NOM Chairman John Eastman: "The Boy Scouts -- Is It All About the Money?"

Dr. Eastman, a constitutional law professor at Chapman University and Chairman of the Board of the National Organization for Marriage, is, like his grandfather before him, an Eagle Scout, and served as a volunteer adult leader in the Boy Scouts as a Cub Scout Den Leader, Cubmaster, and Assistant Scoutmaster as his son advanced through the ranks to become an Eagle Scout as well.


Thirteen years ago, in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale, the Supreme Court upheld the right of private organizations to make their own decisions about membership.  The particular issue was whether the Boy Scouts would have to accept into its leadership ranks an openly homosexual Scoutmaster, as required by New Jersey’s public accommodations law.  The organization insisted that to do so would counteract its associational view that homosexual conduct was incompatible with the requirement in the Scout Oath that one be “morally straight.”

The Boy Scouts of America recently celebrated their hundredth anniversary as an organization and of adherence to that policy even in the face of increasingly strident pressure by “gay rights” activists to abandon it.  But this past week, the national office of the Boy Scouts announced that it would likely be eliminating that policy and leaving it up to each individual sponsoring organization to determine whether to infuse homosexuality into the core of the local troop organization.  It does not take consultation with the oracle at Delphi to predict that this “house divided” solution is unstable and will not last.  Every scout and scoutmaster who moves from one council, where homosexuality was permitted, to another, where it was not, will quite reasonably expect that the local troop in their new neighborhood will accept them into the ranks.

In short, the Boy Scouts will become all one or all the other, and the tea leaves are not encouraging for those who share their century-old view.  Once the organization’s leadership has capitulated by taking an agnostic position on the question, it will become increasingly difficult for the constituent parts to adhere to the view that homosexual conduct is immoral.

The leadership of the Boy Scouts must certainly know this, so why, after decades of fight, are they throwing in the towel?  I did a little digging and fear that I have uncovered the answer.  It is not pretty.

As anyone who has been involved with Scouting knows, it is largely a volunteer organization.  The local troops are run by volunteers, who devote countless hours (“just an hour a week,” the joke goes) to supervising boys ranging in age from 7 to 17 in the running of pack and troop meetings, weekend outings and major, 2-week long excursions or summer camps, and of course, fundraising to finance the group’s activities, etc.   According to the latest IRS 990 Form available for the Boy Scouts, there were 1,111,453 such volunteers affiliated with the organization in 2010.

But the Boy Scouts is also a major corporation, with revenues in 2010 of more than a quarter billion dollars.  The “business” side of the organization is managed by 3,771 employees, from the national Chief Scout Executive down to the clerk in the local scout shop, overseen by a large, 70-person Board of Directors.  The Directors are also mostly volunteers, but the chief executives are most certainly not.  Indeed, the Chief Scout Executive in 2010, Robert Mazzuca, drew a salary of more than $1.1 million.  Regional director Tom Fitzgibbon pulled down more than three quarters of a million.  R. Tuggle, the Assistant Chief Scout Executive, pocketed $598,533.  Wayne Brock, the Chief Operating Officer: $676,545.  James Terry, Jr., the Chief Financial Officer:  $586,878.  Mike Ashline, Supply Group Director:  $311,068.  Gary Butler, Council Operations:  $411,843.  David Park, Chief Legal Counsel:  $502,483.  Bradley Farmer, Assistant Chief Scout Executive for Development:  $458,733.  Eleven national leaders of this “volunteer” non-profit organization earning more than a quarter million a year, with six of them making more than a half million a year.  I’m guessing that there are some pretty lucrative retirement plans/pensions in place as well.

So, when members of the national board, CEOs of major corporations like AT&T and Ernst & Young, start pressuring the executives at the national office to give up the fight on homosexuality in the ranks (or, presumably, risk losing the philanthropic support of those corporations) because it is not consistent with policies those own corporations have adopted for their adult employees, someone with his own million dollar salary at risk might, just might, have a personal stake at odds with the Boy Scout’s long-standing policy against interjecting homosexuality into a youth organization.

The scout executives and members of the national board need to be reminded of the tenth point of the Scout Law:  “A Scout is … Brave.”  That requires doing what is right even when it costs you, even when it is painful.  If you agree, call them and let them know your views.  The number for the national office is 972-580-2000.  Or you can contact them through their website.  Also contact your local BSA council and ask them to stand firm in opposition to this policy change.

Please do it today – the Board’s meeting is this coming week, as early as Monday.

LifeSiteNews Chief Promotes NOM's Latest MarriageADA Video

Patrick Craine, Canadian Bureau Chief of LifeSiteNews, promotes our latest MarriageADA video on the threat of same-sex marriage infringing on the rights of parents:

Just as Ontario’s new Premier Kathleen Wynne has announced plans to reintroduce an explicit sex-ed program, the Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, and our friend Damian Goddard have released a great video about a striking case where exactly this type of program has been used as a battering ram against parental rights.

... It’s bad enough that this stuff would be taught in the classroom at all – why not let parents judge for themselves when their kids are ready to discuss sex? – but now there’s an increasingly entrenched opposition to even informing parents when it comes up.

The video is an interview with Dr. Steve Tourloukis. Tourloukis asked the Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board to be told when his kids would be discussing same-sex “marriage” and other controversial issues in the classroom, but they said to do so would be a violation of “human rights.” So he’s taking them to court to get a declaration that the parent has primary authority over his children’s education.

The school board, amazingly, has the gall to oppose him in court on even such a basic proposition.

This type of abuse by schools is coming to cities across North America and the West, so parents need to be ready. Our children’s hearts and souls depend on it.

You can watch the video right here.

Pro-family Groups Applaud Supreme Court of Canada Ruling in Favor of Marriage


A Supreme Court of Canada decision that upheld Quebec's laws which provide rights to married couples that do not apply to couples merely living together has been applauded by pro-family organizations as a recognition of the unique and distinctive role that true marriage plays in society.

In what has become known as the Eric and Lola case, pseudonyms designed to protect the couple’s three children, the court ruled that the Quebec law that excludes cohabiting couples from receiving spousal support in the event of relationship breakdown is constitutional and does not discriminate against couples who choose to live together without the benefit of marriage.

In a close 5-4 decision, Chief Justice Beverley McLaughlin wrote, "Those who choose to marry choose the protections, but also the responsibilities, associated with that status. Those who choose not to marry avoid these state-imposed responsibilities and protections."

The Institute of Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC) says that the decision accurately reflects the social science research which shows marriage to be substantively different from living common law.

FRC Files Amicus Briefs in Prop 8, DOMA

PR Newswire:

Family Research Council (FRC) and the Thomas More Society (TMS) of Chicago, Illinois, today announced the filing of amicus briefs opposing the lower court decisions in the two marriage cases the U.S. Supreme Court will hear in late March, 2013. Hollingsworth v. Perry comes to the Court out of the Proposition 8 litigation in California. United States v. Windsor involves a challenge to the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and arose out of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

... Of the cases FRC President Tony Perkins said:

"The health of our nation's families determines the strength of our nation. Redefining marriage only undermines the societal purpose of marriage which has always been to build healthy families and provide children with both a mom and a dad.

"The Supreme Court must strike down the lower court decisions against the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8. DOMA was completely appropriate in 1996, when it passed bipartisanly through Congress and was signed by Democratic President Bill Clinton. The uniformity in federal law it creates by explicitly confirming that 'marriage' would be between one man and one woman for federal purposes ensures equal treatment under law for all Americans. Americans have overwhelmingly decided to uphold this definition of marriage, as a significant majority of states in the U.S. consider marriage to be between one man and one woman.

"Additionally, we believe the people's vote on Proposition 8 should be respected. It is the constitutional right of the people to create their own state laws where the federal Constitution has not already ruled. Activist courts like the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit should not overturn the vote of the people. We hope the Supreme Court will recognize the right of voters to uphold natural marriage as the law of their state," concluded Perkins.

URGENT: Action Needed to Stop Same-Sex Marriage in Hawaii!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

We urgently need your help to stop same-sex marriage in Hawaii.

Twenty years ago, an out-of-control judge first tried to force same-sex marriage on Hawaii, launching our nation's ongoing debate about marriage. But thanks to a dedicated band of pro-family heroes, his ruling was not the final word!

It's a story we've seen play out time and time again in state after state...activist judges and politicians influenced by same-sex marriage lobbyist money try to force same-sex marriage on the people — only to run into a grassroots revolt from voters who know that marriage means a husband and wife joined together for the benefit of not only their own children, but all of society.

Today the need is perhaps even greater. Fresh off electoral victories in November, gay marriage activists are pressing hard to pass a same-sex marriage bill in Hawaii this year — even though Hawaii's civil unions law went into effect just a year ago.

It is critical that we step up today. Polling has shown that the people of Hawaii don't want same-sex marriage. But the pressure on politicians — from out-of-state activists and lobbyists flown in by the Human Rights Campaign all the way to President Obama himself — is growing intense.

Your legislators need to hear from hundreds or even thousands of their constituents right away!

That's why I am asking you to do two things immediately:

  1. Contact your state senator and representative today! Use this link to send an email to your elected officials.

  2. Or — better still — click here to look up their phone numbers and make a personal phone call to tell your senator and representative: Oppose Senate Bill 1369!

    Please take action right now. It only takes a minute to send your lawmakers a message, and it is vitally important that they hear your voice right away.

  3. Forward this email to friends and family throughout the state, or use the buttons below to share on Facebook and Twitter. It's going to take thousands of Hawaiians working together to protect marriage and freedom in the Aloha State. Help spread the word today!

    Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

I know that I can count on you to stand up for marriage today!

Indiana GOP Close to Deciding if it Will Push for Marriage Protection Vote

More evidence that our calls and emails are more needed than ever at this critical time!

Republican leaders say they are close to deciding whether a proposed state constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage will get a hearing this year in the legislature.

Indiana’s proposed marriage amendment cleared its first hurdle in 2011, as members of the General Assembly overwhelmingly passed it. In order to go on the election ballot in 2014, the legislature needs to approve the measure again either this session or next. (Indiana Public Media)

VICTORY: Chick-Fil-A Sales Up $500 Million as 96 New Locations Open

THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our Chick-Fil-A Appreciation program! Your efforts help demonstrate to Americans of good will that pro-marriage business owners have a right to their beliefs and we have a right to support them!

Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy’s controversial comments on “biblical” marriage last summer and the uproar that followed didn’t dampen the Atlanta company’s annual sales.

The fast food giant, the nation’s second-largest chicken chain, ended 2012 with $4.6 billion in sales — up 14 percent from $4.1 billion a year earlier. The company also opened 96 news stores, four more than the year before.

The company does not have to publicize financial results because it is privately owned. It made revenue and store growth figures available at the request of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Supporters of Cathy’s views against gay marriage and his right to express them hailed the numbers as a victory, saying a summer boycott of the chain by backers of gay marriage failed. (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

VICTORY: Wyoming Defeats Domestic Partnership Bill That Could Have Threatened Marriage

A shout-out once again to our marriage supporters in Wyoming (the "Equality State") -- yesterday your representatives in Cheyenne defeated a domestic partnership bill that could have threatened marriage by a vote of 35-24. Courts have used domestic partnerships and civil unions as an excuse to challenge laws protection marriage:

A bill that would have would have allowed same-sex couples in Wyoming to create domestic partnerships carrying most of the legal rights of marriage died Wednesday on a close vote in the House of Representatives.

... Opponents warned that the bill threatened to open the state to legal action seeking to force it to approve same-sex marriage.

Rep. Mark Baker, R-Rock Springs, spoke against the measure, saying: "We all know that this is about same-sex marriage and civil unions." (AP)

Rep. Lynn Hutchings made a particularly strong comment before she cast her vote:

... Rep. Lynn Hutchings, R-Cheyenne, testified against the bill. She said she had received scurrilous emails, including some containing racial epithets, after testifying earlier in the week against the domestic partnership bill at a committee hearing. Hutchings, who is black, had called on gays and lesbians to "please stop carpet-bagging on our civil rights movement."

GOP County Committee in Illinois Unanimously Calls for Chairman Brady to Resign Over SSM

The Illinois Review:

The Williamson County Republican Central Committee has unanimously voted on a resolution calling for Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady to resign. In a press release, the Central Committee wrote:

Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady recently participated in a campaign urging Republican lawmakers to back legislation to legalize “same-sex marriage” in Illinois. Williamson County Central Committee Chairman Sue Hamilton said that while Brady claims to have acted as a private citizen – it is impossible to separate his personal views from his public position as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party.

As a result of Brady’s actions, the Williamson County Republican Central Committee debated and unanimously passed a motion on January 10, 2013 calling for him to resign.

NOM Marches On! NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

They expected you and me to fold after the election — you know that, right?

But let me promise you something: when the going gets tough, NOM gets going!

NOM is on the march for marriage!

The Supreme Court is holding oral arguments on March 26-27. The future of marriage hangs in the balance.

With DOMA, the Supreme Court will decide whether or not Congress has the power to define marriage for the federal government, or whether a minority of states can force all U.S. taxpayers to treat gay unions as marriages.

With the Prop 8 case, the judges are being asked to decide whether the people of this great nation have the right to define marriage as one man and one woman — or whether our right to vote is going to be stripped away, the guarantees of democracy made meaningless, gay marriage inserted into our Constitution and a distorted view of marriage imposed on this great nation.

Now is the time to step up to fight for marriage!

Earlier this week, we announced a rally we're planning in our nation's capital on March 26th, 2013:

And already you've responded!

On the March for Marriage page on Facebook, pro-marriage supporters around the country are sharing their plans to attend.

One person said: "Marriage March is on a TUESDAY. How PRO-marriage are you? Are you willing to rearrange your schedule to attend this event? Would you choose to drive or fly? Would you spend the night or pop in, pop out? I attended Glenn Beck's 'Restore Honor' Rally a few years ago, my first time to ever visit our nation's capital. It was an experience I'll never forget. Married 36 years in July, perhaps we'll take an early anniversary trip to DC!"

A second said: "Lord willing count [us] in. We can definitely do that."

A third: "Looking at the calendar here and going to re-arrange to BE THERE!!"

A fourth: "This is Holy Week, still Lent. I don't like to travel, but I'm willing to do this as part of my Lenten Sacrifice, if I can find others to go with me. I'll start looking right away."

A fifth: "COUNT ME IN!"

Count me in, too!

MarriageADA Defending Marriage in Law & Society

NOM's Marriage Anti-Defamation League filed a brief asking the Supreme Court to uphold the rights of you and me to work to defend what we hold dear in the democratic arena our forefathers gave us. I'll send along that brief for you to read as soon as it's posted on the SCOTUS's website.

Also this week, MADA released a video from Canada, explaining why we fight so hard and refuse to give up: our own rights are at stake, as this Canadian father, Dr. Steve Tourloukis, found out.

The biggest of the big lies in the marriage debate is that this will not affect you, your children, or your grandchildren! MADA will continue to expose that lie — with your help! Please share this important video with your family and friends.

Marriage Fights Continue Around The Nation

NOM is on the march, including deep in the bluest of blue states, to be your voice for our shared values.

We have tough fights going on right now, and once again we are not backing down, we are not giving up!

In Rhode Island, the battle shifts to the Senate, where the fate of marriage sits on a knife's edge. Even the Providence Journal ran the headline, "Senate Appears Divided on Same-Sex Marriage Bill." Eleven senators have co-signed a bill to redefine marriage, while eleven others have signed a resolution to send the question to the people.

Click here to fight back in Rhode Island.

In Illinois, just three weeks ago, your phone calls and emails shook the political world, blocking what many considered an "inevitable" bill from passing same-sex marriage in the lame duck session.

It was a tremendous victory, but our work is far from over...

When the newly elected legislature took office on January 10th, Democrats increased their majorities in both houses, and immediately introduced a new same-sex marriage bill.

Click here to fight back in Illinois!

In Indiana, gay marriage lobbyists and their allies in the media are once again ramping up their campaigns of disinformation by attempting to persuade House and Senate leadership to postpone a vote for a state marriage amendment.

The amendment stands a very good chance of passing if brought to a vote, but legislators like Senate President Pro Tem David Long (R-Fort Wayne) aren't being clear about whether they will bring the issue up for a vote.

Click here to let your Indiana legislators know: you want the right to vote for marriage!

And in Wyoming, you already helped win an amazing victory for marriage!

THANK YOU to our supporters in Wyoming who took action last week and thereby helped defeat a bill to redefine marriage by a close 5-4 vote in committee.

The media has been attempting to divert attention away from this victory for marriage supporters and instead focus on a domestic partnership bill in the Wyoming House.

But guess what? This morning we learned they failed. The House voted 35-24 against the domestic partnership bill.

NOM is on the march for marriage!

Finally, a France update: As you know, the French people turned out in a massive rally of protest just two weeks ago. The police's early estimates were 340,000 — but the photos clearly show the actual turnout was closer to a million.

Meanwhile the pro-gay marriage forces in France held their own rally on Sunday. The police said just 125,000 turned out. Just one-third the size, even by the police's account, of the huge pro-marriage rallies, as Agence France Presse honestly reported (and American media just ignored):

"Police estimated that about 125,000 people had turned out for Sunday's rally, while organisers put the figure at 400,000. The turnout was higher than at previous marches but still lower than the number of people who protested against same-sex marriage on January 13."

Something is stirring in the hearts of brave men and women all over the world.

Thank you for being a part of a great movement for the rights of children, for common sense, and for the courage to stand against the winds of fashion.

I'm so proud to know you and to stand with you for God's truth about marriage.

National Organization for Marriage Reacts to President Obama’s Immigration Proposal


Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), released the following statement in regards to President Obama’s immigration proposal:

"This is yet another example of the President playing politics rather than enforcing our nation’s laws and offering a true, workable solution. First, his Administration threw in the towel and refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Then, he came out of the closet on gay marriage. Now, he is apparently proposing a direct violation of DOMA, currying added favor with gay activists, many of whom have lavished contributions on his reelection campaign. Our nation has a lot of serious issues to resolve concerning immigration policy, but providing a safe haven for gays and lesbians from foreign countries in violation of American law is not one of them. Responsible immigration reform includes protecting America’s borders, providing access to needed workers, keeping terrorists out of our country and determining what to do with the millions of people already here illegally. This proposal from President Obama concerning homosexual immigration is not serious immigration reform."


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

ProJo: RI Senate Vote on Marriage "Too Close to Call"

A Providence Journal article explains why it's so important for all of us to take action -- marriage sits on a knife's edge in Rhode Island!

As the debate over same-sex marriage moves to the state Senate, one thing appears almost certain: the vote, if there is one, will be close.

Right now, it's too close to call.

Eleven members in the 38-member chamber have signed on to a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage. Eleven others have signed on to a bill that would put a constitutional amendment before voters that defines marriage as "the lawful union of one man and one woman."

Assuming that support holds, the breakdown among the remaining senators includes at least four leaning in favor of same-sex marriage and four who oppose it. There are also some who say they need to look at the legislation, while others are undecided.

Legal Center: Illinois Legislators Warned About Same-Sex Marriage Act

Before the Illinois legislature concluded business for the lame duck session they were sent a letter by the Thomas More Society which is still relevant as gay marriage advocates continue to push for a redefinition of marriage:

Today the state legislators of Illinois were warned about the documented consequences of legalizing same-sex marriage. The Thomas More Society, a public interest law firm focused on protecting constitutional rights, sent letters to each member of the Illinois General Assembly, encouraging them to oppose the "Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act."

The missive, signed by Thomas Brejcha, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Society, and Peter Breen, Executive Director and Legal Counsel, advised the lawmakers that voting "yes" to the proposed same-sex marriage bill will harm, rather than support, constituents. If passed, explains the letter, the discriminatory act will declare Illinoisans who support traditional marriage to be bigoted and prejudicial. As in other states that have passed this type of legislation, public children as young as kindergarten may be taught about same-sex sexual activity, and parents who disapprove will have no right to opt their children out.

...The only documented benefit to Illinois' same-sex couples, assert Brejcha and Breen, would be a change in wording from "civil union license" to "marriage license," a vanity not worth the disenfranchisement of large segments of the state's population. The current law already provides same-sex couples the rights of married couples.

They contend that the proposed act will do great harm to the religious liberty all Americans are guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States. Rather than promote civic tolerance, the "Illinois Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act" will legalize intolerance. (Christian News Wire)

Please continue to take action here.

Protect Marriage and Stop "The Great Persecution"!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Gay marriage activists have introduced a new civil unions bill in Colorado, one that includes no protections for faith-based adoption agencies whatsoever!

Moments ago, the bill passed the Senate Judiciary Committee on a party line vote, fast-tracking the measure for consideration by the full Senate.

"If this law passes, there is going to be a great persecution of the faithful," said Msgr. Thomas Fryar of the Catholic Archdiocese of Denver. "We cannot allow that."

We completely agree, and so do the people of Colorado, who voted in 2006 to reject same-sex domestic partnerships by six points and voted to affirm marriage between one man and one woman by a margin of 55% to 44%!

Now gay marriage activists are attempting to undermine the clear will of Colorado voters and threaten religious freedom. This civil unions bill is nearly identical to the sort of bill that courts in California and Connecticut used to demonstrate that the state no longer had any justification for marriage — concluding that civil unions were an unconstitutional and discriminatory "separate but equal" status which these activist judges used as an excuse to redefine marriage!

Your legislators need to hear from you right away — click here to oppose S.B. 11!

This bill is a huge threat to religious freedom and pro-marriage individuals like you.

If anyone should have a say on marriage, it should be the people of Colorado who have already so clearly spoken out on this issue when given the chance to vote on it — marriage should not be decided by activist judges or legislators that can be bribed and bullied by powerful interest groups funded by gay millionaires and billionaires.

Marriage belongs to the people because when marriage is redefined it affects everyone.

Just last summer a Christian bakery owner in Lakewood, CO was subjected to thousands of emails and threats from gay marriage activists after they refused to provide a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. The owner said at the time: "We would close down that bakery before we closed our beliefs".

And last week over 200 marriage supporters like you rallied at the state capital against this civil unions bill pointing out that this new legislation includes no legal protections for child placement agencies like Catholic Charities and other groups that only place children with married couples, i.e., with a mom AND dad, where kids do best!

Your legislators need to hear from you right away so they know you oppose S.B. 11!

I need you to do two things immediately:

  1. Contact your state senator and representative today! Use this link to send an email to your elected officials, or better still, click here to look up their phone numbers and make a personal phone call to let your senator and representative know: Oppose S.B. 11!Please take action right now. It only takes a minute to send your lawmakers a message, and it is vitally important that they hear your voice today.
  2. Forward this email to friends and family throughout the state, or use the buttons below to share on Facebook and Twitter. It's going to take thousands of Coloradans working together to protect marriage and freedom in Colorado. Help spread the word today!

    Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

I know I can count on your help. Thank you!

Former Rep. Joe Walsh Calls on GOP Chair Brady to Step Down for SSM Comments

The Illinois Review:

Former Congressman Joe Walsh sent us the following statement:

"Two weeks ago, in Illinois Review, I publicly called on Pat Brady to step down as Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party. Pat is a good guy, but as he has still not retracted his public statements on same sex marriage, again, I call on him to step down. He can't, in his position as Chairman of the Party, publicly refute a major piece of our Party's Platform. It was a slap at all Republicans who believe in traditional marriage.

The Republican Party is a big tent and welcomes all viewpoints. Pat can have his own individual positions, but the Chairman of the Party must publicly support the Platform and be one of its most ardent spokespersons. Pat Brady is no longer in a position to be that spokesperson. For the good of the Party, he should step down."

Please continue to take action here.