Minnesota Star Tribune: The Church has a Right to Advocate!

Archbishop Nienstedt's courage has provoked a firestorm of protest in Minnesota, some of which has taken the ugly form of threats to take away the Catholic Church's tax-exempt status, or otherwise suggesting that the Archbishop communications to his flock were somehow illegitimate. The Star-Tribune, in the best Minnesota tradition, reiterates its support for gay marriage--but defends the Catholic Church's right to speak:

"Advocacy is nothing new to the Catholic Church or many other religious groups. Clerics have historically been at the forefront of politics in debates over (among other things) slavery, child labor, prohibition, obscenity in books and films, civil rights, Roe vs. Wade, the war in Vietnam and the war in Iraq. . .The perceived insensitivity of the DVD in such a climate may cost Catholics some parishioners. Others will be inspired to see their church sailing into the headwinds of unsettling social change. As always, each individual must decide what conscience dictates.

“But a free society should respect the Catholic Church's right to advocate for its principles"

Brazilian Pastor Threatened by Government for Speaking Against Abortion, Gay Marriage

When Pastor Paschoal Piragine Jr. of the First Baptist Church of Curitiba, warned his flock that the ruling Brazilian Labor Party (PT) is seeking to create "institutionalized evil" in Brazil, and that video went viral, the government responded by threatening "legal" action. Story here.

3 million have already viewed this YouTube video of the pastor’s message.

NOM Releases New Spanish Language Ad in California – Nuestros Valores

With Boxer and Fiorina locked in a tight race in California three weeks before the election, NOM has just released a new Spanish language TV ad that will begin airing in California markets today. The ad, entitled “Nuestros Valores” (Our Values), highlights Boxer’s unabashed support for abortion and same-sex marriage, while opposing a legal immigration reform.  Watch the ad below, and then click here to make a gift to help support NOM’s work holding those politicians throughout our country who seek destroy marriage accountable.

NOM Releases New Ad Exposing NH Gov. Lynch: “He’s Changed”

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch has changed. On taxes. On spending. On gay marriage. The John Lynch of today isn’t the same John Lynch that New Hampshire voters first elected six years ago.  And NOM is teaming up with Cornerstone Action on a new TV ad campaign exposing John Lynch’s changing record.  Watch our new TV ad, and if you can afford a few dollars to expose politicians across the country who say one thing and do another, click here to make a donation today.

Supreme Court to Judge Walker: No Release of Videotapes, Ever.

The 9th Circuit was stewing about what to do with the videotapes Judge Walker insisted on creating. The Supreme Court once again stepped in to say: No broadcast. We mean it.

Read more here.

New Iowa Poll: Iowa Judges Headed for Historic Election Loss Over SSM

The Des Moines Register just published a poll showing the Iowa judges race is essentially a toss up, shocking the political experts.  J. Ann Selzer, the pollster for The Des Moines Register's Iowa Poll, predicted: "I think it suggests that some justices, and perhaps all, will be removed. It lines up along Democrat and Republican lines pretty easily, except for low-income voters, which is typically a Democratic constituency."

"Those poll numbers are stunning," said Brian T. Fitzpatrick, a Vanderbilt University associate law professor who has followed Iowa's retention debate. "It is virtually unheard-of for a judge to lose a retention race."

Watch the NOM ads which have kept Iowa voters informed here.

Comparing the Left's "One Nation Rally" to Glenn Beck's Restore Honor Rally

Glenn Beck's Restore Honor Rally(Above) - The Left's One Nation Rally(Below)

Exposing NOMExposed? It’s Time to Fight Back!

The Human Rights Campaign declared NOM public enemy number one this week, with the launch of its new website Well, NOM is fighting back with our largest online fundraising campaign ever, and we need your help! Over the next 7 days, we’ve set a goal of raising $400,000 to protect marriage against HRC’s attacks.

Take a minute to check out our new site today –  We’ll announce the results of this online money bomb next Friday, October 7th. Join us and please ask all whom you know to join us as well! This effort will show what we’re made of. Give today and help us rack up more victories for marriage!

Judge Walker’s Retirement: Was Prop8 Decision Ideological or Career Stepping Stone

From Ed Whelan: “Applying Ockham’s razor, I will readily presume that Walker’s wild course of misconduct in the anti-Prop 8 case was driven entirely by his ideological fervor for same-sex marriage and that Walker wasn’t also trying to feather his own post-judicial nest.  That said, if he were trying to feather his nest, his high-profile invention of a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, including his remarkable (and overturned) denial of a stay of his judgment pending appeal, would be one way to build a lot of goodwill among many prospective San Francisco employers. . .

“The entire anti-Prop 8 farce would be complete if Walker were to join either Ted Olson’s or David Boies’ firm.  But negotiations could be complicated  if Walker were to make a well-deserved request for back pay.”

Read Ed’s Complete Post Here.

Goodbye Judge Walker?

The Associated Press—which appears to have the inside about Judge Walker—says he's stepping down at the end of the year.  This may explain his “unjudgelike” behavior in the Prop 8 trial.

His swan song will win him great plaudits in his hometown and make him a hot commodity.  All he had to do to win this applause is trash the rights of 7 million Californians.

Read the SF Chronicle story here.

Blogger Calls Gay Marriage “Game Changer” in MN Governor’s Race

Blogger Mitch Berg on the left’s outrage over Bishop Nienstedt’s video message to Minnesota Catholics – calls same-sex marriage a “potential game-changer” in governor’s race.

[T]hey are outraged because same sex marriage, even in traditionally “purple” Minnesota, is not just a loser for the Dems; a new poll shows it’s a potential game-changer.

Lawrence Research carried out a poll three weeks ago, among 600 likely voters.  The poll, by way of level-setting, discovered Minnesotans feel the state is on the wrong track by a 57-31 margin.

And, as befitted a poll taken in August, two weeks after the primary, as Tom Emmer’s campaign was just getting started, the initial poll result looked good for Mark Dayton, who pulled out to a 40-33 lead, with Horner drawing 14%.

Then, and only then, the pollsters brough same-sex marriage into the picture.   The Minnesotans polled say “marriage” should be between a man and a woman by a 58-36 margin, with very few – 6% – undecided.

The sample also overwhelmingly believe that future legislation about the definition of marriage should be carried out by the voters, rather than the Legislature or the Federal courts (62%, 6% and 19% respectively, with 13% undecided). . . .

Among this sample, introducing the notion that the definition of marriage will be taken out of the peoples’ hands and given to the legislature or, worse, the courts causes a 14 points swing [showing Tom Emmer leading Mark Dayton 43-36%]. . . .

Now, it’s only 600 voters.  The margin of error is 4.1% either way.

But the overall impression – people want to decide the future of marriage themselves, even in “liberal”, “purple” Minnesota – is broad and unmistakeable.

Read More

NOM Exposed! Well, not really, but…

HRC’s Joe Solmonese is devoting a lot of his organization’s resources to “exposing” us here at NOM.  Guess what they found out and put up their website?  We are Catholics, Mormons, and evangelicals who believe gay marriage will hurt marriage as an institution.  It may lead to polygamy.  Our budget has grown rapidly—from $500,000 to $10 million in just three years, thanks to your help and support. Human Rights Campaign has a lot of money to throw around—$40 million last year, and one observer estimated, since its inceptions HRC has spent a quarter of a billion dollars.

We're feisty and growing fast.  HRC, the gargantuan money machine, is running scared!  Brian Brown talks back in this Newsweek story: Read Brian's response here.

Gay Marriage Judge to Iowa Voters: Drop Dead

Okay, that's not quite what Iowa Judge Robert Hanson said in response to a new campaign, supported by the National Organization for Marriage among others, to oust three Iowa judges who voted for same-sex marriage.  But that's the spirit of his response. He called the effort “misguided" and an “abuse” of the system.

An abuse?  Dear judges, Iowa’s system allows its citizens to periodically decide whether or not they wish to retain your services.  As Chuck Laudner, Iowa for Freedom's campaign manager put it: “They're going to have a hard time explaining to me why I have the right to vote yes or no on a ballot, but if I vote no, somehow I'm abusing the system.”

These justices’ vote for same-sex marriage was judicial arrogance; this response by Judge Hanson is judicial arrogance on steroids!

Read more here

ElectionWatch2010: Ayotte rising, Lynch falling in new poll

A new poll out by American Research Group shows: Just 42 percent of New Hampshire likely voters say they will vote for pro-gay marriage NH Gov. Lynch compared to 40 percent for pro-marriage challenger Stephens--within the margin of error.  (New Hampshire Gov's Race Poll Here.)

For an incumbent, 42 percent support is pretty bad news.  Meanwhile pro-marriage Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte is up 14 percentage points over pro-SSM Dem nominee Paul Hodes (Ayotte vs. Hodes Poll here.)

NOM Files Amicus Brief Defending Californians Right to Vote for Marriage

NOM's dynamite amicus brief has just been filed with the 9th Circuit. You can read the full brief here, or enjoy the excerpts below.

As Brian Brown told the press, “To reach his unjust decision, Judge Walker had to ignore law, history, social science, and common sense,” said Brian Brown, “He implicitly labeled as irrational bigots not only 7 million Californian voter, but the majority of judges who have ruled on this issue. To up the ante he made it clear that Catholics and Southern Baptists are also now irrational haters under the law. We are calling on the 9th Circuit to reverse this travesty of justice, and to restore to Californians a precious right that has been taken away: the right to vote for marriage.”

In addition to filing this amicus brief, NOM’s Legal Defense Fund is helping the litigation effort by directly funding part of the Prop 8 litigation expenses. If you can help us in this fight, you can donate here.

Key excerpts from the NOM Amicus Brief

“[T]he plaintiffs in this case have made it clear the harm they allege, quite apart from any practical consequences, is the harm of having their relationships excluded from the “social meaning” of marriage.  They want this court to short-circuit the hard task of persuading their fellow citizens that their unions ARE marriages, by asking this court to re-educate the voters and re-assign the meaning of a word.”

“[S]ame-sex marriage works a profound change in the public meaning of marriage; this change in public definition from “sexual union of male and female” to “union of any two persons” clearly severs the connections between marriage and its core historic civil mission: increasing the likelihood that children will be born to and raised by their mother and father.  If it is rational for the plaintiffs to be concerned about the meaning of the word, it is rational for 7 million California voters to be concerned as well.”

“Sexual unions of male and female are unique: they alone can make new life, and when they do so will either connect (or disconnect) children from mothers and fathers. . .The vast majority of children are conceived through acts of sexual passion; marriage provides a means to help society regulate this passion so that children do not get hurt.”

“How does marriage as an enduring and exclusive sexual union of male and female serve the state’s interest in procreation and child well-being? The connection is two-fold:  First, every child conceived by a married couple begins life with a mother and father precommitted to caring for him or her together. Almost no child conceived in any other sexual union receives this great benefit.  In addition, every person who remains faithfully married, whether they have children together or not, is much less likely create fatherless children in alternate relationships. Every married couple minimally serves the public purpose of marriage and none contradict the link between marriage and procreation.”

“Two ideas are in conflict here: one is that children deserve mothers and fathers and marriage is intrinsically oriented towards serving this vital purpose. That is the classic marriage idea. The other idea is that adult interests in forging romantic relationships of choice (i.e., to marry the person they love) are more important than recognizing and protecting the natural family. This latter idea is at the heart of the idea that same-sex marriage is a civil right. And it is the core idea that must be rejected if the state’s interest in marriage is to be sustained.”

“[A]s a matter of hard historical fact the inclusion of elderly and childless couples never in the minds of judges or the public challenged the connection between marriage and procreation, but advocacy of same-sex marriage clearly does so.

Elderly couples and childless couples are all part of the natural lifecycle of marriage. They do not contradict the idea that a key purpose of “an enduring, exclusive sexual union of male and female” is responsible procreation. By contrast, the forced inclusion of same-sex couples into the category “marriage” will be a dramatic transformation in the meaning of marriage in law, and as the law influence cultural norms, in the public mind.”

[E]ven many gay marriage advocates have also agreed it will radically transform marriage. . . Judith Stacey, predicts: “Legitimizing gay and lesbian marriages would promote a democratic, pluralist expansion of the meaning, practice, and politics of family life in the United States, helping to supplant the destructive sanctity of The Family with respect for diverse and vibrant families.” . . . Philosopher Joseph Raz of Columbia Law School explains it bluntly: ‘[T]here can be no doubt that the recognition of gay marriage will affect as great a transformation in the nature of marriage as that from polygamous to monogamous or from arranged to unarranged marriage.’ Joseph Raz, Ethics in the Public Domain 23 (1994) (DIX1444). . . . .When many gay marriage advocates and opponents  can both strongly agree that a redefinition of marriage is “breathtakingly subversive” and would fundamentally transform the institution of marriage, the people of California cannot be faulted for taking them at their word.”

[T]he trial court essentially validated the worse fears of voters. In its decision below, the district court first eliminated procreation from the history of marriage altogether, then privatized this purpose of marriage, and finally attempted to stigmatize those who hold that view as irrational bigots. . . . . not only will the law find it more difficult to connect mothers and fathers with children, but civil society will as well under the weight of such judicial disapproval as was expressed in the trial court opinion. See, e.g., Doc. 708 at 101 (#77) (finding traditional religious beliefs about sex and marriage to be irrational in themselves and harmful to gays and lesbians).”

“We’ve been through this cycle before, in other words. The unintended consequences of changing family laws have already been myriad, hard to predict, and have often fallen on those least able to bear them.  Constitutionalizing the idea that children do not need a mother and father, that marriage can bear such a dramatic change in public definition with no ill-effects, is a very bad idea, because it is so hard to retreat, modify, or adapt if negative consequences result.”

“[Judge Walker’s] rulings reinforces the legitimacy of our concerns. The district court has come up with its own new definition of marriage, one passed by no legislature, with no roots in our jurisprudence, based on one single historian’s opinion, and which centers on adult needs and desires: “Marriage is the state recognition and approval of a couple’s choice to live with each other, to remain committed to one another and to form a household based on their own feelings about one another and to join in an economic partnership and support one another and any dependents.” Doc. 708 at 67 (#34).

This definition hardly describes a robust institution that protects children’s interest in ties to their biological parents in a stable relationship. It is instead, a minimalist description of a relationship without any significance beyond its importance to the two people forming the couple, which—inexplicably—is  then given government recognition and also government’s Housekeeping Seal of Approval.”

“Plaintiffs and the court below suggest that the mere word marriage is enough to provide dignity to same-sex couples, but at the same time so powerless that the only rational view is to believe its messages will have no effect on attitudes and behaviors regarding children and the family. This is an intellectually untenable position, yet it forms the foundation for the district court’s unjust allegations of animus levied against California’s voters.”

“Sisters can cohabit and commit, and so can best friends in nonromantic relationships.  Three people can cohabit and commit, too. Why can’t these people claim marriage as well? Once a key feature of marriage has been deconstructed, other historic features of marriage will become much harder to explain and defend, both in law and culture.”

On the social science evidence:

“A broad and deep body of evidence shows that:

[F]amily structure matters for children, and the family structure that helps the most is a family headed by two-biological parents in a low-conflict marriage. Children in single-parent families, children born to unmarried mothers, and children in stepfamilies or cohabiting relationships face higher risks of poor outcomes. . . . There is thus value for children in promoting strong, stable marriages between biological parents.

Kristin Anderson Moore, et al., “Marriage from a Child’s Perspective: How Does Family Structure Affect Children and What Can We Do About It?” Child Trends Research Brief, June 2002, at 1.

Linda J. Waite, a sociology professor at the University of Chicago, testifying before the High Court of Ireland in Dublin in 2006, reiterated these findings, explaining that “two biological parents in a married low conflict relationship are the best environment for child development.” Zappone v. Revenue Commissioners, IECH 404 at 88 (2006), transcript of hearing Oct. 6, 2006 (testimony of Linda J. Waite).

Dr. Waite went on to note an analogous issue in family policy:

I think when the United States was debating changes in divorce laws, it was firmly believed by child development specialists at the time that as long as children had a loving parent, at least one, that they would be fine if their parents divorced, they would get over it quickly and move on with their lives.  Over the last 30 or 40 years, I think evidence has slowly but very steadily accumulated that this is not at all the case, that divorce plays a much larger roles in children’s lives, in their emotional well-being, in their career and personal accomplishments as adults even through their 30's, and none of that was known or expected at the time.

Id. at 94.

By contrast the literature on gay parenting is very new, studies limited outcomes, and typically uses non-probability samples, such that they are unable to provide a representative sample of the general population of gay and lesbian parents. . . at least one recently published study of adult daughters of gay or bisexual fathers found that “women with gay or bisexual fathers were significantly less comfortable with closeness and intimacy [ ], less able to trust and depend on others  [ ], and experienced more anxiety in relationships [ ] than women with heterosexual fathers.” Theodora Sirota, “Adult Attachment Style Dimensions in Women Who Have Gay or Bisexual Fathers,” 23(4) Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 289-97 (August  2009)  (The author speculates the reason for this gap in well-being is attributable more to the failures of mothering, or to homophobia, than to defects in gay fathering).”

“The case for the natural family is far from scientifically discredited. The intellectual and scholarly debate should be allowed to continue without a pre-judgment by this court that it is grounded in nothing more than irrational bigotry.”

“At the end of the day, the trial court stands without support for its confident prediction finding it to be ‘beyond debate’ that same-sex marriage ‘will have no adverse effects on society or the institution of marriage.’”

You can read the complete brief here and please consider supporting and asking your friends to support our efforts by donating here.