Author Archives: Brian Brown

Disappointed but not Defeated

Dear Marriage Supporter, Obviously last night did not go the way that we had hoped, prayed and worked so hard to accomplish. Our endorsed candidate for president, Mitt Romney, came close but did not cross the finish line. We are very disappointed in losing four tough election battles on marriage by narrow margins. Even though […]

SHOCKING: Church Vandalized for Support of Traditional Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter, Take a deep breath and then take a look at these pictures. Overnight, vandals attacked a small, 150-year old church with graffiti, leaving spray-painted swastikas to greet Pastor Steve DeGroft as he arrived this morning. Why? Because this church in Maine took a stand for marriage. Now ask yourself this question: Have […]

Make it Happen! Cast Your Vote Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, You’ve heard it from many places. As often as it is repeated, it is nevertheless true: today’s election is critical to the future of our nation. Marriage…Family…Religious liberty…All hang in the balance. Go vote for Mitt Romney. Don’t be deterred by long lines or bad weather. Marriage may not survive another four […]

Last Chance to Help Turn out the Vote!

Marriage Supporter, Our unprecedented get out the vote (GOTV) effort to mobilize up to 10 million pro-marriage Americans to go to the polls tomorrow is well underway. This is a quick note to remind you that today is your absolute last chance to giveto our Million Dollar Match for Marriage campaign. If you donate immediately, […]

First Business Owners...Next, Parents...

Dear Marriage Supporter, I just wrote you this morning about the O’Reillys, telling you about how the state targeted their right to run their business according to their values and religious principles. Well, unfortunately, that’s not even approaching the line for same-sex marriage regimes bent on imposing their radical agenda on you and all of […]

Same-Sex Marriage Law Targets Christian Business!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Jim and Mary O’Reilly run The Wildflower Inn, a small Vermont Bed & Breakfast they started in 1985 and have managed together for 25 years. But after Vermont passed a Civil Union law in April 2000, a gathering storm darkened the horizon of the Wildflower Inn’s beautiful mountain view: Jim and Mary […]

Brad Pitt Donates $100K to Gay Marriage! We Can Fight Back!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Did you hear the news? Brad Pitt just gave $100,000 to the four campaigns fighting to impose gay marriage next Tuesday. What’s even more distressing is that Brad Pitt’s own mother Jane Pitt has been the subject of death threats and a torrent of public abuse for speaking out against gay marriage, […]

NEW VIDEO: Targeted by the Unions

Dear Marriage Supporter, I know you’re probably getting bombarded with emails this campaign season, so I’ll make this brief. You know that we’ve always been up against the media, Hollywood elites and a small but powerful cadre of billionaires who are all trying to push their gay marriage agenda on the country. And recently, corporate […]

Our Opponents are Spooked

Dear Marriage Supporter, No one likes being the bearer of bad news—certainly I don’t! But I have to tell you what our opponents are up to in the four states voting on marriage next Tuesday. You see, they are spooked by recent polls showing us with momentum on our side, and so they have unleashed […]

Help Finish the Job in New York!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I am writing to update you on the state of the race in New York, and to ask for your urgent support to help get the job done. Please make a generous donation to the NOM PAC NY today to help us push across the finish line in several key races that […]

One Week Left!

Marriage Supporter, I’ve got good news and bad news. First, the bad news: we now have less than a week to meet our critical election budget and we’re still well short of our target. Your support in these final days is critical to the success of our voter turnout efforts that will make the difference […]

This is the Whole Ball Game

Dear Marriage Supporter I’ve got more exciting news to share with you! A month ago a poll by The Baltimore Sun showed us 10 points behind in Maryland. This weekend their new poll revealed that we have eliminated that deficit and are now leading by a point! With victory within our grasp, I need you […]

This Is About Our Children...

Dear Marriage Supporter, With the birth of my 8th child imminent, I am reflecting a lot these days on the hopes and dreams I have for my children. I hope they are happy and healthy, of course. And I also hope that they grow up to become men and women of strong faith, high ideals […]

From the Frontlines of the Fight for Victory, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just 10 days, you can change history. You could wake up the morning after the election to watch the shocked expression on the faces of all the pundits, the politicians, the out of control judges, and see the headlines: HISTORIC NATIONAL VICTORY FOR MARRIAGE! Just 10 days until the polls close, […]

Our Ads Are Working!!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I have some exciting news to share! As you know, our opponents in Washington State have had a monopoly on the airwaves for months, trying to mislead voters into supporting same-sex marriage. A little over a week ago we began airing our ads (see them here), informing voters about the real consequences […]