Author Archives: Brian Brown

The Battle for Marriage in All 50 States is ON! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Here I am on C-Span’s prestigious Washington Journal, talking about the March 26 March for Marriage, taking our case to the very steps of the Supreme Court! On the 26th, as we are marching outside the Court, demanding justice for marriage and for democracy, inside the Justices of our highest court will […]

Pope Francis: A Stalwart Advocate of Marriage and Children!

Friends — As you have no doubt heard, the Catholic Church has a new Pope! Pope Francis (formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina) is a humble man and a dedicated servant to the poor. He is also an outspoken advocate for God’s design for marriage as the union of one man and one woman. But […]

Another Incredible Story You Probably Didn't Hear!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last week, the AP wrote an article (not picked up by most major news outlets, of course) about Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s speech at the dedication of a federal courthouse library in Sacramento, CA being named in his honor. In it, he said that major policies in a democracy should not […]

Minnesotans March for Marriage (Our Turn Next), NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Greetings from the state of Minnesota, where good people marched for marriage! Hundreds of good people of every race, creed and color showed up to make it clear: Marriage is the union of husband and wife, not to be redefined by politicians. I spoke on your behalf and on behalf of God’s […]

NEW VIDEO: Military Chaplains Under Fire!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, President Obama is doing everything in his power to undermine the Defense of Marriage Act by pushing an aggressive, pro-gay marriage agenda in the military. It should therefore come as no surprise that the individuals most directly and severely affected by the President’s actions are heroic military chaplains. Click […]

URGENT: Help Struggling Churches March For Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Great news: The preparations for the March for Marriage are going incredibly well! In fact, the requests we’ve received from spiritual leaders has been overwhelming. We have received requests from churches for 100 buses that we don’t have the funds to assist. That’s thousands — many of them from Latino and African-American […]

Rahm Emanuel is Desperate!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Desperate! That’s what the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, is right now. Why else would he send out an email to his Chicago machine commanding them to lobby their representatives in favor of same-sex marriage? Because as of today, he knows they don’t have the votes to pass the bill! Rahm Emanuel […]

Get Ready for the Marriage March: Here's How!

Dear Marriage Supporter, With the month of March now upon us, preparations for the historic March for Marriage are kicking into high gear. [If you haven’t signed up for updates about the March, be sure to do so today!] This is an opportunity we simply can’t miss, a chance to show like never before that […]

We Need To Keep It Up And Level The Playing Field!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’re off to an incredible start, raising almost $100,000 online so far! But we’ve got a long way to go before we reach our $500,000 goal. Click here right now to financially invest in the future by making a donation of $35, $50, $100 or even $500 to help us reach our […]

Victory: GOP Move to Oust Pro-Gay Marriage Pat Brady!

Dear Marriage Supporter, You spoke and the Republican party listened. When Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady announced that he was abandoning the GOP platform and endorsing same-sex marriage, NOM and others immediately called for his resignation. This week the news broke that seven Illinois GOP committee members have successfully called a special meeting on March […]

Check Out the New March For Marriage Website! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Before I get into this week’s news, I want to share with your our brand new website for the upcoming March for Marriage, scheduled for March 26 in Washington, DC. Please check out the new site today, and share this link with your pro-marriage friends and families. On the site, you’ll find […]

Rally For Marriage: Stop the DFL's Push To Redefine Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The marriage debate is heating up once again in Minnesota. After months of posturing and behind-the-scenes lobbying, the latest battle for marriage in Minnesota began in earnest this week as same-sex marriage advocates formally launched legislation to redefine marriage in Minnesota. The proposed legislation sets the stage for a divisive debate that […]

Democracy Now: Help Allow Iowans to Vote on Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I have exciting news — Eighteen Republicans in the Iowa Senate have introduced a measure to allow the people of Iowa to vote on Marriage! Please send a quick email to Republicans thanking them for respecting the right of Iowans to have a say about the definition of marriage — an institution […]

Illinois SSM: The Story The Media Didn't Tell

Dear Marriage Supporter, Big news from Springfield this week — but it’s NOT the story you may have heard from the mainstream media… Rahm Emanuel’s Democratic Party machine, the machine that has ruled Illinois state politics for years, is fraying over the issue of gay marriage. As of today, they don’t have the votes to […]

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Same-Sex Marriage Hearing Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s coming down to crunch time for marriage in Illinois, and it’s critical that you and I act NOW. I’ll keep this short, so as not to take much of your time, but please take 5 minutes to read this message and then contact your state representative right away. *     *     *     *     * Attend Today’s […]