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Hundreds Gather Outside Buffalo City Hall to Protest Grisanti Vote for SSM Outside Buffalo City Hall, where 20 gay couples had earlier applied for marriage licenses, about 250 people gathered to remind state legislators that they won’t forget the politicians who went back on their word and supported the Marriage Equality Act. The day’s main target was freshman State Sen. Mark J. Grisanti, R-Buffalo, whose vote […]

WSJ Comes Out Swinging Against NOM

James Taranto, the talented WSJ blogger/columnist, comes out swinging against NOM’s Let the People Vote campaign (of course, it’s not just NOM’s campaign –it’s a coalition effort– but WSJ names NOM). Listen, there will be an election in 2012, in which we will find out if Republican elites are right they can pass a gay […]

Cuomo Says Vote Will Be Political Asset; Sen. Alesi Worries About Primary Challenge

In PolitickerNY: …Asked whether he will support the Republican senators who voted for marriage equality, at the possible expense of a Democratic State Senate, Cuomo said he thought the vote itself would help them. “What I’ve said is I believe the legislators who voted for marriage equality, this is actually going to be an asset […]

New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms Files Lawsuit to Overturn NY SSM

The Associated Press: Opponents to New York’s gay marriage law filed the first lawsuit challenging the measure, an anticipated salvo that came one day after weddings were celebrated around the state. … The lawsuit claims that the Senate prevented lawmakers who opposed the bill from speaking and that the Senate didn’t follow procedures that require […]

Brian Brown on Fire in Albany: "NOM Head Seeking an Army to Undo a Lie"

A sample of Brian’s barnburner speech in Albany: “All we have done is put into statute a lie,” said Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage. … Brown said his group, and others, should build a new coalition to push for a statewide referendum on same-sex marriage. He proposed amending New York’s constitution, […]

Impromptu Syracuse Rally: Let the People Vote!

NOM helped organize rallies in Manhattan, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester (more on that soon!). … Syracuse joined on its own! …Several dozen people gathered for the “Let the People Vote Rally” in Clinton Square Sunday afternoon. Organizers believe that the same sex marriage law should have been something that New Yorkers voted on rather than […]

Over 10,000 Join NYC "Let the People Vote" Rally -- Thousands More Gather Across NY!

We’ll have a full report up tomorrow, but in the meantime, the Associated Press reports on the thousands upon thousands of you who joined us in New York City and across the state to stand up for marriage and the right of the people to vote (find out more at the official LTPV website)! Thousands […]

Senator Ruben Diaz Disavows Any Message of Hatred

A press release from his office issued yesterday about today’s Let The People Vote rally: “No one is welcome to bring any message of hatred to our “Let the People Vote Rally” tomorrow. Tomorrow Christians will stand together to prayerfully and peacefully demand a public referendum on the question of same-sex marriage laws in New […]

Outside of NYC, Few Requests for SSM

The Poughkeepsie Journal reports, gay marriage is legal in N.Y. today, but local clerks are getting few license requests: More than 35 same sex couples in the city and town of Poughkeepsie, City of Beacon and Village of New Paltz have expressed interest in getting married now that it is legal in New York. Several […]

Brian Brown: Sunday Rallies Across New York Could Draw Total of 5,000+!

We’re all getting excited about this Sunday’s Let The People Vote! rallies across New York. The Christian Post caught up with Brian Brown and asked him how the final preparations are going: The [rallies] will take place at 633 3rd Ave in front of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s office at 3 p.m. on July […]

Join Us Live or Online for "Let the People Vote" Rallies this Sunday!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just two days, New Yorkers from across the state will come together in Manhattan, Albany, Buffalo and Rochester, declaring publicly that, even as same-sex couples begin marrying under the new same-sex marriage regime, the marriage debate is far from over, and cannot be until politicians finally agree to let all New […]

Members of the Rockville Centre Tea Party Call for Dean Skelos's Resignation Over SSM

Via Members of the Rockville Centre Tea Party held a protest outside State Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos’s district office on Front Street on July 15, prompting a spontaneous counterprotest by some patrons of the Vibe Lounge next door, during which the two groups of demonstrators traded verbal barbs. The Tea Party protesters voiced […]

More on the Positive Economic Effect of Two-Biological-Parent Families

In The Public Discourse: William Jeynes continues his argument about family structure and wellbeing, offering five suggestions on how our nation can regain a healthy marriage culture-and the economic prosperity and personal flourishing that comes with it. The five suggestions are as follows (in shortened form, click here to read the full article): [First] Although […]

A Little Note About Searching the NOM Blog Archives

We’re always working to make our websites more accessible, and to that end we’ve re-done how you can search the NOM blog archive (in the upper-right corner above). If you’ve ever tried to use the search feature and been frustrated, it might be more responsive now. It certainly should be better than scrolling through the […]

NYPost Blogger on Clerks: "If We Fail to Protect Those with Whom We Disagree, Everyone's Liberty is at Risk."

Andrea Peyser at The New York Post comes to the defense of NY clerks in danger of losing their job over same-sex marriage: Rosemary Centi has per formed marriage ceremonies in upstate Guilderland for the past 10 years, hitching hundreds of satisfied men and women. For good, she hopes. This morning, Centi is doing her […]