Supremes Block TV Coverage of Prop 8

Marriage Watch / Maggie Gallagher

The Supreme Court just issued an emergency order blocking Judge Walker's outrageous ruling that the Prop 8 trial be televised. For the second time, as the Chicago Tribune points out, the Supreme Court has been willing to step in on an emergency basis to protect marriage supporters from outrageous court rulings.

"In October, the justices blocked officials in Washington state from releasing the names of 138,000 persons who signed ballot petitions seeking to overturn a state law giving equal benefits to gay and lesbian couples. Under Washington law, the names were considered public records.

But attorney James Bopp told the high court that the signers of these petitions could be subjected to harassment if their names were revealed. And the court granted an order blocking the release."

Only one Supreme Court justice (Steven Breyer) dissented. Television coverage is blocked at least until Wednesday, when the Court considers the matter more fully. But a Supreme Court that was willing to keep petition signers names private on First Amendment grounds, even though the law requires them to be revealed, seems to me unlikely to agree to let a judge unilaterally life a federal rule banning televised proceedings under these circumstances.

I might add: This is two strikes against Justice Walker, for even the 9th Circuit could not swallow his previous ruling that all the private communications of Protect Marriage campaign team should become part of this trial, and overruled him.

NOM Marriage News: January 8, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Three big pieces of news this week. You've already heard about New Jersey, where yesterday the state senate REJECTED gay marriage 14 "yes" to 20 "no" (with five senators declining to vote).
That's a victory to celebrate!
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BREAKING NEWS: Marriage Victory in New Jersey!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Victory in New Jersey! A few minutes ago, the New Jersey Senate rejected the same-sex marriage bill by a vote of 20-14!

Thank you! Thank you!

Many, many thanks to each of you who made phone calls, sent emails, and prayed to help protect marriage in New Jersey. Yet again, we have witnessed a tremendous victory for marriage in a state where just a few months ago, victory seemed unlikely at best.

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MARRIAGE ALERT: New Jersey SSM Vote Expected Thursday!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Word just in from New Jersey -- the NJ Senate is expected to vote on the same-sex marriage bill this Thursday, January 7th. The next two days will likely decide the future of marriage in New Jersey for the next four years.

If you live in New Jersey, please contact your state senator right away!

Click here to send an email!
Click here to look up your senator's phone number!

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NY Times Profiles NOM Chairman Robby George!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I thought you'd enjoy this New York Times profile of NOM's Chairman of the Board, Robby George. I know Robby, a modest man, would quibble with this characterization of him as the "reigning brains" of moral conservatism. But those of us privileged to know him can confirm: his brilliant intellect, his character, his grace under pressure, his willingness to work as a team player in defense of shared Judeo-Christian values, make him invaluable.

Thank God for Robby George! Read and enjoy and a merry merry Christmas to you,

Maggie Gallagher
National Organization for Marriage

The Conservative-Christian Big Thinker
The New York Times
December 16, 2009

On a September afternoon, about 60 prominent Christians assembled in the library of the Metropolitan Club on the east side of Central Park. It was a gathering of unusual diversity and power. Many in attendance were conservative evangelicals like the born-again Watergate felon Chuck Colson, who helped initiate the meeting. Metropolitan Jonah, the primate of the Orthodox Church in America, was there as well. And so were more than half a dozen of this country's most influential Roman Catholic bishops, including Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York, Archbishop John Myers of Newark and Cardinal Justin Rigali of Philadelphia.

At the center of the event was Robert P. George, a Princeton University professor of jurisprudence and a Roman Catholic who is this country's most influential conservative Christian thinker. Dressed in his usual uniform of three-piece suit, New College, Oxford cuff links and rimless glasses­, George convened the meeting with a note of thanks and a reminder of its purpose. Alarmed at the liberal takeover of Washington and an apparent leadership vacuum among the Christian right, the group had come together to warn the country's secular powers that the culture wars had not ended. As a starting point, George had drafted a 4,700-word manifesto that promised resistance to the point of civil disobedience against any legislation that might implicate their churches or charities in abortion, embryo-destructive research or same-sex marriage.

Read the whole article.

©2009 National Organization for Marriage.

NOM Marriage News: December 18, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Seven days from today it will be Christmas.

NOM will shut down, barring emergencies, between Christmas and New Year, so this will be my last chance in 2009 to share with you, my dear friends and comrades in this great battle.

Christmas is such a miracle: The Word became flesh. God became man. Infinite Love transformed into a small, helpless baby--and so transforming the whole world. 

How can we ever be afraid again? Read More »

TAKE ACTION!! NOM Vows to Help Overturn DC SSM Bill!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Earlier this afternoon, the DC City Council voted 11 to 2 in favor of same-sex marriage, sending the bill to Mayor Adrian Fenty who has promised to sign it.

The media would have you believe this fight is over.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

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NOM Marriage News: December 11, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Victory, again.

The New York Times headline says simply: "New Jersey Marriage Vote Canceled."

But the truth is slowly beginning to be acknowledged: They lost. They just didn't have the votes. On Thursday the New Jersey Senate was supposed to vote on gay marriage. Gay-marriage advocates had promised their supporters that they would pass a gay marriage bill this year. It was a done deal. Gay marriage was inevitable in New Jersey, they said. Over and over again. 

But a funny thing happened on the way to inevitability: you.

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MARRIAGE ALERT: Tremendous Victory from New Jersey!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Two days ago, NOM asked its friends and supporters to do whatever was in their power to help stop same-sex marriage in New Jersey. For some of you, that was taking time off work to go to the State House in Trenton. For others, it was making phone calls or sending emails to your state senators.

And for all of us, it was to pray, and contact our friends in New Jersey.

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NJ Marriage Update: Senate SSM Vote Postponed!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

 We've just received word that Senators Loretta Weinberg and Ray Lesniak -- in a startling admission of failure and a slap in the face to voters who had rearranged their schedule to be in Trenton -- have asked to have tomorrow's vote on the same-sex marriage bill postponed. It is being reported that Senate President Richard Codey will accept their request to delay the vote.
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URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: NJ Senate to Vote on SSM Thursday!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

In just two days, the New Jersey Senate will decide the future of marriage in New Jersey. Please make time in your schedule to join us at the State House for the debate and vote on Thursday!

After more than 7 hours of hearing, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 7-6 late yesterday in favor of advancing the same-sex marriage bill to the full Senate for a vote expected Thursday.

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URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Senate Committee Vote on SSM Monday!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

On Monday, at 1pm, the New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing and vote on same-sex marriage. If passed out of committee, the bill could be voted on by the full Senate as early as Thursday.

Please make time to call the Senate Judiciary Committee members today. And if there's any way you can make time to attend the hearing on Monday, your presence will be GREATLY appreciated!

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NOM Marriage News: December 4, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

What a week! What a great victory for marriage in New York!

Rumors were rampant that gay marriage was going to pass in New York. The night before the vote I got an urgent alert call from an Albany insider reporting that gay marriage was a done deal in New York! News blogs said that Democrat State Sen. Ruben Diaz, the leader of the pro-marriage forces in New York, was visibly upset after the Democratic caucus; Sen. Diaz told reporters he was going into his office to pray. How the bloggers made fun of this great Christian man for that!--as if his prayer was somehow proof that gay marriage was inevitable in New York.

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Thank your New York Senator!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Thank you again for your part in the tremendous victory for marriage on Tuesday! I truly believe that were it not for your persistent phone calls and emails, the outcome could have been very different.

Same-sex marriage advocates now have a list of 38 state senators, including all 30 Senate Republicans and 8 of the 32 Senate Democrats, they will try to persuade or replace before another same-sex marriage bill is introduced (probably in 2011). Undoubtedly, the pressure on these 38 courageous senators -- many of whom had refused to say how they would vote in advance of the vote -- will intensify in the days ahead.

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Stand Up to Anti-Religious Bigotry in Our Capital!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I've heard from many of you who were shocked and simply appalled at the anti-religious bigotry shown by supporters of same-sex marriage in the DC Council debate over same-sex marriage.

Unfortunately, that isn't even the worst of it. The Council's treatment of representatives from the Catholic Church, expressing concerns that it would be forced to choose between its charitable work and its religious convictions, has been nothing short of shameful. Several members of the Council are nearly giddy at the chance to punish the Catholic Church -- and religious believers of all stripes -- by passing a same-sex marriage bill.

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