ElectionWatch: New MN Poll Shows Pro-Marriage Emmer Closing Strong!

The latest Rasmussen poll shows the race for Minnesota's governor is a statistical dead heat.  Pro-Marriage Tom Emmer is closing fast, now just 3 points behind Pro-SSM, anti-let the people vote candidate Mark Dayton.  That's within the margin of error. More good news: the pro-gay marriage independent Tom Horner's vote appears to be fading, and his voters are moving disproportionately into the Emmer camp.

Why You Can’t Redefine Marriage

Human Life International interim president Msgr. Ignacio Barreiro-Carámbula calls on Catholics to make marriage a voting issue on November 2nd, explaining that law should reflect the true nature of marriage, and cannot redefine it. 

[Marriage] is a natural institution and genesis of the family, the most basic element of any society. No matter how some may clamor that this natural view of marriage is somehow oppressive or restricting, they cannot change its basic biological, societal and spiritual character. . . .
In Spirit & Life the last several weeks we have been focusing on our political responsibility as Catholics and Christians to exercise our right to vote in a way that is consistent with our faith. Since the moral and social teaching of our Church stands far above the meager political options we face in the upcoming election, this is necessarily a non-partisan effort. Truth is like that: if there were a party of Truth we would have no objection whatsoever to declaring our partisanship. So we must carefully examine the positions on marriage held by those who are asking for our vote, and side with the truth.
We are partisans for Truth and the common good. We reject the distortions surrounding the topics of sexuality and marriage, and we gladly proclaim the truth, in season and out of season. And in this political season, we proclaim it all the louder, grateful for the teaching of the Faith that unites us in the Way, the Truth and the Life.

Read the whole column here.

No Such Thing as an Activist Judge?

That’s what some would have Iowans believe as they head to the polls on November 2nd. NOM explodes the myth with our latest TV ad supporting the hardworking Iowans holding their state supreme court justices accountable for votes to force gay marriage on the state.

Marriage and the Law of Tradition

Great piece from Professor R.J. Snell of Eastern University over at the Public Discourse. Contra Judge Walker, can tradition alone provide a rational basis for law?

Custom is an expression of reason and will made by the whole people with their repeated actions over time, and since an expression of reason and will is a promulgation of law, custom is a promulgation of law, with the same binding force.

Of course, any human law, whether promulgated by the sovereign or by custom, can be irrational and in opposition to the natural law, in which case the unjust law is no law at all and has no binding force. This is true of any and all human laws, but the laws of custom are no more or less revisable than the law of a sovereign or legislature—or the ruling of a court. Custom can be irrational and reprehensible, as can a court decision; custom can be rational and praiseworthy, as can a court decision. But it is just simply not the case that custom or tradition alone per se fails to provide a rational basis for a law. Not only might custom provide a rational basis for a law, but a good custom is a rationally binding law.

And good custom, as a rationally binding law, cannot be changed without being prejudicial to the common good. A rational custom, like any human law, should, as Aquinas concluded, “never be changed, unless in some way or other, the common weal be compensated according to the extent of the harm done.”

And there is, to put it mildly, evidence that the harms of redefining marriage cannot be compensated.

Read the whole article.

Does Gay Marriage Prevent Gay Teen Suicide?

Major gay rights groups are claiming those who oppose gay marriage are responsible for tragic gay teen suicides. Maggie Gallagher considers the charge in her latest syndicated column:

Do I have blood on my hands?

Major gay rights groups are saying so. Each of us who opposes gay marriage, they say, is responsible for the terrible and tragic suicides of gay teens that recently hit the news. . . .

It's a horrific charge to levy in response to some pretty horrifying stories. Will gay marriage really reduce or prevent gay teen suicide? I felt a moral obligation to find out.

Massachusetts has been tracking gay high school students for a decade using the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Youth Risk Behavior Survey.

LGBT teens are roughly four times as likely as other students to have attempted suicide in the last year.

They are also about twice as likely to report being in a physical fight at school, three times more likely to say they were injured by a weapon, and almost four times as likely as pther teens to say they missed school because they felt physically unsafe.

These kinds of negative outcomes are consistent with the idea that anti-gay bullying is mainly responsible for the higher suicide rate among gay teens. But as I kept reading, I kept finding the pieces of the puzzle that don't seem to fit the "it's homophobia pulling the trigger" narrative:

Gay students are also more than twice as likely to report having had sexual intercourse before age 13 -- that is, to be sexually abused as children. They are three times as likely to report being the victims of dating violence, and nearly four times as likely to report forced sexual contact. A majority of LGBT teens in Massachusetts reported using illegal drugs in the past month. (Perhaps most oddly, gay teens are also three times as likely as nongay teens to report either becoming pregnant or getting someone else pregnant.)

Forced sex, childhood sexual abuse, dating violence, early unwed pregnancy, substance abuse -- could these be a more important factor in the increased suicide risk of LGBT teens than anything people like me ever said?

The deeper you look, the more you see kids who are generally unprotected in deeply tragic ways that make it hard to believe -- if you are really focusing on these kids' well-being -- that gay marriage is the answer. . . .

And that's exactly what the Youth Risk Behavior data also show: In 2001, gay teens in Massachussetts were almost four times more likely to have attempted suicide (31 percent vs. 8 percent). In 2007 -- after four years of legalized gay marriage in that state -- gay teens were still about four times more likely to attempt suicide than nongay teens (29 percent vs. 6 percent).

Whether you are looking at their faces or looking at the statistics, one thing is clear: These kids need help, real help. They should not become a mere rhetorical strategy, a plaything in our adult battles.

Each of these teens is a child of God. And each one deserves better from all of us that becoming a "teachable moment" in someone else's culture war.

Read more.

NOM California PAC Releases TV Ad Supporting Andy Pugno for California Assembly

In a new TV ad released Friday, NOM California PAC backs Andy Pugno for California Assembly. The ad contrasts Pugno’s defense of life, marriage, and jobs with his opponent’s extremist support for taxpayer-funded abortion and same-sex marriage. Brian Brown, Treasurer of the NOM California PAC, told the media Friday: “Andy Pugno has been a champion for the people of California and voters need to know his admirable record.  Attempts by his opponents to smear him based on his stance on family values issues only clarify what voters in California already know: Andy Pugno identifies with their values and their rights and will fight for them as Assemblyman. The National Organization for Marriage enthusiastically supports Mr. Pugno and applauds his efforts in the Proposition 8 fight.”

Opposition to Gay Marriage Rising Among Practicing Catholics

Our Sunday Visitor points out the new Pew poll finds that practicing Catholics' opposition to gay marriage is actually rising, slightly.

“Give Us the Ballot!” NOM Launches New MN Radio Ad Campaign

We’ve just released our latest radio ad, a new ad entitled “Give us the ballot,” opening with Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous words, and calling on Minnesota gubernatorial candidates Mark Dayton and Tom Horner to protect “our most important civil right” by joining Tom Emmer in supporting the right of Minnesotans to vote on marriage.

The new ad is co-sponsored by the Minnesota Family Council and began airing on radio stations across Minnesota today. Watch the ad below, and then click here to make an online donation to NOM’s work across the country.

ElectionWatch 2010: Hawaii Poll Shocker: Pro-Marriage Djou Leads Pro-SSM Hanabusa by 4 points

When NOM helped elect Republican Charles Djou in a three-way special election earlier this year, it was supposed to be merely a temporary victory.  In this Democratic district, the pundits said Djou would stand no chance of winning the general election.  But the latest poll shows pro-marriage Charles Djou 4 points up against pro-gay marriage Colleen Hanabusa.  Could an upset be in the making?

HRC to LDS Church: Change Your Religious Doctrines to Please Us!

It's kind of an extraordinary moment. Elder Boyd Packer gave a speech at a religious gathering, in which he reiterated the Mormon church’s long-held view that sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is wrong.  "Impure" was one of the terms he used.  Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese, perhaps egged on by Judge Walker's "Finding of Fact #77" that religious beliefs hurt gays and lesbians, decided his political organization should attempt to change the LDS church's religious doctrines, delivering a petition signed by 150,000 folks telling Elder Packer to change his faith's tenets.

This is weird, strange new territory.  A signal of where the gay rights movement is headed?

MN Bishops Make Clear Declaration: Marriage between one man and one woman serves common good; Doesn’t discriminate against those with same-sex attraction

According to the Catholic News Agency all five Minnesota bishops explain that marriage as the union of husband and wife promotes the common good, does not discriminate, and should be supported by all people of good will:

“Both faith and reason agree, then, that marriage is an institution central to the life of human society,” they continued. “The committed relationship between one man and one woman calls forth the best of the spouses, not only for their own sake, but also for the well-being of their children and for the advancement of the common good. It is neither possible for us to change the definition of marriage nor wise to attempt to do so.”

Read the whole story here.

Katherine Kersten: This Year the Family is on the Ballot in Minnesota

“This year's election is supposed to be about jobs, bloated budget deficits, taxes and other economic issues. No doubt it will be. But more is at stake.

“On Nov. 2, the family -- and marriage as we know it -- will be on the ballot in Minnesota. . .

“Next year, Democrats will likely try to steamroll same-sex marriage through. If Dayton or Horner is elected, the governor will be on board -- perhaps even leading the charge.”

Read the whole story here.

You did it!!! $437,000 for marriage in just 7 days!

One week ago, I introduced you to the Human Rights Campaign's latest attack website:, and laid down a challenge, asking you to raise $200,000 in a single week, with every dollar to be matched by a matching challenge grant.

I told you this campaign would show what we are made of.

And you rose to the occasion!

"Thank you" hardly seems adequate to express my gratitude. Over the past seven days, nearly 1,000 of you contributed to what is easily our largest and most successful online campaign ever. Many of you gave sacrificially to stand up for what is right, and to remind the Human Rights Campaign that we will never back down in the face of their lies and anti-religious bigotry.

Over the past week, we received $87,583 from 985 generous supporters. And to top if off, as the campaign drew to a close I received a call from a gentleman who was outraged by HRC's attempts to silence NOM. He was calling to tell me that he would be mailing a check for $150,000, just to make sure that every dollar of the matching grant was realized.

So, I am pleased to report . . . Our matching grant campaign successfully raised at total of $237,583, qualifying for the full $200,000 matching grant contribution.

And here's the bottom line:

Because of HRC's new website,, with all its name-calling, intimidation and over-the-top graphics, we now have $437,000 that we didn’t have a week ago. That's nearly a half million dollars for marriage that would not be available were it not for

And instead of putting that money into silly attack websites (If you still haven’t visited, I hope you’ll go have a look at for yourself!), we will use every penny to protect marriage, organizing grassroots support, holding politicians accountable, and reaching out to those who are still undecided or willing to reconsider their views on same-sex marriage.

It has been a tremendous week . . . and the best is yet to come! Thank you.

Just three hours left!

Just three hours left. One last chance to join us as we press toward our goal of $200,000 by midnight tonight!

Throughout the evening, the contributions to our challenge have kept rolling in. We're up to $81,139 contributed by 880 generous supporters. Be sure you are a part of this tremendous outpouring of support!  Every dollar donated between now and midnight Eastern Time will be doubled by our matching challenge grant.

You still have one last chance to join us as we
come down to the wire in this matching grant campaign!
Click here to make your gift right now!

12 Hours Remaining!!! Help Reach our $200K Matching Grant Goal by Midnight Tonight!

With just twelve hours remaining, we need to raise $164,331 by midnight tonight to meet our Matching Grant Challenge.

Please click here to join our online Money Bomb right now!

So far, with donations still rolling in, we have raised $35,669.00. And every dollar raised by midnight tonight will be doubled, allowing us to extend our message even further in these last three weeks before the election.

Time is short! We have just a short window of opportunity to reach the American people with our message about marriage. Please click here to make your gift right now. Then tell five friends and family right away.

Between now and the November election, we're launching hard-hitting new radio and TV ads to expose politicians supporting same-sex marriage, and to keep Americans informed.

  • In New Hampshire, we just launched our biggest ad campaign yet, showing voters how Governor Lynch says one thing, but does just the opposite.
  • In Minnesota, we're letting voters know that two of the three candidates for governor oppose the civil right of Minnesotans to vote on marriage.
  • We just launched a new Spanish language ad in California, making voters aware of Barbara Boxer's extreme views on same-sex marriage and abortion, as well as her opposition to a guest worker program allowing immigrants to work in the U.S. legally.
  • And in Iowa, we're making sure voters know it's their right to reject the three supreme court judges on the ballot who forced same-sex marriage on the state last year.

And there's more to come, I promise you. But only if we have the resources to get the word out in these last few days while people are paying close attention to what their politicians think about marriage. Please make your gift today!

The Human Rights Campaign is engaged in a coordinated effort to slander, misrepresent, and discredit NOM's message and mission. They are obsessed with stopping our amazing success over the past three years. And they have launched this series of vicious attacks on NOM because they know our message is getting through.

The worst of it is their blatant anti-religious bigotry – accusing NOM of "deep ties to the Mormon Church, the Catholic Church hierarchy and right-wing evangelical pastors and organizations." Somehow, HRC thinks this is a scandal. But we couldn’t be prouder of our support from people of faith.

The only way they can succeed is if they can force you and me to keep silent.

And we won't back down. Ever.

The only question is whether we will have the resources to keep spreading our message far and wide. I appreciate the emails from many of you expressing outrage over HRC's attempt to vilify NOM, our staff, and our supporters.

I'm asking you to help us send a message to HRC.
Show them that their attacks helped raise $400,000 to protect marriage over just
the past week. Click here to make your gift of $25, $50 or even $100 or more today!

I am heartened with the strong show of support we have received from so many in these past six days. Many of you are new supporters who have never before given to the work we are doing, and I thank you for joining us in this fight.

But there is much work left to be done. Tens of thousands of you reading this message have never yet donated to protect marriage. If you're not in a position to donate, please know that your prayers, phone calls, emails and letters are critical to this marriage fight. But most of us could afford $20 – the cost of a family dinner at McDonalds. And every gift today will be doubled!

Please keep spreading the word. Tell your family and friends. We have just a few hours remaining. Please make your contribution right now!