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UK Poll: 70% Support Marriage; 84% Think Kids Do Best With Mom and Dad

The UK Christian Institute: Most people in Britain want to keep the current definition of marriage unchanged, according to a new survey. The survey showed that seven out of ten people agree that marriage should remain a “life-long exclusive commitment between a man and a woman”. It also revealed that 84 per cent of respondents […]

New Jersey News Outlets Trot Out UCLA's Tired "SSM = Economic Stimulus" Meme, Again

NBC 10 Philadelphia reports: “If same-sex marriage is legalized in New Jersey, the state could see an economic boon of $119 million over three years, economic experts say.” Who are these supposed “economic experts”? Later, NBC 10 claims this report is from the Philadelphia Business Journal. But the Philly Business Journal, it turns out, is […]

Piers Morgan Praises Kirk Cameron's Defense of Marriage and Morality as "Brave"

Piers Morgan has been asking every social conservative who comes on his CNN program about their views on gay marriage and homosexuality. Kirk Cameron, the star of Growing Pains, does an excellent job of reminding Piers that he’s imposing his own value judgement when he asks his leading questions. In fact, when asked about the […]

Vote4MarriageNC Adds 28,000 Volunteers In One Week!

A groundswell of support for the marriage amendment in North Carolina, via the “Vote for Marriage North Carolina” twitter feed: Be sure to follow @NOMtweets for more marriage updates on twitter.

California Asks Judges: Gay or Straight?

A precursor to “affirmative action” for gays and lesbians? In order to make sure gays and lesbians are adequately represented on the judicial bench, the state of California is requiring all judges and justices to reveal their sexual orientation. The announcement was made in an internal memo sent to all California judges and justices. “[The […]

Only 5 out of 6,000 Minnesota GOP Precincts Give in to Log Cabin Effort to Abandon Marriage, Family on a failed effort by the “Log Cabin Republicans” to get the GOP to abandon their grassroots support for marriage and family : Out of more than 6,000 precincts, only five passed on caucus night last week a resolution promoted by the Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans to change the definition of family in the […]

Live from CPAC 2012!

NOM Co-founder Maggie Gallagher moderated a CPAC panel at 11:40 AM (EST) discussing “The Phony Divide Between Fiscal & Social Conservatives: Protecting Marriage as a Case Study”. Joining her were be the following panelists: Dr. John Eastman, Chairman, National Organization for Marriage; Henry Salvatori Professor, Chapman University School of Law Phyllis Schlafly, Founder, Eagle Forum […]

Ed Whelan on Judge Reinhart's Broad and Flawed Reasoning

Legal scholar Ed Whelan is out with a second and more extensive look at the 9th Circuit’s decision, penned by Judge Reinhardt. Whelan points out at NRO several more flaws in the ruling, including: 2. For Reinhardt, “‘marriage’ is the name that society gives to the relationship that matters most between two adults.” (P. 37.) […]

Victory: Even 9th Circuit Decides Lawless Judge Walker Can't Violate His Promise and Release Trial Tapes

The Los Angeles Times on the breaking news: A federal appeals court refused Thursday to make public the video of the Proposition 8 same-sex marriage trial, a victory for opponents of gay marriage. A three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said the video from the 2010 federal trial in San Francisco […]

Black Pastors Join Pro-Family Groups to Condemn Southern Poverty Law Center for Bigotry

LifeSiteNews: A coalition that includes black pastors and pro-family organizations held a protest outside the headquarters of the Southern Poverty Law Center yesterday to protest the organization’s ongoing “slander” against pro-family organizations. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which has traditionally sought to counteract racist organizations in the south, has recently begun to categorize pro-family […]

UK Think Tank: Cost of Equality Act "Far Outweigh" Any Benefits

The UK Christian Institute takes on the same faulty economic arguments used here to redefine marriage being used as an excuse to curtail religious rights in the UK: Supposed financial benefits of the Equality Act will be far outweighed by costs, a report published by a think-tank has said. Statistician Nigel Williams asserts that instead […]

PPP: In North Carolina, Santorum Is Tied with Obama; Romney Trails by 1

The Weekly Standard on democrat-leaning PPP’s latest poll of North Carolina: The latest PPP polling in North Carolina, the swing-state where the Democrats are holding their 2012 convention, shows Rick Santorum faring slightly better than Mitt Romney versus President Obama. The poll shows Santorum and Obama tied at 46 percent apiece in a hypothetical general […]

Supreme Court Slaps Down Obama's Anti-Religion Attack!

It was unanimous, as legal Scholar Ed Whelan points out on NRO’s Bench Memos blog: In its unanimous ruling today in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church v. EEOC, the Supreme Court held that the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause bar ministers from invoking the employment-discrimination laws against the religious organizations that employ them. Chief […]

ADF: Media Spins Santorum Debate to Make Marriage Support Appear Politically Unpopular

The Alliance Defense Fund weighs-in on the question if Santorum’s vigorous defense of marriage will help or hurt him among GOP primary voters: Pro marriage voters in Iowa are largely responsible for Santorum’s catapult to front runner status. Marriage amendments have passed in every state where voters have had opportunity to decide. Honest poll questions show […]

Urgent Opportunity To Let The People Vote On Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, A new development in Albany last week provides us a great opportunity to finally give voters the right to vote on marriage in New York. According to the New York Daily News, legislative leaders have agreed with Governor Cuomo to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot to expand casino gambling. If […]