Author Archives: Brian Brown

A Story I Need to Share...

Dear Marriage Supporter, Yesterday I asked if you had given up… and today, I want to share with you the inspiring story of a young couple I met that is most definitely not giving up the fight to protect marriage! Let me introduce Melissa, David, Emily and Ella Hunsaker. They baked and sold 289 loaves […]

Have You Given Up?

Dear Marriage Supporter, Have you given up fighting the most urgent battle facing our great nation—the fight to protect and preserve the institution of marriage? Of course you haven’t… and neither have I! Click here to re-engage in the fight to defend marriage and help NOM continue the momentum generated by our recent, historic March […]

Defending Marriage: On Capitol Hill and On the Airwaves! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Here are the faces of the people the mainstream media want to persuade you do not exist: Cliff Kincaid, Director of the Accuracy in Media Center for Investigative Journalism, accurately notes how dishonestly our movement has been covered by the mainstream media: Significant news came out of last Tuesday’s March for Marriage […]

March On!

Dear Marriage Supporter, This week, we started something BIG… but we’re only getting started! Click here right away to sign NOM’s Marriage Petition to the Supreme Court! On Tuesday, thousands of people rallied in Washington DC, marching in front of the Supreme Court in support of the true definition of marriage: the exclusive and faithful […]


SPECIAL NOTE: If you are attending the March, please make sure you have looked over the map of the march route and the schedule! Dear Marriage Supporter, There are only a few hours remaining to double your donation in defense of marriage and the faith communities that sustain it! We’re only $25,000 short of our […]

Can't Wait To See You Tomorrow!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We march tomorrow! I look forward to being able to stand with you in this historic demonstration. Thank you so much for your dedication to marriage. Please be sure to double-check for a copy of our map and schedule to bring along with you tomorrow to DC. As you may know, […]

Only 12 Hours Left!

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are attending the March, please make sure you have looked over the map of the march route and the schedule! Dear Marriage Supporter, We’re only one day away from our historic March for Marriage. And that means we only have 12 hours left to raise the remaining $40,000 toward our $500,000 […]

The Day After Tomorrow

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just two short days, the day after tomorrow, I will have the honor of leading a march of thousands in our nation’s capitol to the United States Supreme Court. Please make an emergency donation right away to help us reach our $500,000 matching gift goal. Remember, if you donate today, your […]

3 Days To Change History!

Dear Marriage Supporter, There are only three days left until NOM, our 40+ coalition partners and thousands of marchers descend on the capitol! And that means there are only three days left for us to realize the entirety of the $500,000 matching gift pledged by a heroic defender of marriage. As one of NOM’s supporters, […]

Major Upset Brewing...

Dear Marriage Supporter, There’s an upset brewing in Springfield. Even the media is taking notice. Here’s the headline from the Chicago Tribune: “Speaker Madigan says gay marriage bill 12 votes shy in the Illinois House.” How things change when voters stand up for what they believe. Less than three months ago, same-sex marriage supporters were […]

Out of Time...

Dear Marriage Supporter, In a few days, on March 26th, NOM along with over 40 pro-family partners will March for Marriage in our nation’s capital. We are running out of time. We still have many, many churches that want to organize buses for their congregants to attend the March, but do not have the money […]

This Is Our Time!

Dear Marriage Supporter, This is our time… our time to make the political establishment, the media elites and the small, well-orchestrated band of activists pushing their radical same-sex marriage agenda on the country step back and take notice. This is our time… our time to send the message more loudly and more clearly than ever […]

Have You Signed Up For The March For Marriage?

Dear Marriage Supporter, Knowing what you know today, what would you do if you could roll back the clock to before the infamous Roe v Wade decision was issued by the Supreme Court? Would you show up in front of the Supreme Court and make your voice heard? Well, today it’s 1973 for marriage. And […]

This is it...

Dear Marriage Supporter, We have one week left before the March for Marriage on March 26th. One week to bring together thousands to stand proud and tall for the truth that it takes a man and a woman to make a marriage. One week to make sure that the Supreme Court and Justice Kennedy in […]

Senator DeMint Endorses the March for Marriage!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Why is the National Organization for Marriage organizing a march for Marriage in just over a week? I’ll answer that question by asking you to click here and watch Senator Jim DeMint, President-elect of the Heritage Foundation, talk about the importance of marriage and our upcoming march. Marriage is at a crossroads […]