Grappling With the Arguments

Oregon PolitiChick State Director Maggie Wilson-Mars writes at the PolitiChicks blog about "The Very Real Slippery Slope of Gay Marriage." Wilson-Mars is a Mormon woman and a conservative with a homosexual son with whom she often argues about same-sex marriage - with him arguing against it, and her in favor.

Throughout her piece she is dismissive of many of the arguments in favor of traditional marriage that we here at NOM know are based in greater logic and evidence that she seems willing to credit them. Nonetheless, despite her reasoning and convictions in these matters, she wrote her article to admit that there's one argument that can't be so easily dismissed -- even though, ironically, it's the one most frequently waved off in our society: namely, the so-called "slippery slope." She writes:

Sweet CakesHere in Oregon, a bakery refused to provide a cake for a same-sex wedding. They will sell to anyone, but draw the line at providing wedding cakes for same-sex weddings. The community was outraged. Portland/Gresham is a liberal, pro-gay town and they weren’t having it. It caused such a ruckus that the Oregon Attorney General opened an investigation. [...]

A few days ago, the Oregon bakery ... decided to operate from home. The emails, messages, phone calls and threats are so bad they can’t take it. Remember, they’re still the focus of an investigation by the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries into possible violation of the states discrimination laws. There’s no reassurance for churches, etc. if businesses are already being forced to participate in ceremonies that they are morally opposed to or face fines, attacks and shutdown. Just in my own personal life, I know many conservatives who have no problem with gay marriage itself, it’s just that supposedly non-existent slippery slope that rears that its ugly head time and time again. I can’t help but look into the future when I see things like bakeries getting investigated and terrorized.

Of course, just like we here at NOM have more evidence and reasons to support the arguments Mrs. Wilson-Mars rejects, we (sadly) have more proof of this danger that follows in the wake of marriage redefinition as well.

Voting With Our Wallets

Did you know that Starbucks was recently reported to be perceived as the most LGBT-friendly brand in the U.S.? JCPenney, Target, Apple and Amazon round out the top five.

If you've been following the national marriage battle over the past 18 months this should come as no surprise. Starbucks has said that gay ‘marriage’ is one of its corporate values. Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, who recently purchased the Washington Post, gave hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money to redefine marriage in Washington State. Target and JC Penny both support gay ‘marriage’ and the homosexual lifestyle in general, as does Apple.

In the same survey, it was reported that 75% of LGBT respondents said they were actively boycotting Chick-fil-A.

We only vote at a ballot box once a year at most. But we vote with our wallets every day. That’s why NOM maintains its Corporate Fairness Project - which includes the Dump Starbucks, Dump General Mills, and Thank Chick-fil-A initiatives – to inform you of what companies are taking active stands in the marriage battle, and where your money is best spent in defense of this sacred institution.

Dump Starbucks

What "WE DO" Does

The "WE DO" Campaign -- a project of a group called The Campaign for Southern Equality -- is an effort to rally same-sex couples across the South and nationwide to show up at their local clerk's office to request marriage licenses in places where marriage law still upholds the traditional and biblical definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

State Law ShredderAccording to its website, currently "the Campaign for Southern Equality is traveling across North Carolina, standing with couples as they approach the marriage license counter and ask their local elected official to stand with them as an act of conscience."

An op-ed by a member of the organization published in at claims that the Campaign for Southern Equality has been emboldened to step up this project by the actions of D. Bruce Hanes, the Register of Deeds from Montgomery Country, PA who recently made national news for issuing same-sex marriage licenses there -- an action which, as the court in Pennsylvania recently affirmed -- was illegal and in violation of his oath of office.

It is important that marriage advocates everywhere know that the recent disturbing trend of lawlessness, with local and state officials flouting and breaking clear and constitutionally enacted marriage laws, is not merely a coincidental or copy-cat phenomenon, but a carefully planned tactic aimed at undermining the democratic process and overriding the will of voters in order to impose a radical agenda of genderless marriage on our communities.

Remain vigilant, find out how marriage license issuance works in your community, and be sure to speak up to those responsible for upholding the law that you are watching and expect them to fulfill the duty they are sworn to do!

Illinois Marriage Alert

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The next six weeks will very likely decide the fate of marriage in Illinois. Gay 'marriage' activists have declared "We will keep fighting until we win."

The legislature will resume debating the redefinition of marriage during a special legislative session scheduled to run October 22, 23 & 24, as well as November 5, 6, & 7.

I have to ask you, "Whose resolve will be stronger?"

Will true marriage champions like you and me continue to stand and defend God's definition of marriage? Will you and I bring our family and friends to the battle? It will take every one of us, using our time, talent, and treasure, to stop this onslaught against the holy institution of marriage.

Earlier this year genderless marriage was stopped in Illinois, particularly by the efforts of black pastors who worked hard to communicate with legislators, who responded by opposing the legislation. These legislators have since been the target of a multi-million dollar campaign to buy their votes.

Gay 'marriage' activists, with their millions of dollars have co-opted the unions and other liberal special interest groups into their cause, and they've even got former Illinois GOP chairman Pat Brady lobbying in Springfield for them.

I'm confident our heroes and allies have remained strong but they need your support.

There are four things you can do today, that will only take a few minutes, to make a difference:

Make a generous contribution to the National Organization for Marriage. Right now a generous donor who is confident we can win the marriage debate has promised to match every dollar NOM raises between now and the end of the year — up to $1 million. If you haven't already, this is a great time to take advantage of this special opportunity.

Send a message to your legislator urging them to reject the redefinition of marriage (House Bill 110). Use this link to easily send your message and make your voice heard in the halls of Springfield. We stopped them this spring... we can do it again — with your help!

Attend the Defend Marriage Day on Wednesday October 23rd at the State House. Our friends at the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) are hosting this event. Join IFI and Illinois families from around the state to take a stand to protect marriage, religious freedom, parental rights and the innocence of our children! Plan to bring your family and friends, AND organize your church to support the second Defend Marriage Lobby Day this year.

Finally, please forward and share this email with as many family and friends as possible. Multiply your voice in Springfield, multiply your presence at the Lobby Day, and multiply your donation by urging like-minded marriage champions to get involved and stand with you.

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We know those who would redefine marriage are relentless — the fact is we have to be just as committed as they are. This next six weeks will take all the strength, time, and contributions we can all muster to protect true marriage and the right of our children to be known and cared for by a mom and a dad.

Thank you for standing strong.

For our children and families,

Brian S. Brown

So Many Opportunities

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Victories! Three marriage and family victories in a week.

If you missed our Newsletter yesterday about the major win for marriage in Australia's Prime Minister elections, check it out here. According to reports, the same-sex 'marriage' platform of the challenger, "sank like a stone."

In Pennsylvania, the state's definition of marriage and the rule of law was strongly upheld when a judge ruled that state and county officials are bound to obey and enforce the law, and certainly cannot issue same-sex 'marriage' licenses.

And in California, legislation that would have stripped groups of their tax exemption if their beliefs and practices don't affirm concepts like "gender identity" and gay "marriage" and other ideas that fly in the face of the teachings of virtually every faith tradition was tabled. Hundreds of Californians answered NOM's action alert and contacted their representatives demanding that the bill be killed.

The voices of marriage and family champions around the globe were heard loud and strong — and they won!

But there's still plenty of work that needs to be done. Read on for other developments this week and to see where your voice still needs to be heard.


After their stinging defeat earlier this year in Illinois, gay 'marriage' activists are pulling out all the stops in their effort to redefine marriage. In their attempts to overcome the heroic defense of marriage put up by conservative legislators and people of faith, particularly in the African-American community, gay 'marriage' activists have committed to a multi-million dollar campaign that includes hiring the state's former GOP Chairman Pat Brady.

But we've stopped them once when they thought they had the votes; we can stop them again. Use this button to send an email to your state legislators urging them to defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman and to protect the religious and civil liberties of all Illinoisans.


Marriage achieved a tremendous victory in Pennsylvania yesterday when Commonwealth Court Judge Dan Pellegrini ruled that all state and county officials are required to obey the law as it pertains to the definition of marriage. In 1996 the Pennsylvania legislature defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Despite that, this summer Montgomery County Register of Wills Bruce Hanes began issuing illegal same-sex 'marriage' licenses. Governor Corbett and his administration filed suit to stop this lawlessness, and yesterday Judge Pellegrini agreed.

Take a moment to thank Governor Corbett for his leadership, and ask him to take the next step to ask the courts to declare the scores of illegal licenses that were issued to be invalid.

New Mexico

Meanwhile in New Mexico, Governor Martinez could take a page out of Pennsylvania Governor Corbett's book. While Governor Martinez has voiced her belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, and that county clerks should not be issuing same-sex 'marriage' licenses, she has not forcefully used the power of her office to protect marriage and the rule of law in New Mexico. It is good that several republican legislators have filed suit to stop the lawlessness there. However, the Governor should not try to remain neutral.

Send her a message today urging her to put the authority of her office behind the legislators' filing and to urge the New Mexico Supreme Court to refer the matter back to the legislature to allow the people to vote.

Washington, D.C.

Finally, in our nation's capitol, Congressman Tim Huelskamp's Marriage Amendment is still gaining sponsors. We've written to thousands of marriage supporters across the country urging them to invite their own Representative to become a co-sponsor of the proposed amendment. The resolution now has 52 co-sponsors! NOM will be working with our allies on the Hill and among other organizations to keep the pressure on members of the House to support this important bill. Just as in Australia (See our latest Newsletter here), the only way to ensure marriage remains true to its nature and purpose is to enshrine it in our constitution.

Send a message to your Congressman today about this very important Resolution. We've set up the action item such that if your representative has already signed on, you can send a thank you. If they have not yet joined, you can send an email urging that they do so.

Thank you for all you do in your communities and states to stand up for marriage as God designed. It is a privilege and an honor to stand by you in this incredibly worthy battle. Remember, it is your voice and your vote that NOM helps echo in the halls of power across this country. We cannot do this without you.

Finally, allow me to remind you that NOM is in the midst of its $1 million matching gift campaign. Please consider a generous donation today so that NOM can continue to stand with you in defense of marriage and our essential religious liberties. Every dollar you contribute today will be doubled by a fellow heroic marriage supporter.

For our families and those to come,

Brian S. Brown

Church of Scotland May Be Forced to Halt All Weddings if SSM is Legalized

I remember sitting with a co-worker in Washington State this time last year marveling, in a not so good way, that our nation is even having a debate about the nature of marriage. Marriage – the institution that crosses all cultural and historical boundaries – that has literally stood the ultimate test of time – and here we are in the western world thinking, “Maybe we should change it?” It’s crazy sad that we are even having the discussion.

St Andrews Cathedral, ScotlandBut when we contemplate redefining marriage, we must also contemplate a whole host of consequences. And right now, the Kirk (church) of Scotland is having one of those sad crazy discussions as they consider whether they should stop celebrating wedding ceremonies at all – for straight or gays. The Kirk is deeply concerned that if the Scottish government redefines marriage they will have no choice but to stop performing them altogether.

Before you think this is just fear-mongering, remember that in England, a same-sex couple is already suing the Church of England because the church won’t marry them. Or as one of the men said, “I’m not getting what I want.” So I’ll sue Christians.

It is crazy sad that churches have to have these discussions. But when we redefine marriage there are a myriad of known and unknown consequences that we will have to deal with.

Frankly the only answer is to not redefine marriage in the first place.

60% of Children Still Live with Married Parents

Mainstream media would have you believe that the traditional family is no longer “normal.” In fact, just watching television you see shows like “Modern Family” and “The New Normal.” Everywhere you turn media and pop culture push the lie that true marriage and family is becoming extinct.

FF-chartWell we know that’s not true and a recent report by paints a much more optimistic picture. Fully two-thirds of children live in a married home, and 60% of them live with their married biological or adoptive parents.

Not only does this common sense good news put the lie to what mainstream media and gay ‘marriage’ activists wish you to believe about our culture, but it also points to healthy children in the future. It is telling that the source for the report is the US Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey and America’s Children: Key Indicators of National Well-Being *[emphasis added]. Even the US Census Bureau knows that the family structure a child grows up in is an indicator of their future *well-being.

The data also gives hope because 60% of America’s children are growing up in Family Structures that researcher Mark Regnerus identified as the ideal places for children to develop. His 2012 “Family Structures Study” showed definitively that children who are raised with their married biological parents do best on a host of important indicators of health and general well-being. Close second to the Intact Biological Family were adoptive families.

So there’s hope for our kids. The “New Normal” does not exist. America still believes in the importance of marriage, moms and dads, and raising the next generation.

Judge Orders Pennsylvania Clerks to Obey State Marriage Law

County clerks have no authority to make up their own laws, or decide which they will/will not abide by. A Pennsylvania judge confirmed this yesterday by ordering Montgomery County clerks to desist from illegally issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples (174 had been issued in total).

As our president Brian Brown noted yesterday, Governor Corbett took great leadership on this issue to uphold the law in Montgomery County and stop the potential spread of rogue actions. The question now is whether the governor will be able to have these ‘licenses’ declared invalid and also use his office to push for a vote of the people. Please urge Gov. Corbett to take this crucial step to protect against confusion and lawsuits in the future that may jeopardize marriage in Pennsylvania.

Gavel in Motion


The state's Health Department sued Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes in August after he began issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, following the U.S. Supreme Court's June ruling that the federal government must recognize same-sex unions in states where they are legal.

"A clerk of courts has not been given the discretion to decide that a law ... he or she is charged to enforce is a good idea or bad one, constitutional or not," Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court President Judge Dan Pellegrini wrote in an opinion issued on Thursday. "Only courts have the power to make that decision."

"The key question in this case has been whether any local official, anywhere in Pennsylvania, has the ability to decide which laws to uphold and which laws to reject based on their own personal legal opinion," [Pennsylvania General Counsel James] Schultz said.

Regardless of personal beliefs, ALL elected officials are trusted to respect the rule of law. If the state they represent protects marriage as the union of husband and wife, acknowledging and enforcing that law is their job.


The National Organization for Marriage Applauds the Tabling of California Measure Targeting Boy Scouts and Other Traditional Family Groups

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 13, 2013
Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004)

"We're pleased that common sense prevailed in this case. This bill was put forward to punish groups that refused to embrace the radical homosexual agenda including same-sex marriage." — Brian Brown, NOM president —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) applauded the tabling of California legislation (SB323) that would have stripped groups of their tax exemption if their beliefs and practices don't affirm concepts like "gender identity," gay "marriage," and other ideas that fly in the face of the teachings of virtually every faith tradition.

SB 323 was originally aimed at the Boy Scouts, falsely claiming that they engaged in discriminatory practices by supposedly not accepting homosexual members. But the fact is that the bill would have punished any type of group with traditional values, and allowed only liberal groups that affirm the homosexual agenda to enjoy a tax exemption.

"We're pleased that common sense prevailed in this case. This bill was put forward to punish groups that refused to embrace the radical homosexual agenda including same-sex marriage," explained Brian Brown NOM president. "The failed attempt to pass legislation like this is clear proof that one of the first casualties of redefining marriage is our precious religious liberties."

NOM, with many other state and national groups, urged their membership to contact their representatives in opposition to this bill. Nearly 400 emails, letters, and calls were generated directly by the National Organization for Marriage.

"Like the recent victories for marriage in Australia and Pennsylvania, the tabling of this legislation demonstrates that marriage and family champions can be victorious when their voices are clearly heard in the halls of power," continued Brown. "NOM and its allies will continue to build on these victories as we stand for traditional values wherever they are under attack."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Matille Thebolt (x143), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

“Geeks Out” Trumps Card at Utah Comic-Con

Can the irony be lost on a movement—those who favor same-sex marriage—whose purported goal is tolerance, when they, in fact, continue to display anything but that virtue to those who oppose them?


Harrison Ford in upcoming Ender's Game film.

This is what Dominic Verner covers in his latest blog post, "Ender’s Game, Card’s Convictions,” for First Things. The blog discusses legendary science fiction writer Orson Scott Card, and the reasons he has been MIA at the most recent Comic-Con’s (San Diego and Utah) even though his most celebrated work—“Ender’s Game”—is slated for its big screen debut this November:

While most geeks would have been thrilled to meet the legendary sci-fi author, Orson Scott Card was not invited to take part. A geeky LGBT group known as Geeks Out had gotten wind of Card’s opposition to redefining marriage; they called for a boycott of the film, and suddenly Card became a liability for the film’s promotion.

Card responded to the personal protest by wondering aloud to Entertainment Weekly: “Now it will be interesting to see whether the…proponents of gay marriage will show tolerance toward those who disagreed with them...”

Verner observed in his blog, “Same-sex marriage proponents may think of Orson Scott Card and the National Organization for Marriage as [alien] invaders…Whatever side of the fence one is on, hopefully all can agree that a little bit of imaginative sympathy would go a long way to judging the matter rightly. As Ender Wiggin would attest, hate sees monsters where there are men, and fear sees enemies where there are brothers.”

Read more here.

What is the Core of Marriage?

"Probably the most important thing to remember about [the marriage] debate is that it is framed in entirely the wrong way." -Sherif Girgis

Sherif Girgis, co-author of What is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense, is a Princeton graduate and Rhodes Scholar. At Australia's Campion College last month, Girgis gave a brilliant talk on the marriage debate, explaining that by framing the marriage debate in terms of “equality” and “freedom,” same-sex marriage advocates completely bypass a foundational question: what is marriage in the first place? For anyone who wants to learn how to more effectively speak about protecting marriage, check out the full video:

The National Organization for Marriage Applauds Pennsylvania Ruling Upholding the State's Definition of Marriage and Restoring the Rule of Law

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 12, 2013
Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Matille Thebolt (703-683-5004)

"This is a victory for marriage. We are pleased that Judge Pellegrini reiterated that Pennsylvania law expressly defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman." — Brian Brown, NOM President —

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, DC — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) applauded the common sense ruling of Judge Pellegrini today when he ruled that county officials do not have the right to ignore Pennsylvania law and its definition of marriage. NOM has maintained from the beginning that the actions of Montgomery County Register Wills D. Bruce Hanes have been nothing less than lawlessness. In 1996, the Pennsylvania Legislature duly enacted a state definition of marriage as the union of one man and one woman that no single state or county official can contravene.

"This is a victory for marriage. We are pleased that Judge Pellegrini reiterated that Pennsylvania law expressly defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman," said Brian Brown, NOM President. "The legislature clearly defined marriage in 1996 for Pennsylvania. Now Pennsylvanians should be given the right to vote and to enact a state constitutional amendment so that there will be no further confusion on this issue."

This case could have national implications as similar questions about the roles and responsibilities of local officials have arisen in New Mexico and in other states. Brown also praised Governor Corbett's decisive action to have his administration intervene and stop the lawlessness in Montgomery County.

"The people of Pennsylvania should be grateful to Governor Corbett for his leadership on this issue," continued Brown. "As the chief executive of the state, he properly used his office to uphold the law and stop the potential spread of these rogue actions. Now we ask that he use the influence of his office to have the 'marriage' licenses that were issued declared invalid."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Matille Thebolt (x143), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

'Til Death Do Us Part, or 3 Years, Whichever Comes First

Yesterday we told you about two competing perspectives on marriage – one focused on the desires of adults, the other on the needs and rights of children. In the end we talked about marriage as the social fabric that holds our culture together.

Well today, here’s another set of competing perspectives: Is marriage a permanent commitment or simply a commodity to be tried out on a leasing basis, like a car or an apartment? From the deep south of all places comes the idea of the ‘marriage lease’, as Fox Memphis reports:

WedleaseWhat if marriage was like leasing a car?

After a couple years, you could renew the relationship or just walk away, with no fuss. A Florida lawyer says now might be the time to consider short-term marriages.

In other words: a wed lease.

Read more here.

Like a Stone, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

"Sank Like a Stone" — that's how same-sex marriage faired in Australia this past week.

Australia held elections for Prime Minister the other day, but it was as much a referendum on whether the Aussies would redefine marriage or not. Former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd nailed his hopes of winning to a promise of introducing legislation to redefine marriage within the first 100 days of returning to office.

As was reported, the pro-marriage platform of the former Prime Minister "sank beneath the waves" of the pro-marriage majority down under.

You may remember I had traveled to Australia in August for the World Congress of Families, and I could not be happier for the friends I made on that trip and our pro-marriage and family allies there.

It's a great victory for marriage, and a win worth celebrating across the globe. It also serves as a reminder that when people are given the right to vote on marriage, they invariably vote to preserve the true and intrinsic nature of marriage as an institution binding one man to one woman for life in order to love and care for one another and for any children born of their union.

To cement this great victory, the people of Australia should insist on the right to a national referendum to preserve marriage. That's the best way to capitalize on the momentum of the victory, and only an amendment will protect marriage from the unceasing efforts of gay-'marriage' activists and the politicians who rely on them for support. It's the only way to ensure that the people — and not politicians or judges — control the definition of marriage in Australia.

While Here at Home

Speaking of amendments, here at home we're continuing to work to encourage support for the Federal Marriage Amendment being sponsored by Representative Tim Huelskamp of Kansas. We've written to thousands of marriage supporters across the country urging them to invite their own Representative to become a co-sponsor of the proposed amendment. The resolution now has 52 co-sponsors! NOM will be working with our allies on the Hill and among other organizations to keep the pressure on members of the House to support this important bill.

Meanwhile, marriage faces direct threats in the next two to three months, and we're working hard to meet them.

Hawaii and Illinois will have special legislative sessions where activists will again try to ram through legislation to redefine marriage for the people of those states. We've beaten them before — in Illinois, already once this year — but our opponents have amassed more money from homosexual activists and are turning up the heat. New Jersey, too, will attempt to redefine marriage before the end of the year. These are all tough battles in difficult states, but we're going to give our all to prevail.

But to give our all, we need your help. It's your donations that give us the resources we need to continue fighting across the nation and in the halls of Congress. Your generosity funds our calls, letters and rallies that have been so important in these pitched battles. So, if you can help us with a generous gift today as we prepare for battle in these key states, it would be a blessing. (Remember, every dollar you give will be matched by a very kind donor, and all the funds we receive will be immediately deployed to the front where the battle for marriage is being waged.)

A positive state-level outlook comes from Indiana, where the legislature will likely vote in coming months to put marriage on the ballot for voter approval in 2014. We're working vigorously as part of the growing coalition there to ensure Indiana citizens their right to vote on marriage.

In the courts, challenges to true marriage are being argued across the country, and in the near future we expect decisions to come down in states like Pennsylvania and New Mexico, as well as other states.

With all these court fights and legislative battles in full gear, the next two to three months are crucial to marriage in America. It's why the our $1 million matching gift campaign from now to the end of the year is so important. If you haven't take advantage of this tremendous opportunity, please do so just as soon as you finish reading this newsletter.

Confident in the American People

As I've always told you, I'm confident that if America were to vote on marriage, we would clearly win. Like the people of Australia, we know the importance of marriage for men and women and for our whole society, especially children.

We hear a lot that public opinion is shifting away from marriage in America, but that's simply not the case. One recent Fox News poll showed that 56% of Americans "oppose" redefining marriage: continuing proof that marriage redefinition is not "inevitable."

But even more telling is a Rice University poll that has been given little attention. Our friends at CitizenLink brought this poll to light the other day, publishing an article by Jerry Cox, the president of the Arkansas Family Council.

Cox explains how the poll shows that between 2006 and 2012, "if a person was going to change their mind on the issue of marriage, they were more likely to swing toward opposing same-sex marriage than supporting it."

This poll is particularly interesting, because it interviewed people over time. This allows researchers to measure changes in opinion. And contrary to the myth that support for gay marriage is rapidly gainsing steam, the truth is that it's opposition to gay marriage that is growing.

Of course, the media doesn't want Americans to know this, so they refuse to report it. All we get are stories about the "oppressed minority" and how "equality" is being denied.

Stakes Higher Than You Can Imagine

Despite this, glimmers of the truth do get out — such as the Fox poll and the Rice University study. To make sure that more Americans know about this, we as ordinary Americans need to speak out, and to be heard in the halls of power — such as the state houses of Hawaii, Illinois, and New Jersey. We need to be heard in the courtrooms across the country as well, and we need to be heard in the public squares across the land. NOM is dedicated to helping you have your voice and values heard in all the places of power where the future of marriage is being debated and decided.

We know how much is at stake. Quite literally, the well-being of future generations is at risk. When marriage is redefined, legally or even just 'culturally,' the connection between marriage and children breaks down, and it is the children who pay the price.

One of the most grave consequences of redefining marriage, be it intended or otherwise, is how it leads to other mistakes of definition down the line — for example, mistakes about the definition of parenthood.

Same-sex couples and others are frequently turning down certain technological paths to parenthood which, by definition, deny children of at least one, and very often times both, of their biological parents. In other words, it's becoming more and more a 'new norm' that children are created by design who will be denied their inherent right to know and love their own mom and dad!

Alana Newman has written powerfully about the sense of loss and lack of rights that donor-conceived children feel. Her words are a timely reminder to us, as we blindly follow the urgings of homosexual activists and others in taking step after step into an Orwellian future, that we are creating a whole host of problem for society, and these children in particular.

This madness is certainly not unrelated to cultural urgings toward the deconstruction of marriage. Once we ignore marriage's intrinsic purpose in bringing men and women together to be parents for children, other misunderstandings follow closely behind. Simply put, once marriage falls, parentage falls soon thereafter.

At its core, that's what we must fight against. Marriage is so much more than a private contract and the satisfaction of adults' desires. It is God's design, in His perfect wisdom, for building a healthy society through healthy and whole generations of children.

Let's all be angels here on earth for the cause — speaking the truth in love about marriage, its purpose, its profound good, and its enormous importance to a flourishing society.

Thank you for all you do.


Brian S. Brown

P.S. Marriage's victory in Australia bought them 2 – 3 years to pass a Constitutional Amendment. But here in the U.S. we only have 2 – 3 MONTHS to protect and promote marriage in Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, and New Jersey. And there's only 3 months left to have your donation doubled by our matching gift program. Please take the time to consider a generous contribution today. Two to three months is all we have.

4 Factors of Marriage That Can Never Be Abandoned

Ryan Anderson, William E. Simon Fellow at Heritage and co-author of What Is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defenseprovides enlightening insight about the four key marital norms: the sexual complementarity, monogamy, exclusivity, and permanence of marriage, and what happens when they are abandoned.

The Heritage Foundation:

...No-fault divorce was the first major trend to undermine a strong marriage culture. Now the effort to redefine marriage away from male-female complementarity has gone even further in abandoning the central characteristics of the institution. But if the law redefines marriage to say the male-female aspect is arbitrary, what principle will be left to retain monogamy, sexual exclusivity, or the expectation of permanency?[2] Such developments will have high social costs.

Young CoupleIdeas and behaviors have consequences. The breakdown of the marriage culture since the 1960s made it possible in this generation to consider redefining marriage in the law to exclude sexual complementarity. And that redefinition may lead to further redefinition.

Indeed, these new concepts make marriage primarily about adult desire, with marriage understood primarily as an intense emotional relationship between (or among) consenting adults. This revisionism comes with significant social costs.

Redefining marriage to say that men and women are interchangeable, that “monogamish” relationships work just as well as monogamous relationships, that “throuples” are the same as couples, and that “wedlease” is preferable to wedlock will only lead to more broken homes, more broken hearts, and more intrusive government. Americans should reject such revisionism and work to restore the essentials that make marriage so important for societal welfare: sexual complementarity, monogamy, exclusivity, and permanency.