Author Archives: Brian Brown

Why We Fight, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Why do you fight so hard?” a gay activist asked me. They expected us to fold up our tent and go home by now. But instead, thanks to your help, NOM is fighting hard for marriage in difficult territory: Illinois, Delaware, and Minnesota—where one very rich billionaire announced he’s putting more money […]

Tell the Legislature to Defend Marriage in Minnesota!

Dear Marriage Supporter, As you know, advocates of same-sex marriage often make false promises to the public in order to achieve a political victory. (The latest is the admission by a prominent gay marriage advocate, Judith Stacey, that the entire movement is a lie.) This is what they did in Minnesota, telling voters during the […]

8 weeks...

Dear Marriage Supporter, Last week, the Rhode Island state legislature voted to redefine marriage. And the Delaware legislature has a similar vote pending in their state Senate. This isn’t good news…and the media loves to trumpet it far and wide. But I’m writing to you today, not to discourage, but to remind you that we […]

Tell the Senate: Do NOT Redefine Marriage in Delaware!

Dear Marriage Supporter, You must act TODAY to preserve and uphold marriage in Delaware! Click here to send an urgent message to your State Senator and the members of the Senate Executive Committee urging them to REJECT House Bill 75 and to say “NO” to redefining marriage in the First State. This week, the Senate […]

A Tough Week... NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The news this week is tough. I’m not going to sugar coat it. In Rhode Island, all five Republican state senators joined the Democrats in the state senate to pass a same-sex marriage bill. It now goes back to the House which had previously passed a gay marriage bill and the governor […]

We've Got Work To Do...

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’ve got work to do. You and I know the critical role marriage has always played in a prosperous and healthy society… the critical role that a mother and a father in a permanent, exclusive marriage play in the life of their children. And you and I know that when the definition […]

NY public school to girls: "Ask one another for a kiss"

Dear Marriage Supporter, In 2011, before same-sex marriage was legalized in New York, promises were made that the bill would not impact anyone but same-sex couples who simply desired to be ‘married.’ We knew that was false then… and New York parents are beginning to learn the truth now. Christian News is reporting that in […]

URGENT! Same-Sex Marriage Vote in Dover TOMORROW!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The gay marriage bill introduced last week in the Delaware legislature is being voted on TOMORROW! Please take action right away! Click here to contact your legislators TODAY and tell them to respect the historic and common sense understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman by voting […]


Dear Marriage Supporter, It’s happening NOW—Senate Bill 38, which would redefine marriage in Rhode Island, may be voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee today or tomorrow, and swiftly move to a vote before the full chamber! This vote is by no means a “done deal.” It will be close, but there’s still a chance […]

What's Next (and Next). NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, Just about 75 days until the Supreme Court rules on the fate of marriage for a generation. Now is the time for you to act! If you’ve signed the petition to the Supreme Court, thank you. Can you ask 3 friends today to sign the petition as well? If you haven’t yet […]

URGENT: One Chance To Stop Same-Sex Marriage In Delaware!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Delaware is one of same-sex marriage activists’ top targets in 2013 — and it’s up to us to stop them. Why? Like many of the states along the northern Atlantic seaboard, the Delaware Constitution does not give citizens the right to overrule legislators through a voter initiative or constitutional amendment referendum. Couple […]

The Next Step...

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’ve written to you recently to share the incredible successes of our March for Marriage. And today I’m asking you to make a financial investment to defend marriage with your most generous contribution of $35, $50, $100, or even $1,000 or more to help NOM build upon the momentum of the March […]

What You Make Possible...

Dear Marriage Supporter , I wanted to write today to thank you for everything you have done to make this fight to save marriage possible! And I wanted to ask you to once again renew your support of NOM by making a donation of $35, $50, $100, $500 or more to help us continue launching […]

They Didn't Tell the Truth! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, You and I have been through thick and thin in this fight for marriage. We know how important truth is to this fight, and how so many of our opponents recoil from the very idea of truth. There is no better example than the news this week that Washington’s Attorney General Bob […]

NEW Marriage ADA Video: A Warning for Parents and Educators!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Third grade classrooms having pretend same-sex weddings… textbooks featuring pictures of cross-dressing carpenters… children being taught that there are “six genders.” “If same-sex marriage is passed in your state, your children—your grandchildren—will be exposed to the same kind of instruction.” That’s what educator and marriage supporter Phil Lees says in our latest […]