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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The New York state senate just rejected gay marriage 38 to 24. Praise God!

And thank you. NOM spent $600,000 reaching out to voters through phone calls and television and radio ads to make sure politicians heard from ordinary voters like you.

Gay marriage inevitable? Don't believe the lie! You can make a difference and we at NOM are so proud to work with you and millions of other ordinary Americans who know in their hearts that marriage IS the union of husband and wife.

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NY Marriage Alert: Keep the Pressure Up! Senate Vote Today!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Thanks to all of you who made time yesterday to call and email your state senator! And a special thanks to those who gave up part of your day -- even late into the evening -- to come down to the Capitol to make a physical statement for marriage.

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Retribution Time: DC Leaders Seek to Punish Needy Children and Catholic Church for Opposition to SSM

DC Councilman Tommy Wells -- who not that long ago actually supported school vouchers -- has just written an open letter to Senate subcommittee Chairman Dick Durbin strongly opposing the reauthorization of the DC school voucher program this year. Why? Because some of the kids in the program use the vouchers to attend Catholic schools, and the Catholic Church opposes same-sex marriage. Read More »

URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: NY Senate Vote Likely Today!!!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The New York Senate is expected to vote on the same-sex marriage bill in today's special session.

1. CALL!  Please take a moment right now to call your state senator, urging him to vote NO on the same-sex marriage bill.  (Click here to find the phone number.) Then call three friends and ask them to do the same!

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NOM Launches New Jersey Plan to Preserve Marriage!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The battle for marriage is heating up in New Jersey!

During four years with Jon Corzine as Governor, the New Jersey Legislature didn't touch same-sex marriage -- it was just too controversial. But now, with Governor Christie set to take office in just a few weeks, and the next election nearly two years away, gay marriage advocates are making a last ditch effort to force the issue during the lame duck transition session -- while voters are paying attention to things like Thanksgiving and Christmas plans, and trying to balance the family checkbook in the middle of an economic crisis that has left many families struggling to make ends meet. Read More »


NOM Marriage News.

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Same-sex marriage advocates are pulling out all the stops in a last-ditch effort to pass a gay marriage bill in New Jersey before Governor Christie takes office in January.

As of today they don't have the votes, and they know it.

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NOM Marriage News: November 20, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The great victories in Maine and New York-23 for pro-marriage forces continue to reverberate up and down the Eastern Seaboard. reported on Nov. 18 ("Gay Marriage... Now!"): "The word on the street is that the gay marriage initiative in the New Jersey State House is in big trouble. Apparently, the Democrats can't get enough votes to pass it, even though outgoing Governor Jon Corzine is prepared to sign it."

Praise God!  And pray harder--this fight is not finished yet. Read More »

NY MARRIAGE ALERT: Action Needed! SSM Vote Possible Today

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The New York Senate is back in special session today, with Governor Paterson calling again for a vote on the same-sex marriage bill.

Beating Down the Beatitudes in DC?

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

All Christians are called to follow the Beatitudes. Since our nation's founding, America in particular has benefited from the fact that churches have united together to feed the poor, clothe the naked, care for the fatherless and motherless, and comfort the sorrowful. Read More »

EMERGENCY ALERT: Marriage Under Assault in New Jersey!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The next two months will shape the future of marriage in New Jersey. We need your help today!

After last week's election, gay marriage advocates know they have just two months to pass a same-sex marriage bill in New Jersey. Once Governor-elect Christie is inaugurated in January, he has promised to veto any same-sex marriage bill that reaches his desk for the next four years. Read More »

Boston Globe highlights intolerance by gay marriage supporters

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Ten days ago, the people of Maine rejected same-sex marriage legislation adopted by the legislature last spring. Throughout the campaign, the Yes on Question 1 team worked to explain to voters what happens when marriage is redefined -- citing the experiences of families in Massachusetts, California and elsewhere. Read More »

EMERGENCY ALERT: SSM Vote Likely Today in NY Senate!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

We need you right now. The New York Senate is in special session today and could vote on same-sex marriage at any time. Please take a moment right now to call and email your state senator. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: November 9, 2009

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

What a week it has been.  What an election for marriage!

Maine, first and foremost, where you--through your sacrifices and your courage and your fundamental decency--helped NOM put to rest the great lie that gay marriage is inevitable.

We can win this fight!  Last week we did! Read More »

After Maine?

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The National Organization for Marriage has again, because of your support and work, played a key role in changing the course of history on marriage. As the largest contributor to the Yes on 1 effort in Maine, NOM spent almost all that it had (literally!), a total of $1.8 million dollars, because we knew the singular importance of a victory in Maine. Read More »


NOM Marriage News.

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WE DID IT!By a 53-47 margin, voters in Maine won a decisive and historic victory for marriage by passing Question 1! Read More »