“He is a Boy”

Yesterday at Public Discourse, Anthony Esolen published a stirring piece entitled “A Boy’s Life with Unisex Scouts.” The piece brilliantly brings out the essential differences and complementarity of the sexes, so important to the institution of marriage:

The sex of a human being is marked in the voice, the hair, the shape of the face, the thickness of the bones, the contours of the torso, the quality of the skin, everywhere. A friend of the same sex is an image of myself, an alter ego. He echoes my voice.

But the spouse is no alter ego. The spouse complements my voice. The man to the woman and the woman to the man are suggestions on earth of the totaliter aliter, the wholly other.

Be sure to read the rest of this evocative essay!

White Ribbon Movement Supports Marriage

The Christian Post:

In the face of the continued national push to legalize same-sex marriage, individuals who believe in the longstanding social institution comprising only of one man and one woman are urged to join a recently launched campaign to support traditional marriage.

The new campaign, "God's Marriage Bow," was created by the Salt & Light Council, who is backing a new movement. They want supporters of traditional marriage to wear white bows in symbolic reference to the unity and purity of traditional marriage.

"The white color stands in contrast to the rainbow colors that advocate same-sex marriage," Dran Reese, President of the Salt & Light Council, said in a statement.

... The campaign began on March 26 to coincide with the first day of Supreme Court oral arguments concerning the future of marriage in America.

NOM's Brian Brown Responds to France's Effort to Redefine Marriage

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C.—The following statement may be attributed to Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage:

"It appears that France's socialist government is on the verge of succeeding in their ill-conceived quest to redefine marriage, despite massive grassroots opposition from the citizenry. We urge all French citizens to contact lawmakers to express their strong opposition to this policy. We also call on all citizens to conduct themselves honorably and peacefully. Even though the same-sex marriage policy being foisted on an unwilling public is profoundly unwise and anti-family, no citizen should ever express their disapproval through violent means. We condemn in the strongest possible terms violence by anyone on either side of this debate.

If the government of France does succeed with this vote to redefine marriage, it will not be the end of the debate. It will be time to hold the government accountable and to act to restore marriage to its rightful place as a good and honorable institution that brings husbands and wives together to provide children with both a mother and a father. NOM will continue to work with our friends in France to defend marriage as our most important social institution.

Specifically, NOM is working with the Collectif Famille Mariage (CFM), a charter member of the International Organization for Marriage (IOM). CFM—along with a wide coalition of pro-marriage organizations—is imploring France's Constitutional Council to carefully study and limit the scope of this law, which has been rushed through the Senate and the National Assembly.”


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

National Organization for Marriage Urges Rhode Island Senators to Reject Legislation Redefining Marriage

Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage

"Rhode Island voters deserve the right to vote on marriage just as voters in 35 other states have been able to do." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

Providence, RI — The National Organization for Marriage Rhode Island today urged state Senators to reject legislation redefining marriage and instead allow voters to determine the definition of marriage in Rhode Island. The Senate Judiciary Committee today passed two bills redefining marriage (SB 38, HB 5015) but narrowly failed to pass legislation allowing voters to determine the issue (SB 708).

"Marriage has served Rhode Island well since statehood and policymakers should not act unilaterally to redefine this foundational institution of society," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "Rhode Island voters deserve the right to vote on marriage just as voters in 35 other states have been able to do. We urge Senators not to redefine marriage and instead let the people vote."

The Senate Judiciary Committee defeated SB 708 on a 5-6 vote while passing SB 38 and HB 5015 redefining marriage. A recent statewide public opinion survey found that 78% of Rhode Island voters want the right to vote on the definition of marriage in the state.

"Now is the time for Rhode Island citizens to contact state Senators to tell them to let the people vote on marriage," said Scott T. Spear, a member of NOM Rhode Island's Advisory Board. "Rarely do nearly 80% of Rhode Islanders agree on a political issue, but that is the size of the overwhelming majority of voters who want the right to vote on marriage. The issue before state Senators is who gets to decide. We call on them to let the people vote."

NOM asked Rhode Island Senators not to undefine marriage and rip it from its historic roots to child-rearing, warning that when this has happened elsewhere, religious groups, small businesses and individuals have suffered.

"Marriage is intrinsically the union of a man and a woman and has been for thousands of years" Brown said. "When the definition of marriage has been changed elsewhere, we have seen countless examples of people being punished if they do not abandon their deeply-held beliefs that marriage is and can only be the union of a man and a woman. Wedding professionals have been fined, small businesses have been sued, church groups have lost their tax exemptions and religious-based charities have closed down, unable to compromise their beliefs about the true nature of marriage. Rhode Island risks these types of consequences if Senators vote to impose same-sex 'marriage.' The so-called religious liberty protections in SB 38 and HB 5015 are grossly inadequate and provide no protections at all for individuals or small businesses. These misguided bills should be defeated."


To schedule an interview with Scott T. Spear, Advisory Board member of NOM Rhode Island or Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Victory in NY!

In an important victory, a higher court has reinstated a lawsuit brought by NOM that sought to protect our rights to fully and fairly participate in the political process. Reuters reports:

The ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan will force a lower court to address whether a New York state election law that requires some political advocacy groups to disclose financial donors and other sensitive information curbs speech.

A three-judge panel of the appeals court, in a 2-1 decision, reinstated a lawsuit by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) against officials from the New York State Board of Elections. The Washington-based nonprofit organization had sought a declaratory judgment in 2010 that a state election law defining "political committee" violated the First Amendment.

Find out more about this lawsuit here.

Minnesotans Divided over Marriage Redefinition

After a contentious battle to defeat a ballot initiative that would have enshrined man-woman marriage in Minnesota State law last November, same-sex marriage activists are now pushing the Minnesota legislature to redefine marriage – even though they claimed repeatedly that this wouldn’t happen!

But the  Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party-sponsored initiative has very little support in rural areas, where that party might need it most. Minnesota Daily reports:

A Star Tribune poll in February found 38 percent of Minnesotans support the measure.

Autumn Leva, spokeswoman for Minnesota for Marriage, said those percentages decrease further away from the metro area.

The Star Tribune poll found 57 percent of people in Hennepin and Ramsey counties support same-sex marriage while only 19 percent said the same in outstate Minnesota.

Greater Minnesota is “very, very much opposed to the metro area’s attempt to force gay marriage on the rest of the state,” she said.

Read the rest here.

Nevada Senate Continues to Push Marriage Redefinition, Despite Governor’s Opposition

From the Las Vegas Sun:

Despite Gov. Brian Sandoval's belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman, the Senate Judiciary Committee is poised Thursday to approve a constitutional amendment on gay marriage.

Committee Chairman Sen. Tick Segerblom, D-Las Vegas, says there are enough votes for Senate Joint Resolution 13 to clear both the committee and the full Senate. Some Republicans are supporting the measure, he said.

Perhaps the most telling fact comes at the very end of the article:

The resolution has the support also of the wedding chapel industry who argued it would draw gay couples to Nevada from other states to get married.

Go figure!

Portman's Support Dips over SSM Flip-flop

Ohio Senator Rob Portman’s recent announcement that he has decided to favor same-sex marriage has had some political fallout, according to a poll from Quinnipiac University:

Portman's job approval rating among voters slips to 40 - 31 percent, fueled mainly by a dip in Republican support, since he came out in favor of gay marriage, according to a Quinnipiac University poll....

This compares to Sen. Portman's 44 - 24 percent approval rating in a February 28 survey by the independent Quinnipiac University. Republican approval drops from 63 - 8 percent to 57 - 21 percent, 41 percent of Republicans saying they think less favorably of Portman because of his support of same-sex marriage.

We’re still told time and again that Republican politicians should “evolve” on this issue to court voters. But the numbers continue to suggest otherwise.


"Wedding... just another vehicle to get the word out about safe sex"

Is same-sex marriage the same time-honored institution of marriage that societies everywhere have always recognized and celebrated, or does it represent a fundamental shift in principles and values, an essential and complete redefinition of marriage itself?

Well, imagine this promotion running in your grandparents’ Wall Street Journal as hopeful GI’s returned from World War II, and you tell me what you think:

NüVo Condoms to sponsor FIRST gay wedding ever at NYC PrideFest on June 30, 2013

NüVo Condoms is seeking a gay couple who is interested in getting hitched with an all expenses paid wedding at this years NYC PrideFest on June 30,2013. Are you a gay couple that has been looking to tie the knot? Wait no longer -- NüVo Condoms wants you to take the plunge! In honor of the 2nd year anniversary of the legalization of gay marriage in New York, NüVo will be sponsoring the FIRST WEDDING ever at NYC PrideFest for one lucky couple.


When speaking about the wedding at NYC Pridefest, BennyBwoy, spokesperson for NüVo Condoms stated, “We are excited about this event, we continue to create awareness for our brand, and more importantly the critical need for greater safe sex practices. This wedding is just another vehicle to get the word out about safe sex.”

The institution of marriage as “just another vehicle” to promote and advertise the use of condoms? Somehow I don’t think our ancestors would have seen it that way.

NY public school to girls: "Ask one another for a kiss"

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

In 2011, before same-sex marriage was legalized in New York, promises were made that the bill would not impact anyone but same-sex couples who simply desired to be 'married.' We knew that was false then... and New York parents are beginning to learn the truth now.

Christian News is reporting that in Red Hook, New York, 13 and 14 year old girls were encouraged to mimic lesbian behavior and to "ask one another for a kiss" at a school "anti-bullying" presentation. Two girls were brought on stage and asked to act like lesbians out on a date. The boys were told to carry a condom with them at all times.

Parents weren't given any notice of this school event. And, confronted by angry parents, "the principal and the district superintendant are defending the workshops, and are advising that they will schedule more."

My friend, this is what's at stake: our right to raise our children with our values, free from indoctrination into alternative "lifestyles" under the guise of "anti-bullying," "tolerance" and "gender identity."

Please click here right away to make a secure, confidential donation of $35, $50, $100, $500 or even $1000 or more to help NOM defend marriage and traditional family values all across the country!

And right now every donation you give will be matched by a generous supporter—so your donation today will have TWICE the impact!

You and I know that same-sex marriage isn't a "live and let live" proposition... it's a direct attack on the values and religious liberties of people with a traditional understanding of marriage.

Politicians never forthrightly tell citizens that their daughters could be encouraged at school to kiss another girl or that their sons should always carry a condom. They don't tell you that second graders can be taught about same-sex "marriage" in class, or that the existence of gay "marriage" would be used by a lesbian sex-ed teacher in Massachusetts to instruct her students in the details of having lesbian sex. And they don't tell you about all the people who are sued or punished for refusing to go along with a gay "marriage" regime and who hold firm for traditional marriage.

It's an agenda pushed by a set of people who truly believe that anyone who stands up for the simple truth that marriage is between a man and a woman because children have a right to both a mother and a father is a bigot and must be treated as such under the law. And as such, the law must be brought to bear to "correct" our hateful thinking and ensure that this "hatred" is not passed along to our children.

And yet, whenever bills to legalize same-sex marriage are proposed, activists and their political allies fall all over themselves to reassure the public that traditional values and religious liberties will be respected and that there will be no consequences for people of faith.

They're doing so again, right now in Rhode Island and Delaware—both of which have same-sex marriage legislation pending—making the same exact promises about values, religious liberty and education that have been broken time and again in other states.

For the sake of our children, we cannot let them get away with this!

Please donate right away to support NOM's efforts to fight against this assault against our religious liberties and our children.

It is critical that we demonstrate the American people's support of marriage as the union of one man and one woman at precisely the time when the Supreme Court is deliberating the most important cases of our generation!

If same-sex "marriage" is passed in Rhode Island and Delaware, people of faith and their children will be in the crosshairs. In addition, it will provide a boost to efforts in other states to redefine marriage and feed the false narrative that marriage redefinition is inevitable.

Supporter, redefining marriage is NOT inevitable. NOM has defeated countless bills seeking to redefine marriage in the past... and with your help, we will continue to do so at this most critically important juncture!

Because wherever marriage has been redefined, people of faith have suffered and children are targeted.

Please click here right away to make a generous donation to support NOM's efforts around the country to protect marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.

Remember—thanks to a generous supporter, every donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar. But that powerful support can only be activated if you make a donation today!

We MUST stand up and fight to defend marriage. Please join us.

Thank you.

SPLC's "King of Fearmongers"

In an article entitled “King of Fearmongers,” Charlotte Allen at The Weekly Standard takes an in-depth and incisive look at the Southern Poverty Law Center and its founder, Morris Dees. Allen concludes:

[T]here may soon come a day when the SPLC’s donation-generating machine, powered by Dees’s mastery of the use of “hate” to coax dollars from the highly educated and the highly gullible, finally breaks down.

Read the entire piece for the evidence that spells out this likelihood.


California Considers Mandated Insurance for "Gay Infertility"

Ben Shapiro writes at TownHall:

This week, Wesley Smith of the Weekly Standard reported that California would be considering AB 460, a bill that would mandate group insurance coverage for so-called gay and lesbian "infertility." What in the world does that bizarre phrase mean? It doesn't mean situations in which two members of a lesbian couple are both infertile and incapable of conception using some third party's sperm. It doesn't mean situations in which two gay men are both infertile and incapable of impregnating a surrogate mother. It means situations in which gay or lesbian couples can't make a baby by having sex with each other.

In other words, every single gay and lesbian couple on the planet.

The way the law works, gay and lesbian couples would simply have to testify that they have been having sex for a year without producing a child to be considered "infertile," which is idiotic, since baby-making requires necessary components missing in homosexual activity. But nature is irrelevant here. Even though both men and women were, to borrow Lady Gaga's phrase, "born this way," political correctness trumps nature.

URGENT! Same-Sex Marriage Vote in Dover TOMORROW!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The gay marriage bill introduced last week in the Delaware legislature is being voted on TOMORROW!

Please take action right away! Click here to contact your legislators TODAY and tell them to respect the historic and common sense understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman by voting NO on House Bill 75!

The Delaware state Constitution does NOT offer citizens the right to overrule legislators through a voter initiative or constitutional amendment referendum. With nearly 2-1 Democratic majorities in both houses of the legislature and Governor Markell putting intense political pressure on Democratic members, we need your help right away to stop this bill from passing!

Supporter, with your help, we CAN stop same-sex marriage from coming to Delaware!

Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard today.

Your message will be immediately sent to your state Senator and Representative, urging them to stand up and protect marriage and religious liberty.

As you know, we've heard that same-sex marriage bills were "inevitable" and "sure things" before. And—when the citizens who respect and value marriage stand up—we've been able to stop them!

The incredibly misnamed "Civil Marriage Equality and Religious Freedom Act of 2013" is anything but... under this proposed legislation the only religious "protection" offered is to exempt clergy from being forced to perform same-sex weddings. No individual conscience protections are offered for people who don't recognize same-sex "marriages." No protections for business owners from being sued.

As if we need any more reminders why this is such a crucial issue and a critical moment for our State, news from up north gives us the latest terrible example of what happens where marriage is redefined. Christian News reports:

A recent anti-bullying presentation at a middle school in New York that focused on homosexuality and gender identity has angered parents after their daughters have come home to tell them they were forced to ask another girl for a kiss.


During the workshop for girls, the 13 and 14-year-olds were told to ask one another for a kiss. They were also taught words such as "pansexual" and "genderqueer."

Parents were not given any advance notice about this instruction, nor afforded the opportunity to opt their kids out of it. This is what's at stake: our right to raise our children with our values!

Everywhere that same-sex "marriage" has been made the law of the land, we have immediately seen Christians and other people of faith put in the crosshairs. Don't let that happen in Delaware!

Please take action right away!

Thank you.


National Organization for Marriage RI

Dear Marriage Supporter,

It's happening NOW—Senate Bill 38, which would redefine marriage in Rhode Island, may be voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee today or tomorrow, and swiftly move to a vote before the full chamber!

This vote is by no means a "done deal." It will be close, but there's still a chance of keeping this bill from moving out of committee—that's why it's so important that you act right away!

Here are three ways you can help now:

  1. Send an urgent email message to the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, your State Senator, and the Senate leadership—letting them know that the citizens of the Ocean State will not stand idly by while marriage is redefined against our will and without our input!

  2. Take some time to place a personal phone call to these Senators' offices, urging them to VOTE NO ON SENATE BILL 38 both in Committee and on the Senate Floor.

    22 Sen. Stephen R. Archambault (401) 276-2599
    18 Sen. William J. Conley, Jr. (401) 438-1924
    35 Sen. Dawson Tucker Hodgson (401) 203-3256
    5 Sen. Paul V. Jabour (401) 751-3300
    26 Sen. Frank S. Lombardi (401) 270-1379
    31 Sen. Erin P. Lynch (401) 739-8500
    29 Sen. Michael J. McCaffrey (401) 739-7576
    6 Sen. Harold M. Metts (401) 272-0112
    15 Sen. Donna M. Nesselbush (401) 728-3244
    33 Sen. Leonidas P. Raptakis (401) 397-2720
    38 Sen. Dennis L. Algiere 401-222-2708
    4 Sen. Dominick J. Ruggerio 401-222-3310
    13 Senate President Teresa Pavia-Weed 401-222-6655
    1 Sen. Mary-Ellen Goodwin 401-272-3102

  3. Make plans to be at the Statehouse in Providence tomorrow—Tuesday, April 23—at 3:00PM, when the Senate Judiciary Committee meets to consider this issue again. Show them by your presence that Rhode Island stands for marriage!

We must act now to let our legislators know that marriage is not of the State's making and not theirs to unmake by radical redefinition!

As if we need any more reminders why this is such a crucial issue and a critical moment for our State, news from across the sound today gives us the latest terrible example of what happens where marriage is redefined. Christian News reports:

A recent anti-bullying presentation at a middle school in New York that focused on homosexuality and gender identity has angered parents after their daughters have come home to tell them they were forced to ask another girl for a kiss.


During the workshop for girls, the 13 and 14-year-olds were told to ask one another for a kiss. They were also taught words such as "pansexual" and "genderqueer."

Parents were not given any advance notice about this instruction, nor afforded the opportunity to opt their kids out of it. This is what's at stake: our right to raise our children with our values!

Thank you for your urgent help in this crucial, make-or-break hour!

Anti-Bullying Presentation Forces Middle School Girls to Ask for Same-Sex Kiss

BEFORE marriage is redefined, we're always told these things will never happen. Yet this seems to be what always happens.

A recent anti-bullying presentation at a middle school in New York that focused on homosexuality and gender identity has angered parents after their daughters have come home to tell them they were forced to ask another girl for a kiss.

During the workshop for girls, the 13 and 14-year-olds were told to ask one another for a kiss. They were also taught words such as “pansexual” and “genderqueer.”

Parent Mandy Coon told reporters that her daughter was very uncomfortable with the exercise. “She told me, ‘Mom, we all get teased and picked on enough; now I’m going to be called a lesbian because I had to ask another girl if I could kiss her,’” she lamented. “They also picked two girls to stand in front of the class and pretend they were lesbians on a date.”

Coon stated that she was especially irate over the matter because parents were given no warning about the presentations, nor an opportunity to opt out. She is also dismayed that college students were granted the right to come into the classroom and encourage her daughter to be sexually active.  -Christian News Network