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BuzzFeed: Moderate Democrats Walk Back Support for SSM in Face of Electoral Realities

Props to Buzzfeed for noticing that, while the media focuses on the very few Republicans who have abandoned the GOP platform on marriage, there are prominent Democratic Senators walking back from their previous support of SSM in the wake of recognizing their constituents strongly oppose SSM: One week after Republican Sen. Rob Portman declared his […]

BuzzFeed: House Republicans Slam Administration For "Attacking" DOMA

Buzzfeed seems dubious that the President’s choice to unilaterally cease enforcing key aspects of the Defense of Marriage Act constitutes an attack — Republican lawmakers obviously disagree: The House Republican leadership Tuesday filed a brief in the Supreme Court urging the Supreme Court to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act as constitutional, arguing that the […]

3/4 of English MPs Say Feedback on Gay Marriage is Negative, Half Strongly Negative

The UK Christian Institute: “…A recent poll revealed that most voters who write to MPs about the plans to redefine marriage are opposed to the measure. Three quarters of MPs (74 per cent) said the balance of correspondence about gay marriage was “negative” and almost half (47 per cent) was “strongly negative”. More than 610,000 […]

Watch What We've Been Up To

Dear Marriage Supporter, Good morning from the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC! I just wanted to give you an update on what NOM has been up to recently before taking the stage in a few hours. This morning at 10:45 am Eastern Time, I’ll appear on a panel with Tony Perkins of the Family […]

Gay Marriage is a Vote Loser

In England, a recent report showed that nearly two-thirds of MP’s believe that supporting gay ‘marriage’ is a ‘vote loser.’ And reports from local Conservative associations show a rapid decline in membership, with gay marriage seen as one of the reasons. Now even the Prime Minister, David Cameron, is saying that he regrets “forcing” marriage […]

Undoing the Myth of Inevitability

Kellie Fiedorek at the Alliance Defending Freedom has a great piece in American Thinker this morning as to why states’ laws and constitutional amendments defining marriage as one man and one woman are completely constitutional and should not be overturned by the US Supreme Court despite efforts by those who would redefine marriage.  She writes… […]

Across the Nation

Dear Marriage Supporter, In the next couple of weeks, NOM will be unveiling a new website, an updated blog, and better news feeds for you to keep informed and equipped in the battle to protect God’s ordained definition of marriage. Similarly, we will be reworking the weekly Newsletter as we go through this process. It’s […]

Gov. Martinez: County Clerks Do Not Have Authority to Make Decisions on Marriage

New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez finally reacted to the lawless behavior of County Clerks in New Mexico.  She’d doesn’t think clerks have the authority to interpret the law; that should be left to the judges.  However, she does not need to wait on the Judiciary.  As California Attorney General stated, local officials are accountable to […]

Same-Sex Couple Sues Church in the UK

The Christian Institute: Wealthy gay dad, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, says he and his civil partner Tony will go to court to force churches to host gay weddings. He told the Essex Chronicle that he will take legal action because “I am still not getting what I want”. A Government Bill legalising gay marriage passed Parliament recently […]

Media Coverage of Chairman Eastman's Testimony

Dozens and dozens of major news outlets have picked up on the revelations made by our chairman, Prof. John Eastman, during his testimony today before the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee — this isn’t counting all of the accolades he has received on Twitter and Facebook for standing up for the rights of Americans […]

IL Review: Legal Experts Conclude IL SSM Bill Worst in U.S. in Protecting Religious Liberty

Illinois Review: Experts in the law have concluded that the pending Illinois same-sex marriage bill would be the worst in the U.S. in protecting religious liberty. Writing on behalf of legal experts from around the country, Thomas Brejcha, President & Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society, and Peter Breen, the firm’s Vice President & […]

Gay Marriage Vote in UK House of Lords "Too Close to Call"

The latest from England: Peers from all main political parties are expected to oppose same-sex marriage in the House of Lords on Monday, with a vote described as “too close to call”. Crossbench Peer Lord Dear, a former HM Inspector of Constabulary, is leading the opposition to the Bill and said about half of Peers […]

Looking Ahead: Supreme Court to Issue Rulings Next Month on Prop 8/DOMA

Our Communications Director Thomas Peters is mentioned in this NBC News report on what to expect from the Supreme Court next month: The Supreme Court could issue a ruling on same-sex marriage as early as this Tuesday. Whether the justices deliver a narrow ruling, a broad one – or none at all – they are […]

You Won’t Believe What They Called You

Dear Marriage Supporter, Name-calling is wrong. Don’t stereotype and make unfair generalizations. It’s bad to single people out for mockery and stigmatization. These are all values that Hollywood liberals claim to hold. Unless, that is, you support marriage. Then, apparently, all bets are off. You’re not going to believe what I’m about to tell you, […]

NY public school to girls: "Ask one another for a kiss"

Dear Marriage Supporter, In 2011, before same-sex marriage was legalized in New York, promises were made that the bill would not impact anyone but same-sex couples who simply desired to be ‘married.’ We knew that was false then… and New York parents are beginning to learn the truth now. Christian News is reporting that in […]