Author Archives: Maggie Gallagher

The Irish Defend Civilization

The rapid collapse of the family in Ireland has been accompanied by a rapid rise in pressure to recognize gay unions as marriages. David Quinn of the Iona Institute does a brilliant job defending marriage as common sense for the common good. Watch! For more on the Irish debate go to

Presbyterians Reject SSM

The Presbyterian General Assembly (PCUSA) rejected same-sex marriage. That’s good news. At the same time, this top legislative body for the Presbyterians did something very curious–it proposed stripping the requirement that candidates for the clergy “live either in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness.” Under […]

Joe Solmonese's anti-Mormon Fantasies

In a fundraising email last week, Joe Solmonese, head of the gigantic Human Rights Campaign, said this about a new film called 8: The Mormon Proposition: “In the film, secret documents from a Mormon whistleblower show how the Mormon Church helped create a front group before Prop. 8 (the National Organization for Marriage) and stayed […]

Supreme Court Analyst: Kagan's DOMA involvement shows "Strong Ideological Bias"

Ed Whelan over at Bench Memos explains: “[A]s further evidence that [Kagan] would indulge her strong ideological bias on gay rights as a justice, let’s look at her role in undermining another federal law that she was dutybound to defend: the Defense of Marriage Act. As I documented a year ago, the Department of Justice […]

Argentine Marriage Movement is Born

The media is not reporting the surprising strength of opposition to same-sex marriage in Argentina (which rumor has it is being pushed primarily by the spouse of the president of Argentina). I saw this story about the effort to push gay marriage in Argentina and sent it to a friend in Argentina who was there. […]

David Boies Doesn't Have a Clue

Salon asks David Boies to describe the arguments for marriage as the union of husband and wife.  Boies is clueless. These are the guys who keep lauding each other as brilliant?

WaPo's Favorite New Republican

What does it take to get the WaPo to call you a “rising star” in the GOP and instant “Veepstakes” material in 2012? Be a pro-gay marriage, pro-choice Republican, of course. Like Charlie Baker, running for governor of Massachusetts on the GOP ticket.  WaPo, swooning, is pretending Baker is following the Scott Brown formula.  But […]

America's Manliest City: #1 Charlotte NC; Last Place, Portland, OR

This is just a marketing scheme.  But if you want to know how Mars Chocolates chose Charlotte, NC as America’s Manliest City, take a look here.  My question: why is a chocolate company ranking manliness at all?

Planned Parenthood St. Louis Insemination Services

Insemination Services?  Who knew?  Lovely photo of two women headlined “They Just Found Out They Were Expecting Finally” Because nothing causes infertility like attempting to have a child with another woman?

NY Assemblyman Opposes No-Fault Divorce

The statement of Michael Benjamin, D-Bronx: Assembly Member Benjamin – Statement Against No-Fault Divorce I am opposed to no-fault divorce because it would harm most women in divorce proceedings. According to the National Marriage Project at Rutger’s University, a woman’s standard of living drops by an average of 27% and a man’s increases by 10% […]

Maggie: How Does Biology Matter?

Do our bodies matter or is everything socially constructed?  This interview with a donor conceived young woman shows an incredibly sophisticated, nuanced exploration of how fatherhood–yes biological fatherhood, and motherhood, matter. She was donor conceived, her older sister was adopted, and her younger brother, a product of her mom’s second marriage, was born to and […]

Does the Nation have an Editor?

A web editor at The Nation writes in response to a new study My Daddy’s Name is Donor, by Elizabeth Marquardt, Prof. Norval Glenn and Karen Clark. For some reason, this editor describes me as a key player at IAV, which sponsored the study.  I have not been affiliated with IAV for more than 7 […]

The Core Civil Right to Vote for Marriage

From my syndicated column this week: This week, the Proposition 8 trial draws to a close. This is the trial that never should have been, by a judge who has systematically telegraphed his sympathy for one side. The lawyer for the plaintiffs is Ted Olson, once a GOP advocate for judicial restraint. Yet this week, […]

Predictable WaPo Op Ed

Predictable WaPo op ed Supreme Court overturning Prop 8.  Same-sex marriage is not one of the fundamental rights of man.  Overturning Prop 8 would be an outrageous violation of the civil rights  of millions of voters in states with similar marriage amendments.

NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010: Pro-Marriage Paul LePage wins GOP Nod in Maine

There’s so much election news. Consider the Maine governor’s race, where Paul LePage won the GOP nomination. Pro-gay marriage forces have vowed to pass another gay marriage bill in 2011, despite the historic rejection of gay marriage by Maine voters last November. If Paul LePage wins the governor’s seat he has promised to veto any […]