Critical Marriage Vote in Maine TODAY!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

With key votes taking place today in Maine and upstate New York, please do everything you possibly can to help get out the vote.  If you know people who live in these areas, please call them and make sure they get to the polls. Your efforts and phone calls could make the difference in these extremely close races. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: October 30, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Bishop Harry Jackson and Stand for Marriage called a rally for marriage in the nation's capital this past Sunday.  DC City Council members are threatening to enact a gay marriage bill, even though the majority of DC voters don't support it, claiming that "civil rights" requires it.  Read More »

NOM Marriage News: October 23, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Let me start by saying, "Thank you."  I don't say this often enough--but from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

A great big thank-you especially to the thousands of you in New Jersey who have responded to NOM's Call to Marriage.  Gay-marriage advocates keep saying nobody really cares about this issue but them.  But in New Jersey, a blue state, we are generating a tidal wave of calls--more than 1000 per senate district, from people who, like you, are fed up with politicians who ignore our voices and our values!

Thank you! Read More »

Maine Update

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Everyone keeps asking me about Maine.

Here's the great news: (the Yes on One folks) have a new campaign ad so effective that National Public Radio doesn't want you to see it!

It's an ad featuring an NPR news interview from 2004 with a pro-gay marriage Massachusetts public school teacher. In the interview, the teacher describes in great (and warning: occasionally graphic) detail how her teaching changed once gay marriage became the law. "Give me a break" she says, "it's legal now." Read More »

Stand4Marriage Rally in DC on Sunday!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Join us this Sunday, October 25th, as we gather to protect marriage in the nation's capital! With the DC City Council threatening to impose same-sex marriage throughout the District, DC residents are gathering together to demand that their voice be heard and their right to vote not be taken away. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: October 16, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Something fascinating just happened in Iowa: The president of the Iowa-Nebraska NAACP just refused to endorse Iowa's Democratic Gov. Chet Culver, instead throwing his support to one of the six GOP candidates for governor.
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EMERGENCY ALERT: Marriage Under Assault in Maine!

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Let me be direct: Unless we act now, marriage will be redefined in Maine. Never before have voters had the chance to directly overturn the legislative enactment of same-sex marriage in any state in the country. If we lose marriage in Maine, we risk losing marriage everywhere. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: October 9, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

You may have heard: A gay marriage bill was introduced this week in the DC City Council.

Oh, and guess what? Robert Kabel, the chairman of the DC Republican Committee, immediately issued a statement endorsing gay marriage. Like I told the press, this is a PR fantasy, part of an ongoing attempt to conjure up a "bipartisan" consensus on gay marriage when frankly there isn't even a partisan consensus on gay marriage. Read More »

Brian Brown on CBN

Brian Brown with the National Organization for Marriage spoke to CBN News about how the legal battle over gay marriage could affect the rest of the country. Watch it here.

Brian Brown talks about D.C.'s gay marriage bill

Video Clip of Brian discussing the DC marriage bill that was introduced on Tuesday
News Channel 8, Washington DC

NOM PAC New York News: October 8, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Let's talk Corzine for a minute.

Gov. Corzine has made it clear that gay marriage is one of his top priorities--but only to his "base." Privately, he is pushing for a vote on gay marriage in the lame duck session. The reason he's pushing for gay marriage in the lame-duck is that he wants the vote as far away from an election as possible. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: October 2, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I don't often do this. But let me brag about Maggie. No--let me quote Austin Ruse bragging about Maggie.

Some of you may know Austin Ruse, who is himself a great Christian hero, a tireless and effective defender of the culture of life at the United Nations (talk about a flinty soil!) and other international organizations. Austin heads up the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute (C-FAM), a research institute focusing exclusively on international social policy. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: September 25, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Victory is at hand! What if they declared a war on DOMA and nobody showed up?

DOMA is the one federal law that protects marriage as the union of husband and wife, and clarifies that no state is obligated to recognize gay marriages performed in other states or countries. Read More »

NOM PAC New York News: September 22, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

In New York, the race for New York's 23rd continues to heat up. Dede Scozzafava was hand-picked by GOP leaders to be the Republican candidate for a special election in this district in upstate New York, which has elected Republicans since the Civil War. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: September 18, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

There's a lot happening around the country, but this morning I want to look north across the border to Canada and ask: Is this our future?

What happens when a government decides it has the right to redefine marriage because "equality" demands it? Some may have gotten used to the idea over the last few years, but when you stop and think about it, this is an awesome act of presumption on the part of the state. Government did not create marriage and government has no business trying to tamper with its basic meaning and purpose.  Read More »