Gay Marriage in Maryland: Why Not?

Legislation to redefine marriage could get a vote in the Maryland Senate next week, which would change the definition of marriage from a man and a woman to “any two persons.”

... What’s wrong with same-sex marriage? [Continue reading]

After SSM: What Next? In Massachusetts, gender-bending...

In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick just signed an executive order (#506) requiring affirmative action based on "gender identity and expression" within state government, and for everyone who does business with the state of Massachusetts:

Section 4. All programs, activities, and services provided, performed, licensed, chartered, funded, regulated, or contracted for by the state shall be conducted without unlawful discrimination based on race, color, age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, ancestry, national origin, disability, veteran’s status (including Vietnam-era veterans), or background.  Equal opportunity and diversity shall be protected and affirmatively promoted in all state, state-assisted, and state-regulated programs, activities, and services.  Non-compliance shall subject violators to such disciplinary or remedial actions as permitted by law.  This provision applies, but is not limited to, the use and operation of facilities owned, leased, funded or subject to control by the Commonwealth; the sale, lease, rental, financing, construction, or development of housing; state-licensed or chartered health care facilities, educational institutions, and businesses; education, counseling, and training programs; and public schools.

After SSM: What Next? In San Fran, banning circumcision...

The next big idea out of San Francisco: ban circumcision.

That's really the next big idea for liberals?  No Jews allowed?

NOM Weekend Roundup

We know weekends are busy, so here are some of our recent, thought-provoking posts for you to peruse when you get a chance:

Did you see the poll we released at the end of last week? A Majority of Maryland Voters Believe Marriage is Only One Man-One Woman! And now, a quick tour around the states:

This article published in the "Modern Love" section of the New York Times stopped us in our tracks: "Perfect, with Childbearing Hips." That's it for this week's Weekend Roundup!

"Perfect, With Childbearing Hips"

Andrea Askowitz, author of "My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy” writes in the NYT's "Modern Love" section:

The nurse came in and showed Victoria the vial of my donor’s sperm. She gave us the sperm’s stats: fast and abundant. Victoria confirmed the donor number.

“Can I do the insemination?” I asked.

Before the nurse answered, Victoria said, “I don’t think you can do that.”

I felt clubbed in the head.

MY moment was now and the woman I loved — my woman with childbearing hips — was thwarting my destiny. [source]

Gay hotels investigated for breaching UK equality laws

Gay guesthouses accused of discriminating:

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is examining whether "gay-only" guesthouses breach new laws designed to prevent people being treated unfairly in the provision of goods or services.

... The watchdog has also said it spent £15,320 of taxpayers' money on projects to ensure hotels run by Christians are complying with the law and has written to warn them over their treatment of homosexuals.

Hoteliers who run same-sex guesthouses fear they could be put out of business if they are forced to open their doors to heterosexual couples as it will make their core market feel more self-conscious. [Source]

"What did you vow?"

From a SFChronicle profile:

"I really feel married," Page McBee says. On the eve of her 30th birthday, she's off for a weeklong honeymoon in the Yucatan. Michael Braithwaite, 31, her spouse since September, a former skeptic about marriage - "a patriarchal institution on its way down in flames," she says - finds her current state amusing and authentic (and, ironically, not legally sanctioned).

What did you vow?

Page: "To be myself, and to support Michael to be herself."

Michael: "To be true, and let the relationship grow."


After HI civil unions passes, activist admits schools are next

From the Honolulu Star Advertiser:

In response to opponents who are worried that same-sex lifestyles would be taught to public school students with no option for parents to remove their child, Earhart [President of Dignity USA-Honolulu] said homosexuality should be part of sex education because some don't see where they fit into a largely heterosexual society.

"It's not going to be one or the other. Now there's only heterosexual relationships (taught). At least 10 percent of us are being left out. It's making us feel bad because it leaves us out of the equation." [source]

Breaking: WY Senate voids out-of-state SSM recognition

"The Wyoming Senate narrowly voted Friday to stop recognition of same-sex marriages and civil unions from outside the state." [source]

Maryland resident asks "Who's demonizing who?"

Robert Nelson of Gaithersburg, MD, in a letter to the editor published by the Washington Post:

When I devoted an entire day to come to Annapolis and engage in a civil debate on the same-sex marriage bill on Feb. 8, I never envisioned receiving such an insensitive and denigrating response from any elected official as the one I received from Sen. James Brochin. Brochin mischaracterized everyone who spoke in opposition to the bill by saying, “witness after witness demonized homosexuals, vilified the gay community, and described gays and lesbians as pedophiles,” a quote The Post has now repeated in its Feb. 17 editorial, “Make Maryland a Free State.”

What I saw, however, were people from various walks of life showing compassion for the children of Maryland and defending the faith tradition of marriage that has built our society. I heard from people who have done extensive research in marriage make convincing arguments that the traditional family is the best environment for nurturing our next generation. I witnessed those in the African American community taking offense at the use of the term “civil rights” in reference to this bill, as they had endured severe oppression that gay men and lesbians have never experienced.

It is unfortunate that The Post has spread inflammatory rhetoric against opponents. This is serving to agitate many Maryland citizens who may already feel that their elected officials are not listening to them. In more than 30 states where there has been a vote on same-sex marriage, the people have consistently rejected it. These Maryland citizens are more than ready to sign a petition to get this issue on the ballot.


Dr. Pat Fagan's 2011 Family Trends Report

Dr. Patrick Fagan and the Marriage and Religion Research Institute have released their 2011 report which tracks the behaviors of the American Family in the five major institutions of society (family, church, school, marketplace and government).

This chart, which shows the declining marriage rate in the U.S., is one of dozens featured in the 200+ page report:

Source: Marriage and Religion Resource Institute (

After SSM: What Next?

From the State of the LGBT Movement address for 2011 [full text here]: "Truly transformative change, change that shifts the very foundations of our society ... this is the change to which we are called."

CA bill would force AG to do "his duty"

State Senator Tom Harman of California's 35th Senate District introduced Senate Bill 5. The bill officially titled “Attorney General: Defense of Initiative Statutes,” would require the Attorney General to defend against constitutional challenge, at the trial court level or as a respondent or appellant at the court of appeal or the Supreme Court, a constitutional amendment or an initiative statute that has been approved by the voters. [source]

Dr. Morse: Privatizing Marriage is Never the Answer

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute wrote back in 2009 - and it's still true today - that "Far from settling the marriage debate, ‘getting the state out of marriage’ will reduce liberty, leave cultural questions simmering, and harm our nation’s children." [More]

"So Far, So Good!"

Pro-SSM folks often claim that gay marriage won't hurt anyone. This line from the movie Le Haine comes to mind (from the English subtitles):

"It's about a society on its way down, and as it falls, it keeps telling itself, 'So far so good... so far so good... so far so good.' It's not how you fall that matters. It's how you land."

h/t: Steve Perisho