NewsBusters column by Dan Gainor:

Books, newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, websites and cutting edge videos. The pieces of the George Soros media empire are as diverse as the nations of the world and just as widespread. From nakedly partisan left-wing media like Think Progress, the blog for the Center for American Progress, and a TV show on MSNBC, to the supposedly impartial National Public Radio, Soros has impact on the flow of information worldwide.

It gives him incredible influence. Every month, reporters, writers and bloggers at the many outlets he funds easily reach more than 330 million people around the globe.

Other well-funded operations include the investigative reporting operations at the Center for Public Integrity ($3.7 million) and Center for Investigative Reporting ($1.1 million), as well as Media Matters ($1.1 million) and the Sundance Institute ($1 million).

Right down to local media that deal with marriage-related news:

"Soros' foundations gave 34 grants from 1997 to 2010 to local NPR member stations and specific programs that have totaled nearly $3.4-million," said the foundations' [spokesperson Maria] Archuleta. Recipients included WNYC and Minnesota Public Radio,' wrote outgoing NPR ombudsman Alicia Shepard.

All of which serves to create the desired "echo chamber" effect:

A report by the Media Consortium detailed how progressives had created an "echo chamber" of outlets "in which a message pushes the larger public or the mainstream media to acknowledge, respond, and give airtime to progressive ideas because it is repeated many times." According to the report called "The Big Thaw," "if done well, the message within the echo chamber can become the accepted meme, impact political dynamics, shift public opinion and change public policy."

In Which I Attend a Dinner Honoring Al Cardenas, the New Head of the ACU

I thought it was just a dinner party at my old Yale classmate David Frum's house.  But FrumForum insists it's a social occasion, complete with photos of conservative glitteratti, plus moi!

Who knew?

New York's Undecided 8

According to a survey by Gannett's Albany Bureau:

Eight senators — including the two who represent Dutchess County — indicated they are undecided on whether they would support same-sex marriage legislation if the bill comes to a vote, a survey of all 62 senators found.

The measure would need 32 votes for adoption in the Senate, and 26 senators, all Democrats, indicated they would back the bill. Twenty-eight senators expressed opposition — possibly leaving the measure's fate in the hands of the eight undecided lawmakers, five Republicans and three Democrats.

That Elusive KSTP/SurveyUSA Poll in March

SurveyUSA has released its March 2011 poll, which showed Minnesotans approved a marriage amendment defining marriage as one man and one woman, 62 to 33 percent. Even 60 percent of 18-34 year olds said they would vote for it. These numbers seem a bit on the high side to us, but that's not the main point.

Why didn't KSTP, the ABC News affiliate, release this poll in March?

If KSTP/ABC News felt the March poll was inaccurate, why then did they refer to it as a benchmark when their latest poll showed Minnesotans approve a marriage amendment 51 to 40 percent?

How pervasive is the Minnesota media's bias on this issue?

Enquiring minds want to know.

Gallup Poll: Proportion of Americans Who Believe People are "Born Gay" Flatlined in 2001

Public opinion on whether or not people are "born gay" remains largely unchanged since 2001, Gallup reports:

Forty-two percent say being gay or lesbian is "due to factors such as upbringing and environment," while 40% believe it is "something a person is born with."

Heritage on The Price of Unwed Births

A revealing chart and article from Heritage:

A recent piece in The Wall Street Journal noted that “Unintended pregnancies likely cost the federal and state governments more than $11 billion a year,” based on research published by the Brookings Institution.

A major reason for the cost to government, notes the author, is that “women who unintentionally get pregnant are more likely to be low-income” and thus “are more likely to be eligible for government-financed medical care.” The Brookings report also notes that the majority (57 percent) of these births are to women who are unmarried: one of the greatest predictors of child poverty in the United States today. The strong link between unwed childbearing and poverty creates little wonder that the majority of births to unmarried women are financed by Medicaid.

Five Rabbinic Groups Issue Statement Opposing Redefinition of Marriage

A joint statement of orthodox Jews:

"On the issue of legalizing same-sex marriage, the Orthodox Jewish world speaks with one voice, loud and clear:

We oppose the redefinition of the bedrock relationship of the human family.

The Torah, which forbids homosexual activity, sanctions only the union of a man and a woman in matrimony. While we do not seek to impose our religious principles on others, we believe the institution of marriage is central to the formation of a healthy society and the raising of children. It is our sincere conviction that discarding the historical definition of marriage would be detrimental to society.

Moreover, we are deeply concerned that, should any such redefinition occur, members of traditional communities like ours will incur moral opprobrium and may risk legal sanction if they refuse to transgress their beliefs. That prospect is chilling, and should be unacceptable to all people of good will on both sides of this debate.

The integrity of marriage in its traditional form must be preserved."

Agudath Israel of America
Central Rabbinical Congress of the U.S.A and Canada
National Council of Young Israel
Rabbinical Alliance of America
Rabbinical Council of America
Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America

FRC Report: Marriage and Economic Well-Being

Via MercatorNet:

In 2008, only 45 percent of American seventeen-year-olds were in a family headed by their biological parents, leaving them weaker in their relational capacities than prior generations. The numbers are lowest among African-Americans, where only 17 percent of seventeen-year-olds have spent childhood in an intact family. Among Asian Americans the intact family is strongest, but even for them it is only 62 per cent.

[In] "Marriage and Economic Well-Being: The Economy of the Family Rises or Falls with Marriage" Authors Patrick F Fagan, Andrew J Kidd and Henry Potrykus have analysed federal data and academic studies and demonstrate their case convincingly: the family based on a lasting marriage (the “intact married family”) outperforms other sexual partnering structures -- by a mile.Consider a few examples:

* Married couple families generate the most income -- twice that of divorced households and four times that of separated households, according to one study.

* Intact, married families have the greatest net worth -- not just because they have two adults but because they have a longer-term outlook, are more thrifty and increase the earning ability of the head-of-household. Cohabiters have the lowest net worth growth of all family structures.

* Children in married, two-parent families enjoy more economic well-being than those in any other family structure, and are more likely to rise through the socio-economic ranks. A non-intact family background increases by over 50 per cent a boy’s odds of ending up in the lowest rank.

Canadian Parents Raising "Genderless" Child

This story was getting the family and feminist blogs all tied up in knots this week. From Jezebel:

A couple in Canada isn't telling anybody the gender of their baby. But paradoxically, their attempt at neutrality may make gender an even bigger deal.

According to Parent Central, Kathy Witterick and David Stocker have decided to keep the gender of four-month-old Storm a secret — only they, their two older children, and a few others know the truth. In an email announcement to friends and family, Witterick and Stocker said,

We've decided not to share Storm's sex for now — a tribute to freedom and choice in place of limitation, a stand up to what the world could become in Storm's lifetime (a more progressive place? ...).

Parental Central (in Canada) has the original story - and more details:

This past winter, the family took a vacation to Cuba with Witterick’s parents. Since they weren’t fluent in Spanish, they flipped a coin at the airport to decide what to tell people. It landed on heads, so for the next week, everyone who asked was told Storm was a boy. The language changed immediately. “What a big, strong boy,” people said.

The moment a child’s sex is announced, so begins the parade of pink and barrage of blue. Tutus and toy trucks aren’t far behind. The couple says it only intensifies with age.

“In fact, in not telling the gender of my precious baby, I am saying to the world, ‘Please can you just let Storm discover for him/herself what s (he) wants to be?!.” Witterick writes in an email.

Maggie on Lessons from the Life Issue Applied to the "Inevitability" Argument

NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher writes at Patheos:

When I was, well, a few years younger than Tim Muldoon is today, the message of despair now directed at marriage was directed at the pro-life movement. All the powerful elites favored abortion. Media coverage of anyone who was pro-life was dreadful. All the wives of Republican power-brokers favored abortion rights. If you said you opposed abortion, people would shout, "You are calling my sister a murderer!" They informed me that by the time I turned 50, the pro-life movement would be dead because young people were so pro-choice.

I'm 50 now, and yet the pro-life sentiment is surging as today's young people are more pro-life than their elders.

How did that happen?

There are many ways to answer that question, and what I offer here is more of a missing piece—the role of politics in cultural change—than a comprehensive theory.