Hey, Mayor Bloomberg: "Dallas-Fort Worth Again Leads Nation in Job Growth"

The Star-Telegram reports:

Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston continue to lead the nation's largest metro areas in new jobs and the rate of job growth compared with a year earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Tuesday.

... Job growth was up 2.9 percent, compared with 1.1 percent for the U.S.

North Texas has long been a leader in both job and population growth, and the trend has continued even in the economic downturn. That has helped keep unemployment below national and state averages.

In April, the Fort Worth-Arlington jobless rate dropped to 7.6 percent from 8 percent in March and also a year ago. U.S. unemployment stands at 9 percent.

Professional and business services, which were particularly strong in Dallas-Plano-Irving, added 24,700 jobs, up 5.9 percent. That was nearly double the U.S. increase of 3.2 percent.

... Financial activities added 9,600 jobs, up 4.2 percent, compared with a 0.4 percent loss nationally; leisure and hospitality, 7,500, up 2.7 percent, compared with 1.8 percent for the U.S.


Network TV: One Long Unpaid Political Commericial for Liberalism?

The Hollywood Report:

Some of TV's top executives from the past four decades may have gotten more than they bargained for when they agreed to be interviewed for a politically charged book that was released Tuesday, because video of their controversial remarks will soon be hitting the Internet.

The book makes the case that TV industry executives, writers and producers use their clout to advance a liberal political agenda. The author bases his thesis on, among other things, 39 taped interviews that he'll roll out piecemeal during the next three weeks.

... The advancement of a gay and lesbian political agenda is mentioned by multiple executives, including Marcy Carsey, a producer of "Soap" and "Roseanne," and "Desperate Housewives" producer Marc Cherry...

Pro-SSM Activists in NY Cancel Their Cable Over NOM's "Consequences" Ad

Pro-SSM activists in New York are threatening TimeWarner Cable -- which is airing ads on both sides of the marriage debate -- because they are, well, airing both sides of the debate.

The gay blog NCRM writes:

Time Warner Cable, which operates in 28 states, last month ran ads in New York State from the National Organization for Marriage advocating against same-​sex marriage .... Many were outraged to see this bigotry invade their homes. One man has decided to do something about it. Today, Jeffrey Marx has deemed to be Time Warner Cable Cancel Day, and he invites all Time Warner subscribers to cancel their Time Warner service.

Marx adds, “TWC has given me two form letter responses now, both defending themselves by saying they are presenting ads for both sides of the issue. TWC would never accept funds for an ad discriminating against black people, asian people, brunettes, people with blue eyes, or women. Presenting both sides continues the debate. There is no debate regarding Equality. Keeping the LGBT community as second class citizens is no longer a debatable issue. It is just plain wrong. Neither response from TWC mentioned legal issues regarding freedom of speech. I continue my Facebook project in confidence…

Video: Coming to a Public School Near YOU?

Fox News covered a class full of kindergartners in California being taught that you can feel like a girl, feel like a boy, feel like both, or feel like neither.

Watch it and tell us what you think:

The group brought in to teach children these lessons (allegedly to prevent bullying) is called Gender Spectrum.

"People can be girls, feel like girls, they can feel like boys, they can feel like both, and they can even feel, like I said, kinda like neither."

Conservative Minnesotan: "What [Pro-SSM] Activists Did After the Final [Vote] Was Despicable"

Gary Gross at the Minneapolis Conservative Examiner writes:

What [pro-SSM activists] did after the marriage amendment [passed] is described in this email:

What became unnerving was that last night as we moved closer to the vote they got louder and faster. There was one woman who screeched every time the main doors opened. Made me long for a pair of socks. It was an experience I will remember a long time. Especially seeing the backs of the state troopers--as they lined up shoulder to shoulder to keep the crowd from touching us. And the screaming, "Shame! Shame!" at us. Doesn't really go with earlier in the evening when they were singing Amazing Grace, and shouting "No Hate". Of course, they seemed to think it was perfectly loving to scream "Bigot" 10 inches from my face and spit on one of the other reps. (By the way, he has MS, walks with a cane and is a little slower. No hate, right?)

... Because of the [pro-SSM] activists' noisemaking, the doors were shut to allow debate. I've learned from several other GOP legislators that DFL legislators made a habit of leaving the House Chamber by way of the closed doors. When those doors opened, which is mandated when a legislator leaves the Chamber, the DFL legislators would take their sweet time walking through the door.

I'm told that the reason why DFL legislators did that was to give the [pro-SSM] activists plenty of time to hurl invectives at GOP legislators. I'm told that this went on throughout the debate.

... The [pro-SSM] media apologists should be ashamed for not reporting the [pro-SSM] despicable behavior.

Bill Would Effectively Ban US Christian Adoption Agencies

Rebecca Millette at LifeSiteNews:

A bill reintroduced into the U.S. House of Representatives this month proposes federal-level punishment for states that ban homosexual couples and non-married individuals from adopting children.  Effectively, the bill would ban all Catholic and Christian adoption agencies or forbid them from acting on faith beliefs.

Touted as the means for fixing a “flawed” system, the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act” would “prohibit discrimination in adoption or foster care placements” based on the “sexual orientation, gender identification, or marital status” of prospective adoptive and foster parents.

First introduced in October 2009 by Democratic California Rep. Pete Stark, the bill was re-introduced on May 3 with 52 co-sponsors in the House.  Democratic Senator Kristin Gillibrand of New York is expected to introduce companion legislation in the Senate in the coming weeks.

CNS: New Yorkers and Their Bishops Speak Up on Marriage

In the Catholic News Service:

With a push on by supporters of same-sex “marriage” to legalize it in New York state, supporters of traditional marriage — including New York’s archbishop — are mounting their own campaigns to keep marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

... On May 24, more than 350 people attended a morning rally outside the state Capitol in Albany, and hundreds more met with lawmakers in their offices later that day, according to organizers of the event.

Other recent efforts to fight any such measure included a rally in the Bronx that drew several thousand people, a pledge by the advocacy group National Organization for Marriage that it will spend $1.5million in advertising and campaign contributions to head off same-sex “marriage,” and a blog posting by Archbishop Timothy Dolan saying that the definition of marriage is “hard-wired into our human reason.”

Breaking News: NY Daily News Covers Threats Against Sen. Diaz

Posted by the New York Daily News this morning:

[Sen. Diaz' effort to protect marriage] has also drawn the Pentecostal minister into venomous, online clashes and spawned death threats called into his office. Now a Brooklyn gay bar will host a "F--- Ruben Diaz Festival."

"I have never preached hate," Diaz told the Daily News. "They're showing that they're the ones that are doing the hateful things."

Diaz said he and his family have received death threats due to his vocal stance on keeping gay marriage unlawful in New York State. They were reported to the FBI and Albany police, he said. "

We are in America; we are supposed to agree to disagree and respect each other's positions," the senator said.

On May 10, tweets by opponents of Diaz's May 15 rally included one in which the sender expressed the desire to sexually assault Diaz's daughter.

Gay Press Reporting New Effort to Pass SSM in Chile

Nobody else seems to be paying attention yet but:

Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera has announced that he will forward to parliament a bill that would grant both heterosexual and homosexual couples the ability to form civil unions, granting them many of the same rights as marriage.

Pinera announced his intentions in an interview published Saturday by daily El Mercurio. --LGBTQ Nation


Video: T-Paw on Protecting Marriage as One Man and One Woman

He tells Greta Van Susteren (back in early March) that a marital relationship between a man and a woman is unique -- via FoxNewsInsider:

The Rhetoric of Dignity in Justice Anthony Kennedy's Decisions

Noah Feldman at Harvard picks up on a trait of SCOTUS' swing Justice:

As it happens, some of Kennedy’s principles were on display in the California prisons case. The facts were simple: California’s prisons are at roughly 200 percent of capacity. Physically and mentally ill inmates sued for adequate services. Two courts over the last decade ordered improvements. When nothing happened, a special three-judge federal district court ordered that the facilities be reduced to 137.5 percent of capacity.

In reviewing the lower court’s finding, Kennedy started with what is undoubtedly his favorite constitutional concept: dignity. Prisoners, he said, have lost their liberty, yet they maintain their dignity as human beings. In fact, Kennedy asserted, the whole point of the Eighth Amendment’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment is to preserve human dignity.

Once dignity was in play, Kennedy was essentially guaranteed to hold in favor of the inmates. He has invoked the principle in a bewildering array of contexts, always with decisive force. Dignity was at the heart of Kennedy’s vote to preserve the basic abortion right in the famous Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision, where he wrote of the need to respect “choices central to personal dignity and autonomy.”

Breaking News: MN Marriage Amendment Supporters File to Raise Funds

Via the AP:

Minnesota for Marriage filed late last week with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board [to begin raising campaign donations].

The group includes the Minnesota Family Council and the Minnesota Catholic Conference and other religious and secular organizations.

The Legislature voted earlier this month to put the definition of marriage in Minnesota's Constitution to a statewide vote in November 2012.

Bloomberg's Claim That "Global Competitiveness" Depends on SSM is Absurd

Bloomberg doubles-down on the debunked claim that redefining marriage will stimulate state economies:

The billionaire mayor also made the case for cash when it comes to same-sex couples. "As other states recognize the rights of same-sex couples to marry, we cannot stand by and watch. To do so would be to betray our civic values and history – and it would harm our competitive edge in the global economy," he said. "This is an issue of democratic principles – but make no mistake, it carries economic consequences." -- WNYC

More and more public figures are scratching their head at such pronouncements:

... not everyone buys the same-sex marriage math in New York. State Senator John Bonacic of Mount Hope in Orange County told The Capitol Pressroom’s Susan Arbetter earlier this week that same-sex couples would ultimately be a drain on state resources.

“I think the gay-marriage advocates will say anything to propel this for approval, but in my mind, this is an economic issue, it’s not about allowing them to be together,” Bonacic was reported saying. He said the increased draws from unemployment, disability and inheritance benefits would be an “economic hit” on the state.

Make no mistake: if your elected officials or business leaders think gay marriage is the key to economic development - watch out. Your state economy is about to be in (more) trouble.

The New York Post, in fact, just published the results of a survey saying 36% of under-30 New Yorkers plan to flee the state:

More than one-third of young New Yorkers are packing their bags to escape crushing taxes, sky-high living costs and a deteriorating quality of life, according to an alarming new poll out yesterday.

The ominous NY1/YNN-Marist survey found that 36 percent of residents younger than 30 -- and 26 percent of all New Yorkers -- are planning their exit strategy...

Sixty-two percent of those planning to leave blame economic woes such as taxes, living costs or a lack of job opportunities, the poll found.

Meanwhile, foreclosures are up in New York while dropping in most the rest of the U.S.

Like we said, if your government or business leaders think gay marriage is the key to economic competitiveness, your economy is in trouble!

Mrs. Kyle Boller (nee Prejean)'s First Baby

Congrats to Carrie and her family:

Former beauty queen Carrie Prejean and husband Kyle Boller have welcomed a daughter, San Diego Union Tribune reports.

The couple's first child arrived on May 11, two days shy of Carrie’s 24th birthday. Contrary to reports last fall that they were expecting a boy, the bundle of joy is a girl named Grace Christina. --CelebrityBabyScoop

Brad Pitt's New Answer for Why Get Married: The Kids Want You To.

Family pressures to get married are nothing new, but in the new evolving "blue" family regime, the family pressures are coming not from parents, but from one's own children:

Why do people get married after having children? BBC posed this question last week, in light of British Labour leader Ed Miliband's marriage to his long-time partner and mother of his children, Justine Thornton.

Now, it seems, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are mulling the same thing.

Mr. Pitt, who had previously declared that he and Ms. Jolie would not marry each other until the U.S. made gay marriage legal, said in a new interview their children are giving them reason to change their minds.

“The kids ask about marriage,” he told USA Weekend. “It’s meaning more and more to them. So it’s something we’ve got to look at.” --Globe and Mail

“Brad and Angie have always said they’d marry if the kids needed them to,” a source says. Angelina has admitted multiple times that she and Brad wouldn’t be able to resist their kids’ request. “I think it would be hard to say no to the kids,” she said on Good Morning America and told Vanity Fair, “I honestly think we will [get married], if the kids want us to.” --HollyBaby

Here's the story on UK Labor leader Ed Milliband marrying his long-term girlfriend:

Labour leader Ed Miliband and his long-term partner Justine Thornton are due to get married. They already have two children, so why get hitched?

... Psychologist Donna Dawson, who has specialised in sex and relationships, says it is often about making a public statement."Having the children take part is like a ceremonial creation of a family and a public statement that they are all in it together. It's very much a 21st Century ritual, which more and more people will be doing."

She says even when couples say there isn't a specific reason, there is "always something going on underneath".

"Sometimes it is about marking a different stage in a relationship, or they might have taken a long time because of the bad example they were set by their own parents. There is usually a reason, even if they are not fully aware of it."