AP: Cuomo Slapped Down Hard by NY Judge, Lawsuit Allowed to Proceed

The Associated Press:

A state judge has refused to dismiss a suit challenging the gay marriage law signed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (KWOH'-moh) in June, concluding there is an issue whether New York's open meetings law was violated.

New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms and other opponents claim the law should be nullified because the state Senate Republican majority met illegally with Cuomo behind closed doors, where Cuomo sought support before the critical vote that led to its narrow passage.

Pope Encourages U.S. Bishops To Continue Witnessing to Marriage

Groups of bishops visit with the pope every five years. This past Saturday a group of bishops from the United States visited Pope Benedict and he commended them for, among other things, their actions in support of marriage:

"I cannot fail to express my appreciation of the real progress which the American Bishops have made, individually and as a Conference, in responding to these issues and in working together to articulate a common pastoral vision, the fruits of which can be seen, for example, in your recent documents on faithful citizenship and on the institution of marriage. The importance of these authoritative expressions of your shared concern for the authenticity of the Church’s life and witness in your country should be evident to all." -- Zenit

Gay Softball League Agrees Not to Discriminate Against Bisexuals

The Associated Press reports the conclusion of a lawsuit where a gay softball team poorly handled the discovery that they had exceeded their quota of non-homosexuals:

A gay softball organization has agreed to pay an undisclosed sum to three players who were disqualified from its 2008 Gay Softball World Series because of their perceived heterosexuality.

... The men - Stephen Apilado, Laron Charles and John Russ - filed the federal lawsuit against the North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance last year, claiming they had been discriminated against because they were bisexual, not gay.

They had played for years on a San Francisco-based team called D2. Rumors had persisted that the team was stacked with straight ringers, and when they made it all the way to the finals of the 2008 tournament in the Seattle area, others filed a protest, accusing D2 of exceeding the limit of two heterosexual players per team.

Tournament officials convened a protest committee and brought in five D2 members for questioning. In a conference room filled with about 25 people, many of them strangers, the players were asked questions about their sexuality and private lives. The protest committee then voted on whether the men were gay.

AP on Jennifer Keeton's Fight to Avoid Expulsion Over Holding Christian Views

The Associated Press reports on Jennifer Keeton's story:

An attorney for a graduate school counseling student told federal judges in Atlanta on Tuesday that the student's First Amendment rights were violated when professors at a Georgia university sought to punish her for her biblical views on gay rights.

Augusta State University put Jennifer Keeton on academic probation for saying it would be hard for her to work with gay clients, and threatened to expel her unless she attended events like Augusta's gay pride parade, Keeton's attorney Jeff Shafer told the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

"She was told, `You don't have to believe it. You just have to say you do,'" Shafer said.

... She was asked in May 2010 to agree to a remediation plan that would require her to attend sensitivity training, read counseling journals and mix with gays at events like the city's gay pride parade.

Keeton refused to comply with the plan, which she said in court papers would require her to "tell clients wanting to hear it that homosexual sex is moral."

She filed a federal lawsuit claiming the school wanted to expel her because she "holds Christian ethical convictions" on human sexuality and gender identity. A judge rejected her challenge, leading to Tuesday's court arguments.

Counseling Student Appeals Ruling Expelling Her For Christian Ethical Views

Maureen Downey writes:

A grad student at Augusta State University who sued the school over a clash between her grad program requirements and her religious beliefs on gay people is now asking a federal appeals court to block the university from expelling her.

... In 2010, Jennifer Keeton, 24, sued after the college required her to complete a remediation program or face expulsion for her anti-gay beliefs. Her lawsuit states that her views on gays were known to faculty at the university because of her “disagreement in several class discussions and in written assignments with the gay and lesbian ‘lifestyle.’”'

... Keeton has already been rebuffed by the courts. Earlier this year, a U.S. district judge ruled in the university’s favor.

In supporting Augusta State in its actions, the judge wrote, “The record suggests, and the testimony at the hearing bolsters, the Plan was imposed because Plaintiff exhibited an inability to counsel in a professionally ethical manner – that is, an inability to resist imposing her moral viewpoint on counselees – in violation of the ACA Code of Ethics.”

A classmate testified that Keeton said she would be compelled by her beliefs to tell gay or lesbian counseling clients that their behaviors were morally wrong and must be changed.

Dem-Leaning Poll: PA Voters Oppose Same-Sex Marriage 52%-36%

Public Policy Polling finds [PDF] that Pennsylvania is firmly pro-marriage (the 12% undecided probably tend towards our side as well):

With public opinion stacked against them, no wonder advocates for redefining marriage are currently focusing on Pennsylvania courts.

Buffalo News Blog: Judge Harshly Slaps Gov. Cuomo for Way He Pushed SSM Bill

The Buffalo News Capital Connection blog:

A lawsuit seeking to overturn the state's new gay marriage law on procedural grounds can move forward because a private meeting between Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo and Senate Republicans may have violated the state's open meetings law, an acting State Supreme Court judge in Livingston County has ruled.

Judge Robert Wiggins, a Republican, said there is a "justiciable issue" at stake in a lawsuit brought by a group of evangelical Baptist churches over whether the process used to pass the gay marriage law was legal.

... the judge said there could be a problem with a June closed-door meeting between Cuomo and Senate Republicans, which the plaintiffs -- New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms -- said was an arm-twisting session by the governor to get the GOP senators to back the bill.

Judge: NY Governor Trampled Law in Rush to Redefine Marriage

William C. Duncan at National Review's The Corner blog on yesterday's decision [PDF] in New York where the judge notes how Governor Cuomo was guilty of "arm-twisting" the New York legislature:

Even though the court concluded it was powerless to redress the illegality in the governor’s actions, the judge still had some strong things to say about the purported legislative emergency. Of the reason the governor gave for immediate action (that “marriage equality” had been denied too long), the court said: “Logically and clearly this cite by the Governor is disingenuous. The review of such concept altering legislation for three days after generations of existing definitions would not so damage same sex couples as to necessitate an avoidance of rules meant to ensure full review and discussion prior to any vote.” The court further noted: “It is ironic that much of the State’s brief passionately spews sanctimonious verbiage on the separation of powers in the governmental branches, and clear arm-twisting by the Executive on the Legislative permeates this entire process.”

NY Daily News Blog: Judge Finds Cuomo Administration Steamrolled Lawmakers On Gay Marriage Vote

Celeste Katz who writes the Daily Politics blog for the New York Daily News writes:

A state judge Tuesday rapped the Cuomo Administration for trampling on the legislative process during the contentious June vote to legalize gay marriage.

Acting Livingston County state Supreme Court Judge Robert Wiggins ruled that a portion of lawsuit brought by gay marriage opponents may move forward after the state sought complete dismissal.

... Wiggins said there is a legitimate argument over whether a private meeting Gov. Cuomo had with Senate Republicans on the gay marriage issue violated the state’s open meetings law.

“There are not sufficient facts before the court to determine the matter; thus, the case shall proceed on this issue,” Wiggins wrote.

Cuomo also took heat in June for ordering debate be limited when the bill actually made it to the floor, with Democratic senators angry they were cut off mid-debate or kept from speaking altogether.

The judge dismissed the rest of the case, but not before taking several shots at the Cuomo administration.

Oklahoma Pastor & Church Receive Death Threats After Opposing Gay Rights Agenda at City Council Meeting

The Greeley Gazette:

In a disturbing trend, “gay” groups are becoming more violent towards those who do not accept their lifestyle.

Last week, a pastor in Oklahoma received multiple death threats after he spoke for two minutes at a city council meeting in Oklahoma City, arguing against adding “sexual orientation” to the city’s anti-discrimination policy.

Paul Blair, Pastor of Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond, Oklahoma told the council that the law was unnecessary and would create an unfair burden on employers and could allow men to use women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

Following his remarks, Blair and the church have been threatened with violence.

A caller said “I have committed homicide more than one time and in more than one state – and yet have not been caught or charged. Think about that.” The caller then said “I will be coming to visit you at 1230 North Sooner Road. I will be seeing you, bringing you something.”

The individual placed several other threatening calls, including one hinting there was a bomb on the church property. “I suggest you listen to this message clearly. A (muffled) has been placed on your property in the building, as well as some visitors will be visiting Pastor Blair at his residence. This is just to let you know. Thank you. Detonate it, detonate.” The caller also threatened to sexually assault Blair’s wife.

Individual members of the church have also faced threats.

Blair told the Gazette, that they called the police after the first calls and were going to leave it at that, but that changed once the possible bomb threat materialized.

... Blair said it was amazing that the threats against his church and himself have been largely ignored by the national media.

“If I would have left these types of threats on the voicemail of the local ‘gay’ alliance, I would have been in jail before sundown. It would have been on the front page of the new York Times and the lead story on CNN.”

Ron Paul's Confusing Marriage Stances


...Congressman Paul’s view of same-sex “marriage” can best be summed up in one phrase: states rights. Ron Paul believes homosexuals should be allowed to “marry”…in states that legalize the practice.

At the same time, Paul is a lifelong Christian who says he personally believes in traditional marriage. In 2004, Paul said on the House floor, “I oppose federal efforts to redefine marriage as something other than a union between one man and one woman.” In August, Paul repeated, “I think that marriages should be between a single man and a single woman.”

... However, Paul has also taken his libertarian views even further, repeatedly stating that he hopes the state will stop sanctioning marriages altogether.

... After hearing Paul’s stance at the recent Thanksgiving Family Forum, Bob Vander Plaats of The Family Leader told the Des Moines Register, “I think he let his libertarian view trump his moral compass.”

New Jersey Republican Senator Jennifer Beck to Flip-Flop on Marriage?

We're sure her constituents will be disappointed if she does:

Two years ago, state Sen. Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) voted against gay marriage.

It is well-known that Beck has done an about-face on the issue. But The Auditor has learned that not only is she a solid "yes" vote for gay marriage, but that she plans to co-sponsor the bill when it is introduced.

"She said she would vote to override if the governor vetoes," said state Sen. Raymond Lesniak (D-Union), who, with Loretta Weinberg (D-Bergen), is a prime sponsor of the legislation.

... Lesniak did not say when he would introduce the bill or when he hoped to see it up for a vote. -- The Auditor/The Star Ledger

Staff Resign From Student Newspaper After "Controversial" Article Criticizing Same-Sex Adoption Published

The editor of MercatorNet explains what happened:

MercatorNet has a "creative commons" republication policy - nearly all of our articles may be reproduced so long as the original source is acknowledged. This is what Rebekah Hebbert, the managing editor of a Canadian site based at McGill University, the Prince Arthur Herald, did with a recent article on same-sex adoption by Rick Fitzgibbons. (She is also an occasional contributor.)

The outcome was explosive. At least four editors and ten writers resigned from the staff and Rebekah appeared on national television explaining her decision to run what was described by her critics as garbage and bigotry.

... Rebekah's impression was that her colleagues had resigned because of fears that their careers would be tainted by homophobia.

The local McGill Daily adds more to the story.

BREAKING - Switchboards are lighting up, on BOTH SIDES! Please help!

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Dear Marriage Supporter,

Ever since the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, an all-out war over marriage has broken out in Washington.

The Human Rights Campaign — the deep-pocketed anti-marriage lobbying group that is determined to force same-sex marriage on every state in the nation — delivered thousands of anti-DOMA petitions to the Senate, and are urging their same-sex marriage activists to call their elected officials in droves.

Thanks to our generous supporters like you, NOM has taken the fight right back to our opponents, but now is no time to quit.

That's why I am asking you to please take two immediate actions:

First, if you haven't already, contact the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak with your Senator. Demand that your Senators vote against repealing DOMA (Senate Bill 598). Tell them you are paying attention, and you expect them to protect marriage. Then, you can email them here:

Take Action Now

Second, make one urgent, generous gift to NOM using our secure credit card donation form.

Donate Now

Both actions are important, because the anti-marriage crusaders are using a slick, well-funded lobbying and publicity campaign to repeal DOMA, which is the only federal statute protecting states against radical lawsuits challenging marriage.

Your generous donations and your grassroots energy are our only way of fighting back!

This is the first time in history that a Senate Committee has passed anti-DOMA legislation. And if they succeed in sending this bill to President Obama's desk, he will sign it.

If that happens, it will be the absolute destruction of marriage in your state, in my state, in all 50 states!

Your two U.S. Senators can put a stop to this madness, so make sure they hear from you, TODAY.

And please make one urgent financial gift to help NOM lead this fight in Washington.

Thank you in advance.

Keep fighting the good fight!


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

Donate Now

Texas Democrats Decide Not to Place Non-Binding Resolution on Gay Marriage on Primary Ballot

The Dallas Voice:

Democrats in Texas won’t get to vote next year on whether they support same-sex marriage, after the party’s Executive Committee shot down a proposal to place a non-binding resolution on the March 2012 primary ballot.

Meeting in the capital on Saturday, Nov. 19, the State Democratic Executive Committee voted 33-22 against placing the resolution in support of same-sex marriage on the ballot, according to Dan Graney, president of the party’s LGBT caucus.

... some SDEC members feared backlash from the marriage resolution and said it could be used against Democratic candidates by their Republican opponents, Graney said.