Author Archives: NOM Staff

NOM NEWS ROUND-UP: March 28, 2011

Here are the latest marriage headlines and videos for Monday, March 28, 2011 from around the country: VIDEO: Mike Huckabee tells Iowa Pastors “God Bless You” for defending marriage George, Bradley and Lee on “Marriage and Procreation: The Intrinsic Connection” More Reporters Follow Gay Money Behind “Pro-SSM Christians WSJ on ‘Ex-Gay’ Apple App Controversy: “No […]

INDIANA MARRIAGE ALERT: Marriage Amendment Passes Senate Committee!

The Indiana Senate Judiciary Committee voted this morning 7-3 to approve the Indiana marriage amendment, sending the measure to the full senate for a vote. Thanks to each of you who have contacted your legislators in support of this important measure. Today’s vote was a huge victory as we work to bring the amendment across […]

DOMA Under Attack! Take the DOMA Challenge!

Monday, March 21, 2011 Dear Marriage Supporter, When President Obama defaulted on his duty to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, gay marriage advocates applauded. When Sen. Feinstein and Rep. Nadler introduced bills to repeal DOMA, they celebrated. Soon DOMA would be history, opening the door to a nationwide same-sex marriage regime. They know the […]

Turning the Tides in the State Marriage Battles - NOM's National Newsletter

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! We’re still digesting the great victory for marriage in Maryland. Many thanks to each of you who wrote, picked up the phone, sent an email, went down to Annapolis, and/or reached down and gave generously to support NOM’s work in Maryland and across the country. Stopping SSM in Maryland: “A Huge […]

Boehner Takes on Obama, Defends DOMA

Good news this week: Speaker Boehner confirmed that the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (affectionately known around D.C. as BLAG) will intervene in the Defense of Marriage Act cases. Pres. Obama’s failure to defend the law was not only a huge mistake politically, it’s going to backfire tactically as well: Our chances of prevailing and winning […]

Maryland House Rejects Religious Liberty and Parental Rights

The outcome of the vote is uncertain as I write, but let’s pause for a minute to note: what has already just happened on the floor of the Maryland House was hugely significant, and in a disturbing way. In a very tight fight, with a referendum looming, the advocates for gay marriage rejected a series […]

NOM Launches $1 Million Maryland PAC

On Wednesday we released the news that we’re forming a new NOM Maryland PAC, and we pledged to throw $1 million into the next election cycle in Maryland to do two things: protect pro-marriage Democrats, and go after Republicans (Like State Sen. Allan Kittleman) who vote for gay marriage. Here’s how I explained it in […]

TAKE ACTION: SSM vote imminent!

The full House opened debate on the same-sex marriage bill today, with a vote to come at any time. I need you to contact your delegate today—right now—one last time before they cast their vote. Then forward this email to 5 friends or everyone you know who lives in Maryland and might be willing to […]