Watch Out for Voter Fraud in NY-9

Hans A. von Spakovsky in The Corner:

The latest data from Public Policy Polling (a Democratic firm) shows Republican Bob Turner is “poised to pull a huge upset“ in the race to replace Anthony Weiner. Turner led Democrat David Weprin 47 to 41 in PPP’s poll, putting the Republican candidate an astonishing six points ahead in a district that President Obama won by 55 percent in 2008.

Will this tempt some locals to resort to the kind of voter fraud that Kings County andBrooklyn are infamous for?

A source within the Turner camp tells me the campaign sent a letter and campaign literature to all the voters on the permanent list maintained by the Board of Elections who are automatically mailed absentee ballots. They have received hundreds of pieces of returned mail marked “address unknown” or “return to sender” and at least five marked “deceased.” They were contacted by another voter who received an absentee ballot he had not even requested.

The polls open soon.

WaPo: Dems Blame SSM for Weprin's Potential Loss

Aaron Blake in The Washington Post's elections blog:

"Democrats are already blaming New York Democratic nominee David Weprin’s vote for same-sex marriage from when he was in the state Assembly for alienating Jewish voters."

Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein Sends Message To NY-9 Voters: Say No To David Weprin

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 12, 2011
Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004

National Organization for Marriage Partners With Rabbi for Robo-Call in NY-9

Washington – The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today announced that Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein has partnered with them to record a robo-call in New York’s 9th district, calling for voters to support Bob Turner in tomorrow’s congressional election.

Following robo-calls made in the district from New York State Sen. Ruben Diaz, Rabbi Wallerstein recorded a call in response to Democrat David Weprin, a self-proclaimed Orthodox Jew, voting for same-gender marriage in the New York legislature earlier this year. The call, which began on Monday and will reach 30,000 Jewish voters’ homes, is a plea to those of the Jewish faith to support Bob Turner.

“With the formation of the Let the People Vote coalition in the wake of passage of same-gender marriage, leaders from different faiths, backgrounds and political parties vowed to hold legislators accountable who betrayed them,” said Brian Brown, president of NOM. “David Weprin is learning the hard way that we are keeping our promise. The people of New York’s 9th district are sending a message loud and clear: Don’t Mess With Marriage.”

Audio of the call can be heard here:

Transcript of the call:

“Hello, I am Rabbi Wallerstein and I am calling to let you know that I am opposing David Weprin’s campaign for Congress in the 9th district. David Weprin defied Jewish law and betrayed our values by voting for same-gender marriage in New York. Now he wants to be our representative in Congress? I say No to David Weprin. David Weprin abandoned Jewish teaching in New York state; it’s time for us to abandon David Weprin. Please, join me in voting for Bob Turner for Congress on September 13th.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins (x105), [email protected], or Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, Not authorized by any candidate or any candidate’s committee.


SSM Advocates Complain Because NC Businessmen Decline to Enter Culture Wars

The Editors of The Charlotte Observer:

"The gay marriage amendment, up for a legislative vote [this] week, is primarily a transparent attempt to rile up the state's most socially conservative voters for the 2012 election.

...The North Carolina Chamber of Commerce is ducking the issue. So is the Charlotte Chamber and the Raleigh Chamber. They're afraid, it seems, to alienate some of their more unenlightened members."

President Obama Desperately Sends Text for Weprin in NY-9

Local NY-9 Voices: Orthodox Jews Will Send Weprin a Message, Gov. Cuomo Absent from Race

Here's what local political enthusiasts in NY-9 are saying about tomorrow's election:

Weekly Standard: Will Weprin's Vote for SSM Sink Him in NY-9?

John McCormack reports in the Weekly Standard:

In the robo-call, sponsored by the National Organization for Marriage and recorded in Spanish, Diaz denounces Weprin for his vote for same-sex marriage in June of this year. "David Weprin betrayed New York families when he voted to impose same sex marriage," Diaz says, according to a translation. "Weprin voted to impose gay marriage against the wishes of our community. Worse, he refused to allow the people of New York to decide this issue by allowing us to vote on marriage, as voters in 31 other states have been able to do. Our families face terrible consequences because of David Weprin. Join me, Democratic state senator Ruben Diaz, in supporting Bob Turner for Congress on September 13."

The Latino community in New York's 9th congressional district is sizable and could sway Tuesday's election. "There are around 100,000 Latinos in the district, of whom 40,000 are registered voters, including 27,000 Democrats, according to U.S. Census data and voter registration data," City Hall News reported recently.

Senator Diaz Grateful for NOM's Help in 9th Congressional Race

From the official press release:

"I am encouraged by Siena polls and news reports showing that Conservative Party and pro-family candidate, Bob Turner, has a real chance for victory over his opponent, David Weprin, in this week's Special Election in New York's 9th Congressional District.

I praise the Lord that the National Organization for Marriage has given me opportunities to robo-call and send mailings to the voters in the 9th Congressional District about my support for Bob Turner's pro-family values. These efforts will empower Bob Turner with real support from New York's Hispanic community.

I expect that the Hispanic vote in this race will be influential in determining who wins, and since the Hispanic community has traditional family values, I believe they will vote for Bob Turner because of his position against gay marriage."

PPP Poll: Turner Over Weprin 47-41% in NY-9, Plurality Oppose SSM

Public Policy Polling:

Republican Bob Turner is poised to pull a huge upset in the race to replace Anthony Weiner as the Congressman from New York's 9th Congressional District. He leads Democrat David Weprin 47-41 with Socialist Workers candidate Christopher Hoeppner at 4% and 7% of voters remaining undecided.

[Turner is] winning the Jewish vote by a 56-39 margin, very unusual for a Republican candidate.

Two more interesting points in the poll...

First, a plurality of those polled in the district are against SSM 45%-41% with a further 14% saying "not sure" (we wonder if that means they are "not sure" about sharing their personal beliefs about marriage over the phone?).

Second, 55% of those polled said the issue of SSM was either very or somewhat important in deciding who they will support tomorrow (that figure jumps to 63% among Hispanics).

We'll be fascinated to see the final result of tomorrow's election.

Deal-Breaker: Profile of NY-9 Voter Who Won't Support Weprin Because of SSM

The New York Post:

"...for one independent voter, Rev. Philip Hardt, 60, of Glendale, Weprin’s liberal stance -- including his support of same-sex marriage-- is a dealbreaker."

Video: Dov Hikind Explains at Turner Fundraiser Why He Won't Support Weprin Over SSM

At a recent fundraiser for Bob Turner, NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind explains to a gathering of Orthodox Jews why David Weprin's floor speech in support of redefining marriage lost him the support of Hikind and the Orthodox Jewish community:

NYTimes: Desperate Dems Turn Negative To Save Weprin in Final Days

The New York Times:

Panicked Democrats are releasing a barrage of negative television advertising, turning to the national party for a cash infusion and pleading with President Obama’s network of supporters for help as they confront what seemed impossible two months ago: defeat in the heavily Democratic House district last represented by Anthony D. Weiner.

... “Weprin has lost the campaign,” said Bruce N. Gyory, a Democratic political consultant who was not involved in the race. “Now it’s about who wins the turnout.”

... Some prominent Orthodox Jewish leaders — citing not only Mr. Obama’s position on Israel but also Mr. Weprin’s support of same-sex marriage — have endorsed Mr. Turner, a Roman Catholic who has aggressively courted observant Jewish voters.

... At the same time, Mr. Turner is getting some help from the National Organization for Marriage, which is urging voters to oppose Mr. Weprin because of his support for same-sex marriage.

Marriage Dominates the News from California to New York - NOM Marriage News, September 10, 2011

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter:

The biggest news for marriage this week comes out of California.

This past Tuesday, the California Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the question:

Do the proponents of Proposition 8 (Protect Marriage) have special standing under California law to speak for Proposition 8 in court?

Video Placeholder

Watch those oral arguments here.

The Federal Ninth Circuit referred the question of standing to the California Supreme Court after the California attorney general and the governor both declined to defend Proposition 8 in federal court.

If Protect Marriage lacks standing, then Judge Walker's decision will stand, not because the federal courts have decided Ted Olson's arguments are right, but because no one is in court contesting his arguments.

That stinks to high heaven.

Seven million Californians will have their votes invalidated because two elected officials are unwilling to defend the law.

The good news is the California Supreme Court appears to agree that this is rather smelly.

There are two separate questions before the California Supreme Court:

Do the proponents of a ballot initiative like Proposition 8 have a particularized interest—a claim to injury—if the courts invalidate that initiative?

I cannot speak for Protect Marriage, which was ably defended in court by Chuck Cooper.

NOM California, a ballot initiative committee, is widely credited with getting Proposition 8 on the ballot by providing the early seed money—more than a million dollars.

But at NOM we agreed not to assert an independent interest in court but to accept Protect Marriage's lead in defending Proposition 8.

I can tell you, nonetheless, on this question it feels personal.

In December of 2008, I moved my wife and kids to my home state of California in order to fight for the right of California voters to defend marriage.

It takes an enormous amount of work and effort to qualify an initiative on the ballot in California.

The people who did and do this are not just like any other voters or taxpayers. They fought—and fought hard—to put a question before California voters. Speaking personally, it would be a great injury to our work if it were invalidated by the state attorney general.

The right to propose an initiative means little if the liberal attorney general can nullify that right by refusing to defend it in court.

The second important legal question is whether the ballot proponents have the right to assert the state's interest in court if the attorney general and governor decline to defend an initiative.

States have a unique legal power to assert their interest in our judicial system. If the ballot proponents do not have the right to assert this interest, what happens to the states' interest if the attorney general declines to assert it? Does it just evaporate?

Ted Olson, supposed super-lawyer, said effectively, yes.

Courts should be deprived of good arguments about the state's interest if the state attorney general decides not to defend a law.

To their credit the justices of the California Supreme Court appeared dubious.

As Chief Justice Tani Gorre Cantil-Sakauye put it to Ted Olson:

"If we were to agree with you that the state AG [attorney general] refuses to defend a particular initiative then it is simply too bad for the people, if it winds out without the mounting of a vigorous defense, isn't that unfair to the court? Who is there to defend the intuitive measure? Perhaps you can answer that?"

No, Ted really could not!

Meanwhile Protect Marriage's lawyer Chuck Cooper, told the court "The majority of the electorate that enacts an initiative are effectively the people, and the people are the state. . . The attorney general doesn't have the power she claims and respondents claim on her behalf not only to refuse to represent the state's interest, but the authority to see to it that that interest will not be represented by anyone."

Chuck Cooper rocks and Ted Olson was looking pretty silly by the end!

As the other key group that got Proposition 8 on the ballot, NOM California stands with Protect Marriage: they have the standing to defend a ballot initiative when the attorney general fails to do so.

Good news this week out of California! We will see what the California Supreme Court ultimately rules, but it was a good day in court, a day to celebrate.

Meanwhile, in New York there were some other interesting and encouraging developments:

In a NY-9 special election on September 13th to fill the seat vacated by Anthony Weiner, a new poll shows Republican Bob Turner ahead!

Polls for special elections are notoriously difficult because it is difficult to predict turnout accurately.

But here's what nobody can dispute: David Weprin's vote for gay marriage in the state assembly is making his election more difficult. Core Democratic constituencies—blacks, Hispanics, and Orthodox Jews—are having trouble swallowing his idea that gay marriage is a civil right.

The press is reporting—and it's true—that NOM has just entered this race with a $75,000 independent expenditure.

I have to pause to thank each and every one of you who donates to NOM.

We have funds available to enter races like this because you trust and support our judgment on where and how to make a difference. Thank you!

I also want to put in a good word for NOM's activities in New York at the state level.

Roy McDonald Billboard

Take a look at this billboard and story directed against one pro-SSM Republican, Roy McDonald:

Betray your constituents and they may say: "You're Fired!"

That's a message we will send between now and 2012 in New York and nationally.

At the national level, let me call your attention to the APP Palmetto Freedom Forum.

NOM's founding chairman Prof. Robby George got the chance to ask questions on life and marriage to the leading contenders (except Perry, who had to go to Texas to fight the wildfires).

Something extraordinary happened as a result.

All of the leading contenders are committed to appointing a pro-life, pro-marriage vice president.

Wow, that's big news, the mainstream media declined to cover!

And for the first time the attacks and harassment of traditional marriage supporters received national attention.

Major presidential candidates committed to federal protection for Christian and other religious adoption and foster care agencies! See excerpts here.

That's what we offer at NOM: all the really big news the mainstream media declines to cover.

Thank you for allowing us to offer the truth in love to the American people.

I treasure my relationship with you. I treasure your prayers, your emails, your letters of support—and of course your financial contribution where possible.

Together we will change history. Thank you

God bless you.

Brian Brown

Brian S Brown

Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage

P.S. Support for programs across this country from You're Fired! to the NY-9 campaign, to supporting Propositon 8, to protecting DOMA does not come cheap. We need your help to protect God's truth about marriage wherever and whenever we can make a difference. Can you pledge $10 today for marriage?

If God has given you the means, can you pledge $100 or $500 to support marriage? I promise you to be a careful and wise steward of the sacrifices you make. Together we can change history!


Video of The SSM Speech That Began Weprin's Downfall: "I am an Orthodox Jew but..."

David Weprin delivered this speech from the New York Assembly floor on June 15th:

Scottish Cardinal Draws Line in the Sand on Marriage

As we reported recently the Scottish parliament is considering redefining marriage. Scottisch Cardinal O'Brien all but reads them the riot act:

Cardinal Keith O’Brien will tell Scottish politicians this evening that ‘the family and marriage existed before the State and are built on the union between a man and a woman.’

The cardinal, president of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, will celebrate a Mass for politicians this evening at St Patrick’s Church, Edinburgh, and, in reminding them that ‘it is part of their vocation as politicians to work towards this common good,’ the cardinal will say: “Any attempt to redefine marriage is a direct attack on a foundational building block of society.”

The cardinal’s comments come as the Scottish Bishops voiced their concerns over the Scottish Government’s consultation on redefining marriage to include same-sex couples, a consultation that the bishops made clear the Church ‘strenuously opposes’ and will respond to. --Scottish Catholic Observer