Monthly Archives: April 2012

UK Christian Concern: Grassroots Tories Have Had Enough of Gay Marriage

The UK Christian Concern:

Grassroots Conservatives have had enough of their party’s plans to rewrite the definition of marriage, the head of the oldest Tory think-tank has said.

Ben Harris, Chairman of the Bow Group, said: “What we are seeing here is genuine fatigue among a party rank and file, disappointed both at the suggested policy itself, and the reasons behind it.

... Mr Harris added: “The concern within the Conservative party is that this is a poorly thought out policy designed to cynically win support in the short term in the homosexual community, without due care and consideration to the existing institution of marriage in Britain.

UK Archbishop's Easter Homily: Christians Have a Right to Defend Marriage "Forcefully"

Archbishop Bernard Longley in the UK:

In a challenging homily on Easter Monday 2012, Archbishop Longley stated: “Marriage and family life go side by side in the Christian tradition. As you will know the Government is determined to change the meaning of marriage so that it is no longer the life-long, exclusive union between a man and a woman open to the gift of children.”

The Archbishop of Birmingham stressed: “Christian marriage respects and celebrates the difference between male and female as God-given, and sees a true equality in the way they complement each other. We have a right to express this view forcefully in the public debate and we need to emphasise that we are not seeking to discriminate against anybody.”

What Should A Girl with Two Dads Read?

These two dads on The Huffington Post say they steer their toddler daughter away from books that have a central mom figure:

"We tend to shy away from books that center around a mom character. No, we are not trying to shield Simone from the fact that she has two dads rather than a mom and a dad. But when reading to her at such an early age, we'd rather focus on stories that reinforce the bond between a father and child. She sees plenty of mom figures on TV and in her real life already. Reading time is daddy time."

Hmm, how will these parents' ambivalent/avoidant attitudes towards mothers shape their daughters sense of her own impending motherhood? Check back in 20 years. We really can't say. But it would probably help if these guys, who've chosen a life in which their child will not have a mom, had a little sensitivity to filling in for what might be lacking.

Some day we will get some good data on what happens to girls and boys raised without mothers. Until then we suppose these guys are trying to do their best. But really, did it ever occur to them: your daughter is not going to grow up to be a Dad? And that reading time is not just daddy time.

Family Psychologist: The Real "Father Problem" is the Marriage-Absence Problem

Family psychologist John Rosemond in OneNewsNow:

"...Girls who grow up in father-absent homes are more likely, as teenagers, to become pregnant. In that case, they're likely to be single mothers who raise their children in father-absent homes, perpetuating and compounding the original problem. And the wheel keeps on turnin'.

Name the problem and it's almost a certainty that kids from father-absent homes are significantly more at risk for it. Even though the above litany was meant to be mind-boggling, consider that I had to be selective. Newspapers don't give me enough space to do more than scratch the surface.

But here's something that's not often talked about: Children of unmarried, cohabiting parents are at higher risk for most of these same problems as well. That means the real problem isn't so much the absence of a father in the life of a child; it's the absence of a husband. More specifically, it's the absence of a marriage..."

GOPUSA: Is the IRS Leaking Info From Romney's Tax Returns?

The GOPUSA Staff adds their comment to the FoxNews article from yesterday:

"So much for an open, honest, and transparent Obama administration. As we have seen after several years of his team in action, "open" and "honest" are not part of their vocabulary. The National Organization for Marriage is the latest group to cry foul for unethical tactics. The group claims that the IRS leaked private tax filings in an effort to bring attention to Romney's support for traditional marriage."

Tennessee Senate Votes to Protect Religious Expression

The Associated Press:

A proposal that would prevent students from being discriminated against for expressing their religious beliefs has passed the Senate.

The measure sponsored by Republican Sen. Kerry Roberts of Springfield was approved 29-0 on Wednesday. The companion bill is awaiting a vote on the House floor.

Roberts says the proposal requires school districts to treat a student's religious expression the same as they would a secular viewpoint. Students would also have access to school facilities to organize student prayer groups or other religious gatherings.

The Weekly Standard: NOM Claims IRS Leaked Confidential Tax Info

Michael Warren at The Weekly Standard:

The National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a pro-traditional marriage organization, alleges that confidential tax forms were either leaked or stolen from the IRS and illegally distributed by its opponents to the media.

...A spokesman for the IRS told the Daily Caller that it takes confidentiality “very seriously” and will be conducting an investigation into the possible leak.

Eastman and Brown have also sent letters to HRC president Joe Solmonese and Huffington Posteditor in chief Arianna Huffington. NOM argues that by publishing the form, both organizations are in violation of federal law regarding tax return disclosure. The code NOM cites reads as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information." The letters also claim that both HRC and the Huffington Post are liable for civil damages as a result of the publication of these forms.

Each letter contains attached screenshots of HRC’s website showing the confidential forms as they were originally posted there. Those forms have since been removed, although they remain accessible through the Huffington Post.

“I do believe they are wholeheartedly serious,” Brown says of the IRS and its investigation. Brown adds that NOM’s lawyers say that such a leak of an individual non-profit group’s tax forms is “not normal” and that he suspects the HRC was engaging in foul play.

A Story You’ve Never Heard Me Tell, NOM Marriage News

NOM National Newsletter

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Scandal is building over the release of one of NOM's confidential tax documents. The release of this document is due to either an IRS employee leak, someone hacking into IRS systems, or someone illegally impersonating a NOM official to obtain this confidential information—information then retailed to the public by the Human Rights Campaign and the Huffington Post.

Let me reiterate the main point: The organization headed by President Obama's campaign co-chair knowingly retailed illegally-obtained information from the IRS—that's a felony. They did so in order to try to punish a political opponent. That's an outrage.

As I write, the Huffington Post has yet to acknowledge their potential civil and criminal liability in retailing illegally-obtained and federally-protected IRS information.

HRC acknowledged the seriousness of the situation by scrubbing every mention of the illegally-obtained 990 from its website, after NOM's lawyers demanded it do so. It's now claiming another source for the non-story it released about Gov. Romney's 2008 donation to NOM, which had already been reported in the press at the time.

But we have the evidence of what they actually said and did.

HRC has been funding people to go after NOM's donors in an explicit, open way, which contributes to the likelihood that they knowingly participated in this act.

To preface the growing coverage of this felony committed against decency and fair play, let me tell you the story of another such attempted leak back in 2009.

This story is not one I have ever told publicly.

Back in 2009, during the fight to stop the redefinition of marriage in Maine via referendum, someone released confidential information to the pro-gay-marriage camp in Maine. This group, though opposed to what you and I believe, recognized a moral wrong and a potential crime.

They forwarded the information to the pro-marriage campaign, acknowledging they ought not to have been in receipt of it, and promised that no copies had been retained. They did the right thing.

That's what a law-abiding organization does when its staff recognizes that someone is trying to commit a crime by releasing information it has no right to have.

We have sent a letter to the Treasury Department demanding an investigation. The tax returns put up on HRC's website contained special codes that only come from the IRS; the tax return we filed does not have that code on it. That's something which happens only once a return is in the hands of the IRS. That's how we know it was obtained from the IRS.
We're pleased to report that, according to the Daily Caller, the IRS is taking the allegations "very seriously."

Here's WABC's talk show host Mark Levin, calling it for what it is: "a felony."

Here's our Next Gen leader, Thomas Peters, on the Christian Broadcasting Network:

As Breitbart's Big Government reported:

"If something this obvious had happened to a liberal organization, you can bet the mainstream media would be all over it. But being a conservative, pro-traditional-marriage group, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has been afforded no such luxury. ...

"A crime appears to have been committed, and an investigation is indeed in order. That this matter is not getting the attention it deserves is testament, yet again, to the left-wing bias of the mainstream media.

"As NOM President Brian Brown said in a statement last week: 'It is shocking that a political ally of President Obama's would come to possess and then publicly release a confidential tax return that came directly from the Internal Revenue Service.'"

Here's Maggie Gallagher taking the case for fairness to the media:


Lawyers for Crystal Dixon are in court this week at the Sixth Circuit, arguing that "no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion."

Crystal Dixon

Crystal Dixon was dismissed as an administrator from the University of Toledo in Ohio solely for writing a letter to the editor to a local paper objecting to homosexuality and, in particular, to the "race analogy" comparing sexual orientation with race and gay rights with the battle for civil rights for African-Americans.

No major pro-gay-marriage organization has come forward to condemn the firing of Crystal Dixon or to suggest that gay rights do not require such brutal oppression of the free speech rights of people like Crystal. That tells you a lot about where this movement is headed.

I'm grateful to every American, whatever their creed or color, willing to stand up for marriage. But this week I have to express special gratitude to Bishop Harry Jackson.

He published an amazing op-ed in The Blaze, saying:

The largest roadblock to the nationwide redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples is the group of people perhaps least ashamed to voice their convictions in the matter: black Christians. In a pathetic effort to eradicate this roadblock, lesbian, gay, transgendered and bisexual (LGBT) activists have accused traditional marriage advocates of "creating" a division between minority Christian leaders and the homosexual community.

The truth is, few issues in American history have brought together more people from vastly different political and racial backgrounds than the fight to preserve traditional marriage. African-Americans have joined with people of all races and creeds to resist the radical effort of activists to redefine marriage and family. As a result new heroes are emerging with the courage of the Freedom Riders of the 1960s. ...

In the midst of this fight, LGBT activists have created a mythology to try to explain the fierce minority opposition to their agenda. Primary among these myths is the idea that the National Organization for Marriage, with whom I and many African Americans have been proud to stand, is responsible for dividing racial minorities against the gay community. Nothing could be further from the truth. NOM has instead provided a national platform for racial minorities to voice their heartfelt outrage at an agenda that is trying to hijack the moral authority of the Civil Rights struggle.

But Bishop Jackson also—and this is above and beyond the call—sent out a fundraising letter asking black, white and Latino Americans to stand with NOM as we are under attack:

For three years, I have stood shoulder to shoulder with Brian Brown and the National Organization for Marriage, fighting to protect marriage in Maryland and in our nation's capital.

Together—for the first time in Maryland—we have built a true rainbow coalition of Blacks, Latinos and whites, Republicans and Democrats, Catholics, evangelicals, Mormons and Jews, all working together to protect and preserve marriage. It's a new phase in the battle for marriage—and critical as we head toward a referendum this fall.

The National Organization for Marriage has done so much to protect marriage, not only in Maryland, but in similar battles all across the country.

It's no wonder groups like the Human Rights Campaign and The New York Times are trying to tear our coalition apart.

My answer? Not a chance!

The ugly insinuations and outright lies I have seen over the past two weeks are nothing short of reprehensible. They're trying to create the impression that NOM is exploiting racial division—using Blacks and Hispanics to further its political agenda.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Same-sex marriage isn't about civil rights. It's about our civil responsibilities. As Americans and as people of faith, we have a duty to stand up, engage, and speak the truth about marriage. And when we all stand in unity, no one can stop us.

Same-sex marriage supporters have it all backward. It is the Democratic Party elites and gay marriage leaders that are pushing an agenda of division.

Politically, especially for Republicans, the negative repercussions of abandoning core convictions and voting for gay marriage are becoming ever more clear.

In New Hampshire, Republican legislators who voted against a bill to repeal gay marriage are reacting with great upset to an ad NOM just ran telling the truth:

"NOM-NH Runs Ad Slamming GOP Legislators for Gay Marriage Vote," as the New Hampshire Journal reports.


NOM's goal, as I made clear last week, is not to use gay marriage as a wedge issue to elect Republicans, but to actually protect marriage in law and culture—whether that requires electing Republicans, electing Democrats, or making sure those who betray marriage hear from their constituents in both parties.

The first heads to fall were Democrats in Brooklyn like David Weprin.

But we will take the case for protecting marriage to politicians in both parties.

New York State Sen. Jim Alesi, one of the four Republicans who betrayed their campaign promises and voted for gay marriage, is feeling the heat.

Curt Smith writes in MPNNow,

In 2010, [Sen. Alesi] was reelected vowing to support traditional marriage. In spring 2011, neither apologizing nor explaining, Alesi helped the Republican-controlled Senate make New York only the sixth state to let gay and lesbian couples wed, changing the historical definition of marriage between one men and one woman.

A 2009 photo shows him, head in hands, voting against same-sex wedlock, saying "I live in a political world. It's not about courage." Deeming his district increasingly liberal, Alesi changed his vote—cravenly, not courageously. The National Organization for Marriage scored his "tearing up the...contract with voters who trusted" him. In response, Alesi mocked old friends, saying "I have new friends now." Incredibly, he never considered that the old friends might laugh last."

The Wall Street Journal is now reporting that Alesi, who was boasting about how many new friends his gay marriage vote gained him, is now seriously concerned about a well-funded primary challenge:

"If there's some kind of an insinuation that money guided the vote, I can tell you that we're never going to match funding that National Organization for Marriage will spend," Mr. Alesi said, referring to an anti-same-sex marriage group. "Most of us will be wiped out financially after Republican primaries."

As Thomas Peters pointed out, this is quite a different tune from when he told local press last year that he was running for reelection to prove "you can vote for [same-sex marriage] as a Republican and you can survive."

Kudos as well to former Governor and Congressman Robert L. Ehrlich, who used his Baltimore Sun column this Sunday to predict, "Maryland will reject same-sex marriage."

"Gays deserve respect," he affirmed as we do, "but not the right to redefine society's most important institution."

He predicts that the referendum to overturn gay marriage in Maryland will succeed as "a coalition of Catholics, African-Americans, Hispanics and conservatives from both sides of the aisle send the measure to a decisive defeat. (Such a result would make Maryland the 32nd state to defeat a gay marriage referendum.)"

He points to the victories for gay rights he personally championed as a Maryland Republican and the heat he took for it, and nonetheless stands in favor of marriage:

"Many of us draw the line at marriage, however. We ask the state to defend this fundamentally important (albeit flawed) institution—not redefine it down to fit the demand of an influential interest group. Indeed, one redefinition will most assuredly beget additional redefinitions: Why not a civil right to more than one spouse? Where does one draw the line once the traditional threshold is crossed?

Traditional marriage is integral to our Judeo-Christian heritage. It is the institution most adept at the business of raising children. For many opponents, it's not a civil rights issue. It's about a foundational institution that deserves this ultimate protection."

A final word of prayer and gratitude. Prison Fellowship has released word that Chuck Colson may be on his deathbed, about to be gathered to the Lord.

He fell ill at a Spiral of Silence conference (at which both Maggie Gallagher and Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse spoke) dedicated to calling Christians to speak for life, for marriage, and for religious liberty.

I ask for your prayers for him and his family, and offer my own heartfelt ones.

The fight continues. We each have a part to play.

Praise be to God.

North Carolina Marriage Amendment Supporters Blame Opponents for Extensive Sign Vandalism

The News Observer:

Supporters of the proposed constitutional marriage amendment say that more than $10,000 worth of their billboards and yard signs have been destroyed in the past few weeks. And, in a fundraising email sent out Tuesday, they blame it on their opponents.

... Rachel Lee, a spokeswoman for Vote for Marriage N.C., says most of the vandalism occurred in Buncombe County, but there have been reports of damage across the state. She said the incident has been reported to Buncombe County law enforcement.

Here’s their email:

“Even though our opponents are attempting to discourage the preservation of marriage in North Carolina, their actions are actually doing the opposite. Despite their malicious intentions, they are actually encouraging supporters like you to rally around us.

“Restitution is needed to overcome this damage. You can help push us forward. Today, we are launching a money bomb to raise $10,000 so that we can spread our message of truth across North Carolina!”

Video: Some Neglected Facts About Same-Sex Couples and American Opinion

Kalley Yanta of the Minnesota Marriage Minute explains some facts that you rarely see mentioned in the media:

"According to the American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau there were fewer same-sex households in 2010 than were mentioned in the 2000 census. The data on whether Americans are becoming more supportive of gay marriage suggests that they are not. [...] A survey by public opinion strategies for the Alliance Defense Fund found that 62% of Americans believe that marriage should be defined only as the union of one man and one woman."

Sen. Alesi Complains That Primary Challenge Will Wipe Out His Pro-SSM War Chest

Sen. Jim Alesi is now complaining that the money he took from pro-same sex marriage hedge fund millionaires won't be enough to save him from a challenge within his own party:

State Sen. James Alesi is one beneficiary of hedge-fund money. The Rochester Republican took in about $150,000 from people in the industry, Common Cause said. Much came from a group that supported senators like Mr. Alesi who backed same-sex marriage against the wishes of his party. He is now facing a well-funded primary challenge.

"If there's some kind of an insinuation that money guided the vote, I can tell you that we're never going to match funding that National Organization for Marriage will spend," Mr. Alesi said, referring to an anti-same-sex marriage group. "Most of us will be wiped out financially after Republican primaries." -- Wall Street Journal

This is quite a different tune from when he told local press last year that he was running for reelection to prove "you can vote for [same-sex marriage] as a Republican and you can survive." Maybe he should have listened to us and others who told him that all the money in the world won't save him from the fate that awaits politicians who betray their constituents on marriage.

Canadian Government Official: Catholic Church "Not Allowed" to Teach on Sex Anymore


Catholic schools will no longer be allowed to teach the Catechism’s doctrine that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered,” says a cabinet minister in Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty’s government.

As politicians debated a bill that would force Catholic schools to launch gay clubs on March 29th, Member of Provincial Parliament Glen Murray (Toronto Centre) lashed out against Ontario’s bishops over Catholic teaching on homosexuality.

“I have to say to the bishops: ‘You’re not allowed to do that anymore,’” said Murray, an open homosexual who serves as McGuinty’s Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, according to the Hansard transcript.

“I’m not allowed to say to the Catholics—nor should I—or to other Christians or Muslims or Jews, that because of your faith you’re intrinsically disordered,” he continued.

“I would never say to you that anything that goes on in your family with the person you love—can you imagine me describing a husband-and-wife relationship as inherently depraved?” he added.

Suresh Dominic of Campaign Life Catholics said Murray’s comments “amount to a declaration of war against the Catholic Church and all people who support traditional moral values.”

“We’ve been saying all along that McGuinty wants to dictate what the Church can teach in its schools and here it is straight from the government’s mouth,” Dominic added.

FoxNews: NOM Accuses IRS of Leaking Romney Donor Details

FoxNews adds to the growing number of media outlets demanding answers:

"...The National Organization for Marriage is on the warpath over the alleged breach. It has called for an IRS investigation and fired off a warning letter to the Human Rights Campaign, the pro-gay marriage group that first published the documents before taking them down.

...the gay marriage debate aside, National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown said the leak was illegal.

"This is not something you'd expect to happen in the U.S.," he told, noting that dozens of other donor names were on the leaked document. "The issue is this is a private tax document."

Brown has called for an investigation by the Inspector General for Tax Administration. His group, after analyzing the leaked documents, claimed the original versions have "official use" and other stamps on them indicating they were internal documents. Brown says that means somebody in the IRS leaked them, or somebody hacked into the IRS system to obtain them.

"This is a potential criminal investigation," he said, claiming the IRS has contacted the group and is "taking this seriously." Did the IRS Leak Donor NOM's Information for Political Purposes?

Jason Bradley of writes about the unfolding scandal NOM is beginning to uncover:

If something as obvious as this happened to a liberal organization, you can bet the mainstream media would be all over it. But being a conservative, pro-traditional-marriage group, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has been afforded no such luxury. On March 30 the Human Rights Campaign posted a scanning of NOM’s 2008 tax Form 990, complete with confidential donor information – including that of GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney, who is listed as having given a $10,000 donation to NOM. Shortly after the HRC posted the documents, the Huffington Post followed suit.

Here’s the problem: The information on a 990, which tax-exempt groups are required to file, is meant only for Internal Revenue Service eyes, and revealing it constitutes a felony. In a twist that seems not at all to be coincidental, the HRC is headed by Joe Solomonese, a recently appointed national co-chair of the Obama reelection campaign.

... Given that this all happened in the run-up to today, tax day, where was the outrage? Where was the swift condemnation by pundits and organizations on both sides of the political aisle? After all, this is not a gay-marriage issue; this isn’t even just a conservative issue (and if it were, it would still merit examination). The fact is this is a matter of legality. A crime appears to have been committed, and an investigation is indeed in order. That this matter is not getting the attention it deserves is testament, yet again, to the left-wing bias of the mainstream media.

CNA: Boycott Highlights Starbucks' Radical Stance on Marriage

We missed this article by the Catholic News Agency/EWTN News on our campaign but wanted to give them a shout-out still!

Supporters of authentic marriage between a man and woman are being urged to “Dump Starbucks,” over the corporation's push to give the institution a radically different meaning.

“People of faith need to take a stand and say: 'Enough is enough. We're not going to have our money used against our values,' ” National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown told EWTN News on March 23.

His organization is spearheading the growing “Dump Starbucks” boycott campaign, a response to Starbucks' declaration of support for same-sex “marriage” legislation in Washington state.

... Brown also accused Starbucks of “lying to its shareholders and customers” in different parts of the world.

“On the Middle Eastern website, Starbucks Corporation says it takes no political stance. This is a political stance.”

“And the reason it does that, is because it knows that in the Middle East, in Southeast Asia, and all these areas, same-sex 'marriage' is overwhelmingly opposed. Therefore, it's telling its customers and shareholders one thing, and doing something entirely different.”

The National Organization for Marriage has never before called for a corporate boycott. It is doing so now, Brown said, because of Starbucks' decision to antagonize many of its employees and customers.