Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

Glenn Beck Rally: Wherein I Shook Chuck Norris’ Hand

I tweeted 8 photos and comments live for you.  Really I did.  And then I discovered so many people were tweeting I could not get a message out.  I lost all those photos I tweeted–“message discarded”. . . .  But I have more on my phone and will share some with you, as soon as […]

Maggie: Report from the Kennedy Center – A Rendezvous with “Divine Destiny”

I just got back from Glenn Beck’s Divine Destiny concert/lecture/thingy at the Kennedy Center.  Mr. (and Mrs.!) Chuck Norris appeared–and with a becoming humility Chuck Norris mostly recited from four great American speeches–two by George Washington, one by Benjamin Franklin and one I hadn’t heard by Sam Adams. Pastor Miles “Do Something!” Macpherson rocked—challenging every […]

Maggie: Ted Olson Blinks!

From my syndicated column this week: “Gay marriage advocates are now hoping for a technical knockout — for the 9th Circuit to rule that the voters of California have no standing to challenge Walker’s ruling. This may be a sign they understand how extreme and weak Walker’s ruling actually is, how unable it is to […]

Maggie: Chuck Cooper Strikes Back

I posted the following over at National Review Online: The Ninth Circuit’s stay overruling Judge Walker’s decision to allow gay marriage is the third time Judge Walker has been slapped down by appellate courts: once by the Supreme Court over the issue of televising the trial; once by the Ninth Circuit over the issue of […]

Prop 8 Lawyers “Smackdown” Judge Walker in Appellate Motion

The press is retailing Judge Walker’s Big Lie—that no serious case was made in court defending marriage. Meanwhile, the brief filed by the Prop 8 team contesting Judge Walker’s decision to lift the stay is a thing of beauty. In a statement released today, Brian Brown said: Read this brief; I’ve never seen a smackdown […]

More Reaction to Judge Walker's Ruling: "His Grandiosity Will Be His Undoing"

A professional litigator, who shall remain nameless (because he might have to appear before Judge Walker someday), told me regarding Judge Walker: “His grandiosity will be his undoing. He’s effectively just called any judge or lawyer who thinks this is even a close question stupid.  (To say nothing of the wretched majority of voters who actually enacted […]

The Prop 8 Ruling--2 hours later

Brian Brown and I have been deluged by media requests. I’ll be debating Evan Wolfson on CNN at 10 p.m. But here’s the bottom line as I told KGO radio in San Francisco: Something precious has been taken away from all of us–our core civil right to use our democratic processes–to organize, to speak, to […]

Maggie: On the Road to Madison for Marriage

I woke this morning in Elgin, Illinois, and pointed the nose of the rental car towards Madison, Wisconsin. My leg of the National Organization for Marriage’s 23 city “summer for marriage” bus tour began last Friday in Columbus, Ohio and ends at noon on Tuesday with a rally on the statehouse steps in Madison. In […]

Maggie: Another successful rally in Lima, Ohio!

It was a hot, sweaty summer day when we pulled up in the NOMobile to the parking lot at Dave’s Market in Lima, and by 2 p.m. it was even hotter. “Heat index of 105,” the reporter from the Lima News muttered. But about 30 Ohioans braved the blistering sun to stand for marriage. (Not […]

Dan Avila: "The White Martyrs of Providence"

Dan Avila is kind himself in describing the courage and kindness of NOM supporters in Providence Rhode Island in this essay.  At a time when so many Christians in Africa and elsewhere are facing true martyrdom his use of the term “white martyrs” seems perhaps to give NOM way too much credit.  But the spirit […]

Santorum: "Boldly Defend Marriage"

Sen. Rick Santorum accuses the political class of cowardice, and calls on Americans to boldly defend marriage from the courts: “With the exception of a core group of conservatives, most politicians – including the president – continue to publicly back marriage while eagerly awaiting the day when judges will take this issue out of their […]

200,000 Argentinians March for Marriage!

Yesterday, a massive demonstration protesting politicians’ plans to push SSM took place in Argentina: The demonstration’s organizers counted 200,000; mainstream media originally reported 70,000, and are now whittling that down to 50,000.  Here’s an eyewitness report: “The march was a huge success. We think there were maybe 200.000 people. The newspapers counted up to 70.000 […]

Statement to Argentinians from the National Organization for Marriage's Chairman, Maggie Gallagher

“What you are doing this day is an extraordinary service, not only to your own country, but to others in South America and the world.  We applaud your courage in standing up for the truth about marriage.  Marriage is the union of husband and wife, because these are the only kind of unions that can […]

Spanish Leader Comes to Argentina

NOM’s man in Argentina reports: “Much excitement that Ignacio Arsuaga, president of Hazte Oir, who helped get 1 million people out in support of life and marriage on the streets of Spain, is in Argentina to offer his support and advice. Today he lunched with major leaders, and spoke at the Universidad Católica Argentina and […]

Richard Epstein Defends DOMA, Points to "Collusion" in Tauro Rulings

In his column in Forbes, the country’s most respected libertarian legal scholar, Richard Epstein, defends DOMA against Judge Tauro’s judicial activism and the Obama Administration’s apparent “collusion” in killing off DOMA through judicial activism. Although Prof. Epstein both favors SSM personally and opposes DOMA personally (he’s not only pro-gay marriage, he’s pro-polygamy!), he recognizes something […]