Author Archives: Brian Brown

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: NY Same-Sex Marriage Vote in Next 6 Days!

6 days left to save marriage in New York! Please contact everyone you know who lives in New York and urge them to contact their state senator today. The New York legislative session comes to an end on June 20th, and a vote on the same-sex marriage bill is expected to come sometime next week. […]

Live and let live? SSM Architects Seek to Silence Christians - NOM Marriage News June 2, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Coming to a public school near you? Just when you think it can’t get any weirder or more disturbing, an Oakland public school decided to teach grade-school children about multiple genders, under the banner of preventing bullying. [Correction: The Oakland class in multiple genders was addressed to fourth-graders, not kindergarteners, and this […]

Courageous Leaders Stand Firm for Marriage - NOM Marriage News May 26, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, The people in Minnesota will now have the chance to decide the future of marriage in their own state, thanks to the brave bipartisan group of legislators who voted to put a marriage amendment on the ballot in 2012. The marriage amendment in Minnesota is simple and clear: “Only a union of […]

Victory in Minnesota! The Campaign Begins...

Dear Marriage Supporter, Shortly before midnight Central Time on Saturday, the Minnesota House of Representatives voted 70-62 in a bipartisan majority to let the people of Minnesota vote on a constitutional amendment to protect marriage. Following passage in the Senate earlier this month, the amendment now heads to the 2012 statewide ballot to be voted on […]

NY Marriage Battle Intensifies - NOM Marriage News May 19, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, On Sunday, I locked arms with Sen. Rev. Rubén Díaz and marched through the streets of the Bronx. It was like nothing I’ve ever done or seen before: thousands of people, of every race, creed and color, but heavily Latino, with balloons, salsa music, and Bibles, determined that their voice will be […]

URGENT ACTION NEEDED to Let the People Vote in Minnesota!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’ve just received word that the decisive vote could come as early as this afternoon in the Minnesota House of Representatives, allowing the voters of Minnesota to preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Voters in 31 other states have already been able to vote on the definition […]

Prominent Gay Blogger: Not educating kids about SSM "makes them ignorant, hateful little morons."

Dear Marriage Supporter, One of my staff members sent me this bluntly honest admission from a gay blogger last week: “[I]n response [to NOM’s ad] we say, “NOOO! We’re not gonna make kids learn about homosexuality, we swear! It’s not like we’re trying to recruit your children or anything.” But let’s face it—that’s a lie. […]

URGENT MARRIAGE ALERT: Gay Marriage Activists Seek to Table Marriage Amendment Vote in House!

Thanks to all of you who contacted your senators in advance of this week’s 38-27 vote to pass the Minnesota marriage amendment. The bill now goes to the House where we are hearing rumors that some House members are talking of tabling the amendment until next year. We need your help today! Gay marriage activists […]

On the March for Marriage! NOM Marriage News for May 12, 2011

Great news from New York! And Minnesota! And Rhode Island! Last week NOM launched a Spanish-language radio ad featuring State Senator and Reverend Rubén Díaz and his call for a “March for Dignity” to defend marriage this Sunday in the Bronx. Here’s the ad with English subtitles: This week Rev. Díaz asked me if I […]

URGENT ACTION NEEDED! Minnesota Marriage Amendment Vote Pending!

Now is the time! The Minnesota Marriage Amendment has passed out of committee and is headed to a floor vote in both the House and the Senate, with a vote expected within the next two weeks! Thanks to all of you who have helped bring us to this point. But we can’t let up now! […]

URGENT ACTION! MN Marriage Amendment Needs Your Support Today!

The Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee has just announced a hearing on the Minnesota marriage amendment at noon tomorrow. It appears that Minnesotans may finally get the chance to vote on marriage, but only if you take action today! NOM’s own Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse will be there to testify, and opposition groups are already organizing […]

Victory in Rhode Island!! NOM Marriage News April 28, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Breaking news! Thanks to you, marriage has won another tremendous victory in yet another deep blue state: Rhode Island. Speaker Gordon Fox, after claiming for weeks that he had the votes to pass gay marriage, has just thrown in the towel. “Based on individual discussions with many of you, I understand how […]

Stand Up Against the Hateful Tactics of SSM Groups!

Dear Marriage Supporter, I need your help today. Same-sex marriage advocates have launched yet another campaign of cultural intimidation—pressuring the nation’s top law firms in an attempt to silence and marginalize those who would stand for marriage and the Defense of Marriage Act. Perhaps you’ve heard the news this morning—in response to protests from the […]

Former Solicitor General Heads Up DOMA Defense! - NOM Marriage News April 21, 2011

Dear Marriage Supporter, Great news! Former Solicitor General Paul Clement will lead the House’s defense of DOMA! As I said in our press release (which got picked up by the LA Times, CNN, ABC News, the Wall Street Journal, the Baptist Press, the Christian Broadcasting Network, and Politico, among others), “At last we have a […]

Check out NOM's new Facebook page!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Have you visited our new Facebook page yet? Check it out today at It’s the new home on Facebook for all things marriage-related. Click here to visit and “Like” the new NOM Facebook page, ensuring that all the latest news shows up in your newsfeed. Even if you’re not a Facebook […]