Dead People Trying to Vote in NY-9?

Gotham Gazette is reporting that Bob Turner's campaign has a court order impounding all paper ballots -- after 5 dead people were sent absentee ballots.

More Media Noticing Marriage is the Issue in NY-9

Major media outlets are noticing that quite simply, marriage matters in NY-9:

Washington Post: "[Among NY-9's unique quirks:] an Orthodox Jewish community and a large bloc of Catholics in the district that dislike Weprin’s vote for the New York same-sex marriage law, Weprin’s awkwardness as a candidate — this is all you need to know about that — and a lingering case of buyer’s remorse from voters who elected Weiner over Turner in 2010."

National Journal: Weprin is an Orthodox Jew and for years represented that constituency in the state Assembly. But his vote in favor of gay marriage last spring drew significant protest. He’s been down among Orthodox Jews by a 2-1 margin since entering the race.

FoxNews: Weprin, an Orthodox Jew, has been on the defensive on gay marriage and Israel, which could peel away some support from the Orthodox community. He voted in favor of same-sex nuptials in the New York Assembly, and some Jewish voters have threatened to withhold support for Weprin because they disapprove of Obama's policies toward the Jewish state.

Video: Gov. Cuomo Predicts Weprin Win in NY-9, Ignores Marriage Vote Impact

NOM Congratulates People of North Carolina: Your Right to Vote for Marriage is Protected!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 13, 2011

Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004

"The North Carolina legislature did the right thing in trusting the people of North Carolina with the future of marriage in 2012," said Brian Brown, president of NOM. “The National Organization for Marriage pledges to help!"

Washington – Brian Brown, president of NOM, reacts to the news that the North Carolina legislature voted by a three-fifths majority to refer a marriage amendment to the people of North Carolina in 2012.

"This is a big win for marriage and for democracy!" says Brian Brown. "The big lie in politics is that the marriage fight is over. This vote proves once again the pundits are wrong: the people want the right to decide the future of marriage. NOM reached out to more than 100,000 North Carolinians in the last few days, making sure they told their representatives they want the right to vote for marriage. Congratulations to each and every North Carolinian voter for this big win, and thanks in particular to the Family Research Council, North Carolina Family Policy Council and the North Carolina Values Coalition for all their hard work in making this vote happen.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.


BIG WIN FOR MARRIAGE IN N.C.! Senate Votes to Let the People Vote on Marriage in 2012!


The North Carolina Senate just voted to allow the people to vote on a constitutional amendment protecting marriage in May of 2012 by a vote of 30-16.

More from us soon -- thank you once again to everyone who took action to encourage their elected representatives to allow the people to vote!

UPDATE: Here's an early report by the NC News Observer.

Politico's Ben Smith: Is NY-9 About Marriage?

He writes:

...People who work in New York's Orthodox Jewish politics say that David Weprin's support for same-sex marriage has been a major issue in the district, whose Orthodox Jews aren't the closely-knit Chasids who don't care much about which outsiders marry one another, but more traditional social conservative voters.

UPDATE: The issue does [...] show up in polling: 29% identified it to PPP as important.

As we mentioned, a further 26% in that poll identified marriage as "somewhat important" to their final choice of who to support in NY-9. That means a majority of NY-9 voters (55%) see marriage as either very or somewhat important in deciding who they will vote for today.

URGENT ACTION NEEDED -- Senate Vote on NC Marriage Amendment Today!


Dear Marriage Supporter,

Many, many thanks to each of you who have sent messages, made phone calls, and even joined me in Raleigh yesterday at the State Capitol. With your help, the marriage amendment passed the House on a 75-42 vote yesterday, satisfying the 3/5 majority required for passage.

But the battle isn't over yet. We urgently need your help today as the Senate takes up the amendment.

Groups like FRC Action, the North Carolina Family Policy Council, and the North Carolina Values Coalition have played critical roles in getting the amendment to this point. NOM is using automated phone calls to reach out to marriage supporters in targeted districts across the state today to help push across the finish line. But ultimately, it comes down to you, and what your senator is hearing from his constituents.

Please take a moment right now to call or email your state senator, urging him or her to vote YES on the marriage amendment.

With the Senate vote pending later today, there isn't much time. Please send your emails and make your phone calls right now!


Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage


VOTE TODAY! Support Bob Turner in NY-9 Election to Replace Anthony Weiner

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Bob Turner Photo

If you live in New York's 9th Congressional District, please be sure to vote today for Republican Bob Turner in the special election to replace Rep. Anthony Weiner. And if you know anyone who lives in Brooklyn or Queens, please call them to make sure they get out and vote!

This race, in a normally safe Democratic district, has broken wide open, with the latest polls showing Democrat David Weprin trailing Republican Bob Turner. The unspoken elephant in the room is Weprin's vote for same-sex marriage in the New York Assembly earlier this year, which deeply offended many of his Orthodox Jewish and Hispanic constituents. NOM was in this race early with the largest independent expenditures in the race, including mailings and over 100,000 phone calls voiced by Rabbi Wallerstein and State Senator Ruben Diaz. (Follow all the latest campaign news at

A victory by Turner would send a huge message not just in the 9th Congressional District, but across the nation. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) is reported to be in "panic mode," spending half a million dollars on TV ads over the weekend.

Send a message for marriage by voting for Bob Turner today! Then call anyone you know who lives in Brooklyn or Queens and make sure they vote, too!


Brian Brown

Brian Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

Local Press Covers NOM and SSM in NY-9

Here's some coverage we missed:

"A powerful group of social conservatives has raised David Weprin's vote to legalize gay marriage in New York State as an issue in the struggling Democrat's bid to succeed former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)." -- The Washington Current

"The race in NY-9, which Nate Silver predicted last week could conceivably go Republican, began as a referendum on President Obama when Weiner resigned. Despite the economy, it has somewhat surprisingly shaped up instead as a referendum on same-sex marriage..." -- The Village Voice

"Contrary to what the pundits would have you believe, social issues are not only playing a role in this election--they may be deciding it! Without Weprin's support for same-sex "marriage," this race--even in the "bluest of blue districts"--wouldn't even be close. Although Democrats outnumber conservatives 3-to-1, the majority of 9th District is still socially conservative." -- Opposing Views

"The National Organization for Marriage paid for 30,000 robocalls to Jewish homes supporting his opponent, Republican Bob Turner. And online, Weprin’s vote for same-sex marriage has been portrayed as a vote against God – even though Weprin is himself an Orthodox Jew." -- City Hall News

NC Legislators Flooded with Requests to Support Marriage Amendment

In the Blue Ridge Times-News:

"[State Rep. Chuck McGrady] has had plenty of input on the issue [of the marriage amendment]. Nothing could have prepared him for the onslaught of phone calls he received late last week about the amendment - at one point, the calls were coming in at a rate of one every 10 seconds, McGrady said Sunday, and all were generated by the hot-button issue.

... [State Sen. Tom Apodaca] said about 70 percent of the people his office has heard from support the amendment, with particularly strong backing in Henderson County.

McGrady, who said he is unsure who is backing the ads and robo calls, added that one of his colleagues, state Rep. Glen Bradley (R, Youngsville), has been so overwhelmed by robo calls he’s had to turn off his cell phone and unplug his land line.

... But while almost all the calls McGrady has received come from those who support the amendment, a slight majority of emails he gets are from those who oppose it.

On Monday, several hundred amendment supporters held a rally behind the Legislative Building in Raleigh, saying it’s time for lawmakers to let the people vote on the same-sex marriage question.

Thank you to everyone who has joined us in taking action and helping the people's voice be heard!

NY Daily News on NOM's Two Robo-Calls for Bob Turner in NY-9

In their Daily Politics blog:

Rabbi Zechariah Wallerstein, founder of the Ohr Naava women's Torah center in Brooklyn, recorded an anti-Weprin robocall paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex nuptials. VIN reports that Wallerstein says he doesn't know anything about Turner, but agreed to do the call based on his belief that Weprin's past support of SSM makes him a unfit candidate for Orthodox Jews.

One of my readers reported getting a call recorded by state Sen. Ruben Diaz Sr., another vocal opponent of New York SSM.

Local Jewish News: "Prominent Rabbi Makes Robo Calls For Turner"

Via Vos Iz Neias (Yiddish for "What's News?"):

... “I have no political leanings whatsoever,” said Rabbi Wallerstein. “But I am very political when it comes to toeivas Hashem and His name. This was a vote against Hashem. This is my chance to stand up and vote for Hashem.

Rabbi Wallerstein said that he is further committed to making the same statement in future elections against any other Orthodox politician who supports gay rights.

Brooklyn GOP District Leader - Another Weprin SSM Casualty?

The Brooklyn Politics reports:

"...former Assembly candidate Joseph Hayon is taking on incumbent District Leader Boris Pincus for the party leadership post.

... Hayon additionally cites Pincus’ contributions to Democrats — including David Weprin (not for Congress) and for Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasn— as symbolic of the work the incumbent is not doing on behalf of Republican interests.

All this contrasts, Hayon suggests, with the work that he’s been doing for Bob Turner’s campaign for Congress. He says he helped get the National Organization for Marriage involved in the race, which dovetails nicely with his own personal focus on the issue.

NC HOUSE PASSES MARRIAGE AMENDMENT 75-42! --Senate Vote Expected Soon

Good news! Please continue to contact your Senators in North Carolina so together we can ensure that the people have their chance to vote!

The N.C. House on Monday passed a bill to allow voters to decide in the May primary whether to ban gay marriage in the state Constitution.

The Senate is expected to consider the constitutional amendment proposal as soon as Tuesday.

The 75-42 vote on final reading was enough to reach the required three-fifths majority of the 120-member House for constitutional amendments. The vote came after more than three hours of emotional debate on the House floor Monday afternoon and in the House Rules Committee, where the bill's newest language got its start earlier in the day.--StarNewsOnline

An exciting moment:

“You’re at a defining moment in this state where you’ve got to understand this is about you being a moral voice to this state House and a moral voice of conscience to this Legislature,” said Derek McCoy, who heads the Maryland Family Alliance...

He brought the crowd to his feet when he told them that the House standing behind them was not immovable.

“This House is your House,” McCoy said.

He led them in a chant, saying, “Let the people vote! Let the people vote!”


You Don't Need to Redefine Marriage to Get Hospital Visitation

President Obama's ruling proves it:

The Department of Health & Human Services will enforce the policy granting hospital visitation rights to gay couples...

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid sent a letter to state survey and certification agencies clarifying the mandate that President Barack Obama issued last year. All hospitals receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds must allow patients to designate their own visitors during a hospital stay, including a same-sex partner. --AP