Author Archives: Brian Brown

24 Hours for Victory!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Wow…what a week it has been! In the midst of a vicious barrage of media attacks parroting the propaganda of the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), HRC’s publication of stolen NOM tax returns, illegal hacking of NOM’s online accounts, and new legal action taken by NOM to defend ourselves and the rights of […]

They're Coming After You Next...Unless We Stop Them!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Over the past several days, you’ve seen the attacks leveled against marriage supporters—and particularly at the National Organization for Marriage, precisely because the work we are doing has been so effective, and our coalition so vibrant, diverse and dynamic. Last week, I launched an aggressive fundraising campaign, spurred on by a generous […]

HRC President & Obama Co-Chair Implicated in IRS Leak Scandal, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The scandal over the release of confidential IRS information on the Human Rights Campaign’s website grows. The more we at NOM look into this, the more it smells to high heaven. As I told the press, “The American people are entitled to know how a confidential tax return containing private donor information […]

SSM Militants Launch Online Attack Against NOM - Help Fight Back!

Dear Marriage Supporters— Early this morning, NOM’s online properties were maliciously hacked by militant same-sex marriage activists. They were able to temporarily hijack several of our online properties, including Facebook, Twitter and our blog. Thankfully, our team responded quickly and we have now taken back control of each of these online properties with the exception […]

Please...We Cannot Let Them Get Away With It...

Dear Marriage Supporter, Will you please make one URGENT gift right now to help protect marriage? When the New York Times and other media outlets ran with a ridiculous narrative about NOM being racially divisive and politically poisonous, I have to admit, I was angry—but not surprised. After all, in the middle of this artificially […]

Senator Ruben Diaz Defends NOM!

Dear Marriage Supporter, The New York Times has unleashed an amazing reaction with its editorial attacking NOM this week. I keep hearing from African American and Hispanic leaders who want to stand publicly with NOM and our coalition of marriage supporters from all walks of life. We need you to stand with us, too! Click […]

Breaking News! NOM Demands Federal Investigation of HRC, IRS -- NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, I’ve just released a statement to the press. NOM is demanding a federal investigation of the possibly criminal act of releasing private tax return information, information which was posted by the Human Rights Campaign this week! Here’s the background. You’ve probably followed some of the media brouhaha over the release by Maine’s […]

UNITED! Stand with NOM Against Baseless Attacks from the NY Times!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Gay marriage activists are on the attack like never before. And it’s getting personal. They are targeting NOM and have pulled out the race card in a desperate attempt to shut us down in this critical election year. Why? Because they know that our coalition is strong and growing, and NOM has […]

"Gay Marriage has Backfired...", NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Gay marriage has backfired on the Democratic Party.” With those words one of my personal heroes, New York State Sen Rev. Rubén Díaz (a Democrat from the Bronx) opened his press release titled, “What you should know.” “You should know that since Governor Andrew Cuomo pushed for gay marriage in the State […]

Tell Your Entire Town What Starbucks Is Up To!

Dear Marriage Supporter, In just a few days, nearly 20,000 of you have signed the DumpStarbucks petition, putting Starbucks on notice that their corporate attack on marriage is forcing you to buy your coffee elsewhere. Help us cross the 25,000 threshold this week! If you haven’t yet signed the petition, click here to get all […]

Is Your Church Serving Starbucks?

Kaldi’s Coffee. Caribou Coffee. Tim Horton’s. Or better yet, a local family-owned coffee shop in your own neighborhood. Where do you buy your coffee? When Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced that advocacy of same-sex marriage was core to the company’s mission and identity, he gave American consumers a choice: pay for Starbucks lobbying in support […]

Would You Like Gay Marriage With Your Coffee? NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, On Tuesday I was in Des Moines, Iowa, where a huge rally took place to try to push Democratic Senate leader Mike Gronstal to permit a marriage amendment to come up for a vote. Family Leader, along with NOM and, hosted the rally—called the “LUV Iowa rally”—(LUV=Let Us Vote!) at the […]

HISTORIC! Victory for Marriage in New York!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Victory! Last June I made you a promise—that I would not rest until the voters of New York had the final say on marriage. Step one was replacing the seven turncoat New York Senators who brought same-sex marriage to the state. Tuesday evening, in Brooklyn, we took the first major step toward […]

NOM Announces International Protest of Starbucks

Dear Marriage Supporter, We are urging consumers across the globe to “Dump Starbucks” because the massive international corporation has taken a corporate-wide position that marriage between one man and one woman should be eliminated and that same-sex marriage should become the norm. As such, Starbucks has declared it will use its influence and resources in […]

Marriage Vote Tomorrow! Send Your Message Today!

Dear Marriage Supporter, Tomorrow the New Hampshire legislature will vote on a bill to repeal same-sex marriage. Have your representatives heard from you this week? Our opponents know what is at stake, and they’re pulling out all the stops. New Hampshire is poised to be the first state legislature to repeal same-sex marriage. We have […]