NOM Election Watch 2010: Dem Turnout "falls off a cliff."

Update:  Democratic primary voter turnout "falls off a cliff."

Hotline is reporting "Dem Turnout Falls off a Cliff". In Ohio, just 663,000 voters cast ballots in a hotly contested race between Fisher and Brunner, less than the turnout of 872,000 voters in 2006, when Ted Strickland faced no serious primary opponent. In Indiana, 204,000 voters cast Democratic ballots in House races, less than the 304,000 who turned out in 2006.   In North Carolina, just 425,000 cast ballots in the three-way Dem primary, less than the 444,000 who turned out in 2004 when Gov. Mike Easley faced no serious opponents.
GOP voter turnout, by contrast was up in all three states.

NOM Election Watch 2010/Maggie Gallagher

Election 2010 is now officially underway with U.S. Senate primary elections Tuesday in Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina.  So today, we’re launching “NOM Marriage Election Watch 2010” so you can find out what election results across the country mean for marriage.  (As Fox News founder Roger Ailes likes to say “We found a niche market—half the American people.”) Read More »

TAKE ACTION: Thank Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I wanted to be sure that you saw this terrific column by Archbishop Nienstedt, Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, published this week in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. In the column, Archbishop Nienstedt clearly and compassionately lays out the case for marriage, and for a marriage amendment to the Minnesota Constitution.

Please take a moment to thank Archbishop Nienstedt for taking this courageous
stand for marriage. Click here to send him an email today!

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NOM Marriage News: April 30, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

In California, Judge Walker has set a date for final arguments: June 16. The end of the trial has been delayed as gay-marriage advocates squealed in alarm at the threat to the Constitution if they are asked to turn over the same documents Prop 8 supporters were asked to reveal. Read More »

Rally for Marriage in DC Tuesday!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Join us Tuesday at 9am in front of the DC Court of Appeals as we rally for marriage!

On Tuesday morning, the Court of Appeals will be hearing the appeal in the DC Marriage Initiative case. As the media covers the arguments inside, NOM is joining Bishop Harry Jackson (also lead plaintiff in the case) and the Stand4Marriage DC team in calling on all marriage supporters to come together in a public display of support for marriage and for the rights of DC voters. Read More »

TAKE ACTION: Thank Archbishop Nienstedt!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I wanted to be sure that you saw the terrific column by Archbishop Nienstedt, Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, published this week in the Star-Tribune. In the column, Archbishop Nienstedt makes the case for a marriage amendment to the Minnesota Constitution.

Please take a moment to thank Archbishop Nienstedt for taking this courageous
stand for marriage. Click here to send him an email today!

If you haven't already seen it, you can click here to read the full column, but I wanted to highlight the first couple of paragraphs: Read More »

NOM Marriage News: April 23, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

What if they held a pro-gay-marriage protest and nobody came?

The news from Maine this week echoes the news from California last week, when petition gatherers failed to collect enough petition to put a measure overturning Prop 8 on the ballot: The "base" for gay marriage has had enough, for now.
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Lynch Loses It: Supporting Marriage Now "Hate" and "Discrimination"

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

It's on.

The Governor of New Hampshire is losing it over our "Lynch Lied" ad and has launched a fluffy rebuttal ad, heavy on the slick, light on the substance. It's called "Lynch Leads" and you can view it here.

After viewing the ad, you might wonder why Governor Lynch didn't respond to the facts laid out in our ad "Lynch Lied" (which you can view here). We all know why: as the Union Leader wrote, "Unfortunately for Gov. Lynch, the criticisms are valid and he knows it."  Read More »

Lynch Gets Stung as NOM Ad Receives Widespread Praise!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Maybe New Hampshire Governor John Lynch will learn a lesson after his antics this past week. It was just a week ago that NOM launched a 30 second issue ad, "Lynch Lied" and Lynch flipped out by throwing a world-class temper tantrum.

He called it "an attack on the people of New Hampshire" that made him "disgusted, disgusted, disgusted." He even held a press conference to denounce the ad.

Talk about playing fast and loose with the facts! Read More »

NOM Announces Brian Brown as New President!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I have some very good news to announce for you today: NOM has a new president.

Today, the board of NOM announced that we are promoting Brian Brown, who you all know as NOM's capable and charismatic executive director, to the position of President of NOM.

This move is in part a recognition of Brian Brown's incredible record of achievement for the past three years in shepherding NOM's growth, and in part a recognition of the increasing political profile we hope to build for NOM in 2010 and beyond.
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NOM Marriage News: April 16, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Boy, New Hampshire's Gov. John Lynch is mad! Why?

Gov. Lynch is one angry man this week because you and me and thousands of others came together to speak truth to power: When Gov. Lynch campaigned for his office he said he opposed gay marriage. But when it came time to govern, he broke his word. He even refused to let the people of New Hampshire decide this issue. Instead he signed a gay marriage bill into law.

So thanks to your help, NOM launched this wee "Lynch Lied" ad--an ad some call "hard-hitting." But really, when the truth hits, it hits hard.

Like many other powerful politicians, Gov. Lynch gets mad when he gets called to account for his spin game on marriage. Read More »

TAKE ACTION! House Ethics Panel Proposes Rule Recognizing SSM

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Yesterday afternoon, Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, reported on new proposed House ethics rules that would same-sex partners as "spouses" -- a clear violation of the Defense of Marriage Act.

After Roll Call inquired about the new draft rules, which had been posted on the Ethics Committee website, the rules were promptly removed from the site and have been replaced with the 2008 disclosure rules.

Given the outspoken desire of many Congressional Democrats to repeal DOMA -- and the growing implausibility of doing so in an election year -- it's hard not to be suspicious of what is going on here.

Even under the most generous interpretation, it's a clear violation of federal law. The Defense of Marriage Act states that for all purposes of federal law (including laws, rules, regulations and interpretations), "the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife."  Read More »

Lynch Can't Handle the Truth! Democratic Party Tries to Censor Ad

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

The National Organization for Marriage's "Lynch Lied" television ad has ignited a firestorm of debate in New Hampshire. The word is now out that Lynch lied about his support for traditional marriage, and has repeatedly lied about the budget and taxes. Check out our ad here at

And instead of honestly addressing the issues in NOM's ad, the Governor himself has lashed out at us as an out-of-state group that was "meddling."


Let's get the facts straight here, Governor. Read More »

Lynch Lied! Watch the new NOM ad that is making NH headlines!

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

I wanted you to see the new television ad and website we launched in New Hampshire yesterday. We're calling Governor Lynch on the carpet for his broken promises . . . . on taxes, spending, budget cuts, and same-sex marriage.

When running for office in 2006, Governor Lynch promised voters he opposed same-sex marriage -- only to sign an unpopular gay marriage bill into law last spring. Now he's hoping voters forget all about it.

Click here to watch the ad.

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NOM Marriage News: April 9, 2010

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

If you listen to Ted Olson, the attorney enthusiastically leading the charge to trample on the civil rights of the 7 million Californians who voted for Proposition 8 by asking the Supreme Court to read gay marriage into our nation's constitution, you eventually get a sense of the movie unfolding in his head. Read More »