URGENT ALERT: DOMA Repeal Introduced in Congress!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The attack on DOMA has begun.

Today, Congressman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) will introduce a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act -- the only federal law protecting the marriage statutes of 44 states. Reports indicate he has at least 69 co-sponsors in this effort to undercut state marriage laws. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: September 11, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

This week in D.C. a man came into my office. He was very distinguished-looking, with white hair; and he had a distinguished past to match. "I was on the front lines marching against the war in Viet Nam," he told me. "I want to help you fight to protect marriage." Read More »

NOM PAC New York Marriage News: September 9, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Summer is over, and politicians are returning to Albany and Trenton to face an ongoing immense crisis: In the economic collapse, a budget hole the size of the potholes on the BQE is opening up. (Maybe even bigger!) Many in the tri-state area are going to be seriously hurting from looming service cuts and/or tax increases. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: August 21, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

NOM's President, Maggie Gallagher, asks a pretty good question: "Why has President Obama's Justice Department abruptly attempted to sabotage the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in federal court?"

Is there no justice for marriage? Read More »

NOM PAC New York Marriage News: August 19, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Today I have to say: Thank you!
Last week I asked you to take action in the debacle developing in New York's 23rd Congressional district--and you responded!
More than 11,000 emails and faxes and still counting! Protests have poured into the offices of GOP chief Michael Steele and local New York Republican officials to say: Don't make a terrible mistake: Don't sell out marriage voters! Don't reward Dede Scozzafava, one of the very few GOP politicians who have ever voted for gay marriage, with an uncontested shot at high office. Not without GOP primary voters' consent! Read More »

NOM Marriage News: August 14, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Does the Republican Party in New York want to commit political suicide? Is the national party going to help them?

Go right now and tell GOP chief Michael Steele: No backroom deals promoting pro-gay marriage politicians to Congress!  Not without GOP voters' consent! Read More »

Rhode Island's First Annual Celebrate Marriage and Family Day!

The National Organization for Marriage - Rhode Island (NOM - Rhode Island) is thrilled to announce its first annual "Celebrate Marriage and Family Day" on August 16th from 3 - 8 pm on the beautiful waterfront property of the Aldrich Mansion ( in Warwick, Rhode Island. This positive and encouraging event will include live music, children's activities, 2nd Honeymoon and vacation giveaways, a chance to bring a picnic or purchase food on site to enjoy while overlooking Narragansett Bay, and an ice cream social. The highlight of the day will be the opportunity for husbands and wives to renew their wedding vows in this idyllic setting.

All aspects of the afternoon, save for food and beverages purchased at the event, are free of charge, including the ice cream social.

Many of us spent January through July fighting to defend marriage and family from being redefined and weakened in Rhode Island. Now it's time to be positive and celebrate the goodness and importance of marriage between a man and a woman. The marriage vow renewal is a chance for husbands to look into their wives eyes, and vice versa, and say, 'Sweetheart, it's been 5, 10, 15, or even 50 years, and I would marry you again.'

Providing the live music will be Sojourn, ( a Christian band from Louisville, Kentucky, as well as local talent. Maggie Gallagher, President of the National Organization for Marriage will provide a brief address. Children's activities will include pony rides, face-painting, and other amusements. Feel free to bring a picnic (no grills please) or purchase the catered meal. Meal costs are $10/adult and $8/child. Family rates will be arranged.

NOM - Rhode Island appreciates its many partners in making this event an on-going success. These partners include The Diocese of Providence, Coastline Ambulance, SHINE 1220 Radio, as well as scores of volunteers from local businesses and faith communities.

For more information visit, or call us at 401-228-7602.

We look forward to seeing you there.

NOM Chairman Robby George in the Wall Street Journal

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Gay-marriage advocates are now in court seeking to impose gay marriage on all 50 states, whether we like it or not. In today's Wall Streeet Journal op-ed, "Gay Marriage, Democracy and the Supreme Court," Princeton Prof. Robby George (NOM's chairman of the board) is the intellectual powerhouse who explains just how irrational and destructive making up a constitutional right to same-sex marriage would be.

Read it and rejoice! Read More »

NOM PAC New York Marriage News

What is Albany up to now? 

Gay-marriage advocates had hoped to sneak a gay marriage bill through the legislature this spring. Gov. Paterson, his poll numbers plunging, shamelessly played to his base by grandstanding on gay marriage, while New York state was burning. In April the Empire State Pride Agenda director told New York magazine, "We're closer than most people think to marriage equality."
Read More »

Values Voter Summit

I wanted to be sure you received an invitation to this year's Values Voters Summit in Washington DC this September 18-20th. Please see the flyer for details.

ead_07_nom-tnProtecting marriage is one of the key topics at this year's Summit, and I hope you can make it. NOM will be hosting a table all weekend -- please make sure to stop by and say hello!

Brian Brown

Robert P. George on the Struggle Over Marriage

Public Discourse
by Ryan T. Anderson
July 03, 2009

Recently, the editor of Public Discourse sat down with Robert P. George to discuss the state of the marriage debate. While supporters of same-sex “marriage” claim that history is on their side, it turns out that supporters of traditional marriage have more reasons for hope than they may realize.

Read the article here

NOM Marriage News: July 3, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Happy birthday America!

233 years ago, a group of extraordinary men put America's founding creed into words. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." Read More »

NOM Marriage News: June 26, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

This week, I'm on a road trip across America with Sue and my six kids.

Maggie called me up Monday and said, "Where are you?" Salt Lake City. The next time it was, "I'm in Yellowstone Park."

Let me tell you something, the world that God made is pretty amazing. The country that Americans created is pretty amazing too.

Here's the good news from New York: Gov. Paterson backed down on gay marriage, at least for the moment. He's no longer including gay marriage among the bills he is pushing in special session. At least for the moment. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: June 19, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage, 

Gay marriage advocates push the idea that there is no hope--the future is inevitable and resistance is futile. Well, a funny thing just happened on the way to inevitability.

A CBS News/New York Times poll released last week generated a curious headline: "Poll: Support for Gay Marriage Dips." Read More »

Stand With Carrie!

You've heard the news: Miss California USA pageant official Keith Lewis fired Carrie Prejean. Hollywood is doing a tribal war dance. We're appalled. We're outraged. But we are not worried about Carrie.

Keith Lewis also admitted on national television that he didn't even pick up the phone and call Carrie to tell her before he alerted the media. What kind of boss acts like that? It tells you everything you need to know about who was acting in bad faith here.

Carrie Prejean was asked a question: Do you support gay marriage? She answered honestly—like millions of others in California and across this great country: No. Of course not.

From that day forward the attacks have been unremitting.

First they attacked her, then they tried to get her to recant, then they threw mud at her, now they fired her and continue to besmear and besmirch her. Pageant officials like Keith Lewis claim they want to move on and yet they are going on national TV to attack her, her lawyer, and even her pastor!

What kind of people act like this?

Of course Carrie isn't perfect, but she is honest, courageous and strong in standing up for the truth about marriage. She's being attacked not for anything she ever did wrong but for one great thing she did right! And she's not the only one. Thousands of decent, honorable, law-abiding, good Americans are facing attacks because they, like Carrie, have the courage to speak truth to power, to stand for God's truth about marriage.

So here's my message to Carrie: Congratulations. Free at last. Free at last. Free at last to craft your own mission and message. God has a plan for you Carrie and we look forward to watching and applauding the next stage in your journey towards Christ.

And here's my message for you: Help us get the message out!

Carrie's new website,, was launched today. Please take a minute to visit her site, and then send a message to five of your friends.

By now, you've probably seen our TV ad highlighting the venom that has been directed at Carrie, and that generated so much attention 6 weeks ago. (Click here to watch the ad.) This ad has already been wildly successful, reaching millions with its poignant message, and yet there's more work to be done!

Same-sex marriage isn't just about two people living as they please, but about whether a large majority of Americans are going to be marginalized as bigots by a group of elites determined to force their new vision of marriage on the entire nation.

Will you help us get this message out today? With your help, we'll expand our ad buys into new markets, increase our online outreach, and together reach our goal of "two million for marriage."

But we can't do it without your help. Please use this hyperlink to make a generous donation right now.

Thank you for standing with us. And please be thinking about two or three friends you could invite to join us as we work to save marriage.