Hawaii Delivers HUGE Marriage Victory for Djou

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The special election for Congress that concluded last Saturday in Honolulu was a huge win for marriage. For the first-time in a generation, Hawaiians elected a Republican to Congress, pro-marriage Charles Djou!

Both of the Democrats Djou defeated (Colleen Hanabusa and Ed Case) are openly pro-gay marriage.

The National Organization for Marriage reached out to 100,000 likely voters in the last week of the campaign to inform voters that Charles Djou would protect the people's right to vote for marriage.

Like Scott Brown in Massachussetts, Djou refused to concede that a Congressman's seat belongs to any politician or any party: "Contrary to the opinion of the old guard, this congressional seat is not owned by the Democrat Party. It isn't owned by any union or special interest group. This seat is owned by the people. At its core, this belief separates me from my opponents," Djou said on May 17.

Djou's margin of victory was unexpectedly strong, emerging with 40 percent of the vote in a three-way race with two Democrats in a deep blue state.

2010 has the potential for more tremendous victories for marriage all across the country. With your help, we will be positioned for strategic intervention on short notice wherever the need arises.  Help make sure the word gets out . . . Can you give $65 today to help us reach out to 1,000 voters in the future? Read More »

NOM Election Watch 2010: Tom Campbell's Lead Suddenly Collapses

Two new polls show Tom Campbell's previous lead over Carly Fiorina has suddenly collapsed. Fiorina has surged to a 20 point lead not only in the Survey USA but in the more respected PPP poll. Could NOM's phone calls last week to 600,000 likely GOP primary voters explaining he's a pro-gay marriage, pro-tax Rhino be part of the reason?

Vote Now! Your Chance to Beat the RINOs Running from Marriage

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Please, if you do one thing for marriage this year, do this.

Vote for marriage.

The Republican Party has launched a new website, "America Speaking Out" to help set the agenda for the elections this fall. Make sure the RINOs don't run away from marriage!  It will take a 2 minutes to register and vote for marriage today.

Do it now. Do it for your country. Don't let Log Cabin types outvote us and our values.

1)  Click here to place your vote! Vote Thumbs Up to protect marriage as the union of a man and a woman.  

You'll be asked to create a login, then place your vote. And while you're there, use the Facebook/Twitter icons to post to your Facebook/Twitter feeds, and feel free to leave a comment, too!

"Protect marriage as the union of a man and a woman. Children do best with a married mother and father, and our laws and our judges should respect and defend this most fundamental institution of society."

The earlier you go to vote, the more powerful your vote will be. Whatever issues win early votes will appear in the top ten issues, generating more votes from latecomers.

2) Then click here to vote NO (Thumbs Down) to same-sex marriage.

Do it right now. Vote yes for marriage! Read More »

NOM Election Watch 2010: Djou Victory Big Win for Marriage

Pro-marriage GOP Congressional candidate Charles Djou trounced two warring openly pro-gay marriage Dems by an unexpectedly large margin: 39 percent to 31 percent for Colleen Hanabusa and 28 percent for Ed Case (cousin of AOL Founder Steve Case).  Disheartened Dems are now downplayhing the win, predicting Djou will serve for only 6 months in this heavily Democratic district.  Stay tuned.

NOM Marriage News: May 21, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Anti-Prop 8, pro-gay-marriage candidate Tom Campbell is in trouble. The just-released PPIC poll shows he has dropped into second place two points behind Carly Fiorina, and just 7 points ahead of Chuck DeVore.

Hotline just broke the news: "Campbell Cuts Back on Ads."

Ex-Rep. Tom Campbell (R) is cutting back on TV advertising. . .Campbell will not be on TV this coming week. And he has cut his ad buys for the final 2 weeks of the campaign significantly, according to sources who watch campaign ad spending; data shows Campbell has purchased $286K in ads over the last 2 weeks, less than the $393K he had previously reserved.

Reducing your ad buys a few weeks before an election usually means one thing: You are running out of money. Read More »

NOM Election Watch 2010: Big Marriage Victory Brewing in Arkansas?

The just-released Rasmussen poll shows Sen. Blanche Lincoln running neck and neck in the runoff for the Democratic senate nomination with Bill Halter.

Meanwhile, GOP nominee John Boozman who strongly supports a federal marriage amendment, trounces either--Sen. Lincoln by an amazing 38 points!

Boozman 66
Lincoln 28
Boozman 60
Halter 33

NOM Election Watch 2010: Marriage Battles Emerging in Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Kentucky

After yesterday’s primary vote, key marriage battles are shaping up in Pennsylvania, Arkansas and Kentucky.

In Pennsylvania, Democrat Joe Sestak ousted sitting formerly Republican Sen. Arlen Specter, he will have to beat Pat Toomey who easily won the GOP nomination.

According to the Philadelphia Gay News, “Sestak Backs Gay Marriage” while GOP nominee Pat Toomey definitely does not. 

In Arkansas,  Congressman John Boozman, who strongly supported and voted for a federal marriage amendment, will face the either sitting senator Blanche Lincoln (who voted against the federal marriage amendment) or Bill Halter, who publicly opposed Arkansas law restricting adoptions by couples to married couples. (Lincoln and Halter will face a runoff to determine who is the Democratic nominee.)

In Kentucky, Tea Party candidate Rand Paul blew away the Republican establishment candidate.   Paul will face Jack Conway,  the most liberal candidate on the Democratic side, surely a plus in culturally conservative Kentucky. 

For weeks progressive blogs announced that Conway was pro-gay marriage.  In the final days of the campaign, in a televised debate with Democrat Lt. Gov. Dan Mongiardo (who sponsored Kentucky’s marriage amendment), Conway reluctantly and ambiguously said, in response to a direct question from Mongiardo that he both abhors all “discrimination” and supports the sanctity of marriage as one man and one woman.  Will Conway translate that sentiment into a commitment to vote for DOMA?  Or to take any action at all to protect Kentucky’s marriage amendment from an activist Supreme Court?  We don’t think so, but we’ll let you know.

Meanwhile on the GOP side, Dr. Rand Paul was endorsed by Dr. James Dobson in the final days of the campaign.  Dr. Paul  supports Kentucky’s marriage amendment but opposes federal policy on gay marriage one way or the other.  As we move into the general election, Kentucky marriage voters will want to ask both candidates: “If the Supreme Court tries to impose gay marriage on all 50 states—overturning Kentucky’s marriage amendment—will you support a constitutional amendment that protects our right to vote for marriage?” 

Rand Paul’s strong federalist streak may also lead him to support affirming that D.C. voters have the same rights as the people of Arkansas to pass a marriage amendment if they so choose.

NOM Launches Minnesota Amendment Campaign!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Today, NOM is partnering with the Minnesota Family Council to launch a new campaign for a marriage amendment to the Minnesota Constitution.

Watch our latest TV ad!

Read More »

NOM Marriage News: May 14, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

"A vote for Elena Kagan is a vote for gay marriage."

We asked you to stand up and send that message to the Senate--and boy, did you respond: over 100,000 emails swamped Capitol Hill, with more coming every day. Way to fight back! Thank

If you haven't sent your No on Kagan email yet, do it right now.

If you have, send the message to a friend--or two or five friends--and ask for their help!

Don't let the Supreme Court take away our right to vote for marriage! Read More »

Congress is Listening: Tell them NO on Elena Kagan!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Many thanks to each of you who have already sent emails to Congress urging them to reject the Kagan nomination for Supreme Court.

Together, we have already sent Congress nearly 100,000 emails and faxes, telling them to vote NO on Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court.

And Washington is taking notice! Read More »

NOM Election Watch 2010: HUGE victory for marriage in West Virginia Dem Primary

Exciting news from West Virginia: a sitting pro-gay marriage Democratic Congressman was just ousted in a Democratic primary—by a pro-marriage candidate!

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent in the calvary at the last minute to try to save l Rep. Alan Mollohan, but it was not enough. Mollohan, who twice voted against a federal marriage amendment and who earned a 63 percent approval rating from the Human Rights campaign, went down in flames in Tuesday's primaries to a strong suppporter of traditional marriage Mike Oliverio. Oliverio appears to have beaten Mollohan by more than ten points.

In 2009, Oliverio spoke at the West Virginia Family Policy Council’s Pastor’s briefing:

“The Family Policy Council thanks Del. Boggs and Sen. Oliverio for their time and willingness to speak at the Pastor’s Briefing. But most importantly we thank them for standing with the overwhelming majority of West Virginians that support the traditional definition of marriage between one man and one woman.”

NOM Election Watch 2010: Will Hawaii Return a Pro-Marriage Republican Next Week?

On May 18, Hawaiian voters will participate in a special election in the First Congressional district. In fact they are already participating--28 percent of ballots mailed out have been returned, and voters can keep voting by mail until May 22.  Two Democratic candidates who are openly gay marriage are running against a pro-marriage Republican, Charles Djou.

Obama robocalled Democratic voters urging them to vote for a Democrat.  But to no avail.  The Democratic party just announced that after spending $300,000 in negative ads to attack Djou, it's now pulling out of the race--no doubt because Djou's lead in the polls continues to widen.   Wow.  Will another deep blue state follow Massachusetts lead and return a pro-gay marriage Republican?

Djou supports Hawaii's marriage amendment and says he will vote to uphold DOMA.

NOM ACTION ALERT: Urge Senators to Vote NO on Elana Kagan for Supreme Court!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

A vote for Elana Kagan is a vote to impose gay marriage on all 50 states.

Send your senators a message today!

Don't be fooled, Pres. Obama today has nominated a radical justice who will vote to overturn Prop 8 in California, the federal Defense of Marriage Act and the laws protecting marriage in all 50 states. Read More »

NOM Marriage News: May 7, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Do politicians have a right to strip you of your constitutional right to vote?

Now there's a real burning civil rights question, and it was front and center this week in D.C., both inside and outside the federal courthouse doors.

Outside the courtroom of the D.C. Court of Appeals, we pro-marriage forces rallied under the leadership of Bishop Harry Jackson. "This is the new civil rights movement!" I told a crowd of 250 enthusiastically cheering marriage champions! Read More »

NJ Action Alert: Thank Archbishop Myers!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Late last week, Newark Archbishop John Myers -- a great friend of marriage -- publicly expressed concern over a new course on same-sex marriage to be offered at Seton Hall University next fall, calling on the board of regents to take action to protect Catholic teaching on marriage.

As Archbishop of Newark, Archbishop Myers provides oversight for Catholic educational institutions in the archdiocese, and is responsible for ensuring adherence to Catholic doctrine and teaching. Read More »