Monthly Archives: October 2011

The New Enemies of Eros

If you haven’t read Kate Bolick’s Atlantic magazine cover story attempting to celebrate her liberation from marriage and motherhood as ideals, it’s worth reading, especially between the lines.

My response on the Public Discourse is here (excerpt below):

Her essay reads like a dreary slog through the gap between myth and reality of the sexual revolution. Kate goes back to speak to younger women today, and is appalled by what she finds among 20-somethings:

Most of them said that though they’d had a lot of sex, none of it was particularly sensual or exciting. It appears the erotic promises of the 1960s sexual revolution have run aground on the shoals of changing sex ratios, where young women and men come together in fumbling, drunken couplings fueled less by lust than by a vague sense of social conformity.

What caused the “de-eroticization of sex,” she wonders.

Who exactly are the new enemies of Eros?

Sex has been divorced from meaning. Men are not being raised to be good family men, and women are not being raised to appreciate good family men. And men are failing to become the kind of men women want. Porn is available for all as a substitute for life. . . . .

The truth is celebrating singleness — i.e., celebrating “not doing something” — makes no sense. Loving is better than not loving. Choosing to love and commit to a husband or a child is a much higher ideal than choosing not to; that’s why it needs to be celebrated and idealized.

Of course, not everyone marries or becomes a mother, and of course every human life has other possibilities for meaning, and other forms of love to give.

But all of these other loves — the aunt, the grandparent, the best friend — came into being because somewhere some woman gave herself to the independence-shattering act of making a family.

E. Iowa Government: NOM Involved In Iowa Senate 18 Race

Eastern Iowa Government news site:

Both candidates in a special election in Iowa Senate 18 are downplaying the issue, but a national group opposed to same-sex marriage is backing the Republican candidate with a series of mailers into the Linn County district.

The National Organization for Marriage said is the latest national groups to get involved in the race that could change the balance of power in the Iowa Senate. NOM is launching an independent expenditure campaign along with The Family Leader to support Cindy Golding. It described her as “a strong traditional marriage.”

See our NOM mailers and read the press release here.

Jeff Anderson on An Opportunity for Herman Cain on Marriage

In response to Herman Cain saying he would "leave it up to the states" to define marriage on Meet the Press, Jeff Anderson of The Weekly Standard proposes a way Cain could make good on his promise that he is fully pro-marriage:

...there’s a way for Cain [...] to elaborate on and to refine his answer in a manner that’s consistent with his support for traditional marriage, his support for federalism, and his response to Gregory. Cain could make clear that he’s in favor of constitutionalizing the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Cain [...] could emphasize that constitutionalizing DOMA would ensure that the people of each state actually would get to decide this issue for themselves. That result is now very much in doubt, as judges (who illegitimately thrust this issue forward in the first place by imposing their own policy preferences from the bench) could potentially require one state to accept the marital definition of another, under a dubious reading of the Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit clause (Article IV, Section 1) or even the Equal Protection clause (Amendment XIV). At the same time, constitutionalizing DOMA would ensure that, within its own sphere of operations, the federal government would adhere to the traditional and time-honored definition of marriage.

Or, Cain could simply sign the NOM marriage pledge, which among other things would commit him to supporting a federal marriage amendment while rigorously defending DOMA.

Video: Team Iowa PAC Cuts Ad in Support of Cindy Golding

They introduce the ad this way: "On November 8, 2011, Iowans will unite to elect Cindy Golding to Senate District 18 in order to end the gridlock in Des Moines and the Democratic majority."

Video of Viki Knox's Husband, Sister and Protests

A local TV outlet interviewed Viki Knox and her husband at their home. Viki's husband defends his wife's freedom of speech and testifies to her character:

This video captures the protest that gay activists staged outside of the school where Viki teachers, and interviews some participants -- including Viki's sister who was there to support her:

Cornerstone's Kevin Smith Resigns, Rumored to be Running for NH Governor

The New Hampshire Journal:

Cornerstone Policy Research and Cornerstone Action Executive Director Kevin Smith will announce his resignation from the post today. Smith’s announcement comes amid rumors of a potential gubernatorial run by the popular conservative activist. If Smith enters the race, he will face a primary with already-declared Republican candidate Ovide Lamontagne.

Des Moines Register: NOM Supporting Cindy Golding in Iowa Senate Election

NOM's involvement in the Iowa special senate election on November 8th is already drawing media attention:

The National Organization for Marriage is getting involved in Iowa’s special Senate election.

The group, which opposes same-sex marriage and was active in the effort last year to remove three state Supreme Court judges who ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in the state, will distribute mailers supporting Republican candidate Cindy Golding.

The Nov. 8 election in Cedar Rapids-area 18th Senate District will fill the vacancy created when incumbent Democratic Sen. Swati Dandekar resigned to accept a state appointment. If the seat goes Republican, it would deadlock the chamber at 25 Republicans and 25 Democrats, perhaps allowing Republicans to advance a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage.

The first mailer argues that the “future of marriage” hangs in the balance of the election and contrasts Golding as the “traditional marriage” candidate against Democratic opponent Liz Mathis, who “supports gay marriage.” -- Des Moines Register

HRC Delivers 75,000 Petitions Calling for Viki Knox's Firing

The New Jersey Star-Ledger:

About 300 people turned out Tuesday night for a Union Township school board meeting to both denounce and defend Viki Knox, the high school teacher whose anti-gay Facebook comments have ignited a robust debate over free speech, gay rights and the separation of church and state.

... representatives from Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay-rights association, attended to deliver a petition signed by 75,000 supporters calling for Knox’s firing.

... Union parent Ondria Caffey said she corresponded at length with district administrators to express her dismay over the LGBT display — weeks before she learned of Knox’s comments.

"I rely on UHS for teaching my child academics, not for what this display represents," Caffey said at the meeting.

Gay Activists Arrested in North Carolina While Demanding Marriage Licenses

Associated Press:

A two-week-long campaign to protest North Carolina's laws prohibiting gay marriage ended with two demonstrators being arrested Friday in Asheville after they refused to leave a county office building where marriage licenses are granted.

Elizabeth Eve and the Rev. Kathryn Cartledge sat on the floor of the Buncombe County Register of Deeds and refused to move until they were arrested and led away in handcuffs. Authorities said the two were charged with second-degree trespassing and released later in the day with a scheduled court appearance on Dec. 5.

NOM Launches Independent Expenditure Campaign in the 18th Senate District Race in Iowa

CONTACT: Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage Continues What It Started In 2010

Des Moines, IA – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today announced it is launching an Independent Expenditure campaign along with The Family Leader in the 18th Senate District race to support Cindy Golding. Golding, a strong traditional marriage advocate, is running against Democrat Liz Mathis, a vocal supporter of same-sex marriage. NOM was a major player last year in the successful effort to remove three Supreme Court justices from office after they redefined marriage in Iowa.

“This is a pivotal election contest in our battle to allowing the people of Iowa the opportunity to vote to restore marriage,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM. “A proposed constitutional amendment on defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman enjoys broad-based, bi-partisan legislative and voter support, but is being prevented from coming to the floor of the Senate by Majority Leader Mike Gronstal. If Ms. Golding is successful in her election, we are hopeful that Senators will finally have the opportunity to vote on the marriage amendment, and we expect it to pass handily.”

NOM will be supporting Golding with a series of mailers and other activities in in the 18th District. The first dropped today.

The mail piece can be seen here:

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage,

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], x.105 or Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], x.130 at 703-683-5004.


Gay Activists/ACLU Applaud "Peoria Solution" Ending Catholic Foster Care

Gay activists are crowing because one Catholic diocese in Illinois has ended its legal battle to preserve the freedom to place kids with a mom and dad, choosing instead to transfer the 300+ children in their care to a new outfit that will do adoptions to same-sex couples (the three remaining Catholic dioceses continue to pursue legal recourse):

New Civil Rights Movement: "...if a diocese can make the serious and sober decision that it needs to reconfigure itself out from under Catholic orthodoxy in order to best serve children in need, then at least some well-​meaning Catholics understand the competing demands of doctrine and reality..."

The ACLU: "The new organization will not be bound by the religious tenets asserted by Catholic Charities, and instead will follow the law and DCFS' mandate requiring that the state's wards have the opportunity to be cared for by all potential caring and qualified foster and adoptive parents, including gays and lesbians."

EWTN: NY Senators Seen As Vulnerable for Turning Against Marriage


A group of New York state senators who switched positions to support redefining marriage may be vulnerable in primary elections, despite financial backing from Mayor Michael Bloomberg and others.

"These senators campaigned with the promise that they would not vote to redefine marriage. Mark Grisanti, in fact, went as far as to promise churches that he would never vote to redefine marriage," said Christopher Plante, northeast regional coordinator for the National Organization for Marriage.

"But when they were shown the money, and they began to do the money dance, they betrayed their people's vote - for the money. Therein lies the problem."

On NOM's Let the People Vote billboard campaign:

"The 'You're Next' message points directly back to the Ninth Congressional District, and Bob Turner," explained Plante. "Mr. Turner upset David Weprin in a seat that had been held by Democrats for something like nine decades. And marriage was one of the key issues in that race."

"David Weprin had been in the assembly and voted to redefine marriage. The Orthodox Jewish community, and many other marriage protectors, stood up and voted him out."

Plante believes the four senators whose votes achieved the legal redefinition of marriage will pay for switching sides after their election.

Alesi: In 2009, I Voted "NO" When I Meant "YES"

Chelsea Now reports on Sen. Jim Alesi's hypocrisy in 2009.

He voted NO at the time and now claims he actually wanted to vote YES:

As the State Senate Republican minority prepared to enter the chamber for the December 2, 2009 vote on marriage equality, James Alesi, a GOP member from the Rochester area, told his colleagues, “I’m voting no. If anyone votes yes, I’m going to quit the Senate.”

That was not because Alesi was a diehard gay marriage opponent. Far from it.

Instead, he explained at an October 18 panel hosted by the New York Times, senators knew ahead of time that the votes for passage were not there.

He says now, in 2011:

“This was the best vote [for SSM] I’ve ever taken in 20 years, and I’ll go to my grave with that,” he said.

More importantly, he has to go to the voters with that in 2012.

Principal Refuses to Alert Parents to School Play Featuring Gay Kiss


Several students at a Hartford high school expressed horror and left the auditorium when two male members of a city-funded school play shared a passionate kiss onstage on Friday. School officials said they opted against informing parents about the event ahead of time, saying that the students needed exposure to homosexuality, and hailed the “chaotic” reaction as a victory for raising the gay issue.

... School officials had told students that homosexual displays of affection would be featured in the play, and many asked to be excused. One school official cited by The Courant, nursing academy principal David Chambers, said that he had considered sending an opt-out letter to parents before changing his mind. The school reportedly received a number of phone calls from parents following the incident.

Gov. Cuomo: Disagree With Gay Marriage and You Are An Irrational Bigot

He didn't quite say that, but he came pretty close:

“Ultimately, there was no answer by the opposition. There isn’t! There really isn’t. And as soon as you ask the question, and you probe the answer, the only answer [by those opposed to the gay marriage bill] is ‘I want to discriminate against gay people.’"

Really? For thousands of years human beings have recognized marriage as the union of male and female--for no reason but to hurt gay people?

Who is being irrational and intolerant now?

Source: New Civil Rights Movement