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Billboards in Putnam County, Tenn., promote biblical view of marriage between man and woman

Supporters rally to keep signs up and spread the message nationwide


COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- A grassroots effort to promote the biblical view of "Marriage God's Way" has materialized into the form of two billboards in Putnam County.

The billboards, produced by Roland Advertising of Cookeville, Tenn., depict a young man and woman along with the words: "Man + Woman = Marriage God's Way" in reference to Genesis 2:24 from the Bible. The first, located on Tennessee State Highway 111 south of Interstate 40, went up in September. A second billboard went up on I-40, westbound before Exit 290, in October.

Though the message is controversial, supporters of the sign, who have no official name for their group, say it is needed around their region and beyond. They hope news of the billboard will spread and become a nationwide effort among fellow advocates of marriage between one man and one woman.

"I just thought this billboard was a marvelous idea," said Lois Irby, one of several Cookeville-area supporters of the sign. "You hear so much about same-sex marriage on TV, and it's so readily accepted by the public. Children, unless they have some kind of religious training at home, are taught to accept it and not question it or feel that it's wrong. I think God's word needs to be inserted as often as possible to reaffirm that homosexuality is wrong. It doesn't need to be presented in a glorified light
as just an alternate lifestyle."

Another sign supporter, Kerry Duke, who also serves as dean at Tennessee Bible College in Cookeville, said the group purposely avoided a reference to "traditional marriage" in the billboard.

"The will of God -- not tradition -- is the basis for saying that marriage should be between people of the opposite sex," Duke said. "Marriage between a man and a woman is not right because it is traditional. It is traditional
because it is right."

He added, "There are two basic ways of looking at marriage. Either humans invented marriage or God created it. If marriage is a human arrangement, then a society may alter it at will or do away with it altogether. But if marriage is a divine institution, then only God has the right to say what it is and who has the moral right to be in it."

Duke and Irby are co-workers at Tennessee Bible College. Irby is also a member of the Putnam County Right to Life group. The idea for the "Marriage God's Way" billboard began several months back during a conversation at work about pro-life billboards.

"The Putnam County Right to Life group and other pro-life organizations have put up some great signs that are very encouraging to those of us who believe in the sanctity of life in the womb," Duke said. "Lois and I were talking one morning about these pro-life signs when I mentioned that it would be great to have some signs which promote marriage between a man and a woman."

And so the seed was planted that eventually led to Duke taking the idea to Roland Advertising in Cookeville.

"I had never worked with sign companies, so I was a little skeptical about a company being willing to put up a sign that takes a stand on one of the most controversial issues of our time," Duke said. "But a representative for Roland assured me that the company would be glad to develop the sign."

Dave Roland, owner of Roland Advertising, even offered to put up another billboard free of charge.

"We are glad to participate in this project because of our belief in marriage God's way," Roland said. "Our conservative values are under attack every day, and outdoor advertising is one way we can speak to the masses for very little cost. We want to make sure our messages are positive and promote the right things. We believe this message is one of them."

From that point, news of the billboard spread by word of mouth.

Duke said, "Individuals throughout this area expressed interest and pledged support. The most common response is that Bible-believing people in this area are deeply concerned. They believe it is time to take a firm stand and
make a public statement about marriage according to God."

Anyone wanting to join in the effort to keep the billboards up may do so by contacting Roland Advertising at (931)528-8100 or Kerry Duke at (931)526-2616.

Lois Irby said, "We're just hoping to spread the word to different congregations to help us. Any amount is welcome. I believe there are so many good moral people, especially here in the Bible belt, who feel that this billboard is a great thing and would want to be a part of it."

She added, "Maybe somebody driving along really needs to see that sign. Maybe they're questioning homosexuality in their life, and they don't have a religious background."

Kerry Duke said, "God has never approved of same-sex relations. When Jesus was asked about divorce, He went back to the beginning and said God created male and female for marriage (Matthew 19:4-5). Even nature shows that it is wrong (Romans 1:26-27)."

In the United States, same-sex couples can legally "marry" in several states, including Massachusetts (which was the first, in 2004), Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine, plus Washington D.C., with California possibly the next in line. New York, Rhode Island and New Mexico recognize same-sex "marriages" that were legally performed elsewhere. Several other states offer civil unions or domestic partnerships, which grant all or part of the state-level rights of marriage. Thirty-one states have constitutional restrictions limiting marriage to one man and one woman.

"Our hope is that God-fearing people will be encouraged by these 'Marriage God's Way' billboards in Cookeville, Tenn.," Duke said. "On a bigger scale, we hope people from other parts of the nation who drive by these signs will go home and put up similar ones. Our dream is that it will grow into a nationwide effort."

Providence Journal Finds 80% of Rhode Islanders Want Vote on Marriage

When former Providence Mayor Buddy Cianci cited the fact that "over 80 percent of the people want the shot to vote" on same-sex marriage during an ABC-6 interview earlier this month, a skeptical ProJo Politifact Truth-O-Meter decided to investigate. After reviewing three NOM-Rhode Island polls conducted by Quest Research, the Truth-O-Meter concluded that "a hefty majority wants voters to determine the issue," with support ranging from 74% and 84% of Rhode Island voters with various wordings of the question between June 2009 and August 2010.

Help NOM Close Out the Year

Help NOM close out the year with our most ambitious challenge grant ever! There are 5 days left in the $1 Million for Marriage Challenge where your gift of $25, $50 or $500 instantly doubles to $50, $100 or $1,000. The new year promises many opportunities to strengthen and reclaim marriage – but we'll succeed only if you stand with us to start the year off right! Please take the challenge today at! Then invite your friends to join you by clicking the “Like” or “Tweet” buttons at the top of the page!

Cardinal Donald Wuerl on Fox News Sunday

Cardinal Wuerl defends the Catholic Church's teaching on marriage on Fox News Sunday.

WSJ Touts Mike Pence As Potential GOP Prez Candidate

Wall Street Journal today touts Indiana's Mike Pence as a potential frontrunner for the  GOP nomination who can unite all wings of the party:

"When conservative activist and former presidential candidate Gary Bauer scans the potential 2012 Republican field, not much excites him. "All the obvious frontline names have all the usual pluses and minuses," Mr. Bauer says.

But in considering one candidate, Mr. Bauer sees only qualities that he likes. Indiana Rep. Mike Pence is a military and fiscal hawk who frequently plugs his Christian credentials. To some, he's the potential candidate best able to unite two wings of the Republican Party—its fiscal conservatives and social conservatives.

"He is definitely the guy to watch," says Bryan Fischer of the American Family Association, a group that opposes gay marriage and abortion. . .

Mr. Pence usually draws under 5% in voter surveys testing the emerging 2012 field. But the excitement he's stirred among a swath of conservatives—he won a straw poll at the prominent Values Voter Summit in September—points both to the fluidity of the 2012 lineup and the dearth of names rousing interest among the religious right, a dependable GOP voting bloc. . .

A former radio personality, the 51-year-old Mr. Pence became a darling among fiscal conservatives for opposing two of President George W. Bush's signature initiatives, the 2001 No Child Left Behind education act and the 2003 Medicare Part D drug benefit. He saw both as violating his party's small-government principles. . .

Mr. Pence favors reducing the size of the federal government, and even the power of the presidency. He wants to amend the Constitution both to ban abortions and to allow marriage only between men and women.  . .

It was his speech at the Values Voter Summit, a marquee annual event among social conservative groups, which did the most to rouse support. The speech, with its calls to ban all federal abortion funding and stem-cell research, drew standing ovations and chants of "President Pence."

When summit attendees cast ballots in a straw poll for president, Mr. Pence came in first, ahead of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and others. . .

The Indiana lawmaker, who first won election to Congress in 2000, also has the backing of budget hawks such as Chris Chocola, a former Indiana congressman who is now president of the fiscally conservative Club for Growth. 'Mike has the retail appeal of Huckabee but is an across-the-board conservative with all the credentials. There is no one else like that,'  says Mr. Chocola."

RNC Chairman Candidate Saul Anuzis on Marriage

Maggie Gallagher, NOM's chairman, interviews Saul Anuzis--one of the serious contenders for RNC chairman--watch it here.

You can watch the whole interview by clicking here.

RNC Chairman Candidate Gentry Collins on Marriage

Maggie Gallagher, NOM's chairman, interviews Gentry Collins--one of the serious contenders for RNC chairman--watch it here.

You can watch the whole interview by clicking here.

RNC Chairman Candidate Ann Wagner on Marriage

Maggie Gallagher, NOM's chairman, interviews Ann Wagner--one of the serious contenders for RNC chairman--watch it here.

You can watch the whole interview by clicking here.

RNC Chairman Candidate Reince Priebus on Marriage

Maggie Gallagher, NOM's chairman, interviews Reince Priebus--one of the serious contenders for RNC chairman--watch it here.

You can watch the whole interview by clicking here.

A Christmas Message from Brian Brown

"Is it just religion?"

The man stopped us as in front of the famous Mayflower Hotel's tea room. He introduced himself as an LGBT activist and asked politely, "Your opposition to gay marriage, is it just religion?"

We were busy, so I just smiled, handed him my card, and said, "Email me."

But I've been thinking of his question as I sit down to write my Christmas message to you.

How can you frame a world in which "just" and "religion" belong in the same sentence?

Just a few days from now we celebrate the most amazing thing that ever happened in humans history: God became man. A baby was born, and suddenly God was with us.

"Just religion?" is the way the world--that world which we humans are now busily attempting to remake in our own image--dulls our childlike sense of wonder, our ability to see and feel and react to the truth about who we are. We are children of the King who freely chose to love us, who taught us what love means: to be willing to die if necessary, and to get up every day to do the work that God has placed before us.

Yes, we are blessed to live in a country whose Constitution was framed by great men who understood that limiting government's power to repress religion was necessary to protect faith and faith communities. "Free exercise" is the fundamental value our Constitution gives us, because religion is so important to human life.

And no, to answer the question, of course the idea that to make a marriage you need a husband and wife is not a purely religious idea. Human beings across the centuries with different religious commitments have been able to grasp the unique nature and importance of marriage, perceiving its deep roots in the reality that when men and women give themselves to each other physically, something else momentous happens: new life.

The second-greatest day, repeated every day in the history of mankind, is the birth of an ordinary child, made in the image of God, and made for love.

Here's our Christmas card.

I told them all to smile and you can see they did! Except John, who wasn't having any of the jolly thing at that moment.

No, it's never just religion. It's the truth about life--the meaning of life, the meaning of love--that matters.

I'm so privileged to work alongside so many good people like you, to fight for the truth about love, with love.

To those of you who do not share our faith commitments, let me tell you that we treasure your fellowship, your good will, your courage and your commitment to marriage.

God bless you, each and every one.

And Merry Christmas!

Politico: SBA, NOM Press RNC Chairmen on Social Issues

The story at Politico on an innovative effort lead by SBA list to ask leading candidates for the RNC their opinion on life.  SBA also invited NOM to ask  the RNC candidates questions on marriage.

National Organization for Marriage Launches No-H8 Campaign Against Pink T-Shirt Video, Calls on Responsible Same-Sex Marriage Advocates to Reject Donations

"Stop Using Shocking Video With Real Children Promoting Profanity and Hatred to Raise Money for Your Cause!"
-Brian Brown, President of NOM

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today launched a nationwide video entitled “Protect The Kids: Stop the Exploitation” in response to and exposing a fundraising effort by angry gay marriage activists that sells T-shirts and uses young children shouting obscenities to raise money for their cause.

“The American Foundation for Equal Rights, Equality California, Courage Campaign, and Lambda Legal have certainly reached a low point displaying a poor lack of judgment for refusing to disassociate themselves from this video of real children shouting angry profanities as props to raise money for their cause,” stated Brian Brown, President of NOM.

“We call on responsible LGBT organizations to return any donations raised as a result of this shock video, in which adults put profanities in the mouths of children and encourage what can only be called open hatred of their friends, neighbors and fellow citizens who believe marriage is the union of husband and wife.”

NOM is asking these gay marriage activists to reject all funding from this profane campaign and calls on the video’s producers to end immediately this organized effort to exploit children. “No matter how much we may disagree with each other, ads like these that promote incivility and hatred leave no room for discourse,” Brown added. “By signing NOM’s Kid Petition, you are asking the above activists to stop using innocent children shouting obscenities to make your case. Is that too much to ask?”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, or Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of the Board, please contact Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], at 703-683-5004 ext. 130.


Matt Franck on NPR: Charges of "Hate" Intended to Silence Debate

Matt Franck's interview on NPR discussing his WaPo column that points out the charge of hate is made by people who would prefer not to have to debate.

Help Stop Radical SSM Activists Obscenity-Laden Attempt to Corrupt our Children

Radical activists have released an angry and degrading new video that they are using to garner publicity and raise money for same-sex marriage advocacy. Already watched by nearly 2 million people, the 2-minute video is laced with dozens of angry obscenities, even putting obscene language in the mouths of 8 and 10-year-old kids.

Words fail me in trying to describe it . . . it’s vile, sickening and incredibly sad to see the way these children have been exploited for cheap shock value. I find myself thinking – is this the kind of thing they want to teach our children?

This video has been produced by a handful of radical gay marriage activists – but it’s being used to fund some of the nation’s largest same-sex marriage groups. NOM is calling on these same-sex marriage organizations – including the Courage Campaign, Lambda Legal, Equality California, and the American Foundation for Equal Rights – to reject these ads by their supporters. We call on them to reject all funding from this obscene campaign, and to demand an immediate end to this angry and hateful effort that is degrading our conversation and exploiting young children.

Click here to sign the petition urging these major same-sex marriage groups to publicly reject this hateful effort.

Then invite five friends to join you in signing. There is simply no place in American dialogue – no matter how much we may disagree with each other – for such filthy and exploitive ads. Ever.  Much less during this season of Christmas as well celebrate the birth of the Holy Child.

As we approach Christmas on Saturday, I ask you to consider a gift for marriage this year. We are on the verge of unprecedented opportunities – and great risks as well – that will shape the future of marriage in our nation. Our opponents certainly understand the stakes, and are raising millions to force their agenda on an unwilling nation.