Weekend Viewing: Brian Brown debates HRC on SSM

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WaTimes analysis of proposed VA adoption regs: only 30 in favor out of almost 1,100 comments

The Washington Times undertook an independent survey of the comments posted during the public comment section over Virginia's proposed new adoption regs. Here's what they found:

"Fewer than 30 people supported the changes, according to a Washington Times review of the 1,074 comments."

Thank you once again to everyone who helped us get the word out last week - your efforts resulted in an absolutely overwhelming show of opposition to these harmful proposed changes.

Please continue to encourage VA Gov. Bob McDonnell to oppose these regs (you can do so easily right here). He's already expressed opposition to changing the system and thereby threatening all the religious-based organizations that already work on behalf of kids in Virginia, but let's make sure he continues to hear from us.

"Gay Marriage Can't Pass RI House" - NOM Marriage News 4/7/2011

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Is another great victory in the offing?

The Rhode Island newsblog GoLocalProv is reporting this morning: "GAY MARRIAGE CAN'T PASS RI HOUSE"!!!!

SSM Bill Blocked in Rhode Island House!

Edith Ajello

Even Edith Ajello, a prominent Providence progressive, admits the bill is currently at least six to eight votes short of the 38 votes needed to pass the Rhode Island House. And the RI House was supposed to be the easy part. A lot of House members are scratching their heads, wondering why they should be pushed to vote on a bill causing such a public outcry—when it's clear, they say, that the bill is dead on arrival in the Senate. Read more »

Virginia Governor to Block Mandate Requiring Agencies to do Gay Adoptions

Bob McDonnell

The Democratic administration of Tim Kaine left a little time bomb in the making for incoming Gov. Bob McDonnell, in the form of new regulations which would require all adoption and foster care agencies to do gay adoptions. The gay blogs flipped when we dubbed this the "mandatory gay adoption" regs, but that is just what they are. Sometimes the truth hurts! Read more »

Tim Gill Threatens $2M Campaign Against Colorado Lawmakers over Civil Unions Bill

Tim Gill

After Colorado legislators rejected a civil unions bill, Tim Gill's lawyer, Ted Trimpa, issued a threat, according to KWGN news: Gill, the gay millionaire whose riches are largely responsible for the Democratic takeover in Colorado over the past decade, will now be spending millions more to defeat Republicans across the state, starting with GOP members of the statehouse. "It might be a difference of, before, spending $200,000 [on 2012 House races], and now spending $2 million," Gill's lawyer said. Read more »

Together, we can fight back against the gay billionaires and the mainstream media distortions, which relentlessly and falsely counsel despair.

Together we can defend marriage, democracy and religious liberty.

Thank you for everything you've done to make these amazing victories possible!

I pledge to be a faithful steward of your money, of your values, of your time—because it all belongs to God, not to you and me, right?

May God's blessings be abundantly on you and your house,

Brian brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. NOM-Rhode Island has spent more than $200,000 in media and outreach campaigns to let the people know what the legislature was proposing to do.

Our action alert in Virginia sent hundreds of supporters to oppose the bill on the grounds that it would hurt children by restricting the rights of religious adoption agencies in Virginia to help find good homes for neediest children.

We cannot do this without your help. Can you pledge $10 this month to help NOM's national fight for marriage? A monthly pledge by thousands of supporters just like you helps give us a base of steady income with which to plan the year's battles. Nationally with DOMA, which Pres. Obama is trying to undercut, and in states like Maryland, Rhode Island, Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia, Minnesota, and elsewhere, we need to be the true rainbow coalition—coming together in love to defend God's truth about marriage. Will you help us defend the truth, democracy, and the rights of a free people today with your pledge of just $10 this month or every month?

After Obama's DOMA Dereliction, Gay Activists Launch 50-State Strategy to Undermine It

The call to defend marriage must be nationwide, because the efforts to undermine it are similarly state-oriented. The gay-newspaper The Advocate reports:

The Courage Campaign has launched a 50-state strategy to repeal the so-called Defense of Marriage Act, which is also being challenged in federal court cases and by Congress.

"From the reddest and most homophobic, to the bluest and pro-LGBT, everyone can play a part."

This is a perfect opportunity to make sure that your representative has signed on to the bill in Congress (currently with over 100 co-sponsors) rebuking the Obama administration for its DOMA dereliction.

Obama's DOMA dereliction gives Democrat Rep. Green Light to Call On Homeland Security to Stop Enforcing DOMA too

Now that Obama has given the green light for subverting the responsibility to defend DOMA, Democrat Rep. Rush Holt is opening up a new front in the war against marriage. This from the Associated Press:

U.S. Rep. Rush Holt is pushing the Obama administration to halt deportation proceedings against the same-sex spouses of U.S. citizens.The case underscores the ambiguous status of the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as the union of a heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman.

Earlier this year, Attorney General Eric Holder said the government would no longer defend the law in court. But the administration continues to enforce it.

The status of DOMA is not ambiguous - in fact, it's very clear: Congress passed DOMA. And now the President refuses to defend it. So the only ambiguity is how various government entities are meant to deal with this contradiction.

All the more reason to lend some clarity to the situation by joining our efforts to Defend DOMA.

All Leading GOP Candidates Say They Oppose SSM

From The Wall Street Journal's Washington Wire blog:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney appears to be the early front-runner in the largely unformed race for the Republican nomination for president, but real estate magnate Donald Trump may be a surprise contender, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

Among Republican primary voters, Mr. Romney captured the support of 21% in a broad, nine-candidate field. Mr. Trump was tied for second with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, with 17%. House Speaker Newt Gingrich got 11%, just ahead of former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s 10%.

Chris Plante: It's Down to the Wire in Rhode Island

The latest news from GoLocalProv, a news blog in the Ocean State:

Sources are telling GoLocalProv that more than three months into the legislative session, there still are not enough votes in the Rhode Island House to ensure that a gay marriage bill would pass.

NOM-RI's Chris Plante says it's going to come down to the wire:

“Both the potential committee and floor votes remain on a knife’s edge. One or two key votes will swing the outcome in either direction,” said Chris Plante, executive director of the state chapter of the National Organization for Marriage. “Madam Chairperson Ajello seems overly optimistic—it is safe to say that if Speaker Fox had the support in committee or on the floor he would be calling for a vote.”

“However, by no means does this mean the battle is over,” he added. “The National Organization for Marriage-Rhode Island expects that Speaker Fox, Governor Chafee, and homosexual-marriage advocates will continue to press the House of Representatives on this issue.

Therefore, we are urging supporters of one man/one woman marriage to remain vigilant, continue calling and email their representatives, and to visit the Statehouse in person to speak to their representatives.”

Now is the time to stay fully engaged! Find out how at the NOM-RI website.

Victory in Sight! McDonnell Pledges to Block Mandatory Gay Adoption Rules, Protect Religious Agencies

The Washington Times:

Virginia Gov. Robert F. McDonnell’s office has confirmed that it is taking steps to block proposed rules that would compel private agencies to place foster children with unmarried couples, including gay couples.

“This was language proposed by the Kaine administration. We are working with the agency to remove the language,” McDonnell spokeswoman Taylor Thornley said Wednesday.

... Private agencies, such as LDS Family Services, Bethany Christian Services and Catholic Charities, are also allowed to consider religion when they match parents and children.

These current regulations “seem to be working well,” Mr. McDonnell said.

Lacking support, RI Speaker Fox may vote SSM out of committee as an outside member

Gordon Fox, the openly-gay speaker of the RI House, is apparently mulling voting for SSM as an ex officio member, because they lack the votes otherwise:

As the gay marriage bill remains stalled in the House Judiciary Committee, Statehouse sources tell GoLocalProv that there is widespread talk that House Speaker Gordon Fox might intervene to get the bill out of the committee.

As the Speaker, House rules allow Fox to vote as an ex officio member of the committee. Several Statehouse sources say that could be one way to get the bill out of Judiciary. “I think he might come in and vote for it,” said Judiciary Committee member Charlene Lima.

... a GoLocalProv tally of the votes shows that the bill still faces an uphill battle. Based on interviews and public statements of the reps, GoLocalProv counts three confirmed yes votes and five no votes. That leaves six reps who did not respond to inquiries in time for publication and one who did, but said he did not yet have a public position on the bill.

FROM NOM'S NATIONAL NEWSLETTER: Virginia Governor to Block Mandate Requiring Agencies to do Gay Adoptions

Another great victory is looming in Virginia, thanks to you and your help!

The Democratic administration of Tim Kaine left a little time bomb in the making for incoming Gov. Bob McDonnell, in the form of new regulations which would require all adoption and foster care agencies to do gay adoptions. The gay blogs flipped when we dubbed this the "mandatory gay adoption" regs, but that is just what they are. Sometimes the truth hurts!

The new regs were proposed in the final weeks of the Kaine administration, hurriedly approved without publicity by the outgoing attorney general. Ostensibly designed to prevent "discrimination" against gay people in adoption, these mean-spirited regs would have actually driven religious adoption agencies out of business, by withholding licenses to agencies which refuse to do same-sex couple adoptions. (In a companion absurdity, it would also ban any kind of preference for married couples by banning "discrimination" based on "family status.")

We sent out two action alerts—with just hours to go, hundreds of you responded to our call to oppose the regulations on the public comment page. With just three or four hours to respond, before comments closed, the number of public comments opposing the regs jumped from less than 100 to close to a thousand. Way to go, and thank you!

A second action alert called on Gov. Bob McDonnell to block these regulations.

And this morning we heard from the Washington Times that McDonnell''s office has confirmed that he will block the regulations.

Thank you! You speak, and the powerful listen!

FROM NOM'S NATIONAL NEWSLETTER: Tim Gill Threatens $2M Campaign Against Colorado Lawmakers over Civil Unions Bill

NOM aims to be your voice for your values. To be your smart, lean, efficient, and strategic pathway to victory!

We cannot afford to underestimate the forces that oppose us—spiritual and otherwise.

After Colorado legislators rejected a civil unions bill, Tim Gill's lawyer, Ted Trimpa, issued a threat, according to KWGN news:

Gill, the gay millionaire whose riches are largely responsible for the Democratic takeover in Colorado over the past decade, will now be spending millions more to defeat Republicans across the state, starting with GOP members of the statehouse.

"It might be a difference of, before, spending $200,000 [on 2012 House races], and now spending $2 million," Gill's lawyer said.

Here's two interesting things to notice about this threat: It disappeared from the news website within hours. We've asked but we've had no explanation for why Gill's threat, which is surely newsworthy, would disappear from a mainstream news website without any explanation.

We do know: It is very unusual for Gill to make a threat. The gay billionaire prefers to sneak up on politicians quietly and behind the scenes. It is rare to see a news point in the mainstream media these days which advocates of gay marriage don't like. Is this a blatant case of self-censorship by the mainstream media to further a political cause? I don't know, but we'll let you know what we find out.

Here's the more important point to notice: Tim Gill and gay-marriage advocates need millions to influence politics, because they don't have actual voters.

We do not need to match them dollar for dollar to fight for God's truth about marriage—but we do need resources to get that truth out to the citizens who can make a difference.

FROM NOM'S NATIONAL NEWSLETTER: SSM Bill Blocked in Rhode Island House!

The Rhode Island newsblog GoLocalProv is reporting this morning: "GAY MARRIAGE CAN'T PASS RI HOUSE"!!!!

Edith Ajello

Even Edith Ajello, a prominent Providence progressive, admits the bill is currently at least six to eight votes short of the 38 votes needed to pass the Rhode Island House. And the RI House was supposed to be the easy part A lot of House members are scratching their heads, wondering why they should be pushed to vote on a bill causing such a public outcry—when it's clear, they say, that the bill is dead on arrival in the Senate.

"Why we're going to take on a contentious issue when we know it's dormant in the other side of the building—higher minds would have to answer that question," Democrat Jon Brien said.

Robert Flaherty

"The Senate's not going to pass," said Robert Flaherty, D-Warwick. "It's just an exercise in futility."

Don't stop now, in other words—another tremendous victory is within our grasp!

Now, we take that headline and those quotes with a grain of salt, and a renewed commitment to fight for marriage—Rhode Island Marriage Equality is still promising its supporters that the bill will pass this year.

But let's pause for a moment to celebrate the extraordinary admission: The people can make a difference!

This is the Rhode Island House. With an openly gay speaker. Who said he would pass a bill through the house in early February.

NOM's own Maggie Gallagher and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse both testified at that hearing.

Here's Dr. Morse testifying.

Maggie came back and told me, "It was very clear that there was a massive outpouring of opposition and those judiciary committee members were desperately seeking some alternative or compromise that would get them out of voting for gay marriage."

Kudos in particular to the Hispanic community of Rhode Island, which turned out in force to oppose the bill. The Hispanic Pastoral Association delivered a petition with 5,500 signatures from Hispanic Christians opposing gay marriage—and most of them live in core-Democrat inner-city districts.

Gordon Fox, who had planned to ram the bill quickly through—the big fight was supposed to be on the senate side—suddenly pulled the bill. He claimed he had the votes to pass it, but with Ajello's admission it's clear that they do not have them yet!

Now is not the time to stop! If you live in Rhode Island tell your representative—you oppose redefining marriage and you vote!

LA Times Cartoon Promotes LGBT Agenda in CA Schools

By Ted Rall for the Los Angeles Times (we've discussed the bill this cartoon is referring to here).

Photo: Gay Marriage Activists Stop Rush Hour Traffic in NYC *again*

The activist group "Queer Rising" has promised to disrupt life in NYC the first of every month until (they say) New York redefines marriage to include same-sex unions. Last month they blocked off 6th Avenue. This month they blocked traffic in front of Governor Cuomo's midtown Manhattan office:

Oddly enough, Governor Cuomo has been very active trying to push SSM in the state, but evidently not enough for this group.

The Advocate reports on a related public protest: "At Grand Central Station, a drag queen wedding took place, with 10 drag queens enacting a ceremony to raise awareness about the need for marriage equality laws."


URGENT ALERT: Tell Gov. McDonnell to Oppose Same-Sex Adoption Regs

The next 10 days will decide whether Virginia government is going to shut down adoption agencies because of their religious beliefs.

Read this action alert and then act now to protect religious liberty in Virginia!

Thanks to the hundreds of you who submitted comments last Friday opposing the proposed Virginia DPS regulations that would require religious adoption agencies to place children with same-sex couples, shutting them down if they refuse.

The public comment period has closed, but on Friday alone, more than 900 comments were submitted, with the great majority opposing the new regulations.

But the work isn't finished!

This new regulations were already far along before the public comment period even began back in January. As State Delegate Bob Marshall told Virginians yesterday:

Bob Marshall

“I understand Governor McDonnell's office now realizes this change is a problem. But Governor's McDonnell's staff previously signed off on these adoption changes on 12/28/10, his Secretary of Health signed off on 7/19/10, Department of Planning and Budget signed off on 2/19/10 and former Attorney General's office signed off on 12/14/09, according to Virginia's official Regulatory Town Hall website... Governor McDonnell can still weigh in on the homosexual adoption regulations and propose an amendment, but he only has 15 days from April 1 to act.

— Bob Marshall, Virginia State Delegate

That's right, the next 10 days will decide whether Virginia government is going to shut down adoption agencies because of their religious beliefs.

ACT NOW to Protect Religious Liberty

Please send Governor McDonnell a message today! Urge him to personally intervene and request amendments to protect the rights of Virginia's faith-based adoption agencies today!

Then tell your friends and neighbors about this alert through Facebook, on Twitter, and by email.