NH Gov. John Lynch Highlighting Support for Gay Marriage in Email to Supporters

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch is running for reelection and is highlighting same-sex marriage as one of his accomplishments.

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Register for the latest Prop 8 Trial Coverage at!

This Wednesday will be an historic day as some of the top lawyers in America gather in a San Francisco courtroom to debate whether marriage as we know it is bigoted, discriminatory, and unconstitutional.

Closing arguments in the Prop 8 trial begin at 10am Pacific time, and NOM will be in the courtroom to provide regular updates throughout the day. Please visit today to register for email updates on important case developments, and then come back on Wednesday for live blogging of the closing arguments, video updates, and a real-time Twitter feed.

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Help support the legal defense of marriage!

Finally, defending marriage in the courtroom is an expensive endeavor. Our opponents have hired some of the most famous lawyers in the nation to destroy marriage. If we are to save marriage, we must match them with the best and most committed legal talent available. Fortunately, the Prop 8 lawyers, some of the best constitutional litigators in the country, have been very generous and are not charging anywhere near what they would typically charge. But still, the cost of protecting marriage in the courts has already run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and will be in the millions before all is said and done.

To help offset the costs of marriage litigation, NOM has set up the National Organization for Marriage Legal Defense Fund. Already NOM has given $50,000 to help fund the Prop 8 case, and every penny raised for the NOM Legal Defense Fund will go toward the legal defense of marriage.

Please click here right now to make a generous contribution of $25, $50, or even $500 or more if you are able.

All donations are tax deductible.

NOM Election Watch 2010: Virginia's 8th

Did support for gay marriage doom another GOP contender?  In the race for the GOP nomination for Virginia's 8th Congressional District (to take on Democratic incumbent Jim Moran), Patrick Murray narrowly defeated pro-gay marriage Republican Matthew Berry.  WaPo notes--and criticizes--a Murray mailer which in the waning days highlighted Berry's support for gay marriage.

WaPo naturally found the mailer "misleading."  Why?  Hard to say.  Because Berry clearly said he supported gay marriage and Patrick Murray in a close race in a moderate district found highlighting that policy difference useful to achieving victory.  More proof that, it is a bad idea to vote for gay marriage if you are a Republican.

NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010: California Victories

Tom Campbell's defeat in the race for GOP nomination to take on Sen. Barbara Boxer confirms the lessons of Dede Scozzafava: It’s a bad idea to be for gay marriage, at least if you are a Republican.

Meanwhile, National Organization for Marriage - California PAC won three pivotal election races during the 2010 California primary election season. NOM-CA PAC ran independent expenditure campaigns to elect State Senate candidate Joel Anderson (SD36), and State Assembly candidates Andy Pugno (AD 5), Sunder Ramani (AD 43), and Chris Lancaster (AD 59). Lancaster won by just 3000 votes, suggesting NOM's involvement was the margin of victory, while Ramani was narrowly defeated in Assembly District 43. (John Eastman's loss against Steve Cooley was the only other sad note out of California--he was outspent 3 to 1 against a better-known LA District Attorney.)

Tom Campbell's  remarkable collapse in the polls tracks NOM's voter outreach efforts remarkably.  According to polling on Real Clear Politics, Campbell led the US Senate race by as much as 15 points over Carly Fiorina on May 19th. NOM launched its robo calls over the three day period of May 19-21. From that point forward, Campbell faded and Fiorina surged, winning the race in a landslide.

NOM Wins Victory in California!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Victory in California! With your help, NOM played a central role in defeating pro-gay marriage GOP Senate candidate Tom Campbell yesterday.

Back in March, NOM was the first on the air with TV ads highlighting Tom Campbell's liberal record on gay marriage and taxes. In May, we came back with a wildly successful automated phone campaign to 600,000 GOP primary voters, letting them know where Tom Campbell stands on gay marriage.  Read More »

Predictable WaPo Op Ed

Predictable WaPo op ed Supreme Court overturning Prop 8.  Same-sex marriage is not one of the fundamental rights of man.  Overturning Prop 8 would be an outrageous violation of the civil rights  of millions of voters in states with similar marriage amendments.

NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010: Pro-Marriage Paul LePage wins GOP Nod in Maine

There's so much election news. Consider the Maine governor's race, where Paul LePage won the GOP nomination. Pro-gay marriage forces have vowed to pass another gay marriage bill in 2011, despite the historic rejection of gay marriage by Maine voters last November. If Paul LePage wins the governor's seat he has promised to veto any such effort to circumvent the will of the voters. LePage is a really interesting guy, not your typical profile. He is one of 18 kids--"-when you come from a family of 18 kids you have to be pro-life -- otherwise, you might have been 'the one,'" he told Maine Public Broadcasting.

His father was an abusive disciplinarian, so he ran away at home at age 11 and lived homeless on the streets for a few years, before eventually graduating from high school, working to put himself through college, eventually earning a master's degree in business administration. He serves as general manager of Marden's Salvage and Surplus and the mayor of Waterville.

He is both a fiscal and a social conservative--and something else as well:

"I'm putting myself out there because I believe I am the candidate, not only on the Republican side, but the Democratic side and the Independent side, that both have a life history that understands the stigma that goes with being homeless, poor and on the streets, and I understand what it does to the human body, the human psyche," Lepage says.

NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010: Bob Inglis

Bob Inglis failed to avoid a runoff for his South Carolina GOP House seat on Tuesday. He trailed Gowdy badly. Why? Look no further than this op ed Inglis wrote, after voting for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Why vote for marriage and then denounce his own supporters as theocratic hysterics?

Marriage Amendment: Marriage amendment's failure isn't a sign of our 'slouching toward Gomorrah'

Spartanburg Herald-Journal - Friday, July 21, 2006

By U.S. Rep. Bob Inglis

The captains of the culture wars were hankering for a fight this summer, so we had a vote on a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. I voted "yes," but the amendment fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to amend the Constitution.

In the aftermath of that failure, the captains of the culture wars will no doubt announce that it's more proof America is, in fact, slouching toward Gomorrah.

Could it be, though, that it was the wrong amendment at the wrong time with the wrong leadership motives?

NOM Marriage News: June 4, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

California heats up!

Just a week until the big June 8 primary, and here’s good news.

A new poll shows pro-gay-marriage Republican Steve Cooley slipping far behind in the race for California Attorney General. The Survey USA Advantage poll showed Tom Harman pulling 29 percent, Steve Cooley 22 percent and John Eastman 19 percent, with a whopping 28 percent of Republicans STILL undecided just a week out. Read More »

President Obama Proclaims June as LGBT Month

Yesterday President Obama issued a proclamation commemorating June as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) month. While declaring support for federal civil unions, conspicuously absent from this declaration is any reference to same-sex marriage or efforts to repeal DOMA:

"Here at home, I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans. These measures include enhancing hate crimes laws, supporting civil unions and Federal rights for LGBT couples, outlawing discrimination in the workplace, ensuring adoption rightsand ending the existing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in a way that strengthens our Armed Forces and our national security."

What are your thoughts on President Obama's proclamation?

NOM Election Watch 2010: Does Alabama's Steve Bray Support Gay Marriage?

Pundits are abuzz about GOP's Mo Brooks unseating of a sitting Congressman in the race to represent Alabama's FifthCongressional District. Pro-marriage voters have a different question. Does Dem nominee Steven Bray support Gay Marriage?

Left in Alabama blog reports: "What's your stand on marriage equality? Marriage as a religious institution should be left up to states and churches. But civil unions that the state recognizes regarding inheritance, visitation, and individual rights, those are legal issues."

Okay, Steve, does this mean you support civil unions but not gay marriage? Or does it mean you think the law should recognize civil gay unions as marriages. Stop futzing around, Steve, Alabama voters want to know!

Tom Campbell: RINO on the Ropes

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Three polls in the past week show pro-gay marriage RINO Republican Tom Campbell's support has plummeted. His money has dried up and his campaign is in freefall.

What a difference a week makes!

Just a few weeks ago, pro-gay marriage Tom Campbell was leading Carly Fiorina and Chuck DeVore—some polls said by as much as ten points or more. Now, he’s suddenly twenty points behind Carly Fiorina in the race that will determine which Republican has a chance to unseat California’s Democrat Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Tom Campbell’s collapse in public opinion is no accident. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: May 28, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

NOM's Legal Defense Fund fights to protect your right and the rights of  all Americans to exercise core civil rights to organize, vote, and donate to protect marriage without risking economic retaliation, harassment or intimidation.

We've filed lawsuits in California and Maine to protect these rights, which numerous federal courts have upheld on other issues.

In Maine the fundamental legal question is: Is NOM an organization formed primarily as a Maine ballot initiative committee--and so required by law to disclose donors? The answer is: obviously not. You know and I know that NOM is THE national organization that fights to protect marriage across this great country.  People who help us in this great fight have the same right as donors to the Human Rights Campaign or Marriage Equality to participate in this process without disclosing their names.  Read More »

2nd Annual Celebrate Marriage and Family Day

Date & Location: August 15th at the beautiful Aldrich Mansion in Warwick, Rhode Island.

The theme of this year's event is "The Blessing of Family," and Mr. Glenn Stanton, Director of Family Formation Studies at Focus on the Family, is the keynote speaker. Music will be provided by local band "Servant Song."

Building on last year's phenomenally successful celebration where 800 - 1000 people stood up for marriage and family in Rhode Island, this year's party will feature fun activities for kids of all ages, great food, a wonderful setting, fun competitions between families, and special time of blessing for families. So set aside the day and plan on joining us at the Aldrich Mansion on Warwick Neck on Sunday August 15th. Gates will open at 2:30.

For more info visit the NOM Rhode Island website.

America Speaking Out Website Fixed -- Vote Today!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Many, many thanks if you were able to vote for marriage on the new AmericaSpeakingOut website launched by the House Republicans this week.  

And if you are one of the many who experienced technical difficulties with the newly launched site on Tuesday, I apologize for the trouble.

We now have word that the site's technical glitches have been fixed and that the site is operating properly.

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