Preserve the Constitution

National Organization for Marriage Dear Marriage Supporter, NOM's chairman, Professor John Eastman, will be speaking at the Heritage Foundation about 'Political Speech and the IRS: Protecting the First Amendment.' One of the first casualties of redefining marriage is the First Amendment — there is no guaranteed remedy to protect our religious liberties except to not redefine marriage in the first place.

The one hour presentation will take place: Thursday October 3rd, from Noon — 1 PM EDT To register to live stream the one hour event, click here

Today's Wall Street Journal picked up on the existing conflicts in which Professor Eastman was quoted.
Religious-rights advocates argue that the Constitution affords people the right to abstain from a ceremony that violates their religious beliefs. "It's an evisceration of our freedom of association," said John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, a group opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage.
NOM and marriage champions like you fight to protect marriage — not just for the sake of our children - but also for the sake of the soul of our country and the freedoms we take for granted. Remember to register to watch the live stream of this important lecture by clicking here. Beside Professor Eastman, the panel will include:

Cleta Mitchell Partner, Foley & Lardner

and Bradley A. Smith Chairman, Center for Competitive Politics The synopsis of the lecture reads: Political Speech and the IRS: Protecting the First Amendment
The First Amendment was intended to protect political speech and encourage participation in the political life of the nation. Campaign finance laws implemented over the past four decades have imposed various restrictions on political speech as have tax laws as they have been interpreted by the Internal Revenue Service. Congress is now conducting an investigation of the possible targeting by the IRS of conservative tea party and other groups because of their political views and beliefs, and lawsuits are pending over the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive donor and tax information by the IRS. Did the IRS unfairly target certain organizations? What is the status of their claims and the investigation? How far can the government go in balancing the interests of preventing public corruption with encouraging open and spirited political debate? Do IRS tax rules need to be changed to protect the First Amendment rights of advocacy organizations? Do current campaign finance rules restrict political speech and discourage participation by citizens and associations? Three experts, including a lawyer representing conservative organizations, the head of an advocacy group targeted by unauthorized disclosures, and a former chairman of the Federal Election Commission, will discuss these issues. The panel will be moderated by a former FEC commissioner.
When marriage is redefined, religious liberty of individuals, small businesses and religious groups are often the first casualties. Scholars on all sides agree that as gay 'marriage' becomes more and more recognized, the pressure on our first amendment rights will only grow. That's why the best remedy is to not redefine marriage in the first place. And that's what NOM and our allies, like the Heritage Foundation, are striving to do. Please consider a generous donation to NOM today so that we can maintain this fight, protecting our children and our first amendment rights. And remember, this is a perfect time to make a sacrificial donation to NOM because your gift will be matched dollar for dollar by a generous donor. Thank you for your faithfulness and support. For our children and the country they will inherit, Brian S. Brown

Eviscerating our First Amendment Freedoms

"It's an evisceration of our freedom of association," said John Eastman, the chairman of the National Organization for Marriage...

We’ve been saying for years that one of the first casualties when you redefine marriage are our first amendment rights of religious liberty, free speech, and association.  Now even the mainstream media has picked up on the growing list of attacks on the rights of businessmen and woman who wish to run their enterprises by the tenets of their faith.  The Wall Street Journal reported,

Erasing the First Amendment

As more states permit gay couples to marry or form civil unions, wedding professionals in at least six states have run headlong into state antidiscrimination laws after refusing for religious reasons to bake cakes, arrange flowers or perform other services for same-sex couples.

The issue gained attention in August, when the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that an Albuquerque photography business violated state antidiscrimination laws after its owners declined to snap photos of a lesbian couple's commitment ceremony.

Similar cases are pending in Colorado, Illinois, New York, Oregon and Washington, and some experts think the underlying legal question—whether free-speech and religious rights should allow exceptions to state antidiscrimination laws—could ultimately wind its way to the U.S. Supreme Court. (Read more)

However, there is a easier way to resolve this issue than going to the US Supreme Court – Don’t Redefine Marriage in the first place.

Fantastic News!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

You may have missed it since the news just came through on Friday, but House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa announced that he is officially investigating how NOM's confidential tax files were stolen from within the IRS and provided to the Human Rights Campaign.

This is fantastic news... not just for NOM — but for every group targeted by the Obama administration and the IRS.

And this is especially good news for the American people who are rightfully concerned about abuse of power and political targeting by operatives inside the IRS, and the failure of the Department of Treasury and other enforcement agencies to hold those responsible to account.

NOM has worked closely with Chairman Issa and the House Oversight Committee for many months to ensure they have all the information and legal authority they need, including confidentiality waivers, to compel the IRS and the Treasury Department to cooperate with the Committee's investigation.

As Chairman Issa told National Review Online last week:

These waivers allow the committee to get information the IRS is currently withholding. This information will give us a better sense of why these groups faced delays, what questions they were asked, and what sort of communications were occurring within the IRS in regards to the inappropriate delays and the apparently politically driven leak.

After months of delay, denial and outright refusal by the IRS and the Treasury Department, it looks like we may finally get answers to the obvious questions that have been repeatedly asked!

It's absurd that we even have to go through such extreme lengths to have our fundamental rights protected instead of pushed aside by politicians playing partisan politics. But that's the reality of our situation right now...

... and it will only get worse if gay 'marriage' advocates and opponents of our precious religious liberties continue unabated.

If you have the means, won't you help us stand up to this egregious abuse of power by making a donation today of $35, $50, $100, $500 or even $1,000 to support NOM's work defending marriage, religious liberties and the basic rights of every American?

Thank you!


Brian S. Brown

House Oversight to Investigate "Apparently Politically Driven Leak"

At NRO's The Corner, Eliana Johnson reports that the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, headed by Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Ca.), will be investigating the politically-motivated targeting of conservative groups by the I.R.S., and particularly the leak of NOM's confidential tax documents to Human Rights Campaign:

Issa and subcommittee chairman Jim Jordan notified Treasury Department inspector general Russell George and Internal Revenue Service acting administrator Danny Werfel in letters dated September 26 that the National Organization for Marriage, the conservative group founded in opposition to the legalization of gay marriage, and a handful of tea-party groups have signed waivers allowing senior stafff on the committee to access their tax return information. “With the authority granted by these waivers,” they write, “we request that you produce all documents and communications referring or relating” to the applications and their review within the agency.

Johnson quotes a statement from Representative Issa that explains the scope of the investigation. According to Issa, "This information will give us a better sense of why these groups faced delays, what questions they were asked, and what sort of communications were occurring within the IRS in regards to the inappropriate delays and the apparently politically driven leak."

We look forward to the Committee's findings.

More Fallout from the Supreme Court's Rulings

The fallout from this summer’s Supreme Court ruling in the Windsor case continues to accumulate. This week Leanna Baumer on the Family Research Center Blog discussed a little noticed Department of Labor ruling:

Department of LaborThe latest agency to ignore the majority of states’ laws on this topic is the Department of Labor. Last week, DOL issued guidance informing all private employers across the nation that they must now extend spousal health and retirement benefits organized under the Employment Income Retirement Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to same-sex spouses—even if they live in a state that does not recognize same-sex “marriage”…

If you’re a shop owner who is willing to hire any individual, no matter their sexual orientation, but who believes in natural marriage and only wishes to extend spousal benefits to those traditionally married couples, how will you comply with federal law?...

In addition to the burden this places on private employers, the Labor guidance continues to trample on the will of the American people in most states who have maintained laws respecting only natural marriages. (Read more here.)

They Can Hear You

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

It's been a very busy week on every level in the defense of marriage and religious freedom — from the City Council in Richmond, VA to the United States Congress, marriage champions like you have been called upon to stand for the truth of God's design for marriage and family. And you have responded heroically as always. Thank you.

I am so encouraged when I see pastors standing on the steps of a city hall opposing proposed legislation that would undermine true marriage, and that is what we saw yesterday in Richmond, VA. Through the efforts of these pastors — and your letters, emails, and calls — the Richmond City Council again delayed a vote on the controversial ordinance.

And I am also thrilled when our representatives in Congress stand up for the truth and introduce laws that protect people like you and me who refuse to be cowed in our belief in marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Congressman Raul Labrador and over sixty of his colleagues have introduced the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act to make sure that the IRS cannot use its power to harass or punish people or organizations who believe in true marriage. And you've responded with spades of encouragement for those cosponsoring the bill, and loads of pressure for those not doing so to get on board.

Let's keep up the good work. Your voices are making a difference in the halls of power, and NOM is proud to stand with you.

Breaking News!

Just today a New Jersey Superior Court judge handed down a ruling that purportedly requires the state to redefine marriage to impose same-sex 'marriage' on the state.

This is another outrageous example of judicial activism. An activist judge has overreached her authority and chosen to impose same-sex 'marriage' on the entire state of New Jersey. Judge Jacobson has trampled on the right of the people of New Jersey to define marriage, a right that the Supreme Court has upheld in the very case she misuses to redefine marriage.

The New Jersey state judge applied her own reading of the US Supreme Court's decision in Windsor v United States to find that the state's law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman must be changed. However, the Windsor decision declined to impose same-sex marriage on the nation and instead upheld the right of states to define marriage for themselves.

This is a gross abuse of power that cannot be allowed to stand. We urge Governor Chris Christie to appeal this lower court ruling immediately. It's essential that a single lower court judge not be allowed to impose her own views of marriage on the entire state.

No matter the immediate outcome of this case, we must keep calling and emailing the State Legislature demanding that they not override Governor Christie's veto of an earlier same-sex 'marriage' bill. See below for more information.


The Marriage and Religious Freedom Act

Introduced by Congressman Raul Labrador of Idaho, along with 60 co-sponsors, the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act protects organizations who believe that marriage is the union of one man and one woman from having their tax-exempt status stripped by the IRS.

This is a critical piece of legislation to protect religious liberty as a cornerstone of our country and deserves our full support. Efforts to redefine marriage pose a direct threat to the free exercise of religion. This legislation would protect the right of organizations to communicate their views about marriage without threat that the tax code will be used to punish them.

Jorgenson for Congress

Congressmen like Raul Labrador need more allies, and one man who would stand with them in the defense of marriage and religious liberties is Kirk Jorgenson, who is running for Congress in California.

Kirk Jorgensen urgently needs your help before the September 30th FEC filing deadline... because not only is he fighting against California Democrats... he is fighting against the pro-abortion, pro-gay 'marriage' RINO, Carl DeMaio for his own party's nomination!

One of the most frustrating things I see is Republicans being pressured, bullied and cowed into silence by a small but powerful faction trying to GUT the Republican Party of its traditional principles and values. We need leadership in Washington that will stand for the values that made this country great —for marriage, for life, and for family! Kirk Jorgenson will be one of those leaders. Please help him out today!

Marriage Amendment

If elected, Kirk Jorgenson will join other principled leaders like Congressmen Labrador and Huelskamp. You'll recall that in the wake of the awful Supreme Court rulings this summer, Congressman Tim Huelskamp of Kansas introduced a resolution for a Constitutional amendment to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman. This resolution continues to garner support in the House, however we can do more to urge our Representatives to sign on to this resolution and move it towards a vote.

Meanwhile In the States


You may have heard media reports in the past week that the sponsors of the same-sex 'marriage' bill in Springfield are reconsidering their strategy of calling the bill for a vote during the veto session this fall. This is good news, but we can't let up yet.

We need to keep the pressure on legislators so there can be no doubt in their minds that the people of Illinois do not want marriage redefined. Keep calling — keep writing — keep visiting — and get your family and friends to do the same.

New Jersey

In the Garden State, the drum beat is getting louder. Same-sex marriage activists are working hard to rally the votes required to override Governor Christi's veto of a bill (2012-S1) that would have redefined marriage in New Jersey.

The people of New Jersey need to be heard in this matter, and—as Governor Christie himself has said—they should be allowed to vote directly on the issue of marriage. At the very least, they must be heard by their elected representatives so that these lawmakers follow the will of the people who sent them to Trenton to work on their behalf.


And we can't forget about Hawaii, way out there in the Pacific. As you recall, their Governor has called a special session specifically in an attempt to pass legislation to redefine marriage. NOM is working hard with allies on the ground to mobilize grassroots marriage champions.

There are already a lot of misrepresentations being made to the people of Hawaii about this battle. For example, Governor Abercrombie claims that he has the votes to pass same-sex marriage. We have heard this before. In Illinois they claimed they had the votes, but when it got to it, they didn't and never even brought the bill up for a vote.

So don't believe claims that we've already lost — in fact, we've only just begun to fight! Claiming victory before the battle has even begun is an old political trick to dishearten us. We won't fall for that gambit.

Through all these battles I'm proud to stand with you. These are fights we can win if we stand together and do not grow weary. We know the Truth — God's Truth — that marriage is the sacred union of a man and woman, designed specifically for the good of children. We won't give up the fight.

Faithfully yours,

Brian S. Brown

"Where's NOM?" We're Right Here Where We've Always Been

Serial, frivolous case-filer and NOM obsessive Fred Karger had a question for me yesterday on Twitter:

So I replied:

The story to which Karger is referring is indeed a testament to how religious liberty works - and Fred's being miffed about it is an ominous indication of what would happen to religious congregations such as this one, which have the right to hire and fire their own clergy personnel, if Karger and other same-sex 'marriage' activists had their way. No doubt he would rather see the government step in and deny this congregation its first amendment rights with respect to religion, and force them to keep employing a pastor who is at odds with the congregation's beliefs. But that kind of anti-religious tyranny, which is a part of the ideal same-sex marriage regime, is precisely what we here at NOM are working against - so this story (or rather, the backlash to it) serves as a useful cautionary tale. Thanks for the news tip, Fred!

National Organization for Marriage Denounces New Jersey Superior Court Ruling Redefining Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 27, 2013
Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004)

“This is another outrageous example of judicial activism. An activist judge has overreached her authority and chosen to impose same-sex ‘marriage’ on the entire state of New Jersey.” — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, DC — This afternoon the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) denounced today’s ruling by a New Jersey Superior Court judge that purportedly requires the state to redefine marriage to impose same-sex ‘marriage’ on the state.

“This is another outrageous example of judicial activism. An activist judge has overreached her authority and chosen to impose same-sex ‘marriage’ on the entire state of New Jersey,” stated Brian Brown, NOM’s president. “Judge Jacobson has trampled on the right of the people of New Jersey to define marriage, a right that the Supreme Court has upheld in the very case she misuses to redefine marriage.”

The New Jersey state judge applied her own reading of the US Supreme Court’s decision in Windsor v United States to find that the state’s law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman must be changed. However, the Windsor decision declined to impose same-sex marriage on the nation and instead upheld the right of states to define marriage for themselves.

“This is a gross abuse of power that cannot be allowed to stand,” said Brown. “We urge Governor Chris Christie to appeal this lower court ruling immediately. It’s essential that a single lower court judge not be allowed to impose her own views of marriage on the entire state.”


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Matille Thebolt (x143), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

Are you 'Monogamish'? A 'Throuple'? Or in a 'Wedlease'?

Those are are some of the new terms coined in recent years as a result of society's new outlook on 'marriage.'  Where marriage was defined by monogamy, a man-woman couple, and permanence, new threats to the unique and critical nature of the institution have exacted a heavy cost on our social fabric.

The Heritage Foundation's Ryan T. Anderson explores some of these costs, the true meaning and nature of marriage in his recent report The Social Costs of Abandoning the Meaning of Marriage.  He writes,

In recent decades, a revisionist view of marriage has eroded these norms. No-fault divorce was the first major trend to undermine a strong marriage culture. Now the effort to redefine marriage away from male-female complementarity has gone even further in abandoning the central characteristics of the institution. But if the law redefines marriage to say the male-female aspect is arbitrary, what principle will be left to retain monogamy, sexual exclusivity, or the expectation of permanency?[2] Such developments will have high social costs...

Redefining marriage to say that men and women are interchangeable, that “monogamish” relationships work just as well as monogamous relationships, that “throuples” are the same as couples, and that “wedlease” is preferable to wedlock will only lead to more broken homes, more broken hearts, and more intrusive government. Americans should reject such revisionism and work to restore the essentials that make marriage so important for societal welfare: sexual complementarity, monogamy, exclusivity, and permanency.

A Small But Important Victory

According to reports, “The Richmond City Council gave itself at least another month to think over a proposal to allow spousal health benefits for non-married partners of employees.”

Victory in VAThat’s the quote, but the truth is they gave themselves another month to think over a proposal that would redefine marriage in the City of Richmond if and when the Commonwealth of Virginia did the same.  Don’t be fooled, this seemingly innocuous proposal is not about benefits but about the definition of marriage. 

The proposed ordinance would simply be playing politics and using the bully pulpit to promote a radical agenda, inviting out-of-state influences and special interests into Virginia during a critical Gubernatorial election season.

But what gave the Council pause?  It was the noble effort of a small coalition of local faith leaders led by Bishop Darryl Husband, Bishop Leon Benjamin, and Pastor Michael Hirsch. These men stood up for marriage in front of City Hall and delivered the resounding message that marriage is the union of one man and one woman because that's the way it best serves society, and especially our society's most precious members, our children. They delivered this message boldly and clearly, and they were heard!

But you were heard as well!

NOM asked our supporters to speak truth to power on this issue, and rallying them to call, email, and visit City Council members expressing their opposition to the proposal - and hundreds of you responded!  Thank you to all who stood strong for marriage in this small but important skirmish.

Undoing the Myth of Inevitability

Kellie Fiedorek at the Alliance Defending Freedom has a great piece in American Thinker this morning as to why states’ laws and constitutional amendments defining marriage as one man and one woman are completely constitutional and should not be overturned by the US Supreme Court despite efforts by those who would redefine marriage.  She writes…

Myth of InevitabilityProponents of redefining marriage again have set their sights on the U.S. Supreme Court to force a new definition of marriage on every state in the country -- this time by 2015…
But the problem for those behind this plan is that the state marriage laws they are challenging do not violate the Constitution.  Maintaining the gendered definition of marriage that these states have always known falls squarely into what both the Constitution and U.S. Supreme Court precedent approve…
Some assume that the Supreme Court found a new right to same-sex marriage when it issued the Windsor decision at the end of June, but nothing could be farther from the truth.

Read more here.

This is an important piece that all marriage champions should read and share as we work to win the battle in the court of public opinion.  The redefinition of marriage is not inevitable.

Keep Up the Good Work

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

You may have heard media reports in the past week that the sponsors of the same-sex 'marriage' bill are reconsidering their strategy of calling the bill for a vote during the veto session this fall. This is good news, but we can't let up yet.

It means that your efforts — the emails, the calls, and the in-person visits to legislators — are making a difference.

If those who would redefine marriage had the votes to push through their bill, they would not be equivocating about calling the vote this fall. Despite all their money and big names, they have not yet been able to overcome the voice of the people.

However, we can't stop yet. We must keep the pressure on legislators so there can be no doubt in their minds that the people of Illinois do not want marriage redefined. Keep calling — keep writing — keep visiting — and get your family and friends to do the same.

And don't forget the Illinois Family Institute's lobbying day on Wednesday October 23. This will be a crucial opportunity for true marriage champions to join together in Springfield — before the Legislature and before the media — to take a stand for marriage.

The only way we will defeat the special interest groups with their multi-million dollar campaign and high-profile lobbyists is if we continue to stand together and make our voices heard. And so far so good — let's keep up the good work.

Finally, if you are able, please consider a generous donation to the National Organization for Marriage today.

It's a great time make a contribution because your gift will be doubled dollar-for-dollar in our $1 million matching campaign. NOM relies on gifts from people just like you to multiply your voices in the halls of power. Whether it be telephone calls to constituents, advertisements, or organizing rallies and marches — just to name a few — it is only through the generous contributions of marriage champions from across the country that NOM is able to help you make your voice heard.

We're making progress in Illinois. Your voices have given our opponents pause and caused them to begin reconsidering their strategy. But the situation in Springfield is still fluid and we can't afford to let up now. Let's continue to stand together to protect marriage in Illinois.

Faithfully yours,

Brian S. Brown

Military Chaplaincy Remains a Major Front in Battle Over Marriage

Yesterday, from Deseret News, a story about the continuing battle surrounding our military's chaplain services in the wake of the Supreme Court's fateful DOMA decision this past June:

The Catholic Church has joined Southern Baptists in directing its military chaplains not to witness or bless same-sex marriages nor offer marriage counseling to gay couples.

The rules issued last week by the Archdiocese of Military Services also prohibit chaplains from acknowledging a spouse of the same gender at a retirement or promotion ceremony, or from assisting at a funeral if it would "give the impression that the Church approves of same-sex 'marital' relationships."

The guidelines also give direction on how to comply with implementing federal employee benefits for same-sex couples under their command.

You can read more here.

Unfortunately, we know that these challenges for our chaplains will only continue unless Congress acts decisively either to pass aggressive and sweeping conscience protection legislation or to undo the Court's strike against DOMA by passing a Federal Marriage Protection Amendment.

In the meantime, please join us in praying for our brave men and women in uniform and the chaplains who serve them.

New Mexico GOP Files Amicus Brief in Defense of Marriage

Following the lawless actions of certain county clerks in New Mexico issuing illicit 'marriage' licenses to same-sex couples, a case has been working its way through the court system there and is due to be heard by the New Mexico Supreme Court on October 23rd.

New Mexico's Attorney General, Gary King, is refusing to defend New Mexico law in the courts, but thankfully others, like Governor Martinez, are stepping up to fulfill their constitutional duties.

On Monday, GOP lawmakers in the State also stepped up to the plate, filing an amicus brief in the case:

The Republican lawmakers... said anti-discrimination and equal protection guarantees in the state constitution do not provide a legal right to marriage for same-sex couples.

The lawmakers said that "the judiciary should exercise caution when asked to divine fundamental and important constitutional rights not expressly provided in the Constitution's text."

You can read more about the case here.

Gutting the Republican Party

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

As you know, NOM is engaged in fights to defend marriage in Congress as well as in states all across the country.

And one of the most frustrating things I repeatedly run in to is Republicans who are pressured, bullied and cowed into silence by a small but powerful faction that is trying to GUT the Republican Party of its traditional principles and values.

These RINO-backers are telling Party members that they shouldn't stand up for marriage... that they shouldn't even talk about marriage, or protecting innocent life from the scourge of abortion... that marriage and life are losing issues... When NOTHING could be further from the truth!

When over 60% of the voting public backs marriage at the ballot box, how on Earth can they make that claim with a straight face?

And yet, they do. The marriage issue performed an average of 7 points better than the Romney ticket did last November, and yet GOP candidates are still told to ignore marriage. And wishy-washy politicians who lack principles fall in line, abandoning marriage, life, and pro-family policies in the process.

I don't know about you, but I'm sick of it.

That's why you and I need principled leaders like Kirk Jorgensen in Congress.

Please click here today to make a donation to support Kirk's campaign.

Not only does Kirk have to fight against liberal California Democrats — he has to fight a liberal challenger from his own party!

Carl DeMaio is a career politician, running as a Republican, who has abandoned the party's platform on both marriage and life — a RINO to the core — and, worst of all, is being backed by many establishment Republicans trying to reshape the party to be more “progressive”!

Will you let them do that? Or will you stand with me today and help send a true marriage champion to Washington?

The September 30th FEC filing deadline is rapidly approaching and Kirk needs our help right away. Many of you have already given — almost 100 of you have stepped up in the past few days to make a donation — but we need to help Kirk's campaign take the next step.

We cannot miss this opportunity to send a message to the Republican-In-Name-Only establishment in Washington: WE the People reject your attempts to GUT the Republican Party of its core principles and values.

We need leadership in Washington that will stand for the values that made this country great — that will stand for marriage, for life, and for family!

And, after you have donated, please forward this email to your family and friends and ask them to help you send this true marriage champion to Washington!


Brian S. Brown

P.S. The struggle for control of the Republican Party is real. A well-financed group of political operatives are working day and night trying to get the Party to abandon its values and reshape its principles. We CANNOT let that happen!

The Grassroots base of this great nation believes in marriage and we WILL NOT stand by and watch as the core values of the Republican Party are gutted. We must respond by taking advantage of this opportunity to send principled leaders like Kirk Jorgensen to Washington. Will you stand with me today in supporting Kirk by making a generous donation to his campaign?