Pro-Marriage Majorities in NH!

Even if Gov. Lynch wins the NH governor’s race tonight, we have helped flip the state house in NH – Huge victory! Looks like it may be veto-proof.

On Social Issues, Democrats are Out of Touch

A column in the Daily Caller asks: Why would the Dems run anti-Catholic ads and push for gay marriage -- in Minnesota???

Maggie on Drew Mariana Show: Get Out and Vote!

Maggie’s message on the Drew Mariana Show yesterday? Get out and vote!

Listen here.

Wisconsin Bishops Urge Support for Marriage, Life

On this election day, Bishop David Ricken’s (Green Bay, WI) commentary seems an appropriate way to start the day, as he reinforces the guidance issued by the Wisconsin Bishops, urging Catholics (and others!) to vote pro-life and pro-marriage:

The day for the mid-term elections is fast approaching and we are once again faced with the opportunity to make our country a better place by engaging in the process of choosing leaders for government positions…

“First and foremost (of the four themes) the right to life of every human person — from conception to natural death — is the primary and thus most essential of all human rights. Faith teaches and human reason confirms that human life is not a privilege bestowed on us by others, but rather a right that society must recognize and protect. As Christians we are called to witness to an authentic ‘human ecology’ which safeguards all human life — no matter how frail or impaired — from being manipulated or destroyed.”

Another theme concerns marriage. “The nature of marriage between a man and a woman is established by the Creator as the foundation of the family, which in turn becomes the first and vital cell of society. ... Due to its service to life, including the procreation and necessary formation of new citizens, marriage is a social — not just a sacred — good that government needs to recognize, encourage and protect.”

Read the whole column here.

IBD Commentary: Americans finding consensus on key issues

Writing in Investor’s Business Daily, Jason Jones highlights a new book from Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus. The book, “Beyond a House Divided,” is due in bookstores tomorrow and contains new polling data that pulls back the veil on the media-reinforced misconception that Americans are divided on so-called “social issues,” like gay marriage and abortion:

“Here's a well-kept secret: Americans are in overwhelming agreement on social issues. Here's a not-so-well-kept secret. Many in the media and politics have absolutely no idea.
We are told that in America today, partisanship has never been so bad, that it threatens our nation's unity. At the same time, we've been told we should keep our faith, our values and our morality to ourselves, and that our public spaces, traditions and celebrations must remain devoid of God and Christianity.
Now there's proof that the truth is actually quite different. That proof is in the form of a new book being released on Nov. 2 by Doubleday. In "Beyond a House Divided: The Moral Consensus Ignored by Washington, Wall Street and the Media," the leader of the Knights of Columbus, Carl Anderson, shows how recent polling conclusively reveals that the culture wars are being won by those with traditional values.
Those of us who believe in God, have successful marriages, oppose abortions in most instances, want less government than more, think the government and media are part of the problem, and are supportive of religion in the public square are not a minority.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Ya Basta – NOM’s New Ad Exposes Ugly Truth About Barbara Boxer’s Values

Barbara Boxer has been a nightmare for Californians and for all Americans.  Tomorrow, Californians have a clear choice to make: continue the anti-family and anti-marriage policies of Barbara Boxer or to turn the page in California history by electing Carly Fiorina.  NOM wants to dispel the myth that Boxer represents the values of Americans or California families. We’re introducing a Spanish-language television ad that takes this message to one of the most important voting blocs in California, Latinos.  Carly Fiorina supports bedrock principles revered by California Latino voters – hard work, support for family values and a quest for opportunity. This includes building strong families by supporting marriage between one man and one woman, and respecting the right-to-life.
The ad, entitled “Nuestros Valores” (Our Values), highlights Boxer’s unabashed support for abortion and same-sex marriage, and contrasts her failed record with the values of Carly Fiorina—Watch the ad below.

Breaking News: New Poll Shows Iowa Voters Lean to Axing One or More Judges!

Pass the good news onto your friends and family in Iowa.  Read the whole story here
And visit NOM’s newest website Iowa for Marriage today.

Adopt NOM’s “Vote Pro-Marriage” Twibbon on Facebook today!

We’ve just released a great new opportunity to stand for marriage online.  It’s our new “Vote Pro-Marriage” profile ribbon (aka twibbon).  Send a clear message about how you’re voting this midterm election and urge your friends to join you by posting NOM’s “Vote Pro-Marriage” twibbon to their profile pictures as well. It won’t replace your profile pic – just overlay a “Vote Pro-Marriage” message across the bottom of your existing picture. Click here to preview and adopt your Pro-Marriage avatar today!  Then spread the word! And don’t forget to click all the way through to set your new Twibbon as your profile picture.

Bye Bye Barney?

Netroots are reporting an internal Bielat poll shows the race tied:

"October 27, 2010 -  We obtained a Bielat campaign internal memo on their polling from last week showing the race is a statistical dead-heat against incumbent Congressman Barney Frank.  The memo, sent from an anonymous source,  illustrates and echoes only what we’ve been hearing and seeing on the ground.  While Sean Bielat’s number of supporters seem to be increasing at every event, Barney Frank’s supporters are all but non-existent."

Check out the very funny Bye Bye Barney Shuffle, here:

Breaking News: New Poll Shows MN Gov Race a Dead Heat!

Dayton's lead among women is dropping, Emmer's support from men is rising: 5 days before the election 9 percent of voters are still undecided:  39 percent Dayton, 38 percent Emmer, 13 percent Horner. Read more.

Visit for information on where all Minnesota candidates stand on marriage.

Does Religion Kill Gay Teens?

Maggie Gallagher takes up the question in her syndicated column.

Maggie talks SSM to Australia!

In part one of an interview with the Australian Conservative, Maggie responds to the equality argument for same-sex marriage:

If you ask gay rights advocates this question they will say “separate is not equal.” In other words the practical benefits are not the real issue – the real issue is the moral symbolism. The heart of the argument for gay marriage is “There is no difference between same-sex and opposite-sex relationships, and if you see a difference, there is something wrong with you – you are like a bigot who opposes interracial marriage.” That’s why this is ultimately not about what people do in private, but about the public expression of a powerful new norm that will be backed up by the power of the state.
Equality is the state religion. If equality demands we accept that there is no difference between same-sex and opposite sex relationships, then people who cannot accept that, who do not believe it is true, will become second-class citizens – tolerated perhaps, but only in a marginalised and stigmatised way.
We are already seeing the engine of state power being used to exclude traditional religious believers, especially from posts of cultural power – in the U.S. for example, graduate schools are now kicking out counselling students who say they cannot help gay couples maintain their relationships. They are willing to refer politely such couples to others – but that’s not good enough. “Discriminators” cannot be marriage counsellors. In England, courts are beginning to rule that Christians cannot foster or adopt children – because they might be gay and that might be bad for them. (Never mind the abundance of evidence that religion is in fact good for children).
The gay rights movement believe that “sexual minorities” are the new minorities, that gay is like black and people, culture and government should respond to any distinctions or objection in exactly the same way we respond to racism. That’s the model. They say it because they believe. Believe them!

Iowa Judges Bus Tour in Winterset

The Iowa Judges Bus Tour got off to a great start yesterday, with whistle stops in Des Moines, Winterset, Atlantic, Red Oak, Shenandoah, and Council Bluffs. Rep. Steve King and Chuck Hurley of the Iowa Family Policy Council joined NOM President Brian Brown in speaking at yesterday’s stops. Below are a few pictures from the Winterset stop. Get all the latest tour info at

As Rep. King told the crowd in Winterset – John Wayne’s birthplace – “John Wayne would want you to vote NO . . . The court’s decision is so bad that it there are many reasons in it for getting rid of [the judges]. . . . This is a radical decision.  A bad decision.  They believe they can find even rights that are "unrecognized now."

“Honorary Iowan” Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas gave the judges a quick lesson in the separation of powers: “If someone feels called to be a legislator, then run to be a legislator.  You are not to legislate from the is not your job.  They said in their decision that they are above the law. . . . The check Iowa has is the retention election and let your neighbors know to get out and vote ‘no, no, no.’”

And NOM President Brian Brown pushed back against those who have argued that it is wrong to use the retention vote to hold judges accountable: “God bless you for coming out today.  We need to vote for officials that will protect marriage.  We have to be active and don't accept any other advice.”


Join NOM on the “No Retention” Bus Tour

With just a week left before the November 2 election, Iowans are poised -- for the first time since the retention system was put in place – to oust a sitting judge. Polls show voters narrowly divided on the retention vote, with many voters not yet tuned in to the issue. In the final days before the election, NOM is joining with Iowa Freedom and FRC Action on a statewide bus tour urging Iowans to vote “no retention” on three activist Supreme Court judges who voted to force same-sex marriage on the state last year.
Visit for all the latest news and schedule for this week’s bus tour!

Gay Groups Train Fire on NOM!

This story in Politico demonstrates that NOM has become the number one target of the Human Rights Campaign--and they admit it's because we effectively work for your values in the democratic process:

"The nation’s largest gay rights group is going to war with the leading opponents of same-sex marriage, as gay activists work to quiet tensions within their movement and with their Democratic allies and redirect their energies on their actual opposition."

HRC's charges are mostly absurd, and as Brian Brown told the reporter, aimed at distracting from the internal rifts within the gay rights movement.

“I imagine what they’re doing is deflecting criticism,” he said. “I think HRC’s failures speak for themselves.”